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“When it comes to me, I don’t know if I’m ready to buy a gun, but I’m ready to rethink how the left thinks about weapons. Maybe when there are 400 million guns in this country we’ve already lost the gun debate, maybe it’s time to give that olive branch… to the right. I’m all for practical gun control, I’m all for things making sense, but I think it’s time for us not to just start making sense but making plans to defend ourselves.” – Moshe Kasher in Bernie-backing rapper stuns liberals, explains why he’s an NRA member [via]

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  1. Huh.

    See you at the tange, then, perhaps.

    Edit:. It’s definitely worth it to link through and read the whole article.

    • I tried to link through to the live interview. It is no longer available. What a shocker! Not! Some somewhat pro-gun statements from some lefties, that also says that conservatives are more accepting of gays and black men buying guns and being members of the NRA, than are leftist of other fellow lefties being gun owners. (Personal experience. Some of what I thought were good progressive friends of twenty years shunned me when I “came out” and started to OC a pistol they knew I carried concealed for most of our friendship)

      Liberal/regressives can’t allow such truths to be allowed, it’s un-allowable!

      • The linked article is still there. And the video of the episode is still there. It’s not a conspiracy, this time.

  2. Heah Moshe, defend yourself against what, whom — the large number of anti-Semites on your side of the fence?

      • Dude, that’s brilliant. That’s an image worthy of a poet. I’m stealing it NOW.

        • ““I come swinging the olive branch of peace””

          That wasn’t a branch, that was the trunk.

          That just happened to resemble a ‘Louisville Slugger’.

          Oops, my bad… 😉

    • I was thinking along the same lines since the left resides in big cities and places where local population are not happy with their lives.

      Moshe probably has nice things the locals would like him to share.

      • Does he have any Catholic neighbors he could borrow an attic and diary from? He’s an evil (D) so he’s already supported Ohole’s brownshirt / blackshirt /antifa mfs. When/if/ it kicks off (as they are boasting it will this summer) they all get the same label.

    • Or maybe to defend his wealth from wealth redistribution. Commies and socialists are always generous until it is their wealth getting redistributed. The difference is that people with half a brain don’t push the commie agenda beause we don’t want to have that happen to us. Commies… They just think it won’t happen to them.

      • I took hid comment about “defend ourselves” to mean armed defense against conservatives,who are hell bent to kill-off all liberals and progressives (and statists, and totalitarians). He is expressing fear of a group he hates.

        • I got that he meant the same thing I do, that if someone violently attacks me, I will possess the means to defend myself and mine. I intend to defend myself against the crazy right and the crazy left, both, while defending against the gangs and terrorists at the same time. I think you may be reading a bit too much into this.

          • “I think you may be reading a bit too much into this.”

            Consider…first, he is ambivalent about having a gun for protection. second, at the end he is moving toward gunning up. third, he is considering gunning up to protect himself.

            Protecting himself from whom? There are no crazies on the left. What remains? POTG and anyone who disagrees with his politics (“crazies”).

        • You almost got it right Larry. He wants to defend himself against the people whose things he wants to redistribute.

        • That was my take at first, from just the quote here. After reading the source article, it turns out that’s still my take.

          He’s paranoid, not transformed.

  3. My question to anybody who claims they support “reasonable” or “common-sense” gun laws is “so which of the existing unreasonable restrictions would you be in favor of eliminating?” It would be refreshing to actually get an answer on that one.

    • He says “I’m all for practical gun control”

      Well I’m against all gun control. So where could we possibly meet, what branch would he extend that I would accept? I don’t trust a single one like him.

      • The ONLY gun control I’m in favor of is keeping firearms out of the hands of violent felons. In other words, felons with a violent criminal history. Beyond that, nothing else.

    • Q: so which of the existing unreasonable restrictions would you be in favor of eliminating?

      A: The one restricting the government from taking away all your guns.

