

IN a recent post, RF advised TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia not to listen to/financially support celebrities when it comes to gun control. Another case in point: New York Knicks b-baller Joakim Noah [above via]:

Q: If you were president of the United States, you would …
A: I would make it illegal to buy guns.

Any more questions?

The NRA’s internal split over Philando Castile – “Weapons empower extremes. Allowing members of any fringe of any movement to get their hands on military weapons guarantees that any normal dispute—political or, for that matter, domestic—can quickly lead to a massacre.” And yet, despite millions of black rifles in civilian hands, quickly-led-to massacres happen so rarely they make national news.

The Horrific, Predictable Result of a Widely Armed Citizenry – Adam Gopnik at The New Yorker takes a(nother) run at “assault rifles” and then intimates that the NRA’s failure to rush to judgment on the Minnesota licensed carrier case indicates a racist double standard. Uh, no.

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Time to try Lyft (assuming you don’t live in Austin): Uber Forces Customers to Take One Minute to Think About Gun Violence – “Are you an Uber customer? The company is forcing users of their service to take one minute and think about gun violence before booking a ride. When users open the app they see a message that reads: ‘our hearts go out to the victims of this week’s terrible gun violence. As we move around our cities this weekend, let’s take a moment to think about what we can do to help,’ the message preached.”


Top Navy official put on leave over threatening gun video – ” It’s unclear if the gun is loaded, but in the footage (Karnig) Ohannessian threatens to use it. ‘I can shoot the [expletive] out of you guys right now,’ he says. Shortly after the incident last month, the mother of one of the young men filed a complaint. Ohannessian, who is also a recipient of two meritorious civilian service awards, was briefly taken into custody.” As Navy Times reports, “Ohannessian is the primary adviser to the assistant Navy secretary for energy, installations and environmental programs including pollution prevention and management of natural resources at Navy Department installations.”

Good luck getting an answer to this one: You’ll Never Get a Liberal to Answer These Questions About Gun Control – “If the police are hopelessly racist and out to get black people, and guns are the cause of all the shooting, then who is going to disarm black people? … Just who does the left think should march into cities like St. Paul, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Atlanta, Dallas, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, and take the guns away from the gang bangers. Just how would that be accomplished without a massive loss of life?”

When Russ Feingold is no longer liberal enough for the Democrat Party….  Guns a thorny issue in U.S. Senate race – “(Russ) Feingold, meanwhile, faces a political challenge. He has tried to straddle the line on guns throughout his career, making pro-gun-rights statements while casting votes on both sides of the issue. Such a nuanced position may be more difficult to maintain in light of a growing sentiment among Democrats, including presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, to mount a full-throated push for gun control.”


Sometimes there’s really nothing else to say: Man arrested after ‘giving teens drunken gun safety lecture using illegal pistol’ – and his name is Schmuck – “A man with the surname ‘Schmuck’ was arrested after allegedly giving teenagers a lecture on gun safety using an illegal, loaded firearm – while drunk. Police in Carlisle, Pennyslvania, said they were called to the store after Christopher Schmuck tried to educate the youngsters about guns while “highly intoxicated”. Officers claim he had a concealed .45 calibre Glock handgun in his trousers and at one point had a bullet in the chamber.”



  1. “The company is forcing users of their service to take one minute and think about gun violence before booking a ride.”

    If I had to suffer through a one minute lecture from Uber on “gun violence,” I probably would be thinking about it.

    • Since Uber took over my nice little collage town, I can’t get a taxi to take me a couple of miles while my car overnighted for a repair. I hate Uber!!!!

      • That must be an interesting town you live in. Collage (from the French: coller, “to glue” is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. Reminds me of an old song from the sixties (which a few of us around here actually remember ):
        “Little boxes on the hillside,
        Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
        Little boxes on the hillside,
        Little boxes all the same.
        There’s a green one and a pink one
        And a blue one and a yellow one,
        And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
        And they all look just the same.”

