donald trump france bataclan nra

“France expresses its firm disapproval of President Trump’s comments about the Paris attacks on Nov. 13, 2015 and demands that the memory of the victims be respected. Every country freely decides on its own laws on carrying firearms, as in other areas. France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated.” – French foreign office statement in Anger in France, Britain over Trump’s gun law speech [via]


  1. This is true…and the French seem to rarely comment on US gun laws…unlike people in the UK and Australia.
    Keep it classy, France. And thanks for the help during the revolution, BTW.

    • Repaid in spades by two world wars. Maybe if you had guns that could have been avoided. Cheese eating surrender monkeys.

      • DAMN RIGHT! Maybe if they had guns the Nazis wouldn’t have taken their country in 7 days to hear the lamentations of their women! We had to drop them libirator pistols by the thousands so that a few dozen could be used by the few French with any balls.

        • The french had guns. They also had a national police force and universal registration of firearms. All the germans had to do was access the records and they knew where most of the french guns were at.

          They announced to the french people a grace period to turn them in. After that it was the death penalty. The germans didn’t have to go door to door. They just had folks at the local cop shop and got most of the guns.

          UBCs, registration and national police forces are a great evil against human and civil rights.

        • Numerous revolutions, beheadings, regicides, and communist takeovers taught the newer regimes that civilians owning weapons is dangerous to their existence.

      • Their soldiers in WWI seemed pretty brave to me. I don’t think I could do ‘up and overs’ until I died. The soldiers at Dien Bien Phu seemed to have done their duty even if leadership had failed them horribly. Not sure I would have jumped in had I been around for it and had a choice. Just saying that not all French are surrender monkeys. The ones I knew when I lived in Paris (yeah, doing the cliche trying to write a novel thing) seemed like they probably were though. Still, some brave fighting men have been French. I don’t think it is right to forget those that did their duty, and more, even from places like France.

        • I think centuries of European Conflict, Two World Wars that they bore the brunt of, feminism, socialism, and withstanding communism finally broke the back of their culture. Being an independent thinker, patriotic, virtuous, are basically seen as naiveté and instead only cynicism and nihilism seem to be in vogue. Just my outsider perspective based on the few French I’ve ever met.

        • I think part of the problem now is that so many of those brave men died while bravely doing their duty. Most of western Europe has been remade over the last 85 years by the type of people who have no will to fight for anything at all (unless it’s the “right” to be subservient to a massive government machine).

          • “I think part of the problem now is that so many of those brave men died while bravely doing their duty.”

            Dying while doing your duty, bravely or not is pointless, unless you win.

            Coupla thoughts:
            – 1883 “The United Service: A Monthly Review of Military and Naval Affairs”. Quote: “The muster-roll of the dead may be a monument of governmental incapacity as well as a certificate of patriotism and courage. It is always glorious for the other man to die for his country,—at least the survivor says so; but the fact that his life has been needlessly thrown away is calculated to throw some doubt on the subject. A civilized nation cannot afford to throw away a single life.”

            – “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” (ascribed to G. Patton, 1943)

        • to Drunk on his ass——————Quote–I think centuries of European Conflict, Two World Wars that they bore the brunt of, feminism, socialism, and withstanding communism finally broke the back of their culture. Being an independent thinker, patriotic, virtuous, are basically seen as naiveté and instead only cynicism and nihilism seem to be in vogue. Just my outsider perspective based on the few French I’ve ever met.—————-quote

          You need to check yourself into AAA and get dried out. Finally broke the back of their culture? What a laugh. They are and are known as the “culture center of the world” and rightly so but what would a hill jack like you know about French Culture. We won’t get into that its too far over your hillbilly head. As far as being independent thinkers again you make a fool of yourself but I have not got the time to go over French history and culture with you. Feminism and socialism are now the cultural norm of all industrialized nations. Its called being “civilized”. Women do have the right to vote, do have the same right to education and job opportunities but still do not receive equal pay so we still have a ways to go on that.

          And Socialism is the standard form of government among all industrialized nations including the U.S. its just we do not have enough of it to yet be able to call ourselves a civilized nation as Europe has become over the last 75 years in regards to the rights of people to civilized social programs.

          Ever hear of Social Security, Medicare, aid to education etc, etc, unemployment insurance, retirement benefits, all of it did not originate with us although even Conservative Morons think of it as American as apple pie. I would not educate them to the real historical truth as its better to let a dumb dog lie rather than wake him up to historical truths.

        • yep and meanwhile everyone gets taxed to the point where everyone except those few that can afford the best accountants to cook their books pay for all the medicine needed by those to stupid and or lazy to took after their own affairs (those same people often go the the ER for the common cold rather than go to a doctor or treat it at home with stuff they could get over the counter in the US) are too damn broke to do anymore than just survive. i live in one of those damn countries and i can tell you now i fucking hate it. you can take your socialized medicine which if you find a more effective treatment than what the govt says you are allowed you end up finding yourself either forced into the treatment they want to give you or in jail for doing your own thing. not only that but because of the amount of “entitled:” idiots using emergency services for basic shit that they could easily deal with themselves at home there are waiting lists for more serious issues. nope you can keep your govt control of everything. there is nothing fucking civilized about it. Libertus Aut Nex

      • If the US military had been in the French military’s position in May of 1940 it would have folded even faster. In 1940 the US Army and Army Air Corps were tiny, ill equipped, and hardly trained at all.

        • “If the US military had been in the French military’s position in May of 1940 it would have folded even faster. In 1940 the US Army and Army Air Corps were tiny, ill equipped, and hardly trained at all.”

          Since the French were the exact opposite of the US, failure of the French (with a larger army) to defeat the Germans is even a worse indictment.

        • Of course, the U.S. Military in 1940 was not even close to war footing. Equipment was outdated, personnel number understrength, and budget low. The country was still in the Depression, or just off the heels of it at best. The French knew of likely German intentions to get in on some of the sweet Rhineland action, and prepared for it. Nonetheless the invasion through Belgium and its blitzkrieg style still got the best of them. The point is, your comparison is just disingenuous, but it’s agreed that it was a strategic leadership failure and not a cultural or solider level failure.

        • DEODG,
          My point was actually that the US did not do well in WWII because of it’s preparedness and warrior spirit. Also, that the French didn’t do poorly due to having less courage than anyone else. Other factors decided the battles and war.
          Same thing in WWI and the US did’t make more of a contribution to Allied victory than the French or British did in that one.

        • America did as well as it did in the two world wars because of geography. There’s a distinct advantage to having thousands of miles of ocean between you and your enemies. France had to keep vigilant to not only repel a potential German invasion but to discourage invasion. The USA had the luxury of not needing to be prepared for war. Once the fighting began we had the enormous advantage of our factories being safe from enemy bombers. We won because we were much better equipped than our enemies.

    • Probably not, but is France’s “face to the world” and speaks for France’s government … In that sense it speaks for the French people. Just as our State Department does for us. (Sigh.)

  2. The French,other than supporting America in it’s fight for independence,America has repaid that debt several times over. Frances motto should be Capitulate early and often.

        • The pussification of the west is almost complete. The U.S. is falling too, it’s down to maybe a dozen states that still hold on to reason in the face of the choking madness enveloping the world.

          Too much prosperity and ease of lifestyle breeds complacency and weakness of character. A little privation (*even roughing it for a weekend on an old-school camping trip) can help bring perspective to one who desperately needs it.

          • “A little privation (*even roughing it for a weekend on an old-school camping trip) can help bring perspective to one who desperately needs it.”

            Agree. That’s why sometimes I go stay at a Motel 6. You appreciate things more when spend a weekend out of the cotton ball of civilization.

        • Being part Sicilian, I find that statement rude.
          And hilarious.

          That’s some funny feces there…

    • “Frances motto should be Capitulate early and often.”

      I have been told:
      – The French battle flag is a white Fluer de Lis on a white background
      – French tanks have five transmission gears: 4 reverse and one forward (in case they are attacked from the rear)

      BTW the Légion étrangère is a whole ‘nuther country.

    • “Frances motto should be Capitulate early and often.” You mean its NOT the NRAs motto too? Could have fooled me.

  3. France and Britain have been surrendered. Occupied by invaders from the Middle East and West Africa.

    The politicians fail to recognize that the people will tool up, round up and repatriate these invaders if the government does nothing to aid them. The laws will mean nothing when faced with cultural extinction and ultimately their countries will be awash in guns, and blood.

    Sink their ships, and send them back or face a return to the dark ages.

    • Germany, Sweden, Italy as well. The whole continent is being set up for a fascist revolution and a massive genocide.

