Totally not staged photo of UN-enabled civilian disarmament in Africa (courtesy

Although useful for pro-gun fundraising, the idea that blue-helmeted United Nations’ forces would, indeed could disarm Americans is beyond laughable. But make no mistake: the UN is deeply committed to enabling genocide by disarming populations around the world. Sure, they wouldn’t characterize it like that. As far as the U.N.’s concerned civilian disarmament leads to Kumbaya all day, baby. Despite the slaughter in Nigeria . . .

and everywhere else where you find a disarmed populace. Anyway, eagle-eyed TTAG reader Scott discovered that the United Nations has an NYC-based opening for a Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4. You’ll need an advanced university degree and a minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration or related area. Shannon Watts need not apply. Recently retired Mayor Bloomberg, on the other hand . . .


    • Trust me, a vast majority of Police Officers in the NYPD do not want anything to do with the UN or disarmament or law abiding civilians. Most of us are also avid recreational shooters on our off time with evil NY UNSAFE guns as well and supporters of the 2nd Amendment. The UN hates the NYPD and does not allow us to handle any type of emergencies that occur on their grounds… They have their own police as it’s considered their own jurisdiction. Many retired officers also work in local gun shops and protest the NY SAFE ACT.

      So please, don’t generalize normal street cops, blame administration, governors and mayors who make these ridiculous laws with their ridiculous agendas

      • Those officers choose their side of the line everyday they put on the badge. They are no better, nor any worse, than the average soldier in the Wehrmacht. They are the enforcers of a statist, repressive socialist system all the same.

        • Exactly. People here are deluding themselves by thinking otherwise, and by thinking that cops (or U.S. soldiers) would hesitate for a moment to “follow orders” (Nuremberg Defense, anyone?) when told to disarm the public.

      • Trust me, a vast majority of Police Officers in the NYPD do not want anything to do with the UN or disarmament or law abiding civilians

        You’re cute. We’ve seen how they behave time after time (and I used to do contracted technical work with them, so I know what they’re like from personal experience). Just like with the IRS, no one is believing you.

        I don’t blame the governors or other politicians for the actions of the police. Why? Because all a politician can do is sign a stupid piece of paper. That piece of paper is completely powerless to take away anyone’s rights. It’s the armed thugs employed by the government (apparently you’re one of them, from your statements in your comment) that use violence to take away people’s rights. The scrawny guy who’s never touched a weapon in his life can sit there barking orders all he wants, but it’s the thugs that commit the crimes. Also, the US police / military hiding behind “I’m just following orders!” when they violate people’s rights is getting really gorram old. 70 years ago we hanged a bunch of men who used that excuse to justify their crimes. It’s beyond sad that Americans held Nazis to a higher standard than our own military and police.

      • If “most” of you were really on our side Bloomberg would’ve had an “accident” a long time ago.

  1. Will the candidate for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4 wear one of those pretty blue targ…helmets?

    • Does anyone have the dimensions for those helmets? I need to make some life-size tar….errrr reproductions out of paper..

      • You can buy costume versions for cheap. Won’t protect your head but will make a good targ…decoration, yes, that is the word.

        • Here you have all the codes:

          The color is also known as azure. You decorators are really serious aren’t ya?

          Honestly? I don’t fear the UN. If they could sit by and watch hundreds of thousands people get literally slaughtered, then they will sit by and watch themselves get shot to pieces (if necessary).

          NOTE TO NSA: I don’t intend, fantasize about or intend to shoot any people, even if they are UN troopers.

    • That’s what they mean by Reintegration, a,k,a, FEMA Camps, no laws, no courts. There are already an estimated 40,000 U.N. Troops on U.S. Soil as we speak, and more each day. I’m not giving up.

  2. I am an American. The UN does not represent me.

    They did nothing to stop the genocide in Bosnia.

    • Which was absolutely trivial compared to Rwanda. About which they also did nothing. US out of the UN, UN out of the US. Put them dead center of Africa. When they fix *that* s—pile come talk to us.

      • Trivial?

        Genocide is never trivial.

        Just checked Wikipedia, liars. They say the only Genocide in Bosnia was the one in Srebrenica and Žepa.

  3. Who cares . You’d be a fool to not think there isn’t a “How to Disarm America ” plan on the capitol desks in New York , Sacramento, and Washington DC.

  4. Am I eligible? I have some experience in Armament, Mobilization and Disintegration. That’s gotta count for something.

  5. The whole UN conspiracy theory always makes me chuckle. Looking at a whole bunch of countries who are afraid to send troops into Darfur, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Bosnia, and well, pretty much any war torn nation… and people really think they have the cojones to deploy in America. Beyond. Adorable. It would be absolutely hilarious to watch that one play out though. Feel free to list any UN conspiracy to invade anyone up there with chemtrails.

