RIP Jeff Quinn
Jeff Quinn is already deeply missed and mourned by those who knew him.
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He was one of those rare men everyone liked. Whether it was his somewhat twisted sense of humor or his country-boy-turned-biker-turned-gun-reviewer charm, you liked him. He was readily identifiable by the twin braids in his beard; if you ever saw him attempting to cross the floor at NRAAM you know he was constantly swarmed by fans of his work in the gun world.

And when I say we are diminished by his passing, I am not spouting platitudes. We are diminished. The gun industry is lessened by his death. The day of this writing – July 27, 2020 at approximately noon central – we lost Jeff Quinn of

Jeff’s passing does not come as a surprise. He’d been fighting kidney failure for years, searched for a donor, gone through dialysis, and suffered complications to his heart and other organs. But somehow, every time we heard he was in the hospital and we expected the worst, he prevailed.

RIP Jeff Quinn
Jeff Quinn at Gunsite (Photo courtesy Mike Detty)

Jeff was too stubborn to give in without a fierce battle which is why we were blessed with his presence for several years beyond our expectations. But even the toughest men eventually fall and now we have lost one many in the industry, myself included, think of as being inarguably their favorite gun industry guy.

Quite a few years ago I found myself at my first big industry event. It was a large event with dozens of writers in attendance – heaven knows how I got there – and among them was Jeff. Of all those people present Jeff was one of only perhaps three who welcomed me immediately and without question. In fact, Jeff was like my own private gun cheerleader at that and future events, encouraging me to stick with my career change despite being pretty damn intimidated by the setting.

He has always held a special place in my heart and always will. Jeff is irreplaceable. There is no one – and I do mean no one – in the gun media capable of filling his shoes.

RIP Jeff Quinn
The author, pictured left, with Jeff Quinn and Jessica Kallam at a Gunsite event

Countless people’s lives were touched and influenced by Jeff. The following are just a drop in the bucket of the memories and love so many had for Jeff:

“My heart breaks finding out the news. Jeff Quinn was one of the most honest, down to earth, funny, heartwarming men I’ve ever met. He would have literally given the shirt off his back to someone who needed it. He was an asset to the industry and everyone in it. No words, just love,” Amy Graves of The Girl Behind the Gun.

RIP Jeff Quinn
Amy Graves of The Girl Behind the Gun with Jeff Quinn

“Jeff came to Gunsite for media events. I think he felt at home, despite being away from the hills. His sense of humor, the glint in his eye, his ability with words, will be missed here at Gunsite as well as on GunBlast. ‘There is no joy in Mudville, for Might Casey has struck out,’” Ken Campbell, CEO of Gunsite Academy.

RIP Jeff Quinn
Ed Head, Gunsite Academy instructor, with Jeff Quinn

“My friend, my brother, Jeff Quinn has passed on. His suffering is over, yet he will be sorely missed. He was one of a kind, unique, and one of the truly funny people whose company I have ever enjoyed. Vaya con Dios, compadre,” Ed Head, retired border patrol agent and Gunsite Academy instructor.

Miles Hall, Senior Consultant at Hall-N-Hall Consulting, referred to Jeff as “very kind” and mentioned the gift he had for explaining gun-related things in ways anyone could understand.

Hunter Lee Elliott of Range Hot mentioned the love he has for Jeff, saying he will “miss him a great deal.”

RIP Jeff Quinn
Hunter Lee Elliott of Range Hot with Jeff Quinn

Denny Hansen, former editor of S.W.A.T. Magazine, reminded me of Jeff’s off-brand humor – one of my favorite things about Jeff – and also stated firmly we should all remember to “cherish [our] friends while [we] can.” There is no guarantee in tomorrow and we should take whatever opportunities possible to spend time with the important people in our lives.

“We’ve lost a revolutionary and innovative voice in the gun industry. One of the first,  if not *the first,  online gun writer/ independent reviewer. He called it straight and exactly like he honestly saw it.

Respected and often imitated, Jeff was a gentleman and was very polite to me. He advised me a couple times with opinions on my TAG and CCW Guardian websites. Good guy. Excellent guy. So Lift a glass or maybe better, let’s fire a GunBlast in his honor,” said David Reed, lead instructor at TAG, LLC and partner at CCW Guardian.

RIP Jeff Quinn
David Reed of CCW Guardian with Jeff Quinn at Gunsite Academy

Ace Luciano of BGA Enterprises accurately remarked “He made a hell of an impression.”

