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Alabama lawmaker: We shouldn’t arm teachers because most are women – How could dainty, demure wimmin be expected to handle something as scary as a firearm?

Alabama lawmakers need to protect “our ladies” and to do that, they should not arm teachers because most are women, argued State Rep. Harry Shiver, R-Stockton, this morning.

Most women, and women teachers in particular, “are scared of guns,” and should not be expected to carry them in classrooms, he said.

Shiver, in comments to, echoed the statements he made during this morning’s Public Safety Committee hearing in which he said he wanted to protect women teachers.

Sister Of Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Arrested After Menacing Social Media Post – Those Roof kids a real charmers, no? . . .

The younger sister of convicted mass murderer Dylann Roof ā€” who gunned down nine parishioners at a Charleston, S.C., church in 2015 ā€” was arrested Wednesday on drug and weapons charges after she posted a disturbing message on social media.

Morgan Roof, 18, a student at AC Flora High School in Columbia, was charged with one count of marijuana possession and two counts of carrying a weapon on school grounds, the Richland County Sheriff’s Department said, describing the weapons as a knife and pepper spray, according to The State newspaper.

But the media keeps making the same old claims. ā€œWe are the only country that has wide access to these kind of weapons and no one else has the frequency or the intensity of these kind of mass shootings,ā€ George Stephanopoulos told Dana Loesch on Feb. 25 on ABC Newsā€™ This Week. Loesch corrected him, noting: ā€œFrance had a higher casualty rate in one year than the entire two administrations of Barack Obama. And theyā€™re a fifth of our population.ā€

As weā€™ve just observed, Stephanopoulosā€™ claim that the U.S. is unique is completely absurd. But PolitiFact didnā€™t fact check Stephanopoulos. Instead, it went after Loesch, complaining: ā€œNRAā€™s Loesch cherry-picks terrorism deaths in France to argue against assault weapon ban.ā€

YetĀ France only had six mass public shootings during the Obama administration while the U.S. had 29,Ā even though it’s a much smaller country.

Neil Young responds to NRA spokespersonā€™s obsessive hatred of his music: ā€œWhy doesnā€™t she just shootĀ me?ā€ – We love Dana, just not her taste in music . . .

Another object of (Dana Loesch’s) scorn is the legendary Neil Young, with whom she seems positively obsessed. Sheā€™s tweeted about her disdain for him on an absurd amount of occasions, often likening his voice to ā€œa dying cowā€ thatā€™s also sometimes farting. Hey, a description as vivid and singular as that? You canā€™t just use it once.

Young is currently at SXSW in Austin promotingĀ Paradox,Ā a new fantasy Western directed by his girlfriend, actressĀ Daryl Hannah. During an interview, The Daily Beast asked Young what he thought of Loeschā€™s relentless hatred of his tunes, a question that made Young laugh heartily.

ā€œThe spokesperson? That woman? She doesnā€™t like me?ā€ he toldĀ The Daily Beast. ā€œWell, sheā€™s one of the gang over there. Although Trump likes my music. Heā€™d come to all my shows.ā€ After a pause, he added, ā€œWhatā€™s her name, huh? Well, Iā€™m glad I got under her skin.ā€


School personnel flock to Taylor gun range for free handgun training – Teachers demand action . . .

When Michael Barbour, owner of Top Gun, posted the opportunity on his shooting rangeā€™s Facebook page on the evening of March 1, he had no idea how quickly people would sign up. And he certainly didnā€™t expect the number of people who responded.

What started out as a plan to give 24 teachers and school administrators a one-time free course in basic handgun training and one free concealed pistol license training quickly turned into 339 spots being reserved as of March 11.

Gun Control Activist Worries How 18-Year-Olds Can Buy This Scary-Looking Rifle ā€” It Backfires Big Time – Yeah, Shannon’s not the brightest bulb on the porch. But she knows what side her bread is buttered on (to mix metaphors). And who’s buttering it . . .

Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America founder Shannon Watts voiced her support to raise the minimum age for being able to buy a rifle or shotgun from 18 to 21 years old.

To reinforce her point, Watts showed a picture of a black, tactical-looking rifle . . .

While an impressive rifle, it hardly fits into the ā€œweapons of warā€ category many gun control activists like to rail against. The rifle Watts showed is aĀ Ruger Precision Rimfire bolt-action rifle. Not only is it bolt-action and not semi-automatic, it also fires one of the smallest calibers on the market, the .22.

N.R.A. Proposes Having Second Armed Teacher in Every Classroom to Stop First Armed Teacher from Misfiring – Andy Borowitz is the New Yorker’s in-house Dane Cook . . .

Hours after an armed teacher in a Northern California classroom fired a gun and injured a student, the head of the National Rifle Association proposed placing a second armed teacher in every classroom, to shoot the first armed teacher before he or she can do harm.

ā€œHad there been a second armed teacher in the classroom to shoot the first armed teacher, this regrettable incident would never have occurred,ā€ Wayne LaPierre said. ā€œThe only thing that stops a bad teacher with a gun is a good teacher with a gun.ā€


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  1. Neil Young?!? Hasn’t he died from an epileptic fit yet? So that Roof boy has a little sister huh…I hope she doesn’t reproducešŸ˜”

  2. What was that ancient Chinese curse again?

    (Replies aren’t indenting with respect to the original.)

  3. OMG how in the world is anyone alive with the naval guns firing? We cannot allow anyone that kind of power. How many Britons are having nightmares just hearing the echoes? Even though it’s over there, still sounds like freedom.