    • No; TBOS; only a wingnut would think of the UN attempting to disarm Americans. No; it would be home grown. Why do think the various government departments have been arming up; (Dept. of Agriculture with a swat team?); with billions of rounds of Ammo; all the “surplus” MRAP’s being “given away” to even Podunk PD’s and military drones in the sky?

      The idea that we are going to continue to add on to the trillions of debt without consequence; (like a financial collapse with massive civil unrest); would be a wingnut.

      • “only a wingnut would think of the UN attempting to disarm Americans. “

        Just like only a wingnut would think that all of our texts, emails, and phone calls are stored and monitored.

        Just like only a wingnut would think that US citizens would be spied on via their webcams and phones.

        Just like only a wingnut would think that people would have to walk through naked body scanners manned by a bunch of low-rent security guards to get on a plane.

        Just like only a wingnut would think that a SWAT team can kick in your door for no reason, or because they have the wrong address.

        Just like only a wingnut would think that the cops can execute people and dogs for no reason and get away with it, bizarrely, with the public’s support in many cases.

  6. Well, it looks like we have one more to add to the list of hyphenated Americans.

    the UN-American

    and I always used to spell it without the hyphen…silly me

  7. That’s what happened in Rwanda. The UN stood by while the minority Tutsi’s were slaughtered by the majority Hutu government. The slaughter stopped when the Tutsi’s built a rebel army armed with illegal military weapons and fought and won against the “legal” government.

    Governments have been the greatest death dealer to their own people than any invader has ever been. Especially in the last century.

    Yep; that’s the “monopoly of Force” the state worshipers argue is needed by the government to have over the people.

    Yep; makes total sense to me.

    • Well, they didn’t slaughter anyone in Haiti. Well, if you don’t count the cholera epidemic they caused, anyway. Just a little oversight. OOPSIE…

  8. Try not to blog about military terminology you don’t actually know the full meaning of.

    Demobilization and Reintigration has more to do with post conflict resolution in 3rd world countries than it does with disarming law abiding citizens here in America.

    You need to have a plan in place to disband/demobilize militias and other belligerents in a conflict to lend breathing room to the peace process. YES, that includes disarmament.

    You guys need to stick to guns or look further into what you think you know about things you are talking about sometimes. This is not the crisis you think you are looking for.

    • Speaking of – I can’t imagine anyone outside a small circle in DoD that would qualify. Or a Second or Third World dictator’s relative.

    • Did you read what you wrote? In the very definition and job description that you provided you explained the endgame for the disarmament of the US. Disbanding militias and what the gov’t determines to be belligerent (They already call us terrorists). Why should they make it stop in 3rd world countries? What stops them from doing that to countries like the US? It is not a brick wall, more an easily smudged line in the sand.

      • What stops them from doing that to countries like the US?

        Two reasons. First, the US pays more than half of the UN’s operating expenses right now. You want to be nice to the folks that pay your salary. Second, the UN knows darn well if they tried “pacifying” the US the resulting mayhem would utterly destroy what’s left of the US economy, and probably the rest of the world’s along with ours. See the first reason.

        • Baby steps, baby steps… They won’t push troops through our front door while our gov’t keeps their foot in to hold it open and watch. They’re smarter than that. Our little anti-gun folks whittle us down, our laws crack down on the sheep- enough gun owners to reduce weapons. Then when it is sufficient they would start start the global, UN influence until troops disarm what is left. They wouldn’t start a massive ground war in America, they aren’t stupid. This is just a small part of the plan.

    • At the end of the Civil War the Confederate soldiers were allowed to keep their weapons as the war ended and they went home. The Union soldiers too, that’s actually what made the US have the most heavily armed population. No disarmament needed for peace. If peace is truly desired, then weather people are armed or not makes no difference. If they want to re ignite a conflict, they will, armed or not. Disarmament is only for the purpose of controlling populations.

  9. Happy you can chuckle. Just saw a network tv news story on Muslim “the religion of peace ” warriors in Iraq. Many recruited from the good ‘ole USA… with the express mission to wage war right here. No I don’t think the UN will invade America…but with Hussain in the white house & the future left SCOTUS tilt I wouldn’t put it past ’em. But HEY I guess we have another reason to keep and bare arms…Jihad & the UN. Off to buy that AR.

    • The only thing less likely to succeed than a blue man group invasion of the U.S. is bunch of these wannabe terrorist goofballs pulling a guerrilla insurgency in the U.S.

      • “The only thing less likely to succeed than a blue man group invasion of the U.S. is bunch of these wannabe terrorist goofballs pulling a guerrilla insurgency in the U.S.”