  4. “Unicorn, Rainbows, and happy places !!! Yeah!!! Okay now!!! Group hug !!! “-

  5. “Chris Cheng, another Pink Pistols member, shocked Kasher by saying that gun owners are more tolerant of him being gay than the gay community is of him being a firearms advocate.”

    Replace “gay” in both places with any other political stand and see that the statement stands and is grit in the well oiled Alinsky based machine: black, “feel-the-Bern’er”, Muslim, artist, coder, illegal immigrant, etc….

    • The range at which I am a member advertises in a gay oriented publication. I’m very happy about that, as it brings people in who then find out that really, all us OFWGs want is to be left alone – same as the Stonewall gang claimed.

    • “Chris Cheng, another Pink Pistols member, shocked Kasher by saying that gun owners are more tolerant of him being gay than the gay community is of him being a firearms advocate.”

      There is more truth in that than the Left will *ever* admit to.

      Check out this interesting link on that article’s page:

      “Writer seriously asks: ‘Did South Park accidentally invent the alt-right?’”

      • South Park saw the alt-right for what it is, and dismissed it as such, before the alt-right ever became self-aware. Wait. They still don’t score high on the SA test…

    • “Replace “gay” in both places with any other political stand and see that the statement stands”

      ““Chris Cheng, another Pink Pistols member, shocked Kasher by saying that gun owners are more tolerant of him being for gun control than the gun control community is of him being a firearms advocate.””

      Doesn’t really work.

  6. (D)ouche admits there’s a war on guns, Left’s only horrified that he (like every similar POS in history) gave a carve out to himself.

    Maybe it was like this in ~1933? Yeah, it’s making more sense now. Suddenly you could see why some ftards later got put on trains. Definitely less moral ambiguity to a war-answered.

  7. The left needs to drop the gun control shit and the right need as to drop its morality control shit. And people in general need to stop with the pigeonholing identity scene politics shit. She should have felt embarrassed and exposed when she responded with “but you’re a x so you should believe y”.

    If neither does either it’ll just speed up the inevitable merging of the statist parties. R&D anachronistic authoritarian alliance vs. libertarians is the future. I don’t see how this won’t comes to pass barring a massive global war or pandemic or alien invasion.

    • There’s no “morality control” not even on “the right”.

      Conservatives remind you of what morality is. You want Conservatism, because if were going to do liberalism, I’m not going to let you define it, and I FING guaranty it’s going to be my own version of ‘anything goes’ and I promise you that you won’t like it.
      There’s a limit to things that secures you in your moment and skin. You enjoy those limits and implore others to maintain them in a manner that keeps you from having to even remind people of them. Conservatism warning you of what those limits are is not ‘policing’, it’s the abandonment of similar silence to let you know that you are testing others Limits. (loosely paraphrased, J.M. Thomas, R.,TERMS, 2012)

      • Uugh like texas’ new no texting law or the push for a bathroom bill. Im a antifederalist and Republicans and Democrats are federalists.

        • What’s wrong with the no texting law? ( I haven’t heard of this before, I presume it’s about texting and driving, which is very dangerous.)

        • It’s another extraneous law. What part of texting while driving isn’t already covered by endangerment or reckless driving laws?

        • Is there are court case that established precedence that texting while driving is reckless driving and people are actually being charged under reckless driving? Unless this is true, it is not covered.

        • ” What part of texting while driving isn’t already covered by endangerment or reckless driving laws?”

          Because, Carlos, some people have to have the obvious pointed out to them.

          Meaning, this will be backed up with an expensive billboard campaign the taxpayers will be forced to pay for…

        • How are we planning to enforce a “no texting law”? Because you can’t. Please stop passing laws which are completely meaningless, they kill all respect for laws which are actually needed. Meanwhile, how about prosecuting someone, anyone, who is driving dangerously without concern for the cause. Passing another stupid law is meaningless, otherwise pass a law against crashing and killing people, and be done with it.