      • Lol, it’s like history is going to repeat it self, again. I roll my eyes at the arrogance of the socialist left as they turn Europe into a moonscape once more.

    • The European people will do jack squat. They’ll sit idly by as their nations descend into tyranny or anarchy one by one. Then they’ll make a last ditch lunge for the Bat Signal to get America to come save them……..again.

      • Its already started in Italy, and I expect the trend will continue to spread, God willing.

        “The mother of Pamela Mastropietro, the 18-year-old Roman girl raped, murdered and chopped up by Nigerian drug dealers, chose to make a bold statement at her daughter’s funeral. She personally carried the bouquet sent by Luca Traini, the “White Rampage” shooter who became a hero to many Italians after gunning down Africans in the wake of Pamela’s death”.

  4. Useless turd. Didn’t mention doing a damn thing for gun owners at the NRA whilst banning bump stocks (and potentially high cap magazines & semi autos in the process)

    Only thing more useless was the NRA membership, which failed to hold him accountable in person for failing gun owners. Possibly the only way he could have learned just how badly he treated us after Parkland

    • Would you have preferred Hillary who certainly would have banned bunpstocks and probably would have used the opportunity for a lot more bans?

      • Hillary’s dead, yo. Get over it. Trump’s the one after your guns now, you best adjust your plans accordingly

    • You are correct, and one consequence of this is that it paved the way for him to support even more gun control in the future.

    • Yep, looks like people are still complaining that the NRA won’t bandrupt itself trying to protect a stupid range toy. I am sure the NRA will continue to defend the 2nd amendment even though People on this blog are helping the left destroy it. If people want to fight and die on every hill, do it. Pull out your checkbook, sell your home, and live on the street so you can afford to fight a ban on a piece of plastic. The rest of us will work on what matters – protecting the 2nd amendment for what it was intended to protect.

      • “The rest of us will work on what matters – protecting the 2nd amendment for what it was intended to protect.”

        If that is true, why are there any gun control laws anywhere in the nation?

      • I believe one of Sun Tzu’s principles is to cause the enemy to expend massive resources and strength fighting for ground which you don’t even care about. Most POTG don’t give a shit about bumpfire stocks. But, that’s not the point.

        Unfortunately, the NRA haven’t been following these principles. I don’t hate the NRA, but they need to fire their current strategists and start over.

      • Bob999, you really have no clue. Please inform yourself about the lack of fiscal responsibility by the NRA: . It has nothing to do with lawsuits. In fact, the NRA backed out of or settled many lawsuits, because it spent the money somewhere else. The NRA is not fighting on any hill. Note that filing a lawsuit in Florida to challenge the age limit did cost the NRA a few hundred Dollars. Will they follow through on it? I have my doubts, given the NRA’s track record. This will be likely settled a year from now, when no-one pays attention anymore.

        As for bump stocks, you have really no clue either here. There will be lawsuits and they won’t be that expensive. The Firearms Policy Coalition already retained Adam Kraut for challenging the bump stock ban in federal court. The bump stock ban is essentially gun control by executive fiat, rewriting existing law by the executive branch. It will be either struck down fast on that issue or not. If it gets struck down, then it goes back to Congress to “do something” with the NRA and the President already having stabbed hundreds of thousands of gun owners in the back. If it doesn’t get struck down, the the NRA and the President paved the way for gun control in the 21st century, where Congress is no longer needed.

        In summary, congrats, because you are the problem, Bob999. Keep donating money to the NRA, so they can spend it on everything but fighting for the 2nd Amendment.

      • The least the NRA could have done is NOT TO SUPPORT an illegal administrative ban by the ATF. That wouldn’t have cost them anything.

        I’m a member, and I’ll continue to be…for the time being…but F* that noise. The NRA is skating on thin ice here.

    • Amazing. Just a couple of weeks ago, right here on TTAG, I learned that Trump had started World War Three. Now I just learned that Trump is coming for our guns. And I fully expect that I will soon learn that the sky is falling.

      But what I haven’t learned is what y’all are drinking, where you bought it and whether or not it’s legal.

      • I have been drinking Yeungling Black & Tans, got them at Kroger, and they are perfectly legal. Also it is impossible for the sky to fall as it is lighter than air and will eternally float upon the air.


        • It doesn’t taste like you’re trying to eat the ass end out of a roadkill skunk off the side of the road if that’s what you mean.

          Yes I have had some “awesome” craft brews that tasted just like that.

        • Moltar;
          Your remark about the skunk reminder me of the story about the couple out for a country drive. The driver said to his wife, “did you notice that bump we just hit?” “Yes” said the wife, “I can see a little animal laying in the road, I think it’s a skunk, we have to back up and see if it’s still alive”. The husband backed up the car, and his wife got out to look at what they ran over.
          The wife said to her husband, “I think it has a broken leg, we need to take it with us and drop it off with a vet, at the next town”. The husband told her to get back in the car, with the skunk and they would drop him off.
          The wife asked her husband where she should put the little animal, “after all, it’s a skunk you know”
          The husband said, “just put him in your lap, between your legs” The wife said, “what about the smell?”
          The husband said, “well, just turn him around so his nose is pointed towards the front of the car”.

      • i am appalled. does ralf suggest that yumyums are an inferior brew? i do prefer the b&ts. bring home cases on the sandusky return run. can’t get ’em here… yet.
        if you see the yuengling bratwurst at your local big box or whatever, grab some, they are choice. i kinda figgered they’d be chockful o crap but i was pleasantly surprised to read “pork, salt, beer.”

  5. Most European countries see guns in civilian hands like a liability and the French are no exception. Heard them compare guns to chemical weapons: most people do not want to own chemical weapons and it only takes one bad guy who uses the weapons for evil to cause a lot of deaths.
    Even the Swiss mistrust of weapons in public: while 20-30% of Swiss own guns, most cities require guns storage at the club or range and restrict transportation; only people in the country keep guns in the home.

      • The Swiss I talked to view shooting as an wholesome outdoor activity or hobby. They use their rifles, even assault rifles purchased after military service, as something for target (not tactical) shooting. Target shooting competition is popular but they just don’t view rifles as something for self-defense despite having a large population who owns assault rifles. We could learn something from them about respect for gun safety because they teach safety early and even put their service # on their rifles to encourage responsibility (someone please confirm this is true and not urban legend).

  6. France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated.”
    Except for the Fuzzy Muzzies.
    This is why I have problems getting too upset by the Aloha Snackbar terror events in Europa. Europe’s policies ferment this type of crap.

  7. ‘…where acquiring and carrying firea rms is strictly regulated.’

    Strictly regulated or strictly prohibited? What exactly is the criteria a French citizen must pass in order to be legally permitted to carry a fi rearm in public for self defense? Seems to me the word ‘regulated’ is a euphemism here.

    • What exactly is the criteria a French citizen must pass in order to be legally permitted to carry a firearm in public for self defense?
      If it is like most of Western Europe, the citizen had better be a government designated agent. No go for ordinary Joe Blow.

      • Which would mean that his use of the word ‘regulated’ is actually a euphemism for ‘prohibited’. It’s like saying Saudi Arabia (until just recently) is a country where women driving cars is strictly regulated – nein das ist verboten! The left always talks with euphemisms.

  8. I could care less…The UK GOV. and French GOV. are nothing more than “Benign Authoritarian Police-States…” Were the citizen is a subject controlled by its ” so-called representatives, media, and it’s various levels of bureaucratic, Euro-trash Gov. …Go drink at your pub, watch your footy , Eat your bubble and squeak” but don’t get a following, don’t wrong-think, and don’t ask for something that you’ll never receive…Utopian Socialist Societies with the vestiges of a malevolent monarchy…No wonder our lefty Hollyweird stars go out to places like the UK. Where THEY feel at home as one of the British lords, dukes, or duchess….

    • Send them a “white flag!” Maybe they have a Facebook page…This way they can just surrender….

  9. Meh…strictly regulated for whom? It seems pretty EZ for moose-lims to acquire AK’s-and trucks. I do wish Donnie did more than blather.

    • Yeah I’m having trouble recalling whether or not terrorists committed mass murder with firearms in a country with “strict regulation.” Oh yeah, that’s right. They did. Seems that those strict regulations mean fuck-all to those wanting to kill as many people as humanly possible.

