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Cole Middleton (courtesy

Don’t say we didn’t warn you. “Cole Middleton was doing some repairs at his family’s dairy farm while his wife Jayna was shopping. He got home around 11 a.m. and discovered his house had been burglarized. Middleton says his guns, iPad and his wife’s jewelry had been taken,” reports. “Middleton called 911 and eventually took over harvesting silage from his grandfather. He and his father were in a nearby field when law enforcement arrived. “Middleton said when the deputy arrived to investigate, the deputy claimed the dog was about to bite him and shot the dog to defend himself.” OK, that’s horrible, regardless how aggressive the Australian cattle dog may or may not have been. But it gets much, much worse . . .

Middleton says the dog was shot in the head. He begged the deputy to finish off his cowdog named Candy since the dog was suffering.

“I was so upset. I went over there to her and she was still alive and I begged and pleaded with him to please shoot her again because I don’t have any firearms. They got stolen. He went and got in his vehicle and backed out of my driveway,” Middleton explained . . .

“And then I had to do the unthinkable, the otherwise unthinkable. I had to kill my dog with my bare hands and put her out of her suffering, praying for this to be over with,” Middleton said.

Middleton said other law enforcement arrived and started asking questions.

“They then asked well whose blood is on your shirt. That is the blood of my dog that I was holding because this deputy pulled up and shot her in my yard. Then the tasers were put away and the pistols withdrawn,” Middleton stated.

So the cops drew on Mr. Middleton after he was burglarized, a cop shot his dog, the cop left and some other cops showed-up. That is the dictionary definition of a bad day. Sure, it could have been worse. But really, if it was your dog, would you be counting yourself lucky that the police didn’t shoot you, the homeowner who’d been the victim of a crime (or two)?

Middleton buried Candy at the foot of a tree where they had spent time together.

“It’s just terrible,” Middleton said.

Rains County Sheriff David Traylor declined an on-camera interview, saying the case is now being investigated by the Texas Rangers.

There are some jurisdictions where shooting a police canine is a felony. What’s good for them should be good – or bad – enough for us. Will the cop who shot the dog and scarpered be held to that same standard? [h/t KK]

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  1. Only one way to make this right. Dog (the bounty hunter) shoots deputy. Does anybody know what price Dog charges to put down bad cops?

        • In Chapman’s defense: “He had been waiting in a car when his friend shot and killed a drug dealer during a deal to buy cannabis.”
          He isn’t actually a murderer, he was just doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people.

      • But he’s got that wicked bad pepper ball alien laser assault rifle thing they run around with. Between that, his eagle feathers, big muscles, and bigger wife, I’m sure he can get the job done.

        Not as tough as Cartman, but close.

  2. What a d!€k move on the part of the responding officer. I hope he gets an inadvertant kick to the nuts soon.

  3. The long blue line stands together, again.

    I despise the police, mostly because of the 1% like this that stick out with no repercussions from their fellow officers.

    • Exactly. It doesn’t matter if you’re not overtly corrupt, if you enable those who are, you’re just as bad as they are. Even if you don’t take bribes or murder dogs or whatever, if you enable corruption, you are corrupt, plain and simple. And unfortunately, that describes the vast majority of American LEOs, which is why I refuse to deal with any cops unless I absolutely have to (like if I had just shot a man in self-defense).

    • When they don’t or won’t restrain and discipline their own (beyond the typical slap on the wrist), they only become accomplices.

    • Fired and apologized? Is he under arrest? Is a Grand Jury being convened? Is he to pay the cost of the damn dog? Fired and apologized my ass.

      • Apparently the Sheriff has called in the Texas Rangers to investigate, which is a proper thing for him to do in this kind of a situation. Let’s see what happens . . . so far, the higher-ups in the Sheriff’s office in question appear to be doing the right things fairly quickly. In a lot of counties, this would just have been stonewalled and covered up, unfortunately.

        • What are you talking about? He was fired for HIS SAFETY! The corrupt sheriff fired him because they were receiving death threats from the public.

          Wait and see what happens? Are you kidding? I can tell you what will happen right now: He will be cleared of any wrong doing, he will be hired by another department and his life will go on just fine, no repercussions whatsoever.

      • Baby steps… At least there was some accountability shown by the Sheriff’s department. I feel bad for Mr. Middleton and his late dog, Candy. Hopefully, the story won’t end here and perhaps the ex-Deputy will still face penalties.