        • Larryin TX, they are already being enforced. Austin cops gave out 70 tickets in one morning downtown.

    • What SCIENTIFIC reason do you have for saying the Left should drop gun control? Or is that just your opinion? Based on your values. Your moral values.

      Every law has a moral component. Every single one. Think about it.

      • How about it costs money and is not effective? Is pragmatism moral? Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t care. I just want to be left the fuck alone as long as I’m not harming anyone or anyone’s private property.

        Sure, every single law has a moral excuse but not so many have real tangible benefit and certainly not over cost of administration.

        Take the above texting law. The excuse is to save lives. The reality is that there are already distracted or reckless driving ordinances on the books. Apparently those aren’t working so now one specific reckless distracting action has to singled out. So far is states that have enacted a texting law no measurable benefit has occurred with regards to saving lives. At least not one that can be specifically attributed to that law. And of course morons will continue to text, shave, apply makeup, read books, masturbate and do anything else they want to while driving. So what’s the point? To make people feel good and moral? Is wasting taxpayer money extorted at gunpoint moral? Is any application of government by force moral? If so for who? Should what’s moral be for everyone or is it okay and moral to disenfranchise and abuse a minority of the population for the sake of the majority?

        Morality like religion is an abstract excuse used to justify action or inaction not necessarily good or evil.

        • Thou shalt not murder is a moral statement. Why not murder? From a pragmatic, evolutionary based viewpoint, murder is a rational act, one that can be performed without much thought, one that ensures the survival of our genes. Same with thou shalt not steal. If I’m bigger and/or smarter than you, then it is my duty to the human race to murder you, steal your shit, assure your inferior genes do not get passed on and secure the future inheritance of my offspring.

          All laws have a moral basis. Now, if you want to set limits on busybodies extending “Thou shalt not murder” to “Thou shalt not text because you might get in a car accident and someone might get killed,” I’m with you.

        • Passing a law which prohibits getting in car accidents, without referencing the possible causes, would be PRECISELY as effective, namely not at all, passing laws is a stupid response to most problems.

          • Laws like “anti-texting”, or “distracted driving” are designed to mirror “hate crimes”. The only purpose is to make it possible to punish you more severely AFTER you create the circumstance to trigger the law. If you are a member of an vehicle collision, and you have a phone, pad, tablet, laptop, drink container, candy wrapper, or active audio system, you can be cited for texting, or distracted driving. It is now on you to prove you were completely innocent of all charges. Point being to hook you up in the system, cost you money (fine or loss of income), and even get you jailed. Win, win, win, win….for law enforcement and “public safety”. Always look for motive behind every law. Enforceability as a deterrent is probably at the bottom of considerations/justification.

      • “What SCIENTIFIC reason do you have for saying the Left should drop gun control?”

        I’m baffled as to how science has anything to do with this. Is it a new god I should bow down to on the way to accomplishing things?

    • Laws against murder? Don’t impose your “Thou shall not kill” morality on me! /sarc

      Laws are the expression of societies moral values. You know, like Germany’s Nuremberg laws.

      I guess I forgot about the faux Libertarian “don’t hurt others” principle. Guns are by their nature are an instrument of death and injury either by negligence or malice so I guess sone forms of gun control proper. See how that works?

      • There’s a wide gulf between a law against a real harm and a law against someone’s opinion of bad behavior. A murder has a victim, and the perpetrator has objectively transgressed against him.

        If the argument for the second kind of law is some things are dangerous, then eventually you get a law or regulation about everything. Guns are dangerous, so only select people with extensive training get to own them. No one needs fast cars, so speed governors are mandated. Drinking too much soda is bad for you: nothing over 12 ounces can be sold. Alcohol makes people violent and stupid. Sell it in one ounce containers, one per person per month.

        There’s no brake on “we’re doing this for your own good.”

        • Damn, Carlos… That was extremely well said. I couldn’t have possibly said it better myself.