    • yeah after the terror attacks they raided a few mosques in france…… every one they raided had at least a small stockpile of weapons and ammo. upon finding that i would have kicked every moslem out of the country with nothing but the clothes on their backs and bulldozed every mosque after that attack. the imams would not leave though. they would be shot by women with bullets dipped in pigs blood and their congregations would be forced to bury them with pig entrails before they were forced out of the country in ships that are due to be scuttled and packed into each like sardines

  10. While I appreciate French help in the American Revolution, it is fact that we got involved in Europe’s two world wars and pretty much bailed them out of their predicaments TWICE.
    As for the NRA, there have been too many compromises under their watch..1934 NFA, 1968 Gun Control Act, 1986 Hughes Amendment, 1993 Brady Bill, 1994 Assault Weapon Ban, etc. What did we get?

    • And we’re not bailing them out a 3rd time when the Islamist horde takes over. They can have the Brussels Euro-crats tool up and save the day. Ha Ha, whooh boy, that’s a funny picture.

    • You mean the ’94 assault weapons ban has been dead for over a decade since they were able to use the arrogance of the leftists against them and put in the sunset clause?

    • “1934 NFA, 1968 Gun Control Act, 1986 Hughes Amendment, 1993 Brady Bill, 1994 Assault Weapon Ban”

      The NRA was about shooting sports back in 1934, not politics. I don’t think it had any form of organization to lobby Congress back then.

      The NRA did drop the ball in 1968.

      The NRA was simply unable to defeat that poison pill emplaced by a gun grabber. Congress had a antigun majority, and the Firearms Owners Protection Act did more good than harm.

      In 1993 Congress was gun grabber majority. NRA was unable to defeat that measure. In 1994 it helped to put in a sunset clause so at least that law was temporarily.

  11. “…demands that the memory of the victims be respected.”

    My respect comes in two parts:
    – I will not “mourn” future deaths at the hands of French domestic or international terrorism.
    – I will not support any move to militarily defend France from invasion (Note to France: don’t call on us a third time; we won’t be coming.)

  12. I could care less what a population of generationally conditioned state-worshipers cares about our right to armed self-defense. At least I’m legally able to shoot culturally incompatible heathens when they attempt to commit violent/sexual crimes against myself or my loved ones. It may be a paper-thin right depending on what state I live in, but it’s still there.

  13. Just say no to ever visiting Paris. It has become one giant slum due to unregulated immigration. It’s more like an invasion. Same case as with Italy, Belgium Spain etc.

    • My sister spent a weekend in Paris the night of the theater massacre. Had her train arrived 10 minutes earlier she’d have been a casualty. Went back to London for the rest of her academic program and she straight up was not safe. Got followed home on morning runs, a bomb was found in the subway near her residence. Really hit me close to home. I’ll gladly visit Europe, but only the rural hamlets where the recent crop of “refugees” can’t afford to live. Glad I spent a month in Germany seven years ago before this shit got out of hand.

    • You could say the same about LA, Chicago and just about every other major metro city in the US.

      Immigration is invasion.

  14. I heard that the terrorists tortured some people before they killed them and the French government covered that up.

    • Yes people were cornered in the restroom and tortured with knives. I believe one man was even blinded. The length to which Europe’s governments are going to downplay these massacres says a lot about just how far a nation and its culture can sink in just a few decades.

    • Men were castrated, had their dicks cut off and shoved in their mouths and their eyes were also gouged out.

      Women were mutilated, too.

      And the Left get their panties in a bunch when we call inhuman bastards like these, “animals.”

      Read about it here: Horrifying details of the Bataclan Theatre massacre revealed via @nypost

  15. Nobody cares what the French think. They are rapidly becoming a third world hellhole and should be treated as such.

    • The French, the French? How about all of Western Europe! They have lost my respect, and most of them are on the edge of losing their entire countries to an invasion their governments aided and abetted, and worse yet paid for. Why don’t these people understand simple capitalist theory? You always get more of what you give people money to do.

      • “Why don’t these people understand simple capitalist theory?”

        They do. Capitalism is unfair. Fair is everybody having some before anybody has more. And that is unfair unless and until everybody can have more. Enlightened people focus on fairness rather than personal interests. “If there is poverty anywhere, there is poverty everywhere.” “Justice denied anywhere is justice denied everywhere.” “If it saves just one….”

        • If working hard gets you no more than hardly working, a rational person won’t make the extra effort. Under capitalism, unless you win the lottery or had the foresight to select rich parents, the way to get rich is to provide a product or service that your customers (one of whom might be your employer) value more than what they must pay you to get it.

          • “If working hard gets you no more than hardly working, a rational person won’t make the extra effort.”


            Mandating “fair” is the rational theory.

            “More” is the problem. It is a selfish proposition. People are selfish at the core. Government is the only mechanism that can enforce fairness for all. Although society is made up of individuals, a society cannot survive if all the individuals refuse to put survival and prosperity of the society ahead of selfish inclinations.

            Don’t we all learn as children to share our toys, our snacks? Why do we abandon that wonderful habit when we become “adults”? If we enshrine “fair” into our laws and regulations, if we think of other as at least as important as ourselves, if we protect society so the next generation can live safely and without want of basics, do we not rise to the highest plane of human existence, where all enjoy everything, everywhere, all the time? Sure, it will be a difficult journey, but why are we willing to undertake difficult journeys for our own selfish advancement and not do the same for others?

            When you embrace “fair”, the scales will fall from your eyes, the planet will stop warming, seas will subside, accumulation of trash in large piles, will all be things of the past. Modern man, arise !

            (ack, ack, cough, stagger, FDL)

        • Sam, you ignore that the sort of government you are advocating is made up of the same greedy people, only with an even greater ability to enrich themselves. A free-market is the only effective way to distribute goods, because without market pricing, production is miss-allocated by greedy and ignorant people. Your socialist ‘fair system’ lacks fair regulation much more than a free market system does. It will fall apart, like it always does, due to greed, other personal interests, and stupidity.

        • The free market also often fails due to greed. There is always an incentive for marketers to cheat and harm consumers for short term gains, and some gladly do it. Nothing is foolproof from human greed.

          • “Nothing is foolproof from human greed.”

            Human greed in advancing fairness is excusable. The same cannot be said for greed in service of unfair outcomes for the individual.

            I use only what I need, so others can benefit. I rent space in a discarded refrigerator box, follow this blog on an Apple II, and generate my own electricity with a Gibson Girl. Wash my face in a frying pan, comb my head with a wagon wheel, probably die with a toothache in my heel.

        • Sorry, Sam, I considered that it was sarcasm but it is just too hard to tell sometimes in comment sections. I don’t text or tweet so I don’t know abbreviations like FDL. I think I was polite about it though. I am not one of those that think socialists are “subhuman filth”.

      • To Rust in the Head.
        quote———————The French, the French? How about all of Western Europe! They have lost my respect, and most of them are on the edge of losing their entire countries to an invasion their governments aided and abetted, and worse yet paid for. Why don’t these people understand simple capitalist theory? You always get more of what you give people money to do.——————–

        Your so ignorant and racist your a scream. The big migration to Europe came about because we the 21st Nazi’s under Herr Busch and his illustrious war mongering Son upset the balance of power in the Middle East over a fight and two wars for control of the oil fields. The result was massive civil war with millions of innocent people fleeing to Europe and we were the cause of it and we refused to take any of them in except a few token thousand of them not the over 2 million that had no where else to go except Europe as they were barred from any humanitarian refugee status here in the U.S.

        Of course the last laugh is on us for down through history immigrants have proven to be a bonus to the economy as they tend to start more businesses than the indigenous population and they are more successful at it as well. By refusing immigrants we ended up screwing our own economy as we are having more old folks retire and no longer pay into the system than at any other time in our history but Republican racism understands none of prior economic and historic reality.

        Its interesting to note that the cell phone was invented by a son of immigrants from Iran which brought billions of dollars into the U.S. economy something totally lost and deliberately ignored by racist hill jack conservative moron Republicans.

        Thank our Moron President in a red tie for preventing many skilled and inventive people from coming here to live and work. We became great because of immigration not racist Morons like Herr Drumpf whose grand father should have stayed in Germany and hopefully been killed in WWI and the world would have been a better place to live in today. Of course Herr Drumpfs draft dogging Grandfather refused to serve and was kicked out of the country and then came to the U.S. where his Grandson Herr Donald Drumpf himself became a draft dodger. Like grandfather , like son.

        • Whatever you say Crisco… I’m sure Bush’s “warmongering” totally caused an influx of vermin from sub-saharan Africa… What wars were we fighting down there again?