  4. Not only should this cop be held to a higher standard, but so should each and every police officer.

    But I guess some of us are just more equal than others.

  5. If I got robbed, I’d call my insurance company. I’d only call 911 if the guy was still there, or the insurance company demanded a police report.

    • Yeah, me too, and that is just not right. We are hiring the wrong kind of people to trust with our lives.

    • ^ This.

      Why involve the police unless absolutely necessary? They. Are. Not. Our. Friends.

    • I wouldn’t call 911, because it’s no longer an emergency, but I am pretty sure that any insurer is going to require a police report.

      So phone the non-emergency line, and put the dogs in the house.

      • NRA membership includes $5,000 worth of firearms insurance without any pre-registration of makes, models or serial numbers. You have to proactively activate the coverage in advance on their website, though, and they’ll push you to buy additional coverage, of course; but five grand of coverage for free isn’t bad.

  6. It gets said all the time, but it’s worth repeating: how is it that millions of postal carriers, UPS guys, fire fighters and so on manage to survive without shooting every dog that barks at them, but for the police, shooting is the first option? If you’re that terrified of every ankle biter you see, maybe get an office job, or be a stay-at-home mom.

    • I spent five years in agricultural sales, calling on dairy farms every day. They all have dogs. I never got bit. Go figure.

      I also owned a few Australian Shepherds. They weigh about forty pounds, they bark at strangers like any dog, but they’re certainly not an aggressive breed.

      • Same here. I did 3.5 years running deliveries to farms all over the northwest. Visiting some farms late at night, in pouring rain, and first time finding them so I’d have to roam around looking for the drop location. So many dogs, not even a single growl. New job now, no farms. And some little yuppy poodle growls. Something to be said for little dogs. No fear when you can punt them through the roof. 😛

  7. It’s a good bet that this isn’t over for ex Deputy Dooley. If the Texas Rangers are involved, more will likely it.

  8. Lucky for the officer that the man’s guns were stolen. Dogs are beloved animals, and for most people, an important member of their family. Kill the officer in question. Attempts to murder a man’s family member and partially fails, then refuses to put the dog out of its misery. Kneecap the bastard and then beat him to death.

    • While I eagerly await the day when the story is about how the homeowner pistol whips the deputy with his own sidearm and sends him to the ER, a dog, no matter how beloved, is nothing more than property in the eyes of the law and you can’t kill a man for slashing your tires and expect to get away with it.

      • In Texas, you can use deadly force to defend property. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s only if someone is stealing your property, not destroying it in front of you.

        • Not sure of that. I’m thinking the rule applies to criminal mischief as well as theft. Like the punks who destroyed my son’s Bronco.

        • I’m looking at “Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY” here:

          The criminal mischief part appears to only apply “during the nighttime”.

          Maybe, though, destroying the property in front of you falls within 9.42 (2)(A) “prevent the other’s imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery” under Texas law? That is, perhaps the definition of one of those crimes includes “destroying”?

        • Good on ya’ for actually looking at the statute! Only other “destructive” offense I see is “arson”.

        • Yeah, I was looking at that statute yesterday. That’s where I got my initial “only if they’re stealing, not just destroying” comment.

          So, you can shoot someone who was trying to steal your dog, was setting her on fire, or, maybe, was shooting her at night (presuming that counts as “criminal mischief during the nighttime”).

          But, for some reason, shooting her in the daytime doesn’t seem to merit defense with deadly force. At least, not under that statute.

  9. This is why you need to be afraid of the police.

    The courts and DA’s wont push because the cops have too much on them.

    I do not like the police, they will kill you and make up a story.

    How many Americans died in the Afghan and Iraq wars? How many American citizens have died at the hands of the cops in the same period? How many cops died at the hands of a gunman in that same period?

    You already know as to cop deaths, look at the few funerals with all those cops and firefighters on comp time or paid overtime. Think about it.

  10. Very sad story. I agree-why call after the fact? BTW lock your guns up or at least HIDE them BETTER.

    • That might work for a punk id burglar, but not for a professional. The pros know where people hide things, and look there first.