          The fact that our government is passing laws like a parent makes rules to somehow prevent us from hurting ourselves and others is so wildly ridiculous.

          There shouldn’t be a law against smoking weed; there should be a law against smoking weed and operating a motor vehicle.

          There shouldn’t be a law against owning/carrying guns; there should be a law against shooting someone for no reason.

          There should be laws for the actions that actually result in harm or death, and there should not be laws for an action that has the potential for there to be harm or death in certain instances.

          Any time I hear about a shooting on the news, I remind myself of the 20,000 vs. 1,000,000 statistic (number of gun-related deaths per year vs. number of defensive gun uses every year) and try to take a moment to feel for the family of he who was shot and killed, whether they earned it or not.

          Convicting someone because they did something that has resulted in injury or death at one point in time is absolutely ridiculous. We do more harm than good with all of these extraneous laws trying to turn us all into the ideal American citizen. We would all benefit greatly by loosening the noose and letting people be people (as long as that doesn’t include rape, kidnap and murder, obviously).

  8. A “Bernie-backing rapper”, who is an NRA member who does not know if he is ready to buy a gun?
    A confused child or just an idiot-child?
    Whatever is Shannon’s Sugar Daddy to do when his useful idiots go off the reservation?

    • The Bernie-backing rapper is an NRA member and has been around guns all his life, it is pajama boy (pictured) that does not know if he is ready to buy a gun.

    • Two different people. The ‘Bernie backing rapper’ was a guest on the show, the QOTD was from the host of the show.

    • I voted for Bernie in the primary and am a NRA life member. Bernie isn’t an anti 2nd person at all. His state of VT has limited gun laws. He didn’t run on gun control like Hillary. He was forced to the left on gun control during the primary which was disappointing. Because of that I wouldn’t have voted for him in the general.

      I think it’s time for K-CC or trade school for education and a minimum healthcare for all with supplemental insurance available to purchase. A healthy and educated population benefits the whole nation.

      • “A healthy and educated population benefits the whole nation.” Not so sure about that. Just look at the current crop of so called “educated” fools demonstrating against our unique American values and rights.

        • I thought we already had exactly that in health care and education. That’s what they said on the outside of the box, anyway. Not quite the nutritionay goodness advertized, once we got it home.

          How’s this: you first on the public care n conscript “education.” If it works out, for you, we’ll consider it.

          So, tell me how it’s gonna work out as advertised this time? Public education and health care were supposed to do exactly what you name … and look what’s happened. Paraphrasing Eric Hoffer: Every big idea starts as a movement, becomes a business, and ends up as a racket.

          Reading here on TTAG, you’ll have noticed that at least half of the “pro gun” political and comment is around exactly that. “Lovely idea. Now, how you gonna keep the machinery from getting hijacked to build whoever’s power; aimed to keep the outs down; and honest vs. turned into another patronage n graft scheme? Especially considering what’s become of the current “public” education system. Or, with guns, Tammany Hall(?sp?), U S Jim Crow laws, or, I’ll say Stalin’s Russia, or current Venezuala, because I don’t want to go full Godwin.

          Why’s it gonna work this time? Look up regulatory capture, public choice theory, or “clientism”, then explain how restricting citizen’s guns, or federalizing dispensing training n asprins, doesn’t become another way to harvest the “served”.

          I’m all for “restricting” guns for public safety, so long as I’m the public, and it’s my idea of my safety. “Restricting” my fun, or my ability to protect my life, so you can feel better, or H R C can get elected is a bad deal … for me. Which is why the deplorables don’t want you deciding who’s allowed to be armed … or worth educating … or curing. You”ve already said they’re not worth saving. From there, it’s a short trip to understanding that you’ll sacrifice as many irredeemables as it takes to fuel your utopia for the right thinking folks. Meaning not us.