        • to Power Brain.

          quote————————-Whatever you say Crisco… I’m sure Bush’s “warmongering” totally caused an influx of vermin from sub-saharan Africa… What wars were we fighting down there again?—————————-quot——————

          It was actually the French and British that screwed themselves by Attacking and deposing Gaddafi when he was actually doing everything they wanted him to. He gave up his nuclear bomb plans and renounced terrorism and wanted peaceful co-existence with the West. They could not have bumped him off at a worse time in history. Where were the Morons when Gaddafi killed the innocent college students when he blew up their plane years before. I think it will take decades for the truth about Gaddafi’s overthrow to ever come to light.

          And you filthy scumb bag those people are not vermin as you say but desperate people fleeing a war zone. its filth like you that have no place among decent people here in America. You are a racist Nazi and the lowest scum on earth. It would not surprise me if you had Adolf Hitlers picture over your bed.

        • Hey Crisco… what “war zone”? There are no wars in sub-Saharan Africa at the moment.

        • “Fun fact, the average sub-saharan African is functionally retarded.”

          @serge – I have never seen this data before. That is good stuff.

        • To Power Brain.

          quote———————Hey Crisco… what “war zone”? There are no wars in sub-Saharan Africa at the moment.———————————quote———-

          I don’t have to make a fool of you as you do it to yourself. Since the overthrow of Gaddafi there has been a civil war going on in the country ever since. There are even two governments both trying to rule over the country at once.

        • Crisco… Do you need a geography lesson as well as a dictionary? Is Libya North or South of the Sahara?

  16. This is what we get from President Trump speaking at the NRA Annual Meeting for the third time. Once again, President Trump was mostly speaking about himself and trash-talking others. Once again, there were no specifics regarding a pro-2A agenda. Once again, the crowd cheered as the President basically said nothing.

    “…, but, but, Hillary would have been much worse.” LOL. Maintaining status quo, giving up a few gun rights here and there and further increasing firearm import restrictions apparently counts as winning these days. You know: “We gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning and you’ll say please, please Mr. President, It’s too much winning! We can’t take it anymore!”

    • Glad to see at least one NRA member that saw what bullshit that speech was. I bet they were “selective” to say the least on who got to sit in on Pumkins speech. No heckles of Reciprocity or Bump stocks? Hard to believe everyone was a good little bundist and cheered and clapped for a Gun grabbing, tweetstorming idiot.

  17. Iran is proud of it’s strict enforcement of sharia law and all the “regressive” things that go along with it. Pride does not make something right.

    Meanwhile, we are proud to have a system that protects a fundamental right legally and Constitutionally. To be proud of removing rights is nothing but wrong.

    Gun control around the world is just as much of security theater as the TSA here. It makes people feel safe without actually providing any positive results.

  18. Trump is always in the art of the deal. We are getting “deal’d” we just haven’t figured it out yet. The whole world is on a socialist death spiral. It cannot succeed with America intact. The coup is well under way and most of us haven’t figured that out yet. The Justice department and most of our media has already been compromised. Most all of what we see and hear is just propaganda. The world is chaos. Alas Babylon.

    • quote———————-Gary says:
      May 6, 2018 at 10:04
      Trump is always in the art of the deal. We are getting “deal’d” we just haven’t figured it out yet. The whole world is on a socialist death spiral. It cannot succeed with America intact. The coup is well under way and most of us haven’t figured that out yet. The Justice department and most of our media has already been compromised. Most all of what we see and hear is just propaganda. The world is chaos. Alas Babylon.————–quote—————-

      Babylon? Sorry I don’t engage in your Bronze Age Mysticism or participate in your prayers , rituals or incantations by the light of the moon.

      But we Socialists are looking forward to voting out the Herr Drumpf Nazi torch carrying Jew hating Republicans who by the way hate every one else too as well as themselves. The only thing I can understand about them is their thievery from the American people with the new tax rape law that filled their greedy pockets with tax dollars while they scream they are going to pay for it by lowering our medicare and health care coverage.

      They have been enraged since their greed monger profits were cancelled by Obama when he outlawed coverage caps and preexisting conditions so they could rape people out of their life savings.

      And what are the greed Monger Republicans offering when running in the mid term elections? More bull shit on illegals whose migrations are the lowest in history and panic over 200 people who applied for asylum and only a hand full will get it.

      If you think the people who voted for Trump are now not aware of how they have been screwed by the Republicans well just wait till November. Even Alfred E. Neuman won’t be voting Republican this time around.

      • Every card carrying socialist needs to be stood up against a wall and shot before they murder another quarter billion people.

        • to Power Brain our local Right Wing Unwashed Trumpite.

          Quote——————–Every card carrying socialist needs to be stood up against a wall and shot before they murder another quarter billion people.——————–quote

          History and economics lesson Jethro. Dictatorships murder thousands of people not economic systems unless poorly run that lead to starvation. And by the way you were referring to past communistic economic systems that no longer exist not the world standard successful industrialized modern Socialistic Systems that exist today. Having never studied the difference I cannot expect you to make an educated statement in regards to either. And I might add there have been plenty of Capitalistic Dictatorships that killed many people as well. Again its not the economic side of it rather its the evil people in power no matter what country we are speaking about or what economic system in play at the time. Even as poorly run as Stalin’s Soviet Russia was the only time people starved to death was when Stalin deliberately engineered it to steal their farms to turn them into collective state controlled farms and then as poorly run as the farms were no one then starved to death. In other words it was not the economic system but the evil man who controlled it. Even Stalin gave up on 5 year plans and finally realized a mixture of blind greed ruthless heartless exploitative inhuman Capitalism mixed with civilized modern socialism was what was the wave of the future and he was correct because that is exactly what we have today in all big industrialized countries. Please go back to school so you can become educated as to how the world works today. This is not Stalin’s 1940’s Russia anywhere in Europe today.

          Wrong! The Socialistic Countries of Europe last year had exactly ZERO PEOPLE GO BANKRUPT over lack of health care or drug prescriptions while here in Capitalvania home of the unwashed Trump Hill jacks (like yourself)we had almost 5 million people go bankrupt many of which died for lack of health care and access to life saving drugs. Yes Capitalvania kills millions of its U.S. citizens through lack of health care when its not busy sending its Nazi planes to bomb and kill foreign people in multitudes of countries around the world.

        • Those “world-standard” socialistic systems would never be able to exist if not for the indirect subsidies of the U.S. taxpayer who pays for them by paying for the defense budget of the U.S. that makes it where they do not have to pay much for defense.

        • Crisco… I grew up in one of “those systems”. I know EXACTLY what the end result of your socialist experiment ALWAYS IS. Vermin like you killed more than half my family. But please, feel free to move to Venezuela and get your own taste of it… or Sweden with their vibrant program of cultural enrichment… or the UK where the government will literally send armed men to keep you from moving your dying child to a hospital that hasn’t given up on saving his life…

          Do I need to go on?

          Capitalism occasionally bankrupts the incompetent.


  19. “France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated.”

    130 dead and 413 wounded in Paris — wow, that’s something to be proud of. Vive la France! Vive la liberté!

    But Trump was wrong. Self-defense requires more than a gun. It also requires balls. The French don’t have either.

    • “But Trump was wrong. Self-defense requires more than a gun. It also requires balls. The French don’t have either.”
      Where’s Trumpkins balls? He capitulated our rights pretty damn quick after that Parkland crap (“Take the guns now, worry about due-process later”). Then, after letting the world know he’s not afraid of the NRA, they welcome him with open arms and not a word out of ANYONE on reciprocity…and by now the HPA is nothing but a distant memory of a dream. He’s was right about one thing…if THIS is winning…I’m sick of it.

      • Well, next time, vote for the Democrat. Then you won’t have to worry about winning. Ever.

        The sky has not fallen since Trump’s election. Your morale may have fallen, but that’s on you.

        • So what, you’re completely fine with getting screwed as long as you’re not getting screwed as badly as the others would have done to you? Is that really the standard we should embrace? “Not the worst” =/= “totally acceptable”.

          • “Is that really the standard we should embrace? “Not the worst” =/= “totally acceptable”.

            When was it not so?

    • To Ralph

      Quote———————-“France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated.”

      130 dead and 413 wounded in Paris — wow, that’s something to be proud of. Vive la France! Vive la liberté!

      But Trump was wrong. Self-defense requires more than a gun. It also requires balls. The French don’t have either.————————–quote————————-

      337,000 dead at Verdun proves otherwise. And it was French Artillery and French machine rifles and even some French bolt rifles that we had to use in WWII because we were either short of arms or had none to use. But lets not thank them for saving American lives because ignorance and racism is “now cool” and acceptable in the New Land of Herr Drumpf.

      Mandatory French training for a weapons permit saves a lot of lives as well as mandatory safe storage but what the hey killing off 1,300 U.S. children a year in the U.S. just means we are dumb hill jacks compared to the civilized French.

