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By Brandon via

Just a little past midnight recently, a Port Arthur, Texas police officer was home with his family when he heard the glass break at his front door. When he responded with his firearm, he saw a man breaking through the front window of his house with a hammer.  According to News 12, the officer and man reportedly got into some manner of verbal altercation. The man allegedly raised his hammer to the officer and the policeman shot him in the hip or groin area . . .

He didn’t kill him, but he definitely made sure the suspect wouldn’t go on to produce another line of offspring.

The would-be burglar was evacuated to a nearby hospital where his condition remains unlisted. The Jefferson County District Attorney’s office showed up on the scene and an investigation is underway to determine any possible motive the suspect had.

It’s not known at this time whether the suspect knew the house he was breaking into was occupied by a police officer and his family or if it was just dumb luck he happened to bring a hammer to a gun fight. With a cop. In either case, it’s always good to see the occupant get the first swing in.

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  1. Wow, this isn’t where I parked my car. Hope all is well with the officer and his family.

  2. “He didn’t kill him, but he definitely made sure the suspect wouldn’t go on to produce another line of offspring” I love it. However, did the officer miss what he was aiming at? As I have said here before, the dead can not sue you.

      • True, but “in the right” has to be determined at some point, and that’s not all. Let’s start by looking at the actual immunity clause’s wording:

        CPRC Sec. 83.001 CIVIL IMMUNITY. “A defendant who uses force or deadly force that is justified under Chapter 9, Penal Code, is immune from civil liability for personal injury or death that results from the defendant’s use of force or deadly force, as applicable.”

        First off, anybody can sue you for anything. I can hire a lawyer today to sue you for being a Martian and beaming messages into my head. I’ll likely lose that case…….after you hire a lawyer and incur inconvenience and expense. If a home invader or his heirs can find a lawyer to sue/extort you, they will. The misery of the process is punishment for you and victory for them.

        Second, justification, or the “in right part”, must be determined. A grand jury refusing to indict or a D.A. declining to nring charges isn’t enough. It’s something, it’s a lot, but those inactions are not exactly the same as an official, affirmative determination. A suit might not be dismissed, therefore. You’ll likely win, but only after timeanexpense.

        Immunity only protects you for injury and death, not property damage. So it’s possible you could still be sued for shooting up the bad guy’s car.

        Finally, it doesn’t protect you if you acted recklessly. You can’t chase the bad guys and have a rolling gun battle on the freeways.

    • “As I have said here before, the dead can not sue you.”

      Their estate / heirs can make a go at it…

    • Is the suspect eligible for a Darwin Award? He wasn’t killed, but he won’t be polluting the gene pool anymore either.

      • According to the rules it all depends on if he managed to “grace us” with his offspring before being ballistically sterilized. If no then yes, if yes then no (confused yet?). The winner needs to not pollute the gene pool at all, whether alive or dead when the award is handed out. I suppose a gray area would be if he left the baby momma knocked up when sterilized.

    • Um, Port Arthur isn’t exactly the best community in Southeast Texas – there seem to be more homes with bars installed than not…
      Just sayin’…

    • Why does anyone NEED bars on their doors and windows? Don’t they know it lowers everyone’s home value in the neighborhood?

      EDIT: And as Cliff H is pointing out, they don’t even work!

    • Harden your perimeter. Make the bad guy take time and effort to get in and use that time to your advantage.

    • That is not a picture of the officers house. The News12 report shows an entirely different house and it didn’t look like it had any iron bars, anywhere.

  3. Too bad. A Darwin (almost) candidate for 2015. Gee, I wonder if it was a nice white boy on his way to a fruitful career. Since race wasn’t mentioned,,,,,

    I’m sure he wuz a goodz boy.

  4. Did the burglar buy the hammer legally?

    How does the shot-perp warrant immediate clemency by assuming the noble label “burglar?” How is it that ‘he’s’ not a first-time, hammer-wielding, a_ _-raping pedophile mass murderer? Soul-stealing cannibal sex-trader kidnapper? Someone from the government. Or, worse, an evil POS blue (D)?

    • If labeling a gun (or its owner/user) as “evil” will ‘help’ society [/sarc], imagine the safety and security we can achieve when we make some really important pre-assumptions.
      Yeah, I mean you you broke di<k POS evil liberal blue satan's house of (D). iFyourselves.

  5. What I read: “The would-be burglar was evacuated to a nearby hospital where his condition remains unlisted.”

    What I hoped I would read: “The would-be burglar was emasculated at a nearby hospital where the condition of his remains are unlisted.”

    Ball ammo, people. It has its uses.

  6. I got a framing hammer in the garage. Guddam thing would be absolutely lethal in a close skirmish. I plan on using it as part of my kit during the zombie apocalypse.

    Approach me with a hammer in your hand and hostile intent and I’ll drop the hammer on you. (Or striker, as the case may be.)

  7. This sort of thing doesn’t happen, according to the antis. And if you’re a European anti, then your next question would be “Why wasn’t the homeowner charged?”

  8. Somewhere a liberal is weeping because this burglar guilty of assault was shot in the groin and is now another victim of gun violence.

  9. I wonder if it was a ball peen hammer.

    If the criminal knew it was a cops house, he had a lot of balls. Had.

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