Guns on planes? Kids with guns? A safe full of guns and he wants MORE? Americans. Bunch of nutcases, obviously. (A special circle of hell please for U.S. reporters who cater to foreign—in this case Russian—anti-gun prejudices.)


  1. Worst reporting ever. The end made it seem like anyone who is fighting for gun rights is an anti-government, pro revolution nut job. Ridiculous.

  2. This reporters a moron, she made it sound like they want to take over the government. These people just want the right to carry their guns as they please, none of them said anything about overthrowing anyone. This dumb reporter decided to add a few stupid comments at the end to make them look foolish.

  3. I think she left out the fact that they like to eat babies. I don’t doubt that you could find a fringe element in that organization but they exist in every organization.

  4. Well when I want the epitome of journalism I go to Russian news first. Always. And then maybe MSNBC.

  5. I thought the piece was dead accurate and completely fair. Those are gun loons. None of these people said anything you won’t find expressed at TTAG most every day. I dunno, maybe you folks can’t hear yourselves.

  6. Magoo evidently doesn’t want to admit there’s a reason the 1st Amendment is followed by the 2nd Amendment. Nor does Magoo care to understand that the Founding Fathers well understood a well armed citizenry was the last line of defense against a tyrannical government.

    In short, Magoo thinks the lessons of history do not apply to today.

    • Let’s not go crazy here. The founders were not anarcho-syndicalists; they were building a republic. By “well-regulated militia,” they meant THEIR militia, naturally, not YOUR militia. Take up arms against the constitutional government and you lose the right to keep and bear arms; also, they shoot you. See War, Civil.

      • “Well regulated” means well trained. This is not an originalist interpretation of the meaning, it is a contemporary dictionary interpretation. And how, exactly, did you get to the Civil War? Who said anyone is taking up arms against the “constitutional government” outside of your sick fantasies?

        • When gun loon heartthrob Sharron Angle talks about “Second Amendment remedies,” how do you take her meaning?

          The Constitution does not contain provisions for overthrowing constitutional authority. The founders weren’t nuts. One of President Washington’s early important tasks was putting down the Whiskey Rebellion. The Civil War was another test of federal authority. Until this government ceases to exist, it does not grant you the right to take up arms against it. That’s treason.

          • Magoo, you really need to stop and think before you post.

            The Constitution does not contain provisions for overthrowing Constitutional authority?

            Then why have elections?

      • Magoo,

        Actually, if you study the situation leading up to the Revolutionary War you’ll see that the first thing the British did was collect the colonists’ firearms in hopes of preventing an armed insurgency. That’s the reason our founding fathers were so succinct in their writing of the 2nd Amendment and why the 2nd Amendment was second, not tenth.

      • Some were probably more closer to “anarcho-syndicalists” than you think.

        Why the heck were there anti-Federalists in the first place, UNTIL the BILL of RIGHTS was created…?

  7. People who were born and raised in a country that does not allow its citizens the RKBA will view the folks in that news report as complete lunatics. They simply do not possess the ability to understand what it’s like to live in a country with these sorts of freedoms. So many (most?) will criticize, marginalize and ridicule Americans for their behavior with firearms. Which is the intention of that hit piece.

    I think deep down they’re a lot of folks who are jealous of us but you’ll never hear anyone admit to it. Maybe not jealous of unfettered access to firearms but surely jealous of how (relatively) free our country is compared to most others.

  8. Some of you guys would like the TROLL(I’m not flaming because I didn’t name the TROLL and it could be anyone) to think before his spouts he senseless dribble, but TROLLS will be TROLLS and nothing we say will ever change this fact.

  9. Robert Farago says: “Context. Or lack thereof.”

    What context? The story is the context. They’re under no obligation to be sympathetic, only accurate. Don’t confuse your totally partisan view with objective truth. If you want to know how non-gun loons perceive gun loons, here it is.

    Non-gun loons who visit TTAG for a few weeks, I believe, will come away with essentially the same view of gun loons as presented in this video. I know I did. To me, these are your beliefs and motivations; this is who you are. Apparently you find the TTAG presentation attractive and compelling, while the video above is not, which is interesting to me. I don’t see a huge difference in the essential exposition of ideas, frankly.

    Reminder: Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m giving you something useful here, an outsider’s perspective.

      • “Ralph says:

        May 11, 2011 at 11:35 AM

        Thanks a million. We all bask in your reflected glory.”

        Don’t forget wallow in the stink of bullshit, Ralph. More unfounded feelings and opinion from a fool who is against guns and their owners.

    • What is a gun loon? I consider myself (as I am sure many TTAGer’s do) a shooting enthusiast but certainly not a gun ‘lunatic.’

      TTAG, from what I have read, is a collection of articles about guns, gun accessories, politics surrounding gun rights, gun safety and self defense tips (forgive me for what I forgot to mention). Suspiciously absent from this site are articles that contain pro-vigilantism language, tirades for the absolution of the US government, intimations for beginning an American insurgency and crazy apocalypse talk.

