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“We saw in the past two weeks the realistic interpretation by law enforcement and white establishments: time and again, it’s clear that the Second Amendment over-simplification that anyone can have a gun slung on their hip, and anywhere they please only applies to white people.” – Sarah Clements in Millennials Are Less Likely to Support Gun Control Thank You’d Think [at]


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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Michelle Obama's Children Protected by "Good Guys With Guns"">Next Post


  1. Sigh. Another tedious liberal claiming to support black America with more lies and half-truths. If anything the last few weeks prove that if you lead a high risk life, the odds catch up with you. I.e. Carrying a gun while a felon and fighting with cops will get you shot. Interestingly several black men were carrying guns during the Dallas police shooting–full-fledged scary black rifles in fact–and in spite of cops being in the middle of being murdered by a black man with a rifle, none of those innocent black men got shot or even molested.

    • Weren’t molested?
      If I remember right, one of those gentlemen had his picture flashed on every news outlet in town…and had the police name him a suspect.
      What is your definition of molested?
      I don’t remember any white people being sought as suspects, even though there were white people in the rally?

      I am not saying that the BLM idiots don’t exaggerate all of the time…but if you think there is not racial bias in this country, you are mistaken.

      • If you think being asked a few questions, not arressted, not have your property confiscated, because you fit the description of the suspect and not because of racism, qualifies as being molested, then you’re in for a shock when you experience the real thing.

        At the time, they thought there were multiple shooters. Yet, they were able to clear this guy promptly. Really, the police went way out of their way, in the course of a police bashing ralley they were protecting, to conduct themselves professionally and constitutionally, especially when the police bashing degenerated into a police massacre.

        • You seem to gloss over the main points….because your position is indefensible.
          “Fit the description”: What was that…Black Guy with a gun?

          Are you going to address the point that he was named a suspect; and his picture was flashed to every news / internet source possible? This was not some reporter getting a story…this was the police, purposely posting this guys photo from their ‘intelligence’ sources that were present at the rally. There was no reasonable suspicion to even detain this guy…yet they chose the route they did. Did they detain everyone who had a gun that day? Did they detain everyone who was Black with a gun…or did they detain only the Black, Open Carry guy?
          The courts are starting to rule, in multiple cases that having a gun or open carry, where legal…is NOT reasonable suspicion to detain….yet in this case that precedent was not followed?
          Richard Jewel, received a few hundred grand for similar actions by the FBI / Atlanta Police…the only difference, his case went on for months; while this action took a few hours. This is also, why the Dallas PD almost immediately cleared this guy…because every minute he was a suspect; started the clock ticking on what he would be owed in the Civil Trial.
          Yet you don’t see how this could be harassment?

        • Stop crapping your pants Robert. If the suspect description was “white guy with rifle killing cops” he wouldn’t have been given a seconds thought. As it was, the only description they had was “black guy with rifle” so they went with that. The actions of the cops were reasonable given the circumstances (not like L.A. where the cops were running around like idiots shooting eachother and paperboys). And if I remember correctly he was a “person of interest” and not a suspect. He stopped being a person of interest in short order, and if HE wants to whine about it then he should try being more discreet and not such an attention whore. Why carry a rifle to a BLM rally if not to get attention, which he got a lot of durring the rally and excessively so after the murders….. Open carry of rifles should remain legal but you also carry expectations and responsibility with that rifle.

          • 1. He wasn’t the only black person OCing at the rally, including long guns. They did it to reinforce the idea–to tell other blacks–that blacks can (and should) carry firearms for self-defense. The rifle is worn because it is noticeable–that’s the entire point. When you OC a pistol, hardly anyone notices.
            2. He was actually listed as a suspect, although I’m not 100% sure the media didn’t cock that up, but he was described on video and reports as the suspect. It was only later that the police said he was a person of interest, but by then he had already given his rifle to a cop and voluntarily went with them for questioning.

        • When LEO’s have to stop profiling suspected perps. then we may as well all just freaking give up . If someone said the shooter looked like an 80 year old woman wearing a Daisy hat they should stop and identify all old women who fit that description , if they were identified as a 14 year old boy with a hoodie , color unknown , well , they may look for a disproportionate amount of young blacks with hoodies , it’s called reasoning and it is what you would do to if you were in their shoes , unless you are a dummy . No one wants to target blacks , because they are black , because they just hate the color of their skin , no one wants to target a Muslim just because they hate Islam , no one wants to target a white , trailer park , pimple faced , rotten teethed , no muffler on their car they’re driving twenty five year old man because they are down on their luck and trying to pull themselves up out of their poverty . It is how LEO’s are trained and should be trained , it’s how common sense dictates us to do when we want to be logical .