  11. Cops shooting dogs seems to be meme status now in 4chan. “Oh the police are coming, they’re gonna shoot your dog!”

  12. I’m glad to see this already said in the comments, but unless you’ve got an intruder, alive or dead, in your house, call your insurance. The cops won’t be of any help anyway. If you do happen to have a dead intruder in your home, make sure to get your dog out of sight, even if it means looking them in your car or handing off to your neighbors. After you’ve told 911 the bare minimum, get but attorney on speaker and leave the line open.
    If you’re lucky, and in a decent state like mine, you’ll fill out a report and be making arrangements for a carpet cleaner the next day. Most decent cops won’t waste much time or tears on a dead hood. But if you live elsewhere, buckle up. Its gonna be a rough year.

    • +1 My attorney is also a close personal friend, none the less I made sure that he was ok with me calling him and putting him on with the cops in the event that I had to shoot someone, or otherwise have to have ‘professional’ contact with the cops.

      It’s a comforting feeling knowing you have an attorney like the ones in the movies and tv shows who will actually turn out at 0-dark-thirty if you’ve been arrested.

  13. Some additional details:
    Apparantly, they begged the officer to finish the dog off and he refused. So Middleton had to carry the dog to a pool of water and drown her to stop her suffering. Middleton and the other man that was with him (his father?) Became hysterical after what happened (understandably so) and the officer felt threatened, withdrew and called for backup, so hense the other officers arriving and drawing their firearms and tasers. The deputy in question did stick around, and was there when middleton took out his phone and started recording video. In the video, you can hear Middleton demand to ask why the officer didn’t just stay in his car if he felt threatened by the dog and wait for them to arrive at the house, they were already on their way there. The call about the burglery was 3 hours prior to, and there was no emergency. The officer insists he had no choice, because he didn’t want to get bit, but he and other officers have no reply to that last question.

  14. This story just makes me mad. How many dogs have to die because of an officers “fear”? Anyone that has ever spent time around cattle know that the dogs are real dogs. They are not some nutless little house pet afraid of their own shadow. Cattle dogs might bark and even give you a little nip but they will never lay into someone like a fighting pit bull or a trained dobie.. Any officer who feels threatened by a little cattle dog should be in another profession. What ever happened to SERVE and PROTECT. And officers wonder why they are increasingly feared and not trusted…..

    • Cops kill unarmed people, too, and they use the same well-memorized excuses that they do when they kill a dog or strip-search a teenage girl by the side of the road.

      It’s all bullshi1t and the cops usually get a two-week paid vacation, which proves to the other cops that they can get away with anything.

      But one of these days, some cop is going to kill the wrong guy’s dog. Then there will be two dead bodies on the lawn, but only one of them will have four legs.

      • Ralph your spot on, people are more important than any animal.. but God help us when a dumb beast is killed without any reason or to prove some power trip point. It’s a sad comment on cop culture and their “training.” What a joke.

  15. He couldn’t just hit the dog with pepper spray? Yeah it’ll mess up the dog for a bit but it would still be alive.

    • Pt, so true. That Texas officer also had boots on I am sure. Most dogs (like most people) have a lot more bark than bite….

    • Well if you believe the vet’s report- and to be fair, he’s no pathologist- the dog was turned away… not easy to pepper spray a dog that isn’t facing you.

    • Pepper spray can permanently destroy a dog’s sense of smell. For a cattle dog, that can be huge. While it isn’t the same as death, it essentially destroys the dog’s life. I do not condone the police officer’s actions by any means, but if a cop pepper sprayed my dog I would be pissed and be looking for compensation.

  16. That has ever happened in my neck o’ the woods, and Gods willing it won’t.

    Well, once, but the dog was a large stray savaging livestock.

    That said, were something like to happen on my land I’d likely wind up facing some very serious charges.

    Maybe it’s time for “our” version of “never again.”

  17. Great, they fired him…how long until this doofus shows up on the duty roster of another department?

    LEO friend of mine from N. Ireland repeats it all the time like a mantra, “you know the apple’s rotten, why do you keep throwing it back in the barrel?”

  18. I can’t say it’s legal because it isn’t and I can’t say it’s wise, because it’s not. However, burglarizing my house would only net the guns I’m not carrying at the time (meaning at least 3 less than I have) and I think I’d have shot the SOB.

    This kind of stuff has to stop. If what it takes is armed shootouts with what were otherwise law abiding citizens to convince cops not to act this way then that’s what it takes.

    What would be better is if respectable cops, dedicated cops and cops who believe in their mission would stage walk outs in refusal to work with someone who acts this way. It would go a long way to restoring the average persons respect for law enforcement officers.