      Granted, for the uninitiated reader whose background is that of someone who has had nothing to do with the ‘gun culture’, this website might seem extreme. However, a little surfing around could land said reader at page that is WAYYY out on the fringe. A page that says things that would not be endorsed by the TTAG staff or its readers.

      What is key about the video is that the things said by the folks being interviewed WERE in line with much of the ideas expressed on this website… school carry, airline carry, constitutional carry and open carry. However, the things expressed by the reporter at the end of the segment are FRINGE arguments not shared by the TTAG intelligentsia and very possibly not shared (but heavily implied) by those in the video.

      • I’ve been a gun enthusiast for 40+ years. You guys are extremists by any rational definition. Airline carry and so-called “normalization” are extremist views. They are not supported by the vast majority of mainstream gun enthusiasts and don’t even try to tell me they are. That would make you the fool here, not me.

        I mainly hang around here to remind you guys what normal is.

        • Slow down Maggie! Maybe I didn’t convey the right tone in my response to you but I thought it was a measured and well thought out post. I certainly didn’t call you a fool.

          The term ‘rational definition’ sounds pretty loaded and I’m not sure you will find an actual definition that describes an extremist.

          Congrats on your long term enthusiasm for guns. Maybe the term I should have used was ‘self defense’ enthusiasts. The two can certainly be different from person to person. Since you seem to hold all the evidence here, what is the position of mainstream ‘self defense’ enthusiasts on the issues in the previous post?

          • In my view, many if not most of the current breed of “self-defense enthusiasts” have a screw loose. If you carry a gun inside your own home, either you have the Russian mob after you (or similar) or you are not right in the head. Examined objectively, it’s every bit as loopy as carrying around a halberd everywhere you go, simply a more familiar symbology. Gun loons think this is perfectly normal because firearms are the focus of the fixation. Instead of examining the behavior, their goal is to “normalize” the rest of society to it. Which is even more hilarious when you think about it.

            And sure, you can find people more extreme in their views than those at TTAG. And? That makes these beliefs less zany somehow? Only by comparison.

          • I think you have inadvertently pointed out something very significant in your use of the term ‘self-defense enthusiasts.’ Note that in the past it has been your contention that the people that carry guns and perhaps ‘gun loons’ are a bane to society for the safety issues surrounding the guns that are ‘haphazardly’ toted around. Obviously you are wary about the armed layman’s training in regards to the weapon he carries. But how else can he make himself less of a societal liability but to pursue the skill set he desires by practicing with enthusiasm and vigor? Hence the home carry and reasoned planning that many ‘self defense enthusiasts’ undertake. Thus the ‘self-defense enthusiast’ (a term we both agree on) is to be less of a liability to the populace than the ‘self-defense slacker’ (or someone who is not serious about it). Neither of us wants to be around the ‘slacker’ when the SHTF. He is not as skilled or prepared as the enthusiast. Self defense enthusiasts make us all more safe.

            And when you use the phrase “examined objectively” and then follow that by using the pejorative ‘gun loon’ in the same paragraph you are only discounting your ability to be taken seriously. Why don’t you really try to examine some of the ideas on this site with objectivity instead of trying to marginalize TTAG’s patrons.

  10. We started the War of Northern Aggression here in South Carolina, and we’d do it again. I didn’t serve in 3 branches of the military to later become a p***y. I like a good fight anyway, and the Soviet Union used to be one of my enemies.

  11. “Magoo says:
    May 11, 2011 at 3:53 PM
    In my view, many if not most of the current breed of “self-defense enthusiasts” have a screw loose. If you carry a gun inside your own home, either you have the Russian mob after you (or similar) or you are not right in the head. Examined objectively, it’s every bit as loopy as carrying around a halberd everywhere you go, simply a more familiar symbology. Gun loons think this is perfectly normal because firearms are the focus of the fixation. Instead of examining the behavior, their goal is to “normalize” the rest of society to it. Which is even more hilarious when you think about it.

    And sure, you can find people more extreme in their views than those at TTAG. And? That makes these beliefs less zany somehow? Only by comparison.”

    So by your definition the young lady I talked to after a ‘loon’, as you would call him, threatened the entire street with death is a gun loon? The young lady is my brand new next door neighbor and she asked me what the best gun for her would be. Just out of the blue after seeing the people in their best (worst) in our neighborhood she decided she needed a gun to wear around her home. You would classify her as a gun loon? I would classify her as a young woman who would rather not be raped and killed by an obvious threat/’soon to be action’ waiting to happen.

    But again, thank you for your thoughts and unfounded feelings. It really does ring with us all here. It warms us how you can split us who carry into crazy people or people noted by the Russian mob. Really all you do is show us how your thinking is extremist (something you call us… ironic). You can’t see a grey area at all. You cut the world down in black or white. You my non-friend are the loon, as you are the one not dealing with reality.