          If vocational training is such a good idea, then you sign up for one of Mike Rowe’s vocational scholarships. He says millions if jobs go emoty right now. Or maybe your big benevolence is for other people, n half the good is that you are imposing it.

          Is it any wonder the people you’d sacrifice to your programs that don’t work, want to keep their guns?

          You are the reaping they would protect themselves against. Convince them yr plan isn’t a racket for your own enrichment; a machinery that benefits the overlords, not the “served” n maybe they’ll listen to the rest.

          Any questions?

      • Apparently you believe you have the right to take from one person to give to another for the greater good. That is a path to wrong. There is much evidence that more evil has been done in the name of altruism than any other motive.

        • “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
          of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
          under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
          The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
          at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
          will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
          of their own conscience.”

          – C. S. Lewis

      • The problem is these massive social programs flat out don’t work, simply because they cost way too much money. “But Europe does it.” No. Europe does not do it. America does it for Europe. We pay for all of Europes socialism because they spend nearly 0 of their GDP on defense, because bugbear daddy USA shields them, and will come to their aid. We could afford it too, but it would take a MASSIVE and unrealistic change in global politics and power structure to make that happen. Which, will not happen.

        • That’s a really blind generalization — some of our European allies are high on the list for defense spending, others not so much. Measured by percent of GDP or per capita, Poland and Estonia rank reasonably high.

          You should especially take note of Poland, which actually spends more on defense than its government budget reveals, since it has a paramilitary system with quasi-National Guard status, whose members pay for their own gear and training, thus demonstrating that what a government spends does not necessarily tell how militarily prepared a country is.

          That said, yes, only a half dozen NATO members spend even the required minimum of 2% of GDP (how many depends on the accounting methods used) — but Trump isn’t the only one leaning on them to get with the program; other NATO leaders have gotten into the act since Russia played imperial expansion games in the Crimea.

      • Bernie was violated in the Democratic primary, then paid to shut up about it. How anyone who voted for Bernie can still be a member of the Democratic party is beyond me, considering the party is run by authoritarian ****heads.

        • My dad, who is registered as a Democrat to vote for the candidate least likely to win and so they waste money sending him mail, was strongly considering voting for Bernie (but ultimately wasn’t interested enough to. Note: In Florida presidential primaries are their own day.). What if he did vote that day?

        • This has never gotten the attention it deserves. A former president’s wife, and former senator, colluded w/ her party.. The DNC rigged the primary in her favor and with her knowledge. That is voter fraud! I wore out my tinfoil hat wondering why Trump and the right did not mention this at every turn. Hillary was not a legitimate candidate “literally”. Everyone who talks about the hacked emails, without discussing their content (Hillary/DNC voter fraud), proves they are on crazy pills.

      • How can a Communist be “forced” to the left? Bernie was only pro-gun for hunters in Vermont. For norincojay…

      • Norincojay,
        If you do not understand that a Bernie Sanders presidency would have been very bad for gun rights, I mean really, really bad for a long, long time, then you are astonishingly naive about the U.S. Constitution and how our two-party system works.

      • And we have free education to grade 12 here, heavily subsidized colleges, kids whose parents are on food stamps eating breakfast and lunch at school and getting Meals on Wheels in the summer, and we’re doing great?

        To say that a healthy and educated populace is a benefit is a factual statement. Made out of context, it is not a TRUE one.

  9. “Chris Cheng, another Pink Pistols member, shocked Kasher by saying that gun owners are more tolerant of him being gay than the gay community is of him being a firearms advocate.”

    Liberal heads explode.

    • Cheng is quite accurate in my experience. There’s a shooting site near here at an old rock quarry where literally anyone can come sling dense particles on ballistic paths, and I’ve seen both gals in bikinis and guys in spandex, and the concern for safety and having fun ranks far, far higher than anyone’s sexual orientation. But if the Pink Pistols have a booth at a fair or festival, the amount of hate from leftists could power a small business — though oddly enough, the worst vitriol comes not from other gays but from straight self-appointed gay-rights activists.