      And when I say viva la France its not in mockery its really praising them and their country.

      • Oh please, the French would have gotten their teeth kicked in in WWI if the Brits and eventually the Americans didn’t come to bail them out. France is a country of gutless degenerates that we should have just handed to Germany back in 1914.

        • to Power Brain.

          quote——————–Oh please, the French would have gotten their teeth kicked in in WWI if the Brits and eventually the Americans didn’t come to bail them out. France is a country of gutless degenerates that we should have just handed to Germany back in 1914.——————–quote=———————-

          Considering the fact that France has long been considered the capital of the world of culture you just shouted to the world your the A-typical Ignorant Right Wing Racist Hill Jack.

          Fact is you hate the French the most because they are super Liberal and have one of the most successful Socialist Counties in Europe and the world and they even give Germany a very close run for the top Socialist State. I take my hat off to them, if only America were half as civilized as they are.

          I think any one who even is not a product of education (your at the top of the shit house gang) could not miss out on how advanced French Society and Culture is just by watching some of their news casting. I give a challenge to you Jethro Hillbilly to start watching France24 News some time as it makes our News coverage sometimes look quite sophomoric but only because the Republicans have succeeded time after time on gutting the funds once earmarked for public broadcasting and education something that France far surpasses us in regards to capital outlay.

        • Successful? Their hard leftism has made them a country of constant chronically high-unemployment, anemic economic growth, and thus constant protests and rioting. They also suffering problems of Muslim violence. They are not an example of successful socialism. They are an example of the failures of it. Germany has been fairly successful because they moved AWAY from socialism. They are one of the more right-wing countries in Europe.

        • To kyle——-quote——————-Successful? Their hard leftism has made them a country of constant chronically high-unemployment, anemic economic growth, and thus constant protests and rioting. They also suffering problems of Muslim violence. They are not an example of successful socialism. They are an example of the failures of it. Germany has been fairly successful because they moved AWAY from socialism. They are one of the more right-wing countries in Europe.—————–quote——-

          Your hill jack wrong on every statement. As I said before last year they created more high tech jobs than the U.S. did and the U.S. is almost 50 times bigger and far more wealthy

          And Germany has not moved away from Socialism as they were the Nation that accepted more refugees than all the other European Nations including the U.S. which makes them anti-right wing racist like yourself

          And France had no bankruptcies last year because of health care bills while the U.S. of Hill Jacks had almost 5 million people go bankrupt because of lack of affordable health care.. Still think this hell hole of a country (the U.S.) is the greatest place to live on earth. Well if you do then you need to have your head checked out by a psychiatrist. .

      • “337,000 dead at Verdun proves otherwise.”

        Check your calendar. Verdun was 0ver 100 years ago. 337,000 dead just proves that all the brave ones died, leaving the cowards to reproduce.

        • To Ralph the Racist

          Quote————————-337,000 dead at Verdun proves otherwise.”

          Check your calendar. Verdun was 0ver 100 years ago. 337,000 dead just proves that all the brave ones died, leaving the cowards to reproduce.—————–quote—–

          Since today’s generation in France descended from those troops who died at Verdun that makes your statement A-typical of a rabid and arrogant Racist.

          Try again Storm Trooper your “SS” shoulder patch is showing.

      • In every comment you have made so far, you keep referring to people as hill jacks. What is a hill jack? I thought in your version of socialism everyone is equal. Are you referring to the people who live in rural areas and may not have had access to the same educational system as you did due to location or economics? If so, I will just say that I would rather associate with people who have real world skills and knowledge like how to farm, fish, and hunt. How to blacksmith and do machine work and how to survive and live well on their own than someone who can recite the entire works of Voltaire.
        I don’t think that anyone here has an issue with legal immigration, most of our ancestors were legal immigrants. Where the problem arises is when people try and sneak into our country and/or refuse to assimilate into our culture and way of life. We let tons of Somalis in and where did that get us? Dearborn Michigan and whatever that town is in Maine. No thanks. And even you have to admit that the fact that what seems to he the majority of these “asylum seekers” seem to be fit military age males is a bit disconcerting. Based on the success that these illuminated European countries have seen with letting muslim “refugees” in, I think we should continue to take a hard pass.
        I am not going to pretend that my I can remember everything I was taught regarding systems of government from back in school, so I will not debate you there, all I can do is point out that after 200 years we are the only industrialized country that has had the same form of government, the only one still recognized as a “super power” and the one that the rest of the world looks to for help when there is a natural disaster or human rights violations. We have only started to stumble after adopting some social (socialist?) programs like welfare. Just my .02 and probably worth less to a lot of folks.

        • To Jedi Storm Trooper from the Dark Side of Humanity.

          quote———————-Where the problem arises is when people try and sneak into our country and/or refuse to assimilate into our culture and way of life. We let tons of Somalis in and where did that get us? Dearborn Michigan and whatever that town is in Maine. No thanks———————-quote——–

          God almighty who spawns all of you sicko racist Hitlerite Storm Troopers. I thought all of our WWII G.I.’s killed off your type of filth.

          The real facts are that immigrants have indeed assimilated into our culture and if take a look at all of the Latino and Muslim run businesses in the U.S. it staggers the mind even in the small areal of Southern MIchigan and Upper Ohio. Not to mention professional people. My nurse was a young Muslim Girl complete with hijab and so is my Dentist and postman.

          And you mentioned Michigan who has a town that has a city council that is all Muslim and no it is not a religious caliphate and the local white population has voted them in more than once, refuting your twisted sickening Hitlerite demented racist theories that various religions and cultures have not been assimilated into U.S.culture. Sorry Herr Storm Trooper you lost the argument even before you started screaming Heil Herr Drumpf.

          If you did more real research on minorities instead of spending all your time marching in Candle Light Nazi marches in North Carolina maybe you would realize how racist and wrong you are.

  20. “Every country freely decides on its own laws on carrying firearms, as in other areas.”

    Unless you are a member of the EU and then you have to knuckle under to the wishes of unelected bureaucrats In Luxembourg who like to tell sovereign states to allow refugees in while demanding that the citizens of these sovereign states also turn in their privately owned firearms.

  21. Strictly regulated. Certainly.

    Washington Post, Jan 9, 2015.
    Bloomberg reports that weapons designed for military use, such as the Kalashnikov AK series, have been illegally flooding France over the past few years, with state bodies recording double digit increases.

    “The French black market for weapons has been inundated with eastern European war artillery and arms,” Philippe Capon, the head of UNSA police union, told Bloomberg. “They are everywhere in France.”

  22. Open Carry Advocate Arrested , Put on Involuntary 72 Hour Psych. Hold.

    Abington , Pa. – Last week talk radio shows were commenting about this and reported the man was carrying safely and not being a problem .
    ( Making an example of him ? )
    Open carry may not be for everyone , but it IS LEGAL….. or was.

    Seems we have Rights until we try to use them.

    • Actually the same is true in many American States. I once asked a cop in my State if I could carry openly since it is technically legal. He laughed in my face and immediately rapped off a whole list of other violations he could arrest me for to “teach me a lesson” that just because something is technically legal does not mean you can do it if the Gestapo does not like it.

        • “Wow, what kind of violations?

          Public nuisance
          Creating a disturbance
          Creating fear of death or injury to another
          Reckless disregard for the public safety

          To name a few.

          Doesn’t mean the charges would stick, but the ride through the system doesn’t cost the cop anything.

      • Also, to be fair, the cheese in france is excellent. Especially the goat cheese. And the jams and jellies. And the chocolates.

        I gotta go wipe the spit off my chin.

    • Hey Tommy looking at your picture you better lay off the cheese burgers. I bet the French are laughing at your cheese comment. They know that when you point the finger at some one you have 3 fingers pointed right back at yourself and with your physique it would be impossible to miss. Thanks for the laugh of the day. By the way were you born racist or did you go to Trump University and major in racism.

      • “French” is not a race Crisco… You might want to invest in a dictionary…

        • To Power Brain.

          “French” is not a race Crisco… You might want to invest in a dictionary…

          Look you Moron when people like your self hate other cultures or nations we call them racist. No, technically French people are not in of themselves a race as they are of the Caucasian race and that is common knowledge except to you the unwashed but now your just trying to run around with your nose in the air but like most Morons you soon trip over your own racist feet grasping at straws trying to convince yourself your not the
          total racist Moron you really are. You are fooling no one and not making even a valid point. Its a question of you playing a semantics game of one upmanship with no logical point to make. Since you hate the French therefore you are a racist pig or should we satisfy you and please you by calling you a Cultural pig or Nationalistic pig or Nazi pig. Get the picture. What else would or could we call you Herr Power Brain.