    What would be best is an inquest every time this happens. I’m not suggesting we give dogs the same rights as humans, but I am suggesting that murdering innocent animals has long been an indicator of psychotic behavior. An officer who lacks restraint with a dog might well lack restraint with people if only he could get away with it. It’s not an indictment of police generally, but sometimes there is just a bad fit for the job. Closing ranks and protecting someone like that sets the stage for innumerable tragedies, and lowers the general respect for the office.

  19. I work with an ex cop who was bit by a pit bull during an incident with the owner. He did not shoot the dog.

    Incredible right?

  20. I don’t know how this guy demonstrated the self-restraint to not start swinging at that miserable cop.

    • Not defending the cop here, but given the anatomy of a dog and the method by which they attack it’s entirely possible to shoot one in the ‘back’ of the head while it’s facing you.

  21. NWA was right – [NSFW]

    It doesn’t matter if you’re brown, elderly, a veteran or a dog, the police are only protecting the prison-legal-industrial complex and if you ever have to call the police, be sure your will is up-to-date and you’ve made peace with your maker, because as soon as Officer Friendly exits his vehicle, all bets are off. Sure, it’s always a good idea to de-escalate the situation, even by complying with the officer, but there’s no guarantee he (or she) will return the courtesy.

    Don’t trust the police, don’t make eye contact, and don’t give any more than the bare minimum of courtesy and information. Remember the magic words: “I cannot provide a statement until I can speak with a lawyer.” Until then, shut up. They are not on your side. Sure, there are good individual cops, but the institution as a whole, especially the upper echelons have a political agenda to fulfill that simply doesn’t involve protecting your rights.

  22. Do you guys know how many police employees have been killed by dogs while on the job in the last 50 years? Exactly zero.

  23. This happened in TX, so, A pickup, a case of beer, a length of rope, a gravel road, and said deputy on end of said rope, behind truck…. Anything that remains goes to a hog farm…… Easy enough to deal with…

  24. To the cops on this site. I hope you really understand that one story like this eclipses *every* other good-cop story, severely undermining the public trust. Between killing dogs and swatting the wrong homes, a small percentage of you has destroyed the positive image of police. As a group you have a long way to go to recover from some staggeringly spectacular screwups. I won’t trust a badge until or unless the person behind it earns it.

    To the good cops, thank you for your service and dedication. To the bad ones, go earn a Darwin Award as soon as possible.

  25. I hope the Cop who shot the dog gets shot in the head himself while being aggressive apprehending a suspect. Karma is a bitch!

  26. Well, well, well,…caught on video lying about how he shot the dog?
    I’m guessing this golem is about to get royally reamed four ways from Sunday. I’m also thinking his career in law enforcement is just about over. It takes an especially evil, malignant individual to do something like this, and then have the unconscionable temerity to stand in front of the dogs owner and lie about the circumstances of why and how he shot the dog. The indignant, self-righteous attitude displayed by this contemptible coward makes this horrible act even more vile. That he thought his badge, uniform, and the brotherhood of the thin blue line would make this all go away only compounds this despicable act. What a perfect sense of justice, that the forensics that serve the police, will now serve to crucify this miserable excuse for a police officer and a human. Americans in general, are a forgiving people. But shooting mans dog in the way he did; then left the scene leaving the owner to drown his suffering dog; and then lying about it in front of the owner and multiple witnesses, including other LEO’s….and expecting to get away with it….well, some things just can’t be simply excused…or forgiven.

    Are we finally approaching a long overdue tipping point with law enforcement? As in, who do they really serve…the state power the employs them, or “we, the people?”

  27. This is exactly why you don’t use 911 or even call the 2nd responders to your house if it’s been burglarized/sodomized/vandalized. Go into the station and fill out a report if you have to…..I probably wouldn’t even do that unless there was insurance money to be collected…….
    …….the real problem with dip-shit cops like these are the supposed “good” 2nd responders either stay quiet or back up the dip-shit, the “you could be next / usVSthem” mentality is the real reason people no longer respect or trust most trigger-happy-doughnut-lickers

  28. All this could have been avoided if the deputy exercised some respect. This is a resident in the county; farm no less. Odds are most farms if not all have dogs and ALL dogs respond in this same fashion….bark and show aggression to a visitor they don’t know (wow canine 101). That STUPID deputy needed to do nothing more than evaluate his options: contacting the home owner over his phone, give the homeowner some time to arrive, or LEAVE.

