You may have seen the first winning entry in our TTAG Pro Shop photo contest from reader Sara T. It was, to say the least, a popular choice. Well we’ve sifted through the rest and here are the other four winning entries. While some may not find them as inspiring as Sara’s, they’re still worthy in their own rights. And they’ll be receiving crisp new Benjamins for their efforts. Oh, and we also received one late entry that deserves special (if not honorable) mention. Stay tuned for that one . . .

i was the anonymous one, i really enjoyed the contest and am happy they picked mine as one of them, i hope they show us some of the entries that didnt win. thanks ttag for always making it interesting
Congrats! What a great picture! Just out of curiosity…how old is that gun?
the model is 1886 navy but its a repoduction from about 2000, the oldest gun i own is from the 1890’s a lemonsqeezer, i love old guns
Congrats to the winners!
I just got my TTAG shirt, and missed the deadline. Oh, well. I’m definitely not as sexy as Sara T. I thought that a person needed to be in the photos – I suppose I didn’t read the rules particularly well.
Stupid workplace firewall, I cant see the dang pictures…
Same here.
Congrats everyone! I love the first photo with the revolver. Simple and classy! The others are good too. 🙂
Where’s the pic I submitted?
(the one of the hairy, naked man holding his Baby Browning)
Wow, I never win stuff. That’s a 2013 S&W 617 by the way. My new favorite.
That’s a mighty fine P90 you got there Tom P.
I dunno – it seems to me all this pictures are glorifying guns… /sarc
Dang, I thought for sure one of those pictures of Leonard Embody on the corner of 3rd and Deadrick in Downtown Nashville getting arrested by the Police would have garnered at least honorable mention.
what’s with all the nice FN products???
Thanks a bunch guys!
That was my “me time” up in the hills last Labor day.
I just knew that was you. First the Africa trip and now this. I’m no longer jealous. I’m now seething with envy. I haven’t seethed in a long time.
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