“And so the real goal of the NRA and its corporate sponsors isn’t about whether the availability of guns makes us safer, but advocating fewer gun controls is a way of opposing all forms of government control.” – Harlan Green at huffingtonpost.com


  1. So the NRA and its corporate sponsors are closet anarchists?

    I think his tinfoil hat is a little tight.

    • Its the huffingtonpost.com whose lead tin head is Arianna Huffington — listen to her comments sometime and you will find a pattern.

  2. And so the real goal of the Brady Campaign and its liberal sponsors isn’t about whether the availability of guns makes us safer, but advocating more gun controls is a way of supporting all forms of government control.

  3. Okay, then by corollary does Brady support all forms of government control? Harlan, don’t look now, but your bias is glaringly obvious. Who the fvck reads that rag, anyhow?

    *edit: Damn, Sam, you beat me to it.

  4. Erm… I thought the Constitution was all about restricting all forms of Government (even what it controls)… sorry about that, I must of misunderstood all that ballyhoo from the last half of the 18th century.

  5. From the artikle:

    Florida’s now-infamous Stand Your Ground law, which lets you shoot someone you consider threatening without facing arrest, let alone prosecution, sounds crazy — and it is,” said New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently. “And it’s tempting to dismiss this law as the work of ignorant yahoos. But similar laws have been pushed across the nation, not by ignorant yahoos but by big corporations.”

    ****raises hand***

    Umm, got a question. Which corporations are pushing this law? Shell oil? Soylandra? Freedom Group?

    And thereby we are beginning to see where the National Rifle Association, backed by elements of Big Business, is leading this country — into 1920s-style gangsterism.

    *****Raises hand again***

    I still dont know which corporations are bankrolling this law you speak of good sir. Is Umbrella Corporation calling the shots here? As far as 1920s gangsterism goes, Chicago today is much more dangerous than it ever was during the Capone days.

    For the Stand Your Ground Law enshrines the gangster code — shoot first and ask questions later. The right of self-defense does not give one the right to kill another person, unless threatened with deadly force. How many believe Trayvon Martin threatened George Zimmerman with deadly force?

    **********arm is twitching in fatigue********
    Gangsters don’t generally ask questions. They just shoot. Regardless of laws to the contrary. The beliefs of the public as to whether Treyvon Martin threatened Zimmerman is irrelevant. That is why we have due process and courts.

  6. “… advocating fewer gun controls is a way of opposing all forms of government control.”

    See? I knew there was a good reason for fighting the gun grabbers! It’s referred to as “liberty”.

    Nice of this statist to acknowledge that gun control is about government control of our lives, not about the guns.

    • but advocating fewer gun controls is a way of opposing all forms of government control.”
      acknowledge that gun control is about government control of our lives, not about the guns.

      The emphasis is on CONTROL!

      • I don’t agree with that. I believe the real motivation behind the NRA propaganda is to sell more guns. The NRA acts as a middleman between the gun manufacturers and the gun-buying public. It’s completely mercenary and only has as a second-hand consideration such lofty ideals as freedom and government non-interference.

        • Your tinfoil hat is getting a bit too tight, Mike. Honestly, I do just fine buying guns without any encouragement by the NRA.

        • “I don’t agree with that. I believe the real motivation behind the Brady Campaign’s propaganda is to disarm more victims. The Brady Campaign acts as a middleman between the statists and the hoplophobic public. It’s completely corrupt and only has as a second-hand consideration such lofty ideals as safety and crime reduction.”

  7. In the 20th century governments killed about 260 million of their own citizens.


    Clearly oppressive and evil governments have a propensity to murder their own people. It speaks to the foresight and wisdom of the Founders that they included a limit on the government’s ability to disarm the American people in the Constitution. The Constitution grants government specific powers for the purposes stated in the Preamble, basically all other forms of government control must be opposed to preserve freedom.

    So yes, “advocating fewer gun controls [a.k.a. defending the constitution] is a way of opposing all forms of government control.”

  8. I am left wondering if these anti gun folks even realize that it’s guns in the hands of the people that help check the power of the government. A check that helps maintain their right to openly bash our right to own the guns in the first place.

    • You must understand that the Antis really want a Socialist Workers Paradise. You know, like North Korea is.

  9. Also from the same article:

    Also overlooked is the fact that criminals are predators, and predators prey on the weakest and most vulnerable, not someone who looks like they can defend themselves.

    You know what gives that “looks like they can defend themselves” look? A tool to defend oneself. If every otherwise weak and vulnerable person were issued a gun and provided free training on how to use it, then those predators would have a lot less prey. Suddenly it’s not “oh look, it’s a small 95 lb woman walking down the street by herself”, it’s “oh look, it’s a small 95 lb woman walking down the street equipped with 19 rounds of 9mm which she’s been trained to deploy quickly and effectively.”

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