      • Sorry, Robert, but as a black man I don’t buy it. I see more racism and bias frankly from my fellow blacks than from any whites I’ve encountered. To put it bluntly, if blacks want to reduce their likelihood of being pulled over or having other negative outcomes with police, we need to police our own. When a cop sees more black men who are felons-in-possession than legit permit holders or gun owners, it isn’t hard to understand the suspicion. Maybe my people should turn in the thugs instead of glorifying them. Maybe we should stop being seatbelt scofflaws and obey the traffic laws instead of whining about the unfairness of being pulled over. And maybe we should organize and go to the ballot box instead of burning our own communities and shooting at men and women trying to help us.

        • If only we could get the peace loving muslims in their communities thinking as you do.

        • The man was treated with courtesy and respect. Not every police interaction with a person of color is racism Robert, though I’m sure you could argue otherwise.

    • You must have missed the stories. Didn’t you hear about the Brownie that got arrested and beat up for open carrying (well, CC, but my shirt kept riding up and over the grip) throughout large and small town Texas and New Mexico around the same time as Dallas?

      Huh, I guess I wasn’t accosted, bothered, or even noticed.

  2. Only white folk have the right to bear arms?

    Well, that’s what the Democrats have been saying since the 1860s, so it must be true.
    I mean, the Democrats wouldn’t lie for 150 years straight, would they?

    • You under estimate the bastards. It’s 191 years of uninterrupted lying. Starting with the POS Andy Jackson. That the dems still idolize the bastard says much.

      See “Hillary’s America” DeSoza has a good bit on Jackson. Most of the movie is the history of the lowlike demtard party and their fetish with “progressivism” (and communism).

      • Disagree….Andrew Jackson kept the central banking cartel away for decades, preserving the USA sovereignty until Wilson sold us down the river with the Federal Reserve

        • Jackson’s war on the Second Bank of the United States led to the longest depression in US history. The economy didn’t recover until the Gold Rush 12 years later.

          Jackson’s real beef with the bank was that it would collect paper money issues by banks and show up and demand specie. Jackson’s cronies didn’t like that because they ran a scam where they would set up a bank in an inaccessible area and print lots of dollars without the specie to back them up. The Bank’s agents would show up and demand payment causing the scam to fail.

        • Interesting theory, not sure how much merit it has. You approve of this nations right to coin its own currency being given to private, foreign interests? A debt that can never, nor is never meant to be repaid?

  3. Gun control is racist. Historically and to this day. From 10 April 1865 to the GCA to the NFA to the AWB. Racist white elites with armed guards and gated communities dictating what means of protection their inferiors will be allowed to possess.

      • We need to take control of the language. Tired of the anti’s mad-up loaded terms like “assault weapon’ or ‘gun violence’ ?

        Since facts and logic don’t move the needle, our contribution to the discourse should be should be that all of these infringements are attacks not only on the Second Amendment, they open the door to strip any right. No fly-no buy legislation becomes an attack on the entire bill of rights. It’s a fundamental violation of civil rights. Whenever a pol mentions “common sense” legislation, ask why they’re fighting against civil rights that were so hard won with hardship and blood in the fist place.

        I recommend heavy use of denying; “Civil Rights”, “Equal Rights” , “Equal Protection”. Substituting disdain for civil rights in place of gun rights will hopefully give them a corner they can’t un-paint their way out of.

  4. She should maybe talk to some of the “New” Black Panthers who were open carrying at the RNC last week.

  5. Wait. I thought NPP or whoever it was had the same opportunity to OC in Cleveland as the alt-righters did?

    And wasn’t that praised here by most of us 2A supporters? Haven’t a bunch of us come out in favor of HNGC in Texas OC-ing up until they start actually committing crimes?

    What about The Armed Citizen Project? Or Colion Noir and how POTG are constantly asking for him to be more the public face of the NRA?

    Given these and other facts, I officially declare her statement “more airhead factually incorrect dribble.”

    SWJ’s Always Project; the above facts (and others) compared to her statement makes it clear who the real racist is.

  6. What exactly is the point of this article? Preen over anti-gun people’s bona fides? Try and guilt millennials into supporting gun control? What? It’s such a pathetic scraping of the barrel.

  7. Fat girls have such healthy hair.
    That’s all I can say in response to such an idiotic statement.
    I will add that many black people don’t believe that any of the Constitution applies to them.
    There’s an assimilation problem in this country. Not a racist problem.

  8. Based on previous comments on TTAG this woman is correct to some extent.
    Many people on TTAG have a problem with black people openly carrying guns.

    I have no problem with the Huey P Newton gun club openly carrying guns. Or any honest law abiding group of black people who want to use their God given American constitution 2nd amendment rights.

    Many TTAG writers have supported white men wearing bed sheets and pointy hoods marching through black neighborhoods carrying guns. You support these guys free speech. Why not the New Black Panther Party????

