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“According to two witnesses, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia took fellow Justice Elena Kagan out for a lesson in skeet shooting at his shooting club in Virginia last week.” Well thank God Yahoo! follows the journalistic protocol established by Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford in All the President’s Men. Now we know for a fact that The Shotgun Supremes are more than a pair of drag queens dressed like Diana Ross knocking back tequila . . .

The witnesses saw Scalia at the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club, where he is a member, around noon on Wednesday of last week. He was with a woman who was noticeably diminutive in height, like Kagan, who stands at about five feet three inches. The witnesses, who got a very close look at the pair, say that the woman was the newest Supreme Court Justice.

Scalia was bending down in order to teach Kagan how to hold the shotgun, the witnesses say, and the pair were shooting skeet.

What’s with the height diss? And why do I feel a sudden urge to play Bob Marley’s classic Bend Down Low?

Anyway, does this trigger time increase the likelihood that Kagan will now live up to her pre-confirmation pledge to treat the Court’s pro-Second Amendment rulings as a done deal? I doubt it. Hey Elena, how about a little force-on-force training with the rabbi?

Meanwhile, I’m dying to know with which team (if any) Scalia shoots. I’m guessing The Usual Suspects.

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