There are so many Jeff-Quinn-isms I wouldn’t know where to start. Jeff made his own hot sauce – and it was good – and even had a holster for it. If you were lucky he’d give you a bottle in person or ship one after running into you on a trip. He’s the guy who introduced me to Rob Leahy, owner of Simply Rugged Holsters – a custom holster manufacturer he firmly believed in – and the guy who got me hooked on the fun side of derringers.

RIP Jeff Quinn
Boge Quinn, picture left, and Jeff Quinn, far right, with the Simply Rugged Holsters team (Photo courtesy Rob Leahy of Simply Rugged)

When his health began failing a few years ago and he could no longer travel his absence was noted by all of us. A couple times I invited him on hunts out here in Texas but he was unable to travel. One of those hunts in particular I deeply wish he could have made for various reasons.

He was known as a Shootist – and my inability to attend and become a Shootist, at his invitation, summer before last is going to bother me for a long time to come – and an all-around awesome man. When you had Jeff Quinn in your corner, you were set. He was always happy to see you and constantly trying to help.

RIP Jeff Quinn
One of the rare times Jeff’s beard wasn’t in twin braids was for his Santa impression.

Jeff would probably laugh if he read this next sentence, but here goes: Jeff Quinn was a role model. His grandson Ethan would do well to become half the man his grandpa was; his granddaughter would do well to one day meet a guy like her grandpa.

Jeff was a gentleman, but had a fantastically twisted sense of humor; Jeff was the guy encouraging you to be equal parts devil and angel (okay, maybe the scales tipped to devil a wee bit). Jeff was chaotic good. He was unlike anyone any of us have ever known or will ever know again and we are less for having lost him. was launched back in 2000 by Jeff and Boge Quinn when the idea of internet-based gun reviews was new and unexplored. They turned online gun reviews into A Thing, literally pioneering video reviews and commentary. It is my sincere hope somehow goes on and I know I am not alone when I say I would happily work to help keep it going although none of us can do exactly what Jeff did.

Our thoughts, prayers, and most deeply-felt condolences are with his wife, Souette, his brothers Boge and Greg, and all his family members at this time.

If you have any photos or memories of Jeff please leave them below in the comments.



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    • TTAG’s ‘Jerk Filter’ kills comments with cuss words, but can’t filter that crap?

    • He once quipped, “If I don’t think I’ll need a gun, I bring one. If I think I might need a gun, I bring two.”

    • I am now getting paid every month more than $31,000 by doing very easy job online from home. I have earned $31540 last month from this easy job just by giving this job only 2 to 3 hrs a day using my laptop. Everybody on this earth can now get this job and sctart making more cash online just by follow instructions on this web page………….Jobs Here

      • Mister….Are you some kind of freak – or, just plain sick???? Crawl back into bed with Obama, et al.

      • I have to agree this isnt the time or place to advertise don’t you have any respect?? We all lost a great man! And you’re bragging about how much money you make… Huh Well good for you ! This mans work and life . You cant put a price on it he was much more valuable than you can ever imagined. Your a troll and scum in my eyes! Trying to further your work while people are grieving!

  1. Always enjoyed GunBlast. Jeff was quite the character, and had such a genuine enthusiasm for all things gun-related.

    To paraphrase a comment I saw on Youtube: “I like to think Jeff and Barry [from IV8888] are up there somewhere, sitting around a campfire, having a great time shootin’ the breeze about their favorite guns.”


    • I didn’t know him, but always enjoyed his reviews and video reviews. He enjoyed guns, and it showed.

      I enjoyed the way he would say that certain guns were great for “social work”.

      That is a slightly different approach to social work.

      • “I enjoyed the way he would say that certain guns were great for “social work”.

        That is a slightly different approach to social work.”

        Yes! I found his channel waaay back when I was doing social work. I heard him say that and thought “Oh, man, I’d love to use that type of therapy on more than a few of my clients…”

        Seemed like one of those guys that looked and sounded gruff but was a genuinely good person. They don’t make’em like that much anymore…

    • Man, hadnt thought about Barry in a while, he was part of the reason I loved the IV8888 channel at first, the good ol moss pawn days.

      Barry, Jeff and Pat Rogers talking about shooting stuff in the great beyond, now that is an interesting thought and I would love (can only imagine) to see that conversation, RIP.

  2. Mr. Jeff was one of my first favorite YouTube channels I found, to help me learn about guns. You were very helpful to me. Rest in peace sir. May God bless your family.

  3. I didn’t watch many of his videos, but “Social work” was always an entertaining way of saying self defense.

  4. You’re wrong about one thing. Jeff hasn’t “struck out,” like K said of Elvis in “Men in Black,” “He’s just gone home.” Rest in Peace, Jeff Quinn, in that great shooting range in the sky.