    “Watts” funny name for such a dim bulb.

    The quote attributed to Wayne should be pointed out by You guys as SATIRE, it came from a New Yorker writer as was exactly that, SATIRE. We all seem to have some problems with “lil” Wayne, but not pointing out that it was SATIRE, just feeds the beast, that is the Hoplophobe.

  4. This just in! An Ohio student was suspended from school on the big walkout day. His “offense?” NOT WANTING TO TAKE PART IN IT!

    Meanwhile, in South Carolina, a school janit- – oh, excuse me – ~custodian~ thought that having all those kids out of the way would make it really easy to steal their money:

  5. That Roof girl’s tweet was “threatening”? How so? It doesn’t even come close to the legal definition. If it is the sole basis for the search, the charges may just go away.

  6. Liberals define all kinds of things as “threatening,” including “expressing any opinion they don’t like.”

  7. “Most women, and women teachers in particular, ā€œare scared of guns,ā€ and should not be expected to carry them in classrooms, he said.”

    Y’know, we may not want to admit it, but he’s right. Of course, the same might be said about so-called “male” teachers.

  8. In fairness, Neil’s music does sound a lot like a dying cow fart.

    This is the one thing I can foresee if we arm teachers. At some point, a high school teacher is going to have a run in with a student (think gentle giant Michael Brown) and either the student will take the gun away and bad things will happen or the teacher will shoot the student and riots will ensue. Not saying that it wouldn’t be a net positive, but this is the one scenario I can see that we would want to try to mitigate.

  9. Given what the jerk said about women teachers, and heā€™s a republican, I hope the left latches onto it. Itā€™ll be an interesting bit of a conundrum for them.

    Theyā€™ll want to argue equality, but at the same time itā€™s equality in a right they donā€™t like. Maybe we can get them to inadvertently help our cause.

  10. Peace to you Dylan Roots Sister, your probably going through some terrible times, brother and all. May God Bless and help you.

  11. Yeah. About that Alabama lawmaker….
    Ralph is right, the old guy is unfortunately too correct. Our culture is quite to blame: young girls are still discouraged from learning to safely use firearms by misguided parents and ignorant peers. I like to think everyone here knows better and would never pass up a chance to teach a young lady the finer points of gun handling… but as I’ve said before – we’re kinda weird when compared to the average joes.
    That said – the unfortunate fact that many (most?) teachers will not understand the choice of a confident volunteer to tool up at work, is still no reason to deny that volunteer the right to do so.

  12. “At some point, a high school teacher is going to have a run in with a student (think gentle giant Michael Brown) and either the student will take the gun away and bad things will happen or the teacher will shoot the student and riots will ensue.”

    Retention holsters are a ‘thing’, Gov…

  13. I don’t believe the story about Roof’s sister. Sheriff Isreal has said repeatedly there’s nothing law enforcement can do about online threats…

  14. True “courage under fire” is a concept that is sadly lacking in today’s society. Most people live their lives out as decent human beings without coming into contact with those who would do them harm, and as such, have no idea of what it is like to have to act “on principle”, and do things “out of the ordinary” that serve to preserve innocent life, even at the expense of the courageous.

    “Courage under fire” is an interesting concept that most people do not understand, and is not limited to military actions, but occurs in everyday life. Most people who exhibit courage under fire are ordinary, mild-mannered, non-violent individuals who have been propelled (actually thrust) into a situation that requires immediate action. Examples include Medal of Honor recipients, those exposed to combat, and yes, those civilians who give their lives to protect our children in our abominable and misguided “gun free zones” called “schools”.

    Let’s look at comparisons between our military and veterans who DO exhibit “courage under fire” as a matter of course, and our civilian (but “quasi-military”) “law enforcement” (who should exhibit the same characteristics but, in general, do not), but have become more and more removed from this concept of “courage under fire”. You see, in today’s “law enforcement” community, “officer safety” and collecting a pension is paramount. Most ordinary line officers will wait for a SWAT team, even on routine assignments, where even the SWAT teams exhibits a degree of caution that results in innocent lives being lost. It appears that the only time police and SWAT teams act with impunity is when they KNOW that they are relatively safe, as in their invasions on individual residences. In today’s “law enforcement” community, “making it to retirement” is the goal. When it comes to police officers, putting one’s life in peril “for the greater good” is absolutely “out of the question”. Unlike our military and veterans, today’s “law enforcement” runs away from gunfire or “waits it out”. Not good.

    A good examples of this is the latest school mass shooting in which the well-equipped police and SWAT teams SAT ON THEIR HANDS while the carnage was taking place. It most certainly appears that “courage under fire” is an unknown concept in American “law enforcement”. We are being told that this concept of “waiting to act” was abandoned after Columbine, but one can easily see that this is not the case, with the latest blatant example being the most recent school mass shooting, where “law enforcement” hesitated to act.

    Of course, “law enforcement” has an “out”. The Supreme Court has ruled that police officers HAVE NO DUTY to protect individual citizens–only “society-at-large”.

  15. can we fix the freaking reply button? How is one to offer stinging sarcasm laced rebuttal to trolls without a proper functioning reply button!?!? We’re in a war for Christ’s sakes we need our equipment to work dammit!!

  16. I’ve got some relatives in Alabama, all female, the State Rep. should meet. Then he should meet my sister, now a retired teacher who has her carry license, in another state, not far away. But, neither she or I can vote for/against him, so it’s probably a waste of our time.

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