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“President Barack Obama can certainly be credited with some of the increase in gun sales. His Supreme Court nominees have been anti-gun and his administration has been hostile to the rights of law-abiding gun owners. And anti-gun activist Sarah Brady did stoke this fear when she was quoted in the Washington Post saying President Obama told her he’s working on gun control ‘under the radar.’ However, there is a lot more to it than a president scaring the public.” – NSSF honcho Steve Sanetti at on why we’re elbowing our way through 60,000 SHOT Show attendees in Las Vegas.

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  1. There is another possibility one I believe in. When, under the weight of its democracy driven excesses, the federal state collapses what remains will be the lovely understated promise of the Third Amendment our own homes, newly humble to be sure, but free of false and forced obligations to distant capitals. Thanks.

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