        These people are very dangerous. They are now learning their skills overseas, skills they intend to exercise here; they are not “goofballs”.

        Remember the D.C. snipers?

    • But notice that nowhere in the specs did they use the word “successful” in conjunction with past experience.

      • “Success” and “progressive policies” can’t really exist in the same place due to rising strength of one logically killing the other. Progressives are the harbinger of failure.

  10. The Mighty Midget is already a “UN High Commissar for Cities” or some such silliness.

  11. “YES that includes disarmament”. Interesting comment MadMedic…I suppose us plebians are too stupid & feeble-minded to possibly understand the inner workings of the UN elite. Silly RF. BTW my son works at DOD( speaks Arabic). They had NO CLUE about the so-called “arab spring” of a few years ago. Kinda’ Barry Soetero.

  12. It’s hard to be afraid of somebody with a powder blue hat or helmet on.

    On the plus side, that shade of blue really sticks out in forests, deserts, fields, and swamps, providing great targets for aiming (if it ever becomes necessary).

    • Trust me. IF it ever came down to that, you can bet your sweet patootie that they already would have an answer to rebel forces hiding in woods if they decided it was all out war… One such solution could be found used in the Vietnam conflict.

  13. Let’s observe a few info evening truths:

    1. We are $17,000,000,000,000.00 plus in debt as a nation.
    2. US bases are already disarmed.
    3. US military leaders are cultured to bow to the administration – or face removal or failureto promote – which results in dismissal.
    4. The Arms Trade Treaty has been signed.
    5. Most major players in the Democratic Party are thoughly interested in UN participation.
    6. The UN clearly promotes big government and civilian disarmament.
    7. Hillary, likely to become president, likens gun owners and gun rights activists as individuals who “terrorize” the populace.

    I see civilian firearm ownership as the single greatest reason that the UN must tread carefully regarding any type of incursion. It’s not so much that I’m a conspiracy theorist, I just don’t see many reasons to trust big government.

    I could see a lot of foreign nations being willing to step in and “help” the US with their “gun problem.”.

    • #1 is wrong, or at least not entirely correct. It’s true the Federal Government is 17 trillion in debt, however, the whole of the nation is actually closer to about $60 trillion in debt. The government’s not the only ones with a credit card, though the one they have is unlimited…

      Also, it’s been awhile since the last economic, “crash.” Stock markets are up, gold is down… We never recovered from the last bailout, so the real upcoming crash is going to be highly interesting.

  14. I stand by my comments. Disarmament is a key concept of post hostilities. I’m not talking about the rifle the foot soldier is carrying around. I’m talking about heavy weaponry. And you don’t disarm everyone. That is where reintegration comes in to play. If the two belligerent sides come to a peaceful resolution, you will either reintegrate forces into a common army OR, if the two sides chose to remain separate entities, forces are integrated into the respective militaries of the new standing governments.

    If there were irregular forces involved, they are either disbanded or integrated into the new armies. You don’t want a heavily armed third party re initiating the conflict.

    Take the tinfoil hat off folks. The UN is looking for folks who specialize in post conflict resolution with this… Not in coming to America and swiping our weapons.

    • If only the UN approached disarming our citizens with the same summary dismissal and disbelief. They can hire all the experts they want on our dime, that’s in the treaty. Set foot on our soil in any capacity other than “licking American boots” and they get executed, that’s in the constitution.

  15. @ErrantVenture11 Trust me, a vast majority of Police Officers in the NYPD do not want anything to do with the UN or disarmament or law abiding civilians. Most of us are also avid recreational shooters on our off time with evil NY UNSAFE guns as well and supporters of the 2nd Amendment. The UN hates the NYPD and does not allow us to handle any type of emergencies that occur on their grounds… They have their own police as it’s considered their own jurisdiction. Many retired officers also work in local gun shops and protest the NY SAFE ACT.

    So please, don’t generalize normal street cops, blame administration, governors and mayors who make these ridiculous laws with their ridiculous agendas

  16. I bet a 7.62 X 39 round goes through those pretty blue helmets like a hot knife through butter. The only difference is there is no pink mist in the air immediately after with butter.

  17. This is all long term. They basically control the schools and what they teach (guns are bad). In the 60’s in high school I was in the rifle club. We got our rifles and carried them to class and shot during lunch and after school.
    Look how far they’ve come in 50 years.
    Try that in a high school today.
    They are not looking forward at 5-10 years, they are working on 50 years to victory.

    • I think you have a point. Let’s think theoretical for a minute.

      Think of this as a game of chess: moving pieces around the board, thinking of where to feign, where to distract, what and where to sacrifice, all while moving other pieces into position for a quick and decisive endgame. Sometimes in chess, that endgame is quick, other times, it can be as hard fought as the mid-game. Only a beginner or, worse yet, a fool would be so direct and sloppy as to attack without a plan and to do so quickly without much thought.

