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“You can’t have fun without high explosives.” – John just before demonstrating a door breaching charge at Asymmetric Solutions’ shoot house. Make the jump for a couple of related photos.



FYI for all the couch commandos out there, actual door breaching charges don’t use a lit fuse. The guys at Asymmetric rigged this one up for us just for the bang factor. OK?




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  1. Oh, and yelling “FIRE IN THE HOLE”, while the charge is being placed, is really only funny if you’re still in middle school.

    • I agree. I understand the humor and it may be “okay” in a closed enviorment where everyone knows each other, but it comes off as unprofessional in a video. Hopefully they don’t do that with their students.

  2. That is exactly what happened to my bathroom door about 3 hours after trying Taco Bell’s breakfast tacos.

  3. I’d not say that one cannot have fun without them, but it is truly amazing how many household tasks and situations can be enhanced or made more enjoyable by the judicious application of explosives.

    They do indeed improve our lives…

  4. I am no expert and that does look like fun but that charge looks a pain in the ass to deeploy. The kind of person who is likely to get there door breached is also the kind of person who would empty a mag through the door while the MOE guy is rigging the charge.

    • I haven’t done anything like that in many years, but some types of charges can be fixed to a backer, either cardboard or plastic. Then they can be quickly stuck onto the door, with double sided tape or by simply hanging them on the doorknob. Much faster.

      Edit- video finally loaded. Not the most professional sounding group.

      • Chill out dude, seriously. It was merely a demo for a couple TTAG media guys on site, not meant to be come kind of “how to” session and the guy making the most noise was a decorated former Green Beret who seen more action than you probably ever will, so how about you stop worrying about people just enjoying the moment?

  5. I still can’t get past their name. It conjures up visions of actual asymmetric warfare…guerrilla combat and terrorism. Makes me wonder who these jokers think they are and what kind of asymmetry they think they’re engaging in.

  6. Seriously, under which situations is this stuff supposed to be deployed?
    If it’s one where the officer can calmly stand in front of the door he is
    setting the charge on, then does he really need to ka-boom the door?
    Why not just hang a 5 pound can of Tannerite on the door and shoot it?
    You won’t get that black ops exhilaration of setting purpose built sticky
    strip demo charges on doors, but it will take out the door in less time.

    • Tannerite blasts back at you as much as it applies force to the door, and it leaves (because it’s a “target marker” after all) a much bigger cloud of smoke behind that you can’t see through.

      • Matt in FL is right. Tannerite is a lot of fun. Loud noise, lots of smoke. Better than firecrackers. But..not for breaching doors.

        My the way, the blast on that door in the video was extremely precise and blew off the portion of the door with the hinges, you can see the result in the still photo.

    • Under what situation?

      Try….the need to remotely breach a door.

      Not everyone does the whole “SWAT THANG” pounding down a door.

      In military conflicts breaching a structure is accomplished with explosives, making an instant hole and creating a lot of noise and confusing, stunning and/or taking down persons in side the structure, followed immediately by speed and violence of action to secure the building.

    • Tannerite is a low order explosive like gunpowder and the quantity to open a door would shatter a light wooden door, damaging potential friendly personnel/non-coms or intel. The strip charge neatly cuts the door. You will notice in the video the door did not even hit the ground but instead made a laser cut down the hinge side. This is also evident in the picture of the door laying on the ground. Tannerite also lacks the explosive power to cut openings into walls or open heavily barricaded doors.

    • Lighten up, Francis. Can’t a post just be fun? Explosions are fun, so long as you’re not in the middle of one.

  7. All:

    Thank you for the comments and thank you Mr. Zimmerman for dropping by.
    To answer the questions posed. Fire In The Hole is common phraseology used by Mortar Crews and Blasters regardless of whether or not a “hole” exists. In the explosives safety brief it is discussed as a catch all to tell everyone the charge is going hot.

    This was an overly simplified demonstration for this publication of a technique that our shoot house has been largely designed for. The delay of placement, use of time fuse, and and lack of cover man would never be employed in a tactical scenario.

    The company name was derived from our current conflict. We offer our professional clients solutions to the problems of the Asymmetric war fought against our modern enemy.

    Come Celebrate 11 Years of American Retribution at our Farmington Facility on September 11, 2013.

  8. I’m not a tactical guy but worked as a quarry blaster and blasting supervisor for a large road construction company for 32 years.

    What the blaster did here is correct and not for humor. Anyone who says otherwise has never been around explosives.

    Fire In The Hole is ALWAYS called prior to setting off an explosive charge of any kind and it is entirely unprofessional and unsafe not to do so.

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