  29. Momma always used to say “you can rape my spouse, beat my kids, but don’t SHOOT ME DAWG!”

  30. Here’s a thought, how about rather than shoot the dog, shoot into the ground between you and the dog? OR OH GEE, how about just use mace!!!!.. . Anyone who walks dogs , knows some dogs off leash, can be a pain in the butt, but folks who carry don’t whip out a gun and ventilate the pooch!.
    If an LEO is scared of a barking dog, needs to be in whole other line of work

  31. I delivered pizzas for ten years and dealt with a lot of dogs. Got bit a couple times. Probably would have shot them if I had a gun, but I didn’t.

    He should have put the dog all the way down though. And shouldn’t have shot it in the back of the head. I do feel sorry for Mr. Middleton. That’s a hell of a bad day.

  32. Being probably a bit more street smart than the average bear, I learned long ago that you NEVER call the police! I have seen time and time again that when you do, you or your friends or family will be victimized by them. One day one of these dirt bag cowards will do this to the wrong person and it will be on the 6 0’clock news.
    Guess this thug wasn’t issued pepper spray?

  33. Many years ago I used to read water meters in a small city. I literally walked into the yard of every single home in the city, even if they were fenced. During that time I obviously encountered every outside dog in the city and invaded his turf. I was never bitten and never had to act in a violent manner (beyond intimidation) to any dog to accomplish my duty (read the meter). Now, I was alone, the owner usually wasn’t around (dogs tend to protect people not spaces) and there was no crisis thus the dogs were calm until they encountered me, so my experience isn’t going to be like a police officers experience. Still, never bit, never had to strike a dog or pepper spray it and certainly never shot one. That should be the experience of most police officers too. . . whole career, never had to kill a dog.

  34. I can’t resist . . .

    Out here in flyover country most rural ‘estates’ have at least one large dog on the premises. I’ve posted before that given the low population density, high police response times and the general nature of the whole populace being armed at least in their homes, that when one approaches a homestead at which one is a stranger, and particularly after dark it’s wise to announce ones self by calling to the house and also to illuminate ones self with a flashlight if available (no one who means harm highlights themselves with a flashlight.

    That being said, in my work I’ve visited many homes and in the winter often after dark. I’m an invited guest and as such certain duties befall my hosts and I. I have a duty to arrive at the arranged time and to comport myself with dignity but also with respect for the homeowner. The host has the duty to ensure my safety from any special hazard he is aware of on his property and also to receive me in a manner befitting my sovereign dignity.

    Simply put, if is dog is loose I assume it wont bite and I’ve no reason to shoot it no matter how it acts short of actually biting me. Believe me I should expense dry cleaning my suits for all the gregarious dogs I’ve encountered in the field but what I wont be expensing is medical bills since not one of them has ever bitten me. I’ve had my pants cuff chewed, been jumped on rubbed against and licked but never bitten. I’ve walked farm dogs all the way across their lawns with them barking furiously, up the steps across the porch and knocked on the door leaning over them to reach it and never been bitten.

    The dog is doing what dogs do and what a farm dog is supposed to do. He’s warning me that I don’t have free reign and warning his master that someone is about. This is not only acceptable but desirable behavior and I often congratulate the masters. Biting is an aberration, generally, dogs should not bite any human and in fact they are almost universally hesitant to do so unless conditioned to it over time by either deliberate training or systematic abuse. Anyone who has one of these dogs knows to put it up when strangers are expected because they don’t wish harm to strangers, because they do not wish to be sued and because they would not like to have their dog shot and realize that this is a likely outcome if it bites someone.

    Given this, I assume that any farm dog I encounter loose will put up a vociferous but harmless volley of barking, growls and posturing but will not bite so long as I behave as if I’m entitled to be there and don’t attack either it or its pack (to include other pets and most certainly it’s master, mistress and their children).

    I have to wonder why it is that I can walk up to the door of any household in the county and knock, despite the howled, barked and growled objection of the resident dog without injury to either myself or the dog while police officers with all their armor and weapons seem incapable of accepting the risk that I routinely take.

    I’ll say this, in my county they can and do, dog shootings by police officers here are generally limited to dogs that already have bitten someone (prompting the officers presence) and which continue to offer violence to people (blatantly and plainly unacceptable behavior on the part of the canine). Such shootings are also impossibly rare.