        • So… by your logic… someone who doesn’t hate caucasians is somehow racist against the French… wow… did you chug the lead paint as a kid or just gnaw on the can?

  23. In other news, a Mercedes Benz backfired outside of the French Capital building holding the French government hostage for 20 minutes until France’s unconditional surrender could be negotiated.

    UK Murder Rate: 0.9
    France Murder Rate: 1.6
    US Murder Rate: 4.9 (usually the highest among all fully developed countries)
    London: Over 50 dead from compiled stabbings & some shootings throughout city last year
    Vegas: Over 50 dead (and about 600 injured) from just ONE shooting all by itself last year
    Paris and outlying towns: Over 100 dead after organized terror attack involving dozens planning for months across three countries, sophisticated smuggling of weapons and building of suicide bombs from an organized terror ring, and 6 coordinated attacks in different locations from 9 people
    Vegas and Orlando: Over 100 dead from two lone wolves buying assault riles/bump stocks and deciding to attack crowded venues on a whim (with some degree of planning on trajectory and setup in Vegas.)
    The statistics do not lie, as all those are on the record anywhere you search. That being said, ignorant and arrogant Americans trying to equate statistics that starkly and distinctly different (in a bizarre insinuation that having any violence anywhere somehow makes it the same as ALL violence in the US) are only perpetuating the worst stereotypes about themselves before the world (and in especially embarrassing fashion with the President himself now participating.)

    • Compare proper demographics….and that includes generations of culture.

      If there were not guns, anywhere, there could be no “gun crimes”. If there were no law against murder, the murder rate would drop to zero. You sound just like all those ant9i-nuke people who thought it quite fine to engage in wars of slaughter with non-nuclear weapons (which killed millions more than two atomic bombs on two cities).

      Silly just gets you silly.

      • To Sam the Sham

        Quote———————-You sound just like all those ant9i-nuke people who thought it quite fine to engage in wars of slaughter with non-nuclear weapons (which killed millions more than two atomic bombs on two cities).

        Silly just gets you silly.———————–quote

        Boy I love this one Sam you really stepped and fell right into the shit house on this one which was the dropping of the Atomic Bombs by the biggest mass murderer in history Truman.

        The real facts were that WWII was over 3 months before the atomic bombs were ever dropped. Truman a rabid mad dog racist that was the equal of Adolf Hitler believed Asians were sub-human and would have never even considered dropping such a horrendous weapon on Germany.

        Truman had to justify spending billions on constructing the bombs to get re-elected as well as promoting his image as the avenger of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese had offered to surrender unconditionally 3 months before the bombs were ever dropped and the U.S. Government has never denied it and they even admitted it since day one of the dropping of the bombs.

        One of the most important reasons mass murder Harry dropped the bombs was that the Russians had already invaded two outer Japanese Islands and were getting ready to invade the Japanese mainland which would have denied billions in profits to U.S. greed monger Businessmen after WWII. As a matter of fact it was the reason the U.S. started WWII in the far East to begin with. Yes that’s right we started it by going after Japan by cutting off their oil and scrap steel and attacking and killing their troops and their air crewmen in China with the Mercenary Air Force run by Clair Chennault and financed and supplied by good old Uncle Sammy master of lies and deception. In other words we were at war with the Japanese long before Pearl Harbor and were fooling no one least of all the Japanese that were on the receiving end of our bullets.

        Top U.S. Generals like MacArthur, Eisenhower and Bradley all condemned the dropping of the bombs as totally unnecessary and it actually cost more American lives as hundreds of American Airmen were killed in the firebombing of Japan that actually killed more people than the atom bombs did and the 800 people killed when the battleship that delivered the bomb was sunk by a Japanese submarine. The Morons running the Navy never even got around to looking for the sunken ship for a week.

        Even the ruthless and murderous Winston Churchill was so horrified over the dropping of these monstrous weapons he screamed right in the face of Truman and said “What did it feel like to murder in cold blood thousands of innocent civilians in a split second?” Truman who was normally one of the most foul mouthed bastards that ever lived was stunned and said nothing. Of course in all fairness Churchill authorized the murderous firebombing of Dresden which incinerated between 100,000 and 200,000 thousand refugees that were packed into both cities and the British damned well knew it before they dropped the bombs.

        Yes we as Americans can proudly claim title to be the most evil and murderous nation on earth because we are the only ones that were inhuman enough to drop atom bombs on a helpless civilian population. It so traumatized the world and the American people in particular that adults and children had nightmares about it for decades and built useless fallout shelters thinking they would save them when someone else dropped atom bombs on us. I can remember with horror as a kid in the 50’s seeing a cartoon on TV about the dropping of the atomic bomb. The cartoon even shook up my Dad who helped liberated the concentration camps in Germany. It was then I knew how seriously devastating an atomic bomb could be at the tender age of only 6 years old and that when dropped all victims were doomed with no defense against it.

        Yes it made me realize when only a child that there is no such thing as “An Adult” only sadistic murderous naked apes that are the equivalent of only wrinkled children.

        • “Boy I love this one Sam you really stepped and fell right into the shit house on this one which was the dropping of the Atomic Bombs by the biggest mass murderer in history Truman.”

          If you are going to dabble in military history, get the facts straight. The firebombings of Tokyo killed more people that either atomic bomb. Since you got that wrong, there is no point reading your note further.

        • To Sam the idiot.

          Quote——————– If you are going to dabble in military history, get the facts straight. The firebombings of Tokyo killed more people that either atomic bomb. Since you got that wrong, there is no point reading your note further.—————–quote

          Reading Compression Moron. Go back and read my post I said exactly that in regards to the fire bombing killing more people that the atom bombs. Have your wife read it to you and explain this to you.

          • “…the dropping of the Atomic Bombs by the biggest mass murderer in history Truman.”

            Your claim. You don’t then get to say something else was worse. Told you..since you didn’t get the facts correct right off the bat, there was no point reading further.

      • Comrade cisco. mao and stalin easily killed more people than the US ever has.

        You just won’t admit to their crimes because you are a one world .gov commifascists.

        Your twisted, revisionist and outright lies about history earn you no credibility.

    • Yes, but the French have advantages that we don’t. France doesn’t have Crips, Bloods, MS-13, the Mexican Mafia, or you.

    • Good job, excellent irrefutable research. Of course I expected as much after all your obviously a product of higher education. I salute you for telling the real truth.

      • Now that’s funny. You post a comment under your other name, realamericanidiot, then come down and agree with yourself under another name. Right comrade cisco.

        Only way you get any one to agree with an uneducated but over indoctrinated trailer trash welfare queen like yourself is to hold a fake conversation with yourself.

        • To Gun Freak Zone out

          The jokes on you you Moron I am not that guy. Look at the syntax you idiot but of course this is right over your hill jack head. Thanks for posting your ignorance you gave me my laugh of the day.

        • I should’ve known. I keep forgetting how low your IQ is. I was not arguing or debating. I was stating a simple fact. Now if you want to try to lie your way out of it, go ahead.

          But try to remember. When you’re in a deep hole, quit shoveling.

      • Crisco has a hard time with this “you’re/your” thing. Oh wait, it’s a typo.

    • Actually, these statistics do lie. I mean, you lie, using them. To get dead person counted as a murder in GB, there must be convicted murderer first. No conviction – no murder. If we counted murders this way, there would be just couple of them in Chicago, where police has 16.6% homicide clearence rate this year. (That only means suspect charged, not convicted.)

      Is those 100 dead people in France somehow less dead because it took more terrorists and more planning than 2 nutjobs in US?

      France is being proud of curtailing their citizen’s human rights. Makes as much sense as being proud to have genital warts.

  25. Boy when your on this forum you have to laugh. The ignorant U.S. Hill Jacks are their own worst enemies. None ever heard of the “divide and conquer history” and the idiots are playing right into the hands of the anti-gun gunners. Only the unwashed would have failed to study the history of the NRA but when does an ignorant Hill Jack ever read? Without the NRA no one would even own a bow and arrow today. Yes they have made mistakes but organizations are run by human beings not by Gods and to throw the baby out with the bath water is only something the unwashed Hill Jake is ignorant enough to do. Part of it is stupidity and part just plain stingy reluctance to spend a penny on the NRA even though it means losing thousands when they confiscate your guns as is going on in California after the passage of the confiscation law. The same can be said of the ignorant skin tight Hill Jack when it comes to paying a few bucks out of their pay for a National Health Care Plan as they would rather not have to so they can save a couple of pennies by not having any money taken out of their paycheck and then go bankrupt when they get sick or need life saving drugs which they then will not be able to afford. Brilliant, but when did a stingy Hill Jack have any grey matter between his pointed skull.