    The founder if the JPFO Aaron S. Zelman, said over twenty years ago it was racism that was the only reason for gun control laws to be written, to prevent blacks from getting guns. As a black gun owner I joined the JPFO in 1994. Around that same time the NRA began defending the civil rights of black people living in government housing in Richmond Virginia.
    They won that battle in Richmond and the black women got to keep their guns. My NRA dues are well spent.

    • “Many people on TTAG have a problem with black people openly carrying guns. ”

      Since when FLAME DELETED? How’s that for ad hominem with no basis?

      • Wow this KKK shite again. It COLORS everything you write Chris. Who’s the raciss again buddy???

        • Former water walker
          I suggest you read “Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement”.
          You can find it at it will help expand your narrow mind.

        • I’m happy with my mind Chris. And my brown wife and kids. Sorry I’m no fan of violent criminals openly carrying-whether halfazzed New Black Panthers or the KKK(or Stormfront). Or Westboro Baptist. BTW homie my late brother-in-law was a REAL Black Panther. In Chicago. Barely missed being murdered by Hanrahan. They may have been violent but some tried to do good. Unlike the black lives splatter bunch who just want free shite…and have you noticed I’m no fan of the po-leece? Honestly get that chip off-the vast majority HERE are on your side.

    • Many people on TTAG have a problem with black people openly carrying guns.

      Many people? Who? I’m going to need an example.

      Many TTAG writers have supported white men wearing bed sheets and pointy hoods marching through black neighborhoods carrying guns.

      Whaaaaat??? Again. Sounds bogus. Please provide examples.

      The new or old black panther groups can say and carry guns all they want.

        • Neiowa
          I always assume any national socialist marching through Jewish neighborhoods carrying guns are always law abiding, and are not felons.
          They must be some very nice people because reform Jewish lawyers support them.

        • I get your point Chris T and I’m sure many people on TTAG do also , can’t identify completely obviously , because I am not a black American , but I have seen some comments here that may lean a little racist and I’m sure you would be more sensitive to their language than I am so you probably notice it more than I do . Perhaps it’s your wording that closes many of the doors on this post,’ many ‘ as apposed to say ‘ a few ‘ . There are a few out right police haters and Muslim haters and Christian haters also , I recognize the Christian haters because I am tuned into their rhetoric as you would be better tuned into the rhetoric of the bigot , so I accept your position as coming from a man that loves their country and respects the 2nd amendment and I’ll make an attempt to read the comments here with a keener eye than perhaps I have . The overriding fact is that police have a very difficult job , trying to remain neutral , trying not to over profile , trying to be fair , dealing with the angriest and most downtrodden among us , every day dealing with the hassles and the issues of strangers that are usually less significant than the issues in the own lives . The have bad days , personal problems and family tragedies just like everyone else but they are ask to put all that aside all while staying alert . They risk their lives on nearly every call and are rewarded with animosity , hostility and fear for often sub-standard pay . We need to keep all divisions of law enforcement on the side of our US Constitution and the 2nd amendment .This is really why we are here on TTAG , to learn about firearms and the continual efforts of the progressives to disarm us .

    • Chris, you are factually wrong in your thesis assertion.

      Many of us here have openly commented in support of NBPP and HNGC and other “black groups” not only having access to firearms as an ideology, but their open carry as well.

      While individual commenters may hold differing opinions on the topic (there is no “party line” here), the vast majority hold a “freedom for ALL” view of 2A Rights.

      Some even support previous felons have 2A Rights “restored.” That’s a FAR more contentious issue here than blacks vs whites.

      I have read a lot of what you have written here and give you virtual “high fives” to many of your comments, even if I don’t respond specifically. However, this time, I think you are taking a minority opinion and applying the whole.

      Minority opinion, and well…you also need to remember that with a lot of these more politically charged articles, we get a lot of ‘drive-by trolls’ that come in here and make a comment to ‘make us look bad.’

      To get a better view of just how freedom minded this group is in general, try to filter such drive-bys from the stream and pay attention to the regulars and not-so-regulars that do have a posting history beyond one post.

      • “Some even support previous felons have 2A Rights “restored.””

        Me. If you are a non criminal who is able to participate in society, then you get gun rights, period.

        And end all of this early release and parole crap. You commit a felony, 15 years. Do it with a gun, 30 years. Murder, you get the death penalty. Period.

        I mean, we aren’t letting crazy dangerous criminals out of the prisons back onto our streets are we? That would be insane!

        Oh yea, Muslims get guns too. Everybody gets guns.

        How about that?

        • Most of those dangerous felons are males 18-45 with too much testosterone and an I.Q ranging from about 80 to 90.

