Gavin Newsom CBS News
Courtesy CBS News


  1. The question is will he try to fall up into the presidency? JB Pritzger is going to try and do the exact same thing truthfully.

    • Well even dems don’t like Que Mala. Mayor Pete’s stint in the admin didn’t do him any favors like they had hoped. Newsom or bust.

    • Newsom and Pritzger, eh? Like Laurel and Hardy, might be a good show, except the stakes are pretty high…

    • The Democrats were able to put Biden in office. They were able to prevent a red wave. Don’t discount their ability to put Ken in office. They can cheat like nobody’s business and Republicans will just let them……

    • Unless the RNC decides to stop cooperating with election fraud we will continue to get whomever the leftist cabal selects.

    • Corrino & LifeSavor: This will happen again and again until the Republican Party flushes Trump down the toilet. Arizona now has Democrats for governor, attorney general and secretary of state because their Republican opponents foolishly tied themselves to Trump. Republicans should have won the Senate as well as the House in the midterms. It was Trump candidates who, in losing, cost the Party its victory.

      • Kendahl,

        Not quite understanding your point. There is ample evidence of pervasive fraud and tampering in AZ. Trump candidates lost because the elections were rigged. All evidence indicates Carrie Lake won.

        And the RNC raised no challenge because the do not want MAGA folk exposing their corruption.

        • LifeSavor,
          I’ve read enough of Kendahl’s comments to see that he consumes/believes MSM. What you’re talking about is a Conspiracy Theory! Let’s just ignore all of the lying, gaslighting, and “conspiracy theories” that have come true in the past few years. It sure is nice and cozy with are heads firmly in the sand. See how much easier it is?

          P.S. Trump’s a big meanie!

      • Kendahl,
        You seem like a decent guy, but your political analysis comments tend to be on par with enuf’s and dacian’s. Stop projecting. Everyone doesn’t believe the MSM like you. Trump breathed new life into the Republican party. That’s an objective fact. You can’t see that because your TDS blinds you. I’m sure you believed every single the sky is falling narrative while Trump was in office. Hindsight tells us they were all lies. (Looking back, how was life in 2017-2019 compared to now?) Now the sky really is falling, but where is the reporting on it? Who got fired for saying we wouldn’t have inflation as they were trying to pass their obscene, completely unnecessary, spending bills? You’re being played.

        Trump did what “super popular” Obama couldn’t do: He got more votes for reelection. No president in the history of our country has lost their reelection bid with more votes. Putting aside any election fraud claims, the Puppet was installed by rigging the election in his favor. Read the Time Magazine article about the Shadow Campaign to elect the Puppet. He didn’t win by millions. He won by a little over 40k votes in a few Dem-controlled districts within swing states. That means flipping 25k votes would have given a different outcome. Voters said they wouldn’t have cast a vote for the senile puppet if they knew the truth about the Russia interference lie regarding Hunter’s laptop. If they’re so unconcerned with Trump, then why are they always lying?

    • Of course he is going to make a run for the presidency and watch out if he makes it. That guy is a megalomaniac dictator if every I knew of one. He will make Hitler look like a wannabe. I would rather have Kammie Harris than Gabby Nuisance. He is just smart enough to make a terrible leader. Peter Principle in full display. Kammie is to dumb to dress herself in the morning and just spunky enough to ignore the advice of her handlers — or so extremely stupid she forgets what they told her 30 seconds after they stop talking.

    • I don’t think he will run. In two years the economy will be trashed, China will assume horrific proportions, and there will be many more illegals. Too chancy for Gov. Hailgel. He will wait it out another 4 years, or perhaps, replace Feinstein.

  2. I’ve been posting for the past several days while not specifying my name.

    Since there are others here who post with no user name, I now introduce my new nom de plume for TTAG: Man With No Name.

    Should I capitalize each word, or not?

  3. I saw this a few days ago. Watch the video. When he says suicide pact, her eyes get big for a second. When I looked for it again, CBS shows the audio of it, but not their faces when he said that.

  4. I think Newsom should put his money where his mouth is and ditch his armed body guards.
    Maybe then he’d better understand the 2nd A. if he lived long enough afterwards……..

    • Country Boy,

      Maybe then [Governor Newsom would] better understand the 2nd A. if he lived long enough afterwards.

      German Jews prior to 1939 were almost universally unarmed. That did not end well for them.