  18. Many will likely see this as some sort of step towards disarming Americans. Blue helmets going door to door in my neighborhood? Ha. Come at me bro.

    Exactly what tin pot nation is going to loan their army to this endeavor? Whatever it is, I hope they’re prepared to see every single blue helmet come home with a hole through it. I’d pit even the hastiest American militia against such a force. We needn’t win; we merely need to slaughter enough of the sovereignty- trampling criminals to turn public opinion in their host nations. Guerrilla warfare will be the name of the game.

    We do not recognize any international force’s authority where our rights are concerned. Your international authority ends at the border of ANY freely elected state.

  19. At the UN Headqtrs. In NYC, right next to the infamous statue of the revolver with the barrel tied in a knot, is a guard shack.

    Guess what? The “guards/security” have those “evil black military grade, happy button firearms” and lots of them. Even those with the underarm folder thingy’s.

    Blue helmets out and about on American soil are highly visible, and make for an easy tar,…. er uh,…. Nevermind.

    I wonder if they remember the old “behind every blade of grass” quote.

  20. “MadMedic says:
    “I stand by my comments. Disarmament is a key concept of post hostilities.

    “I’m not talking about the rifle the foot soldier is carrying around.”

    Sure you are. The picture attached to this post shows exactly that!
    The foot soldier giving up his rifle.
    That is what Shannon, Bloomberg, Molloy, Obama, et al, all want too.
    That is exactly what the UN “Small Arms Treaty” is all about.
    Giving complete control to governments over “Small Arms”
    Making everyplace like England or New York City….
    Where only the government, or special snowflakes get to own guns legally.

    Here’s what tin foil hat wearing James Madison had to say about trustworthiness of government power:

    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions. ” ([1788] n.d., 337) James Madison…The Federalist No. 51

    Since I can’t underline & bold on these posts I will repeat Madison’s conclusion for you:
    “experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”

    Clearly you haven’t gotten the message.

    “All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” – Frank Herbert, author of Dune
    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:
    What would things have been like if every
    Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest,
    had been uncertain whether he
    would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?”
    – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    • Sure you can embold,and italicize here, or even combine them. You just got to know your HTML tags. It does appear that underlining will not work though. The HTML tags for that are scrubbed away if you enter them.

      • Thanks, Will.
        I didn’t realize that some html tags would work here.

        Since I can now underline & bold on these posts I will repeat Madison’s conclusion for you:

        “….experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”

  21. 2A? Really. So why have Stop and Frisk like they supported? Look, the northeast is liberal. None of this crap would be tried in, say, South Carolina. Think about why. And the gun companies are moving South. Think about why, again. Feel free to get back to me.

    • It may or may not fly in some states now but give it time. Enough time and this sort will be all over America. If it exists anywhere in our Nation we must resist it, otherwise, it will eventually exist everywhere in our Nation.

      The destruction of our constitutional republic is generational. Each generation has a chance to reverse it. Once that generation passes away without restoring Liberty, the next one has a more difficult time of it. Government grows in usurped power each time. Our history bears this out. Our nation has transformed into something unrecognizable and probably repugnant to those who founded it.

  22. RC21 writes: “Trust me, a vast majority of Police Officers in the NYPD do not want anything to do with the UN or disarmament or law abiding civilians”

    I don’t beLIEve one word of that. I have already seen what LEA’s / LEO’s will do. History is RELETE w/ copies examples of Mass Genocide after the disarmament. Given the perfidy we all have already witnessed by our current leadership I’ll pass on your opinion & trusting you. Nothing personal either just an experienced Operator who knows the drill. See you in Valhalla or the fight…

  23. Tak adakah orang yang mengangkat sampah hari ini? Tanpa berfikir panjang,” Pintu ofis dikuak. Ryan tu yang saja tepuk sebelah tangan. Alia memberanikan diri menelefon. Kenangan hidup sebagai suami isteri yang hanya dapat dikecapi selama setahun sebelum Adam meninggalkannya untuk selama-lamanya. Akhirnya mereka berempat tertidur di ruang tamu sehinggalah Adam pulang dari tempat kerja dan mengejutkan mereka.“Awak jangan mengada,Bagaimana keadaan dia? Hari-hari boleh bergelak tawa di rumah.

  24. “Adlina.” Zaleha masih berusaha memujuk. Lancar sahaja soalan itu keluar dari bibirnya.” “Eh! “But…can I? Everyone looked up to her. you might judge.Tangan dan kaki aku luruskan. kalo pilih isteri pun Aril dah failed, Korang tak ngantuk ke?

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