        I bet collage is prettier than ticky tacky.

  2. In regard to the article on questions liberals won’t answer I would say that the more pressing question is just where the Democrats get their logic from. They have presented an argument that the police are inherently racist and hunting down Black people to murder yet we need gun control for civilians. Since police are government agents it would seem the Left is arguing “Well, our agents are out there to murder you so turn in your weapons to make that easier”. I would think any thinking Black person would laugh at this argument while cleaning a pistol or rifle. I would expect them to then realize that the Democrats, even the CBC don’t have their back AT ALL.

    As for the “The Nation” article it suffices to say that the author is a complete moron who doesn’t understand how to make a reasoned argument. I would simply reply with this:

    • The purpose of the left’s war on police is that they want to replace LOCAL police with a FEDERAL police force. It’s not the FBI purportedly going around killing black people. It’s not the US Marshall’s Service or the Secret Service. It’s the ‘out of control’ ‘racist’ local police. Think your local police in Wyoming or Montana won’t comply with federal laws banning guns? What if they’re replaced with officers from New Jersey or Maryland? Relying on local police to do the left’s business just won’t do.

      • While I agree with you about the Left wishing to use a federal takeover of police to their advantage, I fail to see how telling Black people “You’re being murdered by cops with guns, so give up your guns” is a winning argument.

        I could see them using it to say “Hey, Black people, you’re being murdered so we’re taking over the local departments”, but trying to argue “Hey, make it easier for the pigs to kill you” doesn’t make any sense.

        • ‘I fail to see how telling Black people “You’re being murdered by cops with guns, so give up your guns” is a winning argument.’

          Bear in mind the left took over the inner city public schools decades ago.

          ‘“Hey, Black people, you’re being murdered so we’re taking over the local departments”’

          That will be the ultimate ultimatum, but in the meantime they can’t do it with only black support. They need white people to get behind the federal takeover So they need enough chaos to bring white people to the table. Expect this to get worse.

        • Doublethink: Holding two mutually contradictory beliefs at the same time. Orwell didn’t make it up.

      • My theory, as well. BHO & Co. don’t have a problem with law enforcement per se, it just needs to be a force that they have direct control over. Not those pesky local and state forces that can be held accountable by the people they protect.

      • They exploit feelings to a logical end. Don’t ignore the agenda. Never let a crisis go to waste. The crisis is not the inspiration. It’s the catalyst.

  3. ‘Q: If you were dictator of the United States, you would …
    A: I would make it illegal to buy guns.’

    Fixed that for the Post. And of course if you were a dictator you’d disarm the citizenry out of fear of being deposed, so… duh.

  4. Wow, guess I used them for the last time over the fourth of July. Guess I’ll have to look into Lyft.

  5. “When users open the app they see a message that reads: ‘our hearts go out to the victims of this week’s terrible gun violence”

    And what this does is to make the person who instituted the policy feel like he has done something.

    And nothing is done. Except annoy a few employees, but who could care about that.

    Progressives love to get their feels on and think to themselves, ‘I am so much better than the evil Bush and the NRA. I love being progressive’.

    • But the virtue signaling made them “feel” good! It’s all about feels over reals.

    • It’s right on par with Facebook offering to let you change your profile picture temporarily to have a French flag superimposed over your regular one. Or the gay pride flag. Or any other “tribute” thing. Your FB friends ‘like’ it, you feel like you’re making a statement (to whom? For what? Against what?) and pat yourself on the back for making a difference when you’ve done exactly jack squat.

  6. for energy, installations and environmental programs including pollution prevention and management of natural resources

    Think perhaps that makes him a greenweinee demtard?

    • Must be. That’s why he didn’t want that “trash” parked in front of his house and stepping on his lawn. It is amazing how many fools think that they own the parking space in front of their homes and get to decide who parks there.