      Come to think of it, being almost universally unarmed did not end well for approximately 100 million people whose governments executed them in the last 100 years or so.

      And then there are the foreign governments, militia groups, terrorist entities, and organized crime cartels who have murdered additional countless scores of millions of unarmed people in the last 100 years or so.

      From where I sit, being almost universally unarmed is a suicide pact.

      • Not to mention the aborigines the European adventurers found when they arrived whom the U.S. federal government always disarmed as they forced them onto worthless ground called “reservations.” I am sure you have all seen the picture of he Apaches with the slogan “Give Us Your Arms.”

  5. How come I do not see an article with this on computer or phone? See the title and the pic and comments and everything else but no article.

  6. The reporter, O’Donnell, says “But there’s many people in this country that support the Second Amendment and are lawful gun owners,”

    Newsom responds with – “Yeah, I have great respect- I have no ideological opposition to someone who is reasonably and responsibly owning firearms and getting background checks and being trained,”

    Yet, that is a 100% lie from Newsom. He has done nothing but implement restrictions and laws designed to do nothing but affect and restrict and deny firearms ownership and possession for responsible law abiding people — which is why California’s ‘gun control’, the most comprehensive and strictest in the country did not stop or prevent this tragedy because their laws are focused in the wrong area and useless because there is no law that could have prevented this.

    You can not legislate away mental illness and mental illness is exactly what caused this to happen. Its not guns or Newsom’s contrived excuse of a suicide pact with the second amendment (hes trying to lay blame elsewhere because Califonia’s gun control doesn’t work like he had promised that it would to keep this from happening) – the problem is mental health illness and the left wing gun controllers are not listening preferring to go the route of ‘controlling’ the law abiding by controlling their rights to make them a privilege granted only by the state and then do away with it all together.

    The pro-2A/gun community, overall, has been telling the left wing gun controllers for years the issue was mental health illness and not guns. Not because we are pro-2A/gun, but because its the reality that mental health illness the is cause of these horrific events.

    This has been studied in depth and even the mental health community reaches the same conclusion that its not the guns that result in these horrific events and its the mental health illness. For example …

    In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( )

    … Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”

    Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.

    The ‘gun controllers’ supposedly implementing gun control so things like this will not happen as they claim are actually lying to the public.

    There is no law, no background check, no restriction on rights, that will keep mental illness from happening. Even in gun ban countries the mental illness still happens that drives people to commit such heinous acts, they just use some other ‘tool’ or ‘thing’ to do it if they can;t get a gun.

    Even if there had been no such thing as guns, mentally ill people would still commit their horrible acts with something else (e.g. axe, knife, blunt object – swinging an ax around hacking away in a crowd or down a school hallway or in a room would have had the same effect). The mental illness condition drives them, not what ever ‘tool’ they can get or have.

    There has never been and will never be a law put on the books anywhere – that can or will stop an in-progress crime or a mental health illness from manifesting its self in a resulting horrible act of violence. Laws only derive their effect and power from those who are willing to obey them – the law abiding, and punish after the fact. If someone chooses or is driven to commit a crime the law will do absolutely zero to stop them from acting on that choice or drive. It is only after the fact of the incident the law appears for these people to punish.

    Yet gun controllers and anti-gun screech about needing more laws, or more background checks, and how the 2A is the problem and if they can only have one more law or get rid of or further restrict the exercise of the 2A for the law abiding that would solve the problem and we would not have such heinous acts – its a lie plain and simple. California has every law on the books the gun controllers and anti-gun wanted, even a universal background check, yet here we are with exactly zero responsible law abiding gun owners committing these two mass murders – but – it was a couple of people who were not responsible law abiding people who have mental health illness issues.

    What gun controllers and anti-gun want is a controlled subjugated population as far as rights exercise, to make them a privilege and controlled by government say so, in other words a tyrannical government. Its not just the 2A, they are not just anti-gun and are also attacking the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th as well for everyone in areas that have nothing to do with the 2A or guns. The gun controller and anti-gun thing is simply a smaller part of an overall concerted effort by the left wing for a controlled subjugated population where rights are decided by the state.