  10. Moshe needs to be more careful, or his beloved democrats just might give him the Seth Rich treatment.

  11. Killer Mike ripped old white guys to justify being an NRA member. I guess progressives have an easier time with ideas they don’t understand when old white guys are getting trashed.

    • “I believe that anything a bunch of old rich white men are a part of that I can be, I want.”
      RICH old white guys. Look, it’s a meme that all NRA members are rich OFWGs, like it’s a meme that all rappers guzle Crown Royal and throw trash bags full of dollar bills at the strippers. His wording was quite blunt and effective. Reading the rest of his statements (the syntax, especially) leads me to believe that Killer Mike is, intelligence-wise, in the 90th percentile for his chosen career.

      • It isn’t difficult to become a rich OFG. It just takes time (decades) and the self discipline to save some of your income, instead of blowing it on toys, and invest it conservatively (S&P 500 index fund). I left out the W because anybody can do it regardless of color. What pisses me off is the thirty something progressives who think it’s unfair that, 10 years out of college, they don’t have what it took an elderly person 30 or 40 years to accumulate. Square that for the fools who get a drug habit, drop out of high school, join a gang, get a criminal record or, if they are female, get knocked up in their teens.

        • I once worked with a guy who was a great example of this. He was earning $24/hr, but still lived the way he had when he was earning a third of that. His reasoning was that he had been doing okay at $8/hr with no real complaints, so he really didn’t need to spend the increase on toys or a better apartment. Instead, a third of his income went into savings, including an IRA, and a third went into investments. At age 24, he already had over $100k socked away — more than most Americans just ten years from retirement.

  12. Expect more of these types to attempt to infiltrate and subvert the NRA as the gun cause keeps winning. They’ll get you to arm your enemies with a grin in time…for freedom no less.

      • That’s worth the read:

        “The rule is clarified in the Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Manual, which says “For water balloons, use small, biodegradable balloons, and fill them no larger than a ping pong ball. […] Water guns and rubber band guns must only be used to shoot at targets, and eye protection must be worn.””

        A freaking water balloon no larger than the size of a ping-pong ball? WT ever-loving F?

        Water balloons *start* at softball size and go *up* from there!!!

  13. Watching “Frontline” last week about the Bundy-BLM standoff and the willingness of the government to shoot and kill unarmed civilians makes me believe that the next revolution is a whole lot closer than most people believe it is.

    • Yes Frontline was illuminating to say the least. I mentioned the other night that it was unexpectedly anti-goverment in it’s conclusion(to those with a modicum of intelligence). From the PBS lefties who made a NRA hit piece…it’s why we have guns.

      • All the ‘government is good, and if you disagree you’re just a conspiracy nut’ stuff goes right out the window when gov’t is led by a president who is “literally Hitler”, doesn’t it?

  14. Forget the criminals, we need to defend ourselves from political conservatives! – Moshe Kasher

  15. Every day we aren’t involved in a kinetic, Restorative War against the Liberal Terrorists™, is a day my children might be forced to fight them. We can eliminate all 20-25 million of them if we start NOW!!!

      • It only sounds like genocide if you don’t realize that the Liberal Terrorists™ are the most dangerous enemy that we’ve ever had, as they pose an existential threat to our Constitutional Republic. All the proof one ever needs to see is their war of aggression against the sovereignty of the US, via illegal immigration and the push for amnesty. These “people” are not your neighbors, co workers, friends or family. They are the ENEMY and MUST be dealt with as such.

        • And if the enemy is unarmed? Has their hands up? How do we id the enemy? Or do we just take your word for it that x and y need killing?

          If they don’t take up arms at all and simply talk and vote, do you machine gun them anyway?

        • Voter registration rolls would make it pretty easy. It could even be death or deport, and use DNA testing to ban them or their progeny from ever coming back.