    • I’m sure you explained to her that of the measures available for home defense, firearms are far from the top of the list — in usefulness, cost and time effectiveness, and safety. But most important, she would be picking the wrong battle. Her preferred line of defense is outside her front door, not at the foot of her bed. Locks, alarms, security lights, and dogs are infinitely more effective in preventing home intrusion than a gun. In fact, a gun does not prevent or deter home intrusion in any way — it only grants the homeowner the burden of attempting to shoot the attacker once he’s already entered. Not to belabor the obvious., but having intruders inside your house is a bad thing even if you have a gun. Better to keep them out in the first place.

      You did explain all this to her, right?

      • Yes, and then I bought her a gun. And trained her how to use it. And helped her buy a holster that keeps it on her hip while she goes about her business. Your problem being?

        • Great, glad to hear it. If the important measures are seen to first, the gun is essentially decoration. The odds are well beyond excellent that she will never have to use it. Which is a good thing, since a gun has so many profound limitations. For one thing, it’s absolutely useless when you’re asleep. And most people like sleeping at night.

          • And once the alarm goes off and the dogs go nuts and the cops are on the way and the kids are safely behind her, she’s not without resources. Including me, of course. But then I’m not without resources either. Including her. See how that works?

          • “Magoo says:
            May 12, 2011 at 10:05 AM
            Great, glad to hear it. If the important measures are seen to first, the gun is essentially decoration. The odds are well beyond excellent that she will never have to use it. Which is a good thing, since a gun has so many profound limitations. For one thing, it’s absolutely useless when you’re asleep. And most people like sleeping at night.”

            The above is largely a load of crap. Here’s why:

            Type of Crime Total Per 100,000 People National per 100,000 People
            Overall Crime Index 35224 7779.9 4479.3

            Violent Crimes 7004 1547 553.5
            Murders 75 16.6 7
            Rapes 445 98.3 33.1
            Robberies 4288 947.1 205.8
            Aggravated Assaults 2196 485 336.5

            Cleveland Property Crimes 28220 6232.9 3906.1
            Burglaries 9650 2131.4 813.2
            Larceny/Thefts 12036 2658.4 2601.7
            Motor Vehicle Thefts 6534 1443.2 501.5

            Now, considering that the majority of these crimes happen within five miles of Section Eight housing and many of them are reported in low income areas, the occurrence of them in our neighborhood is very, very high. As I have stated before, we have the only three houses on the street that are not falling down around us and they are very nice homes, making us a valuable target, one would think. You should also take note that most of the crimes on here are two times if not, three times the national average and rising as this data is a couple of years old. Also it should be noted that there are only 450,000 people in this city. Pretty high odds, Magoo.

            Your statement of the ‘well beyond odds’ is ludicrous and my gun is certainly not for decoration. Also you should note that alarms tend to wake home owners.

            The chart goes left to right. Total, city average, national average.


      • “Magoo says:
        May 12, 2011 at 9:37 AM
        I’m sure you explained to her that of the measures available for home defense, firearms are far from the top of the list — in usefulness, cost and time effectiveness, and safety. But most important, she would be picking the wrong battle. Her preferred line of defense is outside her front door, not at the foot of her bed. Locks, alarms, security lights, and dogs are infinitely more effective in preventing home intrusion than a gun. In fact, a gun does not prevent or deter home intrusion in any way — it only grants the homeowner the burden of attempting to shoot the attacker once he’s already entered. Not to belabor the obvious., but having intruders inside your house is a bad thing even if you have a gun. Better to keep them out in the first place.

        You did explain all this to her, right?”

        Actually I did, Magoo. I didn’t tell her anything until she told me about what she had already had (something I told her wasn’t wise as she did not know me, to which she replied, ‘No. I see you with your family and how you guys are and I am fine with you.’) She told me she had already installed an alarm system and has all her doors and windows trap-set. She told me about her dog and that all the doors are relatively secure accept the back one which has a large window in it. She mentioned that she wanted the decorative grates that I have installed on my home installed on hers. She also told me that she had checked out the area before moving and was not impressed with the crime rate but saw it as better then the place she was already living in (which had been broken into three times in the last year).

        I told her if she wanted a handgun her best bet was to check the prices online of some good brands I had given her and advised her I would tell her ahead of time when me and my friends would be going to the local range so she can know what she is getting into.

        I disagree with your last sentence, so, no, I didn’t tell her that. The best place to fight is in your own home. The legal and martial matters are far more simple in there and if you have it hardened like myself makes it an unlikely target. Running is an option but only when you have to.

        • I should also add, Magoo, that the the instances of these crimes happen here at anywhere from 3:30pm to 11:00pm for homeowners. Except on Saturday when it is obviously crackhead/drunk free-for-all day. A large amount happen on Sundays at about 11:00am. Why? Church! Hah!

  12. All I have to say is that I’m from Carrollton, or Rescue to be more specific and that guns are pretty normal here. Most people who see a person open carrying ask them about their gun and not why they are carrying it. I will continue to say that it’s a rural-ish area and hunting is a common past time, people are used to it.

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