    Our government tried this once before back right after our country was formed. As part of a basic response to that the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of which are first order rights defining more fully ‘inalienable rights’ and the second one we all know – to define for government the areas off limits to them for the peoples rights as well as things that affect those rights. The founders included that 2A for a reason, they knew the nature of government and how it tends to gravitate towards control of a population and they warned of this very thing. The founders knew that one day after they were gone the people might need arms to resist such a tyrannical government and for self/home-defense from the lawlessness such tyrannical control by government breeds. And here we are today with the democrat party and anti-gun trying to implement a tyrannical government by not only infringement of the 2A, but also attacking the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th as well for everyone in areas that have nothing to do with the 2A or guns.

    • Note and to add: There are violent and non-violent mentally ill people. The mental illness I use above is the violent type, not all with a mental health illness or issue will become or be violent. In fact mentally ill people rarely become violent, but they do exist and some of them become mass shooters being driven by their mental illness and no0t because they can get their hands on a gun.

      • Newsom responds with – “Yeah, I have great respect- I have no ideological opposition to someone who is reasonably and responsibly owning firearms and getting background checks and being trained”

        Tyrants always think their decrees are reasonable and responsible. King Newsom is a divine sovereign, all his words are infallible. Surely no simple minded peasants would dare to believe otherwise or oppose his mandates? If so, those traitorous knaves must be punished and brought under the heel of the state.

        Buying an AR or silencer isn’t reasonable or responsible. Buying ammo with no background check or online? Unsafe! Legally carrying a gun in public? The horror! Making a firearm the state doesn’t know about? To the dungeon with you! Buying a safe, modern handgun that isn’t on a ridiculously limited and outdated list of state approved guns? Simply reprehensible!

      • QUOTE———-There has never been and will never be a law put on the books anywhere – that can or will stop an in-progress crime or a mental health illness from manifesting its self in a resulting horrible act of violence..-quote

        Total bullshit by a ranting Booger Brain who as usual totally ignores European and Asian Gun laws THAT DO ROOT OUT MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE BEFORE THEY BUY A GUN.

        How is this possible? Because beside a psychiatric exam they interview neighbors and work colleagues as well as examine arrest records and mental health records. Where there is smoke there is fire and when a person has a pattern of strange behavior it disqualifies them from getting a deadly weapon and with all guns being vetted there is almost no second hand unvetted pool of firearms for sale.

        The vastly lower homicide and mass murder rates of Europe and Asia prove Booger Brains rants are the rantings of a paranoid fruit cake who continues to ignore the history of gun control in other parts of the world.

        • oh shut up you delusional idiot dacian.

          Not only do you not understand the subject matter, you ignore the context and research that shows you to be wrong.

        • dacian the demented dips***,

          Tell us you know NOTHING about Japanese culture, and history, without saying you know nothing about Japanese culture, and history. Oh, I guess you just did.

          In Japan, historically, ONLY certain classes (primarily, samurai or nobility) could lawfully own weapons. Then, after WWII, McArthur did as much as his authority permitted to disarm the entire Japanese archipelago. Their “democratically elected” government adopted stringent controls on/laws against ownership of weapons, defense spending, types of weapons and weapon systems permitted to the Japanese GOVERNMENT, etc. Japan’s WWII armament industries, to the extent they were not bombed out of existence by the US, were SEVERELY restricted by post-War legislation. oh, by the way, were you aware that the Japanese islands are . . . Islands???? I.e, they have no ‘borders’ except . . . ocean.

          There is no native Japanese arms industry, by US military action, post-war decree, and post-war occupation. They have a LIMITED defense industry (thankfully, having seen that Senile Joe and the Dims have NO intention of protecting them, they are building up their national defense).

          Individuals in Japan are PROHIBITED from buying guns (other than air rifles and shotguns, and those are severely restricted), PERIOD. Without ANY native firearms industry, and with limited-to-no opportunity to smuggle guns into the country, no, most Japanese cannot access guns (except the wealthy yakuza). Nor is there an historical citizens arms ownership culture (other than the fact that samurai families countinue to, on a cultural basis, own the weapons and learn the skills of samurai, as an homage to their cultural heritage).

          So, basically, you are trying to draw an analogy between (a) a country that had a history of civilian arms ownership (which was then codified in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights), had a ROBUST native firearms industry, both cottage-built and commercial since BEFORE its founding, had undeveloped territory that required firearms for protection to explore and develop, and LARGE numbers of dangerous predators and wildlife (hey, stupid, a buffalo can kill you toot de suite), and THOUSANDS of miles of borders, on both top and bottom, to enable smuggling, no significant history of laws restricting private ownership (until you damn Dimocrats came along with your Jim Crow gun laws, ’cause you didn’t want your uppity former slaves to pay you back for your history of slavery), continues to have a robust native firearms industry, and has literally HUNDREDS of millions of firearms in circulation.