  5. Terrible loss watched many of his videos through the years, getting his take on a certain firearm I might be interested in always gave his reviews to you straight with no bull
    A great American, gone too soon

    • He never met a gun that he didnt like. That being said, i loved watching his content and bought many new guns in my much younger years based on his reviews. He was a good man and will be greatly missed.

      • I once asked Jeff why his videos or written reviews were always positive with occasional critique. His short reply was, “I don’t shoot junk.” Ha! ~S

    • Not “great” with Jeff it was always. “Dandy”. He made a lot of dandy videos.

  6. I’ve enjoyed Jeff Quinn’s Gunblast over the years. One of the 1st gun channels I perused. I am also a Facebook friend. Much more than that he was a born-again believer in my LORD & Savior JESUS CHRIST. I’ll see you again Jeff!

  7. Gunblast was always my favorite review site and I adored reading every review and watching every video. I found a lot of parallels between the Quinn boys and my own family, and Jeff was such a warm and approachable man. It’s not like I knew him, our only interactions were YouTube comment trades, but I still felt like I did. The world is a little worse now, our community is much worse, and I offer my humblest condolences and hopeful wishes for his loved ones. Godspeed my bearded friend.

    • Him and a few others.

      They didn’t leave behind a failed city that was their representative district for 30 years

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with the Quinn family as they mourn Jeff. I have been reading Jeff’s work since I first got into guns and I cant believe he is gone. He is a huge loss to us in the 2A world, but also to society itself. He seemed like a great man and the world would be a better place if we had more like him. I was kinda surprised to hear that Jeff was fighting kidney problems because, as we speak, my grandma is fighting advanced kidney failure. She most likely wont ever go home again. She is fighting too, but still in bad shape. I know the kind of things Jeff went through and I cant say how sorry I am for his family. Jeff was one of today’s most iconic gun writers and I will miss his writings and videos so very much. It will be hard for anyone to fill his boots. Now that he is in heaven, he wont have problems anymore. No more kidney failure or anti-gunners. We will meet on the other side one day. Goodbye Jeff Quinn. We love you and we will miss you always.

    • Im sorry to hear about your grandma. Ill say a prayer for her .Kidney failure is no joke, i lost my aunt to it last year. As for Jeff, he was a good man and i will miss reading his reviews and listening to his talk of “social work”.

    • Prayers for your grandmother and you and your family. God is the great physician. He is the healer of broken hearts. Lean on Jesus.

  9. Another Warrior passes across the bridge to Valhalla. As all Great Warriors he fought to good fight. Honor to his name. Blessing to his Family.

  10. Godspeed brother.

    I pray for the family’s grief in their loss and hope they will be comforted by the good memories they have.

  11. Lo, There do I see my Father
    Lo, There do I see my Mother and
    My Brothers and my Sisters
    Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
    Lo, They do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
    Where thine enemies have been vanquished
    Where the brave shall live Forever
    Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.

  12. So he died of Coronavirus then?

    Ok bad joke, sorry, but I had to state it.

    May Mr Quinn Rest in Peace. I did enjoy his videos.

  13. Loved the fact that when something was not up to par Jeff would say so. He was entertaining about it and he helped push the industry to produce better quality products, we are all better off for the work he did.

  14. Many years ago I attended a large, Midwestern university and took a beginning course in computer programming. The professor walked in, and I was taken aback because he had long black hair and a full beard. I learned then not to judge a book by its cover. Recently I researched YT videos because I wanted to buy a semi-auto shotgun. Jeff’s video featured the Remington Versa Max Tactical. I loved how this guy demonstrated that it would cycle 3 1/2 inch mag loads no problem. I didn’t buy the Remington but only because due to the CV19 problem I couldn’t find a gun in stock anywhere in the US. Never realized he was battling health issues. He will be missed by me and I’m sure many others.

    • That specific VersaMax review is outstanding, tells me what i want to know—the versatility of VersaMax, and 3 1/2″ capabilities. If this guy is into it, I’m good. He just exudes “I’m not full of crap.”
      Anytime we lose a guy like this it diminishes our world. Thanks for the tip.

  15., where every gun that was reviewed was “a joy to shoot” and every gun that was not a joy to shoot was not reviewed. RIP.

  16. I am sorry to hear of his passing. Our community has lost another one of our bright stars.

    Like several others here have said, he was one of the first reviewers I ever saw on YT and that led me straight to his site. I really learned a lot about guns from his information and more importantly, what guns were worth their price. His no nonsense approach to his vids kept me coming back time and time again.