    In addition to other pursuits, the nature and behavior of dogs has been a fascination and avocation of mine. I’m convinced that most regard humans as godlike creatures within their necessarily limited ability to conceptualize such things. After all, we created dog from wolf, it’s a species developed by and dependent on humans. Those who were socialized by and with humans learn to respect our judgment and power early on as puppies. I believe that most adult dogs are convinced that we know things they don’t, that we read situations better than they do, and that they rely on us to interpret a situation and convey to them how best to proceed. They are this way because we bred them to be this way, they cannot be otherwise.

    An interesting note: humans, bonobos and chimpanzees all ‘read’ a human face starting with the left eye then the right eye then down to the mouth and mouth area then back to the brow line. No other animal does this except the dog. Wolves raised by humans don’t do this, only dogs. It’s powerful evidence that they can read our emotions and intent on our faces and that they find it important to do so. Similarly, when played a recording without video of various dogs barking under different situations most humans can accurately discern what the dog is attempting to convey; desire, fear, aggression, play, uncertainty. It could be argued that their long and close association with us has taught dogs to ‘speak’ to us if only we pay attention.

    Before this runs into a dissertation instead of a comment I’ll conclude that there is something inherently wrong with someone, a human, who cannot understand the difference between concern and aggression is an dog and never minding all the dog psychology, there is certainly something wrong with someone who feels that aggression is the first step to dealing with an uncertain situation with a dog. The sort of person who shoots a dog for barking in what they deem an aggressive manner is the sort of person who’d like to shoot people for speaking in what they deem an aggressive manner but so far haven’t dared do so. It’s a mark of poor socialization and poor adaptation. The triad of sociopathy is fire setting, cruelty to animals and bedwetting. Anyone want to take the bottom bunk with this cop on top?

    Dogs are so much a part of who we are as a species that we’re as inseparable as sharks and pilot fish. We have an ongoing symbiotic relationship but much more than this we have a bond that is formed not from what we can offer one another but rather from the deepest wells of our emotions. Dogs display loyalty not on a quid pro quo basis but absolutely, to the point that they are willing to die alongside their masters in some cases.

    I don’t think much of cats (they are a menace), chickens, cows, pigs, sheep or even deer, turkey and squirrels. To pretend that the dog is not different from these though belies the effect on our supremacy, and indicates to me a failing in the individual who doesn’t have a regard for dogs. I would no more shoot your dog than I would you; that is, within it’s ability, I’ll try to communicate, deescalate, and peaceably resolve any conflict we’re having well short of violence. If a dog simply wont let me in the yard ”ll wait outside it’s territory, not from fear but from respect, after all, I have a gun and I will prevail. The better part of valor is discretion. I don’t need to show the dog that I’m in charge, I already am and I know it.
    I wonder a bit about those who shoot dogs in the way this officer did. What is in it his psyche that wouldn’t allow him to attempt to communicate, to deescalate or even to retreat in his interaction with the dog? We, humans, are possessed of greater intellect than the dog and ought, owing to our long association, to know that. Dogs are a little like children, one must make allowances for their incapacity and ignorance. Those who cannot do this with the former are unlikely to be facile in doing it with the latter. I’ve no use for someone who would shoot a dog arguing self defense who has no marks on them and who had every option to withdraw. Hallmarks of sociopathology, it’s the last thing I’m going to say.

  35. The deputy is a coward. He is also cruel. He had to be getting off on the dog suffering since he REFUSED TO PUT HER OUT OF HER MISERY. What a sorry excuse for a human being. The poor dog’s last vision was of her beloved owner strangling her. This caused her even more suffering. The creep deputy should not only be fired but he should be jailed for a LONG TIME. Cops think it’s okay to shoot dogs and they do it just because the dog barks. I guarantee you this dog would NOT have attacked him. I guarantee you she was just barking and running after him. If he had kept on going she would have left him alone. Even if he did get a bite — SO WHAT. He would have lived. He’s an idiot.

  36. I’m not against the police using deadly force to defend themselves, but seriously maybe they should learn a thing or two about dogs. A milk bone would probably go a long way toward de-escalating dog encounters.

  37. I am sure that a lot of ya’ll do realize that there are a lot of citizens out here that are making lists of the atrocities that modern day law enforcement is carrying out and that , one day there will be a day of reckoning coming , probably when the SHTF , and something like a disaster happens to where some type of local government law enforcement will have to be called out and probably understaffed , which means a lot of officers will be vulnerable also . Possibly easy targets one might ask ? Well possibly these record takers might be obliged to enact some measure of redemption . Just a guess on my part . Be prepared and ready . Keep your powder dry .

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