    Now as far as the French. They have way less child deaths from accidental shootings as they are required to lock up guns in the home and it also prevents thefts. And their vetting does not let nut cases walk into gun shows and buy all the heavy weapons they want either. Its because they run a civilized country which by the way also has a true democracy that elects their president through the will of the people not by corrupt gerrymandering or a corrupt electoral college as in the land of the Hill Jacks of the U.S. who have only a fake sham democracy that is the laughing stock of the “real democracies” of the world.

    And remember not so long ago when the unwashed on this forum were looking down their noses at the French Police that stormed a building with a terrorist in it and succeeded in saving all the hostages during the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Contrast this to the Hill Jack untrained U.S. police that had previously stormed a building and ended up shooting some of the hostages. Well what else would you expect from U.S. cops who often get only 4 weeks training as compared to years of training in other countries especially Germany which gives 3 years of intensive training.

    Last year in 2017 the French Economy created more high paying high tech jobs than the U.S. did that has more wealth and is a country almost 50 times larger and the U.S. Hill Jacks have the arrogance to look down on the French. Ha, what a laugh on the ignorant Hill Jacks.

    And recently the French Government made an exception of the ban on working on Sunday because of all the tourist trade in Paris. The workers were cheering not because they really like working on Sunday but the deal was too good to pass up as ordinary hourly non-skilled workers that were working in one store that was much like Home Depot suddenly found themselves making the equivalent of $33.00 an hour for Sunday work while the worker troglodyte slave workers in the U.S. at Home Depot actually make less than minimum wage as they are all part time and with no benefits or retirement. Now would the average ignorant Hill Jack Moron in the U.S. know any of this, why of course not they never watch European TV as they do not want to see how well advanced Civilized Industrial Nations treat their people.

    Yes its a rough life today living in France with 2 hour lunch breaks, less mandatory hours worked per week, a year and a half off for maternity leave for both husband and wife, 30 days of holidays, 4 weeks vacation when you start a job with up to 3 months vacation with seniority, never a worry of bankruptcy with their National Health Care Plan and zero people last year went bankrupt over health care while in the corrupt U.S. almost 5 million people went bankrupt over health care. And most worker slaves in the U.S. get no holidays and only part time work. God bless the fking greed monger gangster crooks that run the U.S. Government. And French children do not go bankrupt attending college and they get teachers that are sent right to their home for their kids if they need extra help.

    And now lets take a look at who really won the American Revolution. Without the French Army we would have lost the American Revolution which would have been a blessing to the American People who got stuck with Representative Government that instituted a landed aristocracy run by the rich and for the rich and it is still with us to this very day. Why? Because the corrupt Founding Swamp Rats feared true democracy and a country run by the people. They feared Democracy and they avoided adopting a parliamentary Government.

    It was the French Army who beat General Cornwallis as Yorktown while the arrogant and incompetent George Washington who lost more battles than he won and was almost captured twice was miles away screwing his old lady while the most decisive battle of the Revolutionary war was going on. It was the French Army’s experience in siege warfare and the French Fleet which drove off the British Fleet that doomed Cornwallis.

    And lets not forget old Back Stabbing George as he fked his best General which was Benedict Arnold who was so feared by the British they threw piles of cash at him when Washington and the Hill Jack Greed Monger Merchants refused to pay Benedict back for the equivalent of 1 million dollars he spent with his own money on the war. Who could blame him for getting revenge on the greed monger merchants. He laughed all the way to the bank, was given a generalship and then moved to Britain which was then a much more advanced and civilized country and his sons entered the British Military as well. All in all Benedict ended up the one who laughed last and as the ancient Greeks once said “He who laughs last, laughs best”. Three cheers for Ben he fked em all good and made fools out of both the Americans and the British. Now that’s the real definition of “Steve McQueen Cool”.

    Or how about how Washington stabbed Thomas Paine in the back which almost got him killed in France and he was the one most responsible for stirring up the Revolution with his writings. Yes he really got rewarded by being ignored when he asked Washington for help when he was thrown in jail in France. Good old George the back stabbing bastard that should have been hung by the British and they would have done America a great favor.

    Yes poor Thomas Paine without him the American Revolution would have never got off the ground and even today the Religious Far Right refuses to give him credit or erect a monument worthy of his contribution to the Revolution. You see Paine rejected organized religion especially Christianity and that put him on everyone’s shit list even to this day.

    Its interesting to note that Washington became a General not out of any sense of duty to his country but because of an arrogant and manacle lust for power and glory. Washington originally wanted to be a General in the British Army and when the Brits laughed in his face due to his lack of professional training and informed him they did not hire Colonials (old term for Hill Jacks) Washington screamed he would start his own army. And now you know “the rest of the story as Paul Harvey used to say.

    Yep God Bless America because I am free to go bankrupt because I cannot afford medical care or drug prescriptions, I get no holidays off, I work 3 minimum wage jobs and make so little I still qualify for welfare, all real welfare is corporate welfare through the new Republican tax rape law, I get the thrill of watching bridges fall down and crush people do death, I get to see kids go bankrupt trying to get through college if they even bother to enter college anymore AND NOW FOR THE BEST PART we as Americans now hold the record for invading and bombing more countries and squandering more money than the German Nazi’s did in WWII. We now have captured the title as the worlds top 21st Century Nazi’s.

    In conclusion there was and is more information hidden from the American People about the Revolutionary War than the information hidden about the murderous Vietnam war, its just that it was the American People that suffered most from the results of Revolution right down to this very day.

    I at one time thought about promoting a day of “piss on the grave of George Washington and the founding Scum Rats” but its perhaps better if we all try and forget the greed monger gangster criminals ever existed.

    • The NRA didn’t make mistakes.

      They enabled catastrophes.

      When you get down to it, the NRA of the last 30 years are adherents to the validity and usefulness of “common sense gun control”.

      • To Sam the Sham. Your the perfect example I should have used in my above post. An idiot that cannot see the forest for the trees and would be to cheap to do so if he did. Enjoy the 30 bucks you saved by not joining the NRA when they take your guns worth thousands of dollars. Now what part of this do you not understand genius boy. Brother you cannot get any dumber than your rants. Even a Moron would error on the side of caution and say to himself “30 bucks is nothing to lose if the NRA does not come thru as compared to saving 30 bucks and possibly losing everything”. I cannot make it any more simple that that but when your dealing with a complete Moron logic is not something in their training if indeed they ever had any.

        • It’s my $30, ain’t it?

          When NRA publicly announces, and performs to, “We shall oppose every restriction on the right of the people to possess and maintain firearms, up to and including weapons of war.” Then I will be racing to the website to buy a membership.

          As I mentioned in/on another string, the NRA has the responsibility to prove value to me. Not the other way round. The ambivalent stance of the last 30yrs isn’t making the sale.

      • Hill jack says:
        May 6, 2018 at 14:18
        quote——————-Move to France then.——————–quote.

        Your moniker really says it all and aptly describes your intelligence level. Actually Jethro, France has a waiting list 10 years long for citizenship because unlike you a lot of the worlds people know how good a place it is to live.

        So would I go there if they offered me citizenship? I would leave so fast my shoes would catch fire running to the air port. Ditto for Canada or Germany, Austria or Belgium as well just to name some of the most desirable and I left out and should not have Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Come to think of it Norway would be very high on my go to list. I mentioned Norway as I have one colleague who went to Norway and said he would never even consider coming back to the U.’S. but in all fairness I know people who have gone to France and Sweden and they stayed as well. The U.S. is the only industrialized country that has embarked on a direct policy to deliberately impoverish its people by turning it into a 3rd world Nation and we now are part way there as our child mortality rate is now as low as some 3rd world African Countries but after all how would a hill jack like you be even aware of such realities,

        • So… if immigration is the boon you claim it to be, why it’s France fast tracking those applications? Could it be that most of their “immigrants” are illiterate 3rd world morons?

        • To the Racist Power Brain.

          Notice how far down the list the U.S. is (38th). Your rabid racism fell right into that trap didn’t it.

          But in all seriousness looking past your white Supremacist racism I.Q, ratings are extremely controversial because of all the socio-economic factors that go into testing it as well as the prejudices and shortcomings of the tests themselves. Most scholars take them with a large and very cautious grain of salt.

          When Herr Drumpf made his outrageous comment of “shit hole” counties in Africa it launched an immediate study on some of our most best and brightest exchange students and guess which country the outstanding students who are at Harvard ad MIT and Yale are originally from, you guessed it Africa.