          Experienced and educated people familiar with the disciplines of rhetoric, logic, debate, sociology, cultural anthropology, and basic science refer to professionally as “STOOPID”. But thanks for playing, you ignorant, uneducated jackass. Perhaps, if you’d EVER gotten anything resembling an education, you wouldn’t commit such incredible blunders.

          Now, dacian, do Japanese suicide rates vs. US, and explain to us how so many Japanese manage to off themselves WITHOUT FIREARMS, you babbling idiot.

        • to The Demented Lamp that went out in his head

          Quote————Now, dacian, do Japanese suicide rates vs. US, and explain to us how so many Japanese manage to off themselves WITHOUT FIREARMS, you babbling idiot.———-quote

          Educated people (that leaves you out) have studied suicide and when a gun is present in the home the incidents of suicide go up dramatically and this would be the same if the Japanese had access to handguns. In other words Bird Brain the suicide rate in Japan would be far higher than it is now.

          Even a low grade retard like yourself should understand and listen to First Responders when they have stated many times i.e.”I have saved many people from death by the various methods of suicide except just one, and that was suicide by a firearm as its the most lethal”. If you were beyond the 4th grade level you could fathom this.

          And I am sure a ranting nut ase like yourself will scream you know more than the Stanford Study. Do us all a favor and take your meds today.

          This is too easy you are not even a challenge today.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Wow! That is great. The Asians and Europeans unfortunately don’t have HIPPA, do they? Don’t you think it is time for you to wake up and start telling the truth for a change? Again with your studies that start out with a predetermined conclusion and then go about doctoring information and stats to prove their “point’.
          You still haven’t read The Science of Gun Policy, have you?

        • dacian the demented dips***,

          “Educated people (that leaves you out) have studied suicide and when a gun is present in the home the incidents of suicide go up dramatically and this would be the same if the Japanese had access to handguns. In other words Bird Brain the suicide rate in Japan would be far higher than it is now.”

          So, you are seriously arguing that IF the Japanese had access to firearms, their suicide rates would be EVEN HIGHER???? Hmm. And please explain the much LOWER rate of suicidality among Japanese-Americans than among Japanese – after all, the Japanese-Americans have all that evil ‘access to guns’, amirite???

          dacian, if you ever listened to/read your own babbling, I suspect even a halfwit like you would recognize what a complete @$$clown you are. You give stupid people a bad name.

        • “The vastly lower homicide and mass murder rates of Europe and Asia…”

          You forgot to include the genocide numbers. Boy, don’t you read? Sorry, that’s rhetorical.

        • to the Demented Lamp that went out in his head

          Quote———- And please explain the much LOWER rate of suicidality among Japanese-Americans than among Japanese – after all, the Japanese-Americans have all that evil ‘access to guns’, amirite???———-quote

          No link, because its pure bullshit. And we are speaking of two different countries as well and 125 million more Japanese in Japan.

          Last year in Japan, more than 25,000 people took their own lives.

          That’s 70 every day. The vast majority were men.

          Those figures do not make Japan’s the highest suicide rate in the world in a developed nation.
          That dubious title belongs to South Korea. But it is still far, far higher than virtually all other wealthy countries.

          And you moron there are 125 times more Japanese than American/Japanese 126 million v/s 1 1/2 million American/Japanese and many are not even pure ethnic Japanese either but a mixture of many races white and many, many Asian ethnic people. FACT SHEETS: ASIAN AMERICANS
          BangladeshisBhutaneseBurmeseCambodiansHmongIndiansIndonesiansLaotiansMalaysiansMongoliansNepaleseSri LankansThaiChineseFilipinosJapaneseKoreansPakistanisVietnamese

          You are too damn stupid to have thought about that . And way to stupid to be a lawyer like you claim.

          You really made a fool of yourself on this one. Next time research before making a complete fool of yourself.

    • “[H]e’s trying to lay blame elsewhere because California’s gun control doesn’t work like he had promised that it would to keep this from happening.”
      THIS…every time. They always overpromise and underdeliver.