  7. Hmmm…so much to say. Noah is a grossly overpaid punk-glad the Bulls let go(I predict NY will win nothing). What NRA split? With a name like Schmuck(or KUNTsman!) you are probably cursed…no Uber for me. How freakin’ pathetic…

  8. “Adam Gopnik at The New Yorker takes a(nother) run at “assault rifles” and then intimates that the NRA’s failure to rush to judgment on the Minnesota licensed carrier case indicates a racist double standard. Uh, no.”

    It took the NRA (gasp) about 24 hours to release a statement on Castile and it took them (gasp) about 24 hours to release a statement on the Dallas police murders.

    Maybe Adam can lend the NRA his “jump to conclusions” mat.

  9. Say, did Uber make such a special effort to draw attention to “gun violence” after one of their drivers went on a shooting spree? If not, why not? Seems like that would have been a more appropriate time for such a gesture (empty as it is).

  10. They are treating Hillary’s push for gun control like this unstoppable, righteous crusade. Nope.

    So, washington post/abc just did a poll; was Comey right to suggest no charges against Hillary? 55% say “no.” Ummm… she has rarely gone above 45% in the polls, so far that seems to be her steady number. The Donald might actually have a 10 point lead, at the end of it all. He should connect the dots between Ferguson, and the rest of these political prosecutions, and wonder out loud if the DOJ and FBI had the manpower to do a proper investigation because of them.

  11. Lyft isn’t any better. The fired one of their drivers who stopped a mass gang shooting in Chicago last year and instituted a no guns policy for drivers and passengers. They also suspended a friend of mine because she kicked a couple of rowdy lesbians out over safety issues. She was suspended for “homophobia” despite the fact that — hold on to your hats — she is a lesbian herself.

  12. Q: If you were president of the United States, you would …
    A: I would drowned all males with gapped teeth.

    Probably just as likely to curb violence as Noah’s brain fart of a plan.

  13. To answer those unanswerable questions: the police will take the guns, the same people who currently take guns from criminals. Now here’s a question for you: If you are pro law enforcement what would you do if the police came to confiscate your firearms if, say guns were banned via constitutional amendment?

    • A Constitutional Amendment to outlaw the private ownership of guns by citizens? Ain’t gonna happen. Not now, not ever.

      Even repealing the Second Amendment would still leave the right to bear arms to the states. And that’s not going to happen, either.

      Google me this: “how does the President impose martial law”. By forcing a camel through the eye of a needle, that’s how. Last one who tried it was Abraham Lincoln. It’s an extremely difficult process, just like the process to amend the Constitution, and it was intended that way.

      Just send out the flying monkeys to confiscate all the guns? Fat chance with no national gun registry; we are not Australia. Send them out anyway? Bloody armed rebellion will be the result.

  14. For all you guys that hate Glock’s motto “Perfection”, I have an idea.
    GLOCK…So Simple, Any Drunken Schmuck Can Handle It.

    After all, no one was harmed even though “at one point, he had a bullet in the chamber”, Gasp!

      • Yeah, I’m not seeing a crime here. And the link to the article is wrong. I just want to know who says “trousers” and “calibre” and “bullet” for cartridge? What country is Carlisle, PA in?

        • Looks like that story came from (surprise!) the UK’s Mirror. British newspapers apparently scour police records in America for any gun-related shenanigans, because they post up stories like this all the time that wouldn’t even make the “Police Blotter” column in the local newspaper where the incident happened. But since it perpetuates the myth of all Americans being drunken cowboys waving guns around all the time, it gets play in the British papers.

          The story says the dude was charged with “weapons violations, reckless endangerment, public drunkenness, and disorderly conduct”.

  15. The UBER thing was a one time message, they also turned the vehicle icons to peace signs. I drive for UBER part time

  16. I look forward to seeing if a white navy man , active duty or civilian, gets prosecuted for this threat to kill several unarmed men.

    It has not gotten much press I think because the navy man is in a high position, like Hilary Clinton is “connected”.

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