    Farewell sir.

    To Kat.
    I’m sorry for your loss as well.

  17. I’ve been watching Jeff for 20 years, sure will miss this good ol boy. I’ll fire off one for ya next time I’m at the range…

  18. Jeff: So long, brother in Christ. We never met in person, but I got to know, love and respect you through your website and videos. I look forward to meeting you, when it’s my turn to cross the river. See you then.

  19. Seemed like a righteous dude, RIP.

    He had however become nothing more than a shill for the gun industry and never met a weapon provided by the gun industry that he did not like.

    I quit watching his “reviews” years ago.

    • Maybe, maybe not. I always have a good time shooting no matter what kind of firearm it was. Never met a gun I didn’t like!

  20. Some sort of background or bio on Mr. Quinn and insight into his life would have been nice other than the whole “I knew him, he liked me, I’m special” approach. Guess I’ll find that elsewhere.


      Boge – his brother posted some get-to-know-Gunblast videos in the last few weeks.

      Jeff was a great source for new stuff coming out and sometime unique.

      I realize several here have posted he was a shill for the industry.

      I note that he brought up problems he encountered and how the company addressed those. (Smith and Wesson Model 60 pro cylinder gaps and accuracy come to mind).

      He just wasnt coarse and ugly about it as is often common in the “look-at-me” YouTube reviewers vying for views with provocative statements.

      He was an advocate for products he liked and used and of course many became his sponsor. He brought information and entertainment without coarse words and hateful statements about others.

      He did sport a beard with it’s own zip code that was as unique as his approach. He also let his disdain peek through with some of his industry show interviews where the model had no idea about the product being displayed.

      He was one of the first internet gun sites and ran at the video information segment hard.

      Folks might do well to try and emulate that.

      • Jeff was NEVER a shill unlike certain 45dudes…he certainly didn’t want to review a Hi point carbine but eventually did. Without rancor. He also had a working farm and sold cattle.He didn’t “depend” on YouTube like the real shills.
        I learned quite early that Taurus was usuable if not top of the line. I bought a Taurus TCP from his 2011 review. Guess what? I got it to work just fine. Ditto a 709. Great little gun. Ditto 5 other Tauruses. I echo him lying in state instead of a poverty pimp who got rich from crap that occured 50 or 55 years ago!!! Then again I’m not running for political office…

  21. Sad news, sorry to hear of it. Hope his passing was at least peaceful and free of pain in the end.

  22. Oh my! So sad to hear of the Death of Jeff Quinn. He was my go to guy for gun reviews.
    Honest, no B.S.
    You will be missed Sir.

  23. Never knew anything about the man himself, but I soaked up a lot of information from that guy. Thanks for what you did for us, Mr. Quinn.

  24. Hope he went peacefully in his sleep on the front porch of 1949 Ruger Rd… with “the battle cry of freedom” playing softly on a banjo, somewhere out’n the holler… Godspeed

  25. Jeff’s shortcoming in reviews was his greatness: I don’t think he was capable of saying something truly negative about a gun, but his positivity was genuine and reasonable… a special kind of respect. The photography and hard numbers offered in his reviews were just fantastic, answering many subtle questions in a glimpse I couldn’t find in an afternoon of other sources. Like Hickok45, J. Quinn was a reminder that some of us just like to relax over shooting sometimes, so leave your troubles at the door and saddle up. Rest in peace, sir. Thank you.

  26. Terrible loss indeed. Always considered his opinion before purchasing a firearm. Also loved the ‘Body piercing by Ruger’ t-shirt.

    RIP Mr. Quinn.

  27. He was on my bucket list of people to meet. Such a loss. Thanks for the experience shared Mister! God Speed!

  28. Ah, that bummer news, that guy was great, this of course isn’t unexpected though, his medical issues weren’t a mystery over the last year or so.


  29. Jeff made the best videos. He was a real prepper. Prepped to meet his Savior, Maker and Friend. He was a gentle and strong man of God. He has been completely healed. His guns shoots flames of lighting as his bike thunders across the sky. May his family be blessed Jeff is a true son of God!

  30. RIP, I always enjoyed his non-snobbery gun reviews. Jeff go walk with God.

    Amazing, (not actually) who you dont see in the comments memorializing Jeff’s sad passing.

  31. RIP Jeff Quinn . It saddens me greatly to hear of Your passing.
    You will be sorely missed by the gun community. May our Heavenly Father comfort Your Family in their time of grief.

