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“Gorillas now represent one of Rwanda’s biggest industries. Many Congolese hope the creatures will similarly benefit them, although the government in Kinshasa has been slow to afford the gorillas adequate protection. Kigali, at least, is serious about protecting the apes … and the revenue they generate. Armed trackers precede each group. Armed guards accompany them. Army soldiers stand watch nearby.” – Gorilla Wars; Saving the world’s few mountain gorillas takes science, politics, compassion … and guns [via] [h/t JWA]

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  1. Interesting that they are using guns to save the lives of gorillas but the same people cheering on that effort cannot see that same logic to protect human children in schools.

    • Humans tend to get the short end. If a government wants land populated by an old and dying indigenous human culture it ‘liberates’ them from their backwards ignorance and takes it. If that land had been occupied by an old and dying turtle walls would be built up and trespassers would be shot on sight.

      We’re expendable trash.

  2. You know, this is actually the eco-terror wet dream. Only difference is that in their world, the guards would be hunting white cheerleaders on safari…

    • A Democrat running for congress in Virginia has offered $100k for nude pictures of Kendall Jones. These anti-hunters are psychotic misogynists.

    • A Democrat running for congress in Virginia is now offering $100k for unclothed pictures of the cheerleader huntress.

      I’m all for protecting these gorillas, but too many of the anti-hunters are psychotic misogynists.

      • Maybe Kendall should send him one–herself stretched out on a lion skin with all the secret parts strategically hidden or covered with the dead predator’s hide. ” If you’re that desperate for a thrill, Mr Congessional Candiate of the Party of Women, knock yourself out with this…” But those people would be too stupid to appreciate the irony.

        • OK, maybe she shouldn’t. Turns out this creep–Mike Dickinson– is , or was, in the “adult entertainment industry.” No, really. And yes, he describes himself as a “liberal Democrat”–you know, the ones fighting to protect the ladies from that evil Republican War on Women . I’m sorry, but this is turning into one of those gets under my skin things.

      • It is incorrect to say that Mike Dickinson “is running” for Congress in Virginia. He claimed on Twitter several months ago that he was, but the Democrats have nominated someone else to run in the 7th district and Dickinson failed to file by the deadline for the general election.

    • Try going on a gorilla tour sometime (I wouldn’t really call it a “trek”, there wasn’t much trekking involved). Might change your perception.

    • I think Gorillas are creepy as well. Perhaps that’s ecologically uncouth, but I wouldn’t wish for their extinction. Saving a species from extinction can require extraordinary protections. In this case, I believe the protection is worthwhile.

  3. Jeremy in AL
    Creepy the Gorilla or the Animal Rights Activists?
    Slightly OT the majority of animals PETA liberates from shelters including no kill they end up euthanizing.

  4. Funny, armed guards all around – reminds me of politicians. Not meaning to insult the apes or anything.

  5. And now the apes know the value of weapons. Soon, they shall rise against us, and we will be there slaves. Repent, the end is nigh!

  6. OK. I get it! People BAD-gorillas good. I guess they need the $. Is it strange to be an eco-tourist in a war zone? I wish I had that much $ to waste…

  7. Aren’t they worried that the gorillas being that close to guns will turn them into homicidal maniacs and completely deplete the gorilla population. I mean if you have one gorilla grab a gun and shoot 20 young apes then the numbers will decline rapidly. But maybe that is where Bloomberg is wanting it to go “$150 million for ‘Everytree’ “. Gorillas don’t need facts either, do they??

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