    • “Yeah, I have great respect- I have no ideological opposition to someone who is reasonably and responsibly owning firearms and getting background checks and being trained,”
      Translation: Must vote and think like me. Must be a cop and trained in the way that I agree with…if not, then he/she gets fired and persecuted. All firearms are locked up and unloaded unless on duty. And even then, probably not fully trusted. Must be thoroughly ‘vetted’ by Us. Possibly allowed by Specials (certain politicians, supporters of politicians, and certain well-connected types…Hollywierd, etc.) are obviously ‘more equal’ than others.

    • Well said. You hit the nail right on the head. I have written in the past about the manner in which we treat our mentally ill. Had the shooters been in hospitals being treated these shootings would not have happened. Mental hospital? What’s that? We had more hospital beds by actual count in the 1880s in this country than we have today. I shouldn’t have to mention that our population is considerably higher today than it was in the 2880s.

    • Only if he goes first. I would do it for grand and great grandchildren.
      I have always known that He had a plan for me and it involved a sacrafice for the grand and great grands.

  7. The first essay written by .40 Booger is probably the most intelligent and comprehensive set of comments describing the current situation with the neo-Nazi and Communist Democrats that are trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic. WE are not a Democracy like bitch Pelosi said it was. Thank God she has been deposed. Should have been deported along with the Obamas and Biden families. They want us to be third-world citizens. They should get a taste of it themselves. As I have said before, we need some real men to stand up and start defending our country again. The brave men and women in our armed forces are being compromised by current administration policies and a Chief of Staff, that is implementing his own racist opinions on his troops (CRT). Funny a black general would use his position in that way. Maybe not so much, especially for the troops that didn’t sign up for it. I lived through the racism that was present in the Army during the 70’s. In fact I worked as a clerk in the new 8th Div. Race Relations/Equal Opportunity office. My boss was a Freedom Rider. Anyway. things are way out of hand. Love America and love it’s people.

  8. California’s gun control laws have resulted in them having one of the lowest homicide and mass murder rates in the country. But only a Federal law would require all the states to have the same laws as California and therefore the primitive hillbilly red states would not then be able to ship in second hand guns to California making their laws way less effective but they are still way more effective than the Red States who have higher homicide and mass murder rates.

    California ranked 43 rd among states for its rate of gun deaths adjusted for age-related population.


    • dacian, the DUNDAREHEAD. What a crock! It seems they just had FOUR “Mass Murders” in the past week. Guess that dashes your praise of Commiefornia.

      • He doesn’t recognize his link (survey) is categorizing valid legal self/home/other defense as murder based upon the application of the term ‘homicide’.

        valid legal self/home/other defense is called ‘justified homicide’ and it is not a criminal charge or murder. Murder is called ‘Criminal homicide’. His link makes no distinction between the two. Red states, people are able to exercise their right of valid legal self/home/other defense more readily thus the higher numbers of ‘homicide’ but its not murder. California ranked lower because there are fewer people able to exercise their right of valid legal self/home/other defense more readily thus it appears lower in total numbers for ‘homicide’ in terms of firearms.

        In reality, there are more murders in California from other weapons used than they are in red states because in red states people are able to exercise their right of valid legal self/home/other defense more readily. But in California they lead the nation in unsolved cases, so no perpetrator is caught and this also is not reflected in their stats because in California unless a case is solved it doesn’t go in the stats so this also contributes to the lower number in California when in reality its much higher.

        He doesn’t realize how biased his link ‘survey’ basis was.

  9. dacian the demented dips***,

    COOL STORY, BRO!!!!! Now trace for us the alleged causal link between California’s repressive and insane ‘gun laws’, its murder rate, and the timeline associated therewith. Show your work, and CITE EXAMPLES, other than unreliable Leftist/fascist websites.

    Now, once you’ve finished that little project, explain to us how California’s MURDER RATE continues to increase, at a rate equal to or greater than the national rate of increase, DESPITE its repressive gun laws getting INCREASINGLY repressive, year by year. Again, show your work, and cite examples.

    Since I am SUCH a generous guy, I’ll even give you a hint: Look at population density. Since you are an uneducated, untraveled moron, this will be news to you, but with one or two exceptions, even California’s largest cities have population densities FAR lower than comparably-populated cities in the east or midwest. Now look at comparisons of crime rates by city scaled against population density. Now adjust for poverty levels. If you are willing to be intelligent (or, in your case, even ABLE to be intelligent) you can also look at demographics of subject populations, and scale against that, as well. Finally, look at the party affiliations of the governance of the cities having the highest crime rates.

