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Whether or not Rileyplays parents are aware of their son’s budding YouTube career (and the dangers of a pre-pubescent public presence on the world’s second largest search engine), I applaud the whippersnapper’s early attempt at a gun review. The 6:45 running time may put him in Nutn’ Fancy territory, but RP covers all the bases — except case use and price.

Brickbats for his lack of trigger discipline. Yup. I mean it. Toy guns are an excellent opportunity for youngsters to learn proper trigger and muzzle discipline. RP’s failure to keep his booger hook off the bang (boing?) switch doesn’t say good things about his firearms safety. It’s never too early. But it can be too late.

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    • Did you ever fill yours with rubbing alcohol and turn it and a Bic lighter into an improvised flame thrower?

      (So I’ve heard… *cough*)

      • No, couldn’t get my hands on rubbing alcohol. Siphoned gas out of the family car and discovered it’ll eat the seals/valves right out of the workings, though. It was a lot of fun until fail-point, then it was just *exciting*!

      • But the same technique with an aerosol can of hair spray was soooo much more impressive, esp in the day of CFC propellants. But today, substituting canned spray paint for the hair spray works really well too. Or so I’ve heard… *clearing throat…*

    • Hey kid, here’s lesson in life. Respect is something you earn. Not something you get from your mere existence.

      The world does NOT care about your self-esteem. If you want to feel good about yourself, accomplish something in your pathetic life.

  1. I bought a rubber band rifle like this one for my three year-old, and have been using it to teach her firearm safety.

  2. This is spot on. Toy guns can create very, very bad habits, even in adults who should know better.
    Before meeting and marrying wife 2.0, who has no problem being married to a fan of the kinetic arts, wife 1.0 was an extreme progressive and hoplophobe who did not “believe in guns”. This despite the fact that I assured her guns were quite real…but I digress…
    Nerf with the kids was my only option for ballistic joy for the ten years I was married to her. My kids had several Nerf guns, including a pistol that required racking of a slide to load the next shot. As it wore out, one would have to hold the slide shut with their thumb to get the thing to fire a dart.
    Shortly before the divorce became final, I decided that it was time for me to start shopping for an AR and a handgun. I went to a local ranges end-of-summer gun show, complete with free demos from various manufacturers. As I stepped up to the line to demo a Glock 17, I explained to the range officer that I was ending a long, dark hiatus from handguns, had far less experience with them than with rifles and shotguns to begin with, and that I’d appreciate it if he could keep an eye on me in case I’d developed any bad habits. He asks me to take a firing stance before inserting a magazine. Guess where my thumb was…?
    Thanks to an observant RO I still have my right thumb, which is good because I’m quite fond of it.

    • Wait, I’m lost. Where was your right thumb during your firing stance? In front of the barrel? Even as a novice, I’m not sure how you make that mistake. Heck, just in terms of ergonomics, I’m not sure how you’d do that.

      • Pressed up against the backplate on the slide, pointing straight up in the air… This is a Glock, mind you. Not a 1911 with a beavertail. Though in my third proofread of the post, I can see where I was less than clear. I’ll give myself a C- on this one.

  3. Toys are toys and guns are guns. I don’t have any problem with little kids running around shooting rubber bands or nerf darts at each other, and that certainly violates the rules of firearm safety. I put toy guns in the same category as shooting video games. It’s a fun way to build an early passion for shooting, and–in the case of toys–get a little exercise at the same time.

    Firearms discipline should begin with graduation to bb guns or air rifles.

    • I’m with you here. My kids (5 & 7) have nerf guns, bb/airsoft rifles and pistols and my sons has a little .22. Even with nerf guns we practice safety, BUT we do have family nerf gun nights where we do shoot at each other. But once the whistles blown, they know not to point the muzzle anywhere but in a safe direction.

  4. I am ashamed to admit this, but admit it I must. I should get an “Irresponsible Gun Show Gun Handler” plaque for my potentially grievous mistake the other day. I was grokking a PS-90 at a GS booth when I stupidly put my “Booger Hook on the Bang Switch.” I was shocked when it went “CLICK!” as the hammer fell. My guts went through the floor as I then noticed I was also muzzling a stranger across the tables on the opposite aisle. Cold sweats followed and I immediately set the thing down. I’ll check back later to receive the grief I’m due. Lay it on me!

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