  32. I will go out to the back yard and fire off a couple of .22LR from my Ruger LCR and piss my yankee neighbors off Jeff would like that
    RIP brother
    RGW in NC

  33. No more pain Mr Quinn. Rest in peace. You were always a blessing to care for at St Thomas West. The dialysis nurses will miss you .

    • There always has to be one like you doesn’t there. Go become meaningful like he was.

  34. Jeff was one of God’s true gentlemen. I was introduced to him at the SHOT Show, quite some years ago and, when I made my first pilgrimage to Raton, Jeff was the first to welcome me. When Jeff had to be medevacked out of Raton, he entrusted me with keeping an eye on his then 11-year-old grandson, Ethan, the shoot’n-est kid I’ve ever known. May the Lord comfort the Quinn family and bring them peace!

  35. Did not know him that well but I really appreciated everything he done, my GOD keep and hold this wonderful man. Thank you for everything.

  36. His reviews were always thorough and reliable. I bought several guns that got his seal of approval…he was spot on. RIP to a gentleman who will be missed by his many fans.

  37. You know, thinking about Charlie recently passing, now Jeff. I wonder if there was conversation about who was going first and who was last. Jeff, you go ahead, Naw Charlie I believe you deserve to be first, Please it would be my honor and pleasure. BUT JEFF, you are much purttier than me, so be my guest. I could imagine them arguing about who would be second, NOT FIRST to kick the proverbial bucket,
    And that my friends is how Jeff conned Charlie into going on to the big stage in the sky, FIRST.

  38. I truly enjoyed Jeff’s videos over the years and will surely miss him. I also loved the banjo and guitar picking by Boge. Sometimes I would go back to a review by Jeff I had seen before just to listen to the Battle Hymn Of The Republic at the beginning of the video!
    Rest in peace, Jeff…you are missed already by so many!!


  40. Hi to everyone, I live in Australia and I always watched “Gun Blast” with great enthusiasm
    I was really rattled when I heard that Jeff Quinn had passed
    I was not aware that he was unwell
    May he rest in peace

  41. Iam so sorry for the loss of a great friend to your company and iam sure he is in heaven shooting away with his favorite people in heaven! God Bless you and your company!

  42. Never had the honor of meeting mr quinn , but I loved watching his gun review videos . I will for sure miss watch him . Thank you sir for the ever lasting mark you have obviously left on the firearms Industry, and all of us who have enjoyed your reviews and videos, god speed and Thank You

  43. Although I never met Jeff, I saw him at a few gun events and he seemed to be just as he appeared in the videos – a gentleman with a fine sense of humor. And a good role model for younger shooters who watched his videos. The videos were also accessible for new shooters looking for the right gun. The “down-home” Tennessee-style of the videos was really great. I wish we had more men like him. Unfortunately, the country is deteriorating due to leftists, and so many strong, decent men like Jeff are dying off to be replaced with man-bun sporting pajama-boys and the usual thugs infesting our cities. To put it as Jeff might have, we may be headed for some serious “social work.” It is obviously already starting in the cities. I hope we have enough men like Jeff left to prevail. My deepest sympathy to his family. Valhalla or Heaven will no doubt be his destination.

  44. Meeting Jeff Quinn was on my BUCKET LIST! Watching just one of his videos made you realize what a special person he was. His love for guns was incredible and unmatched by most people.
    Jeff will be missed by hundreds and hundreds of people world wide and no one will ever be able to replace him.

  45. I Met Jeff in the early 80″s at Keesler AFB where he had a contract job installing windows in the base housing units. He was wearing coveralls and no shirt and I went up to him and struck up a conversation. We quickly became friends and I introduced him to bowling pin shooting at a range I belonged to. We shot a lot together competing in the pin shoots and small bore silhouette. I was once over at his house and he showed me a Savage 99 in 358 Winchester. He stated it once belonged to Hank Williams JR. I lost contact with him until I saw him in GunBlast. He was a Great Great man. I am proud to be able to call him a friend. RIP

  46. Thanks for the smiles Jeff! I’ll try to be a better person, someone more like you. I’ll continue to pass it forward in your honor. Thanks for setting the example & leading the way.

  47. I think about Jeff quite often, and I just can’t understand why someone like him didn’t have a longer, happier life. I guess life is not always fair.

  48. hola vivo en argentina y siempre veia gun blast he comprado armas en mi pais siempre teniendo en cuenta los comentarios del sr jeff me entristece mucho saber de su fallecimiento mis condolencia desde la argentina hacia su familia adrian

  49. Over a year later and I am still looking at Jeff’s gun reviews before I buy something. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.

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