    I know that’s more than your TINY, uneducated, defective brain can handle, so let me summarize it for you – the VAST majority of crime, whether in ‘red’ states or ‘blue’ states, occurs in large, densely-populated cities, usually in primarily economically depressed areas, usually with large African-American populations, and ALWAYS governed by a Dimocrat city/county government.

    There, don’t you feel better now that I’ve put you some knowledge????

    Or, if that’s too much work for you, just shut the f*** up, and go play in the traffic.

    • To the Demented Lamp that went out in his head

      As I have said many times Red States with lax laws have higher homicide and mass murder rates than Blue States. Nut cases like yourself wallow in your own stupidity by ranting about crime rates in big cities being higher, which they are, and mainly because of extreme poverty and the easy availability of second hand guns shipped into them from Red Hillbilly States with lax gun laws. You ignore the overall crime rate of the entire Blue State because that does not fit your warped political nut case agenda.


      • yes yes dacian, we all know what you have said many times. Its always a blah blah blah delusional rant from you.

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Another made up propaganda piece from “insideedition”? (Rolling my eyes)

      • dacian the demented dips***,

        “As I have said many times Red States with lax laws have higher homicide and mass murder rates than Blue States.”

        WRONG, moosebreath!!!

        If I believed you even had the WIT to concoct a scam, I’d accuse you of being a deliberate scammer, but . . . you’re just stupid. I SPECIFICALLY referenced CITIES, you f***tard. Now, go back and read the assignment, and try again.

      • Give the dacian the opportunity to expand his analysis. He could be on to something here. After all his link specifies States who voted for Trump or Biden as their anchor point in determining whether the State is red or blue. They didn’t take any account of historical voting trends.

        Maybe dacian can break down the Counties in those red states and tell us which Counties performed over the national average and let us know the historical trends of what party has been in office in those Counties. Then maybe he can do the Cities in those Counties and provide the same analysis. He could even break it down by zip code to prove that it is the red areas that responsible.

        Or he could try whataboutism like his Soviet heros during the Cold War when he sees the trend in the data.

  10. If Newsollini was not related to Nasty Nancy p, nobody would ever know his name. Unfortunately, this dbag has been playing fast and loose with the truth since Willie Brown gave him his first political appointment in ’96 all because of his auntie. Watch for his name in 2024, and never forget Nasty P managed to get Harris the VP spot based on nothing but skin color and gender. Her only other qualifications being she banged Willie Brown for years.

  11. What the anti gun, gun control crowd have never understood is those who have evil/violent/criminal intent are never going to submit to the demands/laws of civil society.
    Laws only effect the law abiding. And, you cannot legislate morality.

    • “What the anti gun, gun control crowd have never understood is…”

      People, humans, are rotten, evil, mean, vicious at the core. Most of the honest “libs” believe people are good at the core, and, if treated properly, will voluntarily correct their behavior.

      • 80 to 90 percent of people are reasonably decent, law abiding folk. But, throughout history and for the foreseeable future we have had and will have the 10 to 20 percent of humans who just can’t live within the basic rules of a civil society.
        The question is how do we deal with the minority without screwing over the majority? As we have seen for millennia, laws and threat of punishment are little determent. Bans of various types have done little good and likely have created more problems than they solve.

        • “80 to 90 percent of people are reasonably decent, law abiding folk…”

          There’s the rub. That 80/90 percent expect everyone else to be reasonable decent and law abiding, building their world model on proven false assumptions; presuming there is no need for caution, should be no need for caution, and seek a life where caution is unnecessary. Looking for “Castles In The Air”.

  12. California voters traded their gun rights for “the freedom” to not be arrested for urinating and defecating in public. They also voted to give up their guns so they would be able to masturbate and commit other sex acts in public. And to be able to use drugs in public, without fear of being arrested. All for just giving up their second amendment civil rights.

  13. Reading the article has one thinking, if he wants to take guns away from law abiding people who are not a threat, then why is walking around with armed security. One would think that if he should feel really safe as with any of the political leaders that they shouldn’t need armed security for the bad people won’t harm them, sorry that is a fantasy and not reality. The nation with all the problems that our leaders are causing are also causing what used to be rational people to think on the other side of the law and end up doing something extremely stupid by harming someone else and then the news will glorify it for as long as possible to get as much publicity they can get from it. It is sad that a great and powerful nation is having their rights, each one, slowly taken away from them.

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