          More than one way to skin a cat.

  16. If you guys haven’t gone to the main article, AND watched the full video, you ought to do so. Amazingly, it’s a pretty even debate… They even had a UCLA law professor say the left going after MSRs is wrong-headed… Pretty interesting show, if you can get past the progressive silliness.

  17. I love Killer Mike very intelligent and reasonable man. I fall into the mellenial category and while non partisan I tend to agree with the left more then the right. Since the mass panic of the left with the election of Trump, people on my life who once thought me a dangerous paranoid lunatic for having a shotgun, AR, 2 handguns next to the bed and a handgun on me as often as possible are now begging me to get their hands on those dangerous objects, especially the AR. The left is very scared now that they have realized that the majority of the firepower in the country is in the hands of their opposition and the few left leaning gun owners like myself and the majority of my close friends and family have no sympathy for their ignorance.

    • Get the hell out of here with that nonsense.

      What in the hell are you talking about? Kudos to Killer Mike for being an “extremely reasonable and intelligent man”? You mean besides calling for the murder of police? You may have over looked this gem…

      “[Intro: Zack De La Rocha]
      Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
      Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them
      Fuck the slow mo

      [Verse 1: Killer Mike (El-P)]
      Fashion slave, you protestin’ to get in a fuckin’ look book
      Everything I scribble’s like an anarchist’s cookbook
      (Look good, posin’ in the centerfold of Crook Book)
      Black on black on black with the ski mask, that is my crook look
      How you like my stylin’ bruh? ain’t nobody smilin’ bruh
      ‘Bout to turn this mothafucka up like Riker’s Island, bruh
      Where my thuggers and my crippers and my blooders and my brothers?
      When you niggas gon’ unite and kill the police, mothafuckas?
      Or take over a jail, give them COs hell
      The burnin’ of the sulfur, goddamn I love the smell
      Now get to pillow torchin’, where the fuck the warden?
      And when you find him, we don’t kill him, we just waterboard him
      We killin’ them for freedom cause they tortured us for boredom
      And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord’ll sort ’em”

      Yep, he’s a fantastic human being. Fuck him. Bernie Sanders had that guy on stage, so I can only assume the left is truly in favor of killing police. You have Black Lives Matter chanting “Fuck the police” and “Kill pigs”, the CBC canonizing Mumia Abu Jamal and Michael “St. Swisher of Sweets” Brown, and making Trayvon Martin a saint—the left are pro-violence, anti-authority, anti-police, and anti-self defense if the person you defend yourself against is of a protected class.

      Killer Mike—a reasonable and intelligent man. No, he’s a thug who openly calls for the murder of police.

  18. Kudos to Killer Mike for being an extremely reasonable and intelligent man when it comes to matters of political discourse. Run The Jewels 3 even had an opening track that extolled the virtue of The Bill of Rghts, so I’m not the least bit surprised by this. I’m glad liberals are now being challenged by their ilk instead of just those on the right side of the aisle.

    • What in the hell are you talking about? Kudos to Killer Mike for being an “extremely reasonable and intelligent man”? You mean besides calling for the murder of police? You may have over looked this gem…

      “[Intro: Zack De La Rocha]
      Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
      Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them
      Fuck the slow mo

      [Verse 1: Killer Mike (El-P)]
      Fashion slave, you protestin’ to get in a fuckin’ look book
      Everything I scribble’s like an anarchist’s cookbook
      (Look good, posin’ in the centerfold of Crook Book)
      Black on black on black with the ski mask, that is my crook look
      How you like my stylin’ bruh? ain’t nobody smilin’ bruh
      ‘Bout to turn this mothafucka up like Riker’s Island, bruh
      Where my thuggers and my crippers and my blooders and my brothers?
      When you niggas gon’ unite and kill the police, mothafuckas?
      Or take over a jail, give them COs hell
      The burnin’ of the sulfur, goddamn I love the smell
      Now get to pillow torchin’, where the fuck the warden?
      And when you find him, we don’t kill him, we just waterboard him
      We killin’ them for freedom cause they tortured us for boredom
      And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord’ll sort ’em”