        • Cisco you are the epitome of the sh*t you type. Tell your mom you need a warm bottle, diaper change, and your meds. You are exactly what you claim to hate. Also, please start applying for citizenship for the countries you mentioned and don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split ya. Buh-bye

        • Yes Crisco… we let in too many people from the countries I cited above… What do all the countries above us on the IQ list have in common? A nearly 100% homogenous European or east asian population. It’s almost like you just proved my point.

    • And again. You prove that you’re not educated, just indoctrinated.

      Trailer trash hill jack commifascists wannabe with no hopes of ever making it off the dole.

    • All that wall of text calling others illiterate and you don’t even get the definition of a democracy right. Hint France has a legislative body of elected representatives they are not a true democracy, and thats even before you get into the issues of them hitching their wagon to the EU. BTW France’s unemployment rate is around 8%.

      • to Ass tra

        quote—————-Ad Astra says:
        May 6, 2018 at 14:29
        All that wall of text calling others illiterate and you don’t even get the definition of a democracy right. Hint France has a legislative body of elected representatives they are not a true democracy, and thats even before you get into the issues of them hitching their wagon to the EU. BTW France’s unemployment rate is around 8%.—————-quote

        Reading Comprehension Genius boy, I was speaking of their presidential election process go back and read my post again as they do indeed elect the President by direct public vote.

        • And I forgot to mention that the U.S. employment rate is a lie as it does not count the people who’s benefits have run out or have quit looking. And remember to count the part time people. In France its illegal to hire people part time. Include the U.S. part timers and your probably counting 20 per cent of the population.

        • To Megan “The Kid” Kelly.
          Let’s not forget those “clever” unemployed people who DELIBERATELY got fired so they could enjoy those benefits earned by the hard working majority.
          Let’s not forget the thousands of WELFARE recipients who scam the system every day to feed their “habits”. I believe there’s a few in your trailer park.
          Finally let’s not forget those individuals who supposedly “work” 3 jobs to make ends meet but use their money for purposes seldom discussed in these forums.
          Megan. It must be nice to “earn” a living by typing ultra long insipid comments. Welfare pays well doesn’t it?

        • to Eli Nit Wit

          quote————————————————-Let’s not forget those “clever” unemployed people who DELIBERATELY got fired so they could enjoy those benefits earned by the hard working majority.
          Let’s not forget the thousands of WELFARE recipients who scam the system every day to feed their “habits”. I believe there’s a few in your trailer park.
          Finally let’s not forget those individuals who supposedly “work” 3 jobs to make ends meet but use their money for purposes seldom discussed in these forums.
          Megan. It must be nice to “earn” a living by typing ultra long insipid comments. Welfare pays well doesn’t it?——————————————quote———————-

          Only an ignorant follower of Rush Limbhead or Herr Drumpf would mouth such foolishness and Capitalvanian propaganda and outright lies. The real facts are that the majority of people on welfare are White and are working 3 jobs and make so little working part time they still legally qualify for welfare. They often make less than 30,000 a year. This is what we have become in the 21st Century the newest 3rd World Country.

          The “real welfare recipients” that are ripping off the Government system is “Corporate Welfare” that lets giant greed monger gangster criminals pay no taxes at all and dump the responsibility of paying for governmental services and the military by taxing the least likely people that can afford to pay for it and that is you guessed it the working part time poor people. They even tax unemployment and retirement benefits. The rest of the real civilized countries shakes their heads in total disbelief. That’s economics 101 but you obviously never had it or if you did you flunked it big time.

          When the European Countries as well as Japan that are far smaller and less wealthy can afford to give affordable education, and today in many cases higher wages, free health care and drug prescriptions, holidays with pay, vacations with pay, long maturity leave and pay, sooner and higher paid retirement, a livable wage (not minimum wage) roads and bridges built according to who guarantees their work to last the longest not the cheapest it shows that America being far bigger and richer can and should also treat its people like civilized human beings and not exploited troglodyte worker slaves to be used up as in the book “Animal Farm” only in our case its greed monger heartless Capitalism that is the fiend with no heart not Communism which actually no longer even exists.

          The real enemy of the American people are the gangster criminal Greed Monger Capitalvanian Republicans who are prostitutes of the upper 1 per cent of Society who prey upon and brainwash the uneducated back woods hicks who knowingly vote for and cut their own financial throats by voting Republican simply because they know that the Republicans fear and hate the same people they do.

          When Adolf Hitler financed the propaganda movie “Triumph of the Will” he only got one thing wrong as the rats pouring out of the sewers were not Jews and other Minorities rather they were Nazi rats pouring out just as the American racist Trump rats are now doing in our country. They are even unashamed to wave the Nazi flag and hold torch light parades while shouting racist epitaphs. This is what our country has now become under Herr Drumpf and his Nazi Rats. And do not think Trump fanatics would not gladly build and use gas chambers as well if they got half the chance. Their hateful venom and rhetoric on right wing web sites prove it beyond all chilling doubt. Nazism and Racism are “Now Cool” under Herr Drumpf and storm trooper racist Mitch McConnell who actually told Obama the first day he took office “Look we don’t like people like you but now we are going to have to deal with you’. Spoken like a true Nazi pig and Mcconel is the lowest of the Nazi rats..

          And you Moron if you think its so easy to get on welfare and then drive around in a pink Cadillac I suggest you sign up and then get rejected or if you do not see how little you get as compared to the billions you get on Corporate Welfare. There is no comparison.

        • My my my… Megan “The Kid” Kelly… That welfare jab really stuck under your skin didn’t it? Oh well those tracks on you arms needed to be hidden anyway, right?
          Megan you talk a good talk but as usual there is no proof in sight. I live in a western state and I admit that when I drive by a welfare office on the questionable side of town there are many white folks standing in line. There are also many black, Hispanic, native american, and asian “folks” standing in line.
          I’m certainly no social worker but my guesstimate is that people of all colors have it tough and white folks are only PART of the problem.
          As for welfare being tough to get on you might refer to the great state of Kalifornia for that answer.
          Btw. Regarding unemployment benefits. A friend of mine was laid off 2 years ago. He’s still collecting about $1400 a month and was just extended another nine. He has no intention of going back to work anytime soon. He’d rather stay at home writing insignificant rants to a progun website. Oh wait…..

        • @cisco kid – You should really take a “long maturity leave” lol.

          Since you said before that you were a kid in the 50’s, I’ve got you pegged for a useless old worn out hippie with no much going on in your retirement.

    • Dear Megan “The Kid” Kelly.
      Methamphetamine addiction is a very serious problem in the U.S.A. The facts of such addiction include paranoia and schizophrenia. Not to mention a propensity for long incoherent babbling especially at a computer keyboard. You see where I’m going with this?
      Megan. You need to face reality. The reality that your long winded f___ts are just that. A lot of gas and no meat. Sorry for the visualization.
      Megan. Few if any take your drug induced spasms seriously. Now I know it’s hard living in a trailer park typing away MADLY on that keyboard waiting for your next fix but I would ask that you at least make an effort. Maybe just maybe Dumbama care can help you with you many problems. Good luck sucker!

      • So many “idiots, Morons [sic], unwashed Hill Jacks” and other names, coming from someone unable to grasp the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’. Crisco would be comical if he wasn’t so sad and pitiful.

        I guess each blog needs its ass clown.

  26. I thought the French motto was Bend over and take it but the tank joke made me spit my chewing tobacco juice in the floor. My wife was not entertained.

  27. They should just make it official and change their flag to a white one.

  28. Wow. comrade cisco is on a roll today. His screechings reek of fear, despair and defeat. Must be under pressure from his comrades to produce results. Which he has none to show for all his efforts.

    Or maybe the meth he’s smoking is really kicking in.

    • I think cisco might secretly be one of the ttag editors disguised as a troll to stimulate blog traffic, thereby raising revenue from all the “Remember her from 1973? You won’t believe what she looks like now!” ads…

      • That thought had crossed my mind. He says over the top crap that would get us regular folk deleted.

        It would be difficult to pretend that level of stupid, tho.

        • The fact that he hasn’t been IP banned yet despite his obvious lack of contribution to anything is also rather suspicious.

        • Difficult but not impossible. Also the fact that his or her rants are quite long by most forum standards. At this point nothing would surprise me.

    • Did you hear about the French dude with asthma? He could only catch his breath in snatches.

  29. Yes. And yes.

    You got it.

    When copying the leftist screed, I try to insert something so ridiculous even a leftist wouldn’t say it.

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