      Yep, he’s a fantastic human being. Fuck him. Bernie Sanders had that guy on stage, so I can only assume the left is truly in favor of killing police. You have Black Lives Matter chanting “Fuck the police” and “Kill pigs”, the CBC canonizing Mumia Abu Jamal and Michael “St. Swisher of Sweets” Brown, and making Trayvon Martin a saint—the left are pro-violence, anti-authority, anti-police, and anti-self defense if the person you defend yourself against is of a protected class.

      Killer Mike—a reasonable and intelligent man. No, he’s a thug who openly calls for the murder of police.

  19. When I go to the range, I shoot next to (and often swap guns with) people who are black, white, Asian, straight, gay, men, women, indeterminate, old, young, middle aged, able-bodied, handicapped, smart, stupid, average, rich, poor, neither rich nor poor, tattooed, bearded, clean shaven, thin, fat . . .

    But I’m not shooting anywhere near that moron until he flattens that beaver on top of his head, because a man’s gotta draw the line somewhere.

    • Well said. Should be pinned to the top. I’ll add a quote from Mad Dog Mattis that is always appropriate. “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet”. As for me, I’ll shoot next to and with anyone. Still, I have no doubt that sometime soon we’ll be shoot at some of these Liberal Terrorists™ sooner rather than later.

  20. First off he ADMITS the left has lost the gun control issue. Good for him. That’s step 1.

    Secondly bravo for having a pro gun black guy and somebody from the pink pistols on.

    Third he should have had some body from Jews for the preservation of firearms ownership on.

    Fourth. Fuck yes KIlla Mike! This guy is fucking cool. Generally I’d say a guy named KIlla Mike is a guy most people would try to keep from owning a fire arm! This guy needs to be on the NRA news or on some of the podcasts.

    • First of all, I’ll remind you that the most consequential INDIVIDUAL person, responsible for the majority of the second amendment advances over the last 20 years, is Jewish (Alan Gottleib). And finally, Killa Mike is not “cool”. He’s an animal. He’s endorsed BLM, which is a terrorist organization which endorses and has carried out the murder of whites and police officers.

  21. TTAG – can you do us all a solid and link to articles on sites like this via ? That way we’re not giving them traffic…

    • Why? Not only are you asking content creators to screw over other content creators but in this case the article in question is the sort it would be refreshing to see more often.

  22. I get a good chuckle out of pro gun Sanders supports. It’s strange but almost every Bernie supporter I know claims to be “pro gun”. What boggles my mind though is that they completely ignore his anti gun statements while on the campaign trail or the fact the socialism always leads to firearm confiscation. Freedom and socialism can not mix. You can’t have an all powerful government and an all free population at the same time.

    • Bernie supporters scare the hell out of me. They actually think he is ‘reasonable’ on gun rights.

      The Democrats did us a *major* solid when they shafted him for the HildaBeast. He would have won, and Scalia would be replaced with a Kagen-Sotomayor clone. And the final nail in the coffin of liberty would be Kennedy replaced with a Prog.

      Most of the world missed it last Saturday night, but the Progs told us how they were going to defeat Trump in 2020.

      When watching this, remember what Micheal Moore said on election night – “Why can’t we run someone beloved?”

      Beloved, that’s the key word in 2020:

  23. Holy crap, after reading the article about a leftist willing to consider the possibility that gun ownership is good, I’m starting to rethink my skepticism about the existence of unicorns….

  24. “Chris Cheng, another Pink Pistols member, shocked Kasher by saying that gun owners are more tolerant of him being gay than the gay community is of him being a firearms advocate.”

    Belief in and support of individual liberty. That is my favorite aspect of American gun owners.

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