          These are people with poor impulse control and a diminished sense of delayed gratification. Some of them may function fine upon release, as long as they’re situated in less tempting or dangerous environments, like the absence of firearms or alcohol or known felon associates, etc.

          The old saw about being too dangerous for a firearm is too dangerous to be free is a gross over simplication of the matter.

        • Exactly my position Mr. 308. I got some skin in the game too. A nonviolent black brother in law unjustly imprisoned and a son who pleaded to a felony when he should have been sent to the nuthouse. Both should have their RIGHTS restored.

        • “Most of those dangerous felons are males 18-45 with too much testosterone and an I.Q ranging from about 80 to 90.”

          Is that on the new scale? So, 70-80 on the old one (ca 1965-ish)?

          Makes a lot of sense, actually.

        • “Jonathan – Houston says:
          […]These are people with poor impulse control and a diminished sense of delayed gratification. Some of them may function fine upon release, as long as they’re situated in less tempting or dangerous environments, like the absence of firearms or alcohol or known felon associates, etc.”

          Look I wouldn’t see these changes made without also adjusting sentences down for things like having some weed and lots of other details that are too complex to throw out all in one short post.

          But I don’t buy this bullshit about letting violent nutjobs back out into society saying ‘we’ll keep the guns away from them’. No you won’t. If they are intent on committing more violence they will get a gun with which to do so.

          The state cannot social engineer society into safety any more they can engineer the economy back into prosperity. Get them out of this whole business. If you are a violent felon you should not be on the streets. People who are in society trying to live their lives peacefully and productively should be able to protect themselves just like the 2a says. And that means anyone that the prison system says is ok to let out.

          That’s what I think anyway.

    • Sorry Chris T from KY. I, as a white guy, get to claim proudly the manrle of bigotry, intolerance, and outright hatred spewed at me by some of the so called “fellow” gun owners for the temerity of starting to OC’ almost eight years ago. Now, not so much.

      At the beginning of the OC movement, those that OC’d regardless of color, were vilified for the OC of firearms, by many gun owners. They sounded just like the anti-gunners in thier vile attacks against us. It just took the normalization over time of a traditional American right to get more of the acceptance of the practice.

      Now adays, the most someone will say, is that while they might not choose to OC, they support the right by others to do so.

      Now? I hear the most rancor about the OC of long arms, whether slung over the back versus low ready, and so on.

      For me, if I were to OC a long arm, I would have it slung over the back. Low ready brings to mind the carrying of a pistol in hand versus in the holster. One is an immediate threat, the other is simply there, just in case.

      Anyway, I digress. Now adays, I hear more the defense of all people, regardless of race, in the gun rights community, for the carrying of firearms by law abiding citizens.

      If you have examples to the contrary, I would be curious to see them.

    • Sorry Chris T from KY. I, as a white guy, get to claim proudly the mantle of a hated and oppressed minority with in the gun rights community as a recipient of bigotry, intolerance, and outright hatred spewed at me by some of the so called “fellow” gun owners for the temerity of starting to OC’ almost eight years ago. Now, not so much.

      At the beginning of the OC movement, those that OC’d regardless of color, were vilified for the OC of firearms, by many gun owners. They sounded just like the anti-gunners in thier vile attacks against us. It just took the normalization over time of a traditional American right to get more of the acceptance of the practice.

      Now adays, the most someone will say, is that while they might not choose to OC, they support the right by others to do so.

      Now? I hear the most rancor about the OC of long arms, whether slung over the back versus low ready, and so on.

      For me, if I were to OC a long arm, I would have it slung over the back. Low ready brings to mind the carrying of a pistol in hand versus in the holster. One is an immediate threat, the other is simply there, just in case.

      Anyway, I digress. Now adays, I hear more the defense of all people, regardless of race, in the gun rights community, for the carrying of firearms by law abiding citizens.

      If you have examples to the contrary, I would be curious to see them.

    • “The founder if the JPFO Aaron S. Zelman, said over twenty years ago it was racism that was the only reason for gun control laws to be written, to prevent blacks from getting guns.”

      I have heard and believed that for over 50 years. If you look up the history, it is hard to refute. What you did not mention is, the laws involved were essentially all proposed and passed, and signed, by Democrats.

      • Larry in TX
        I have never been a Democrat. My family was republican. I’m sure there are NRA gun owner democrats. But the Democrat Party is the enemy.
        I suggest you read “Unfounded Loyalty: An in depth look into the love affair between blacks and Democrats”, 2003. By Wayne Perryman
        This book helps people open their eyes.

    • I’ve been visiting this site more or less daily for the last year and I’ve never gotten a KKK-ey vibe from the writers. I can’t really see Jewish RF being pro-Klan. I’ve also never read much white supremacist rhetoric on here either, aside from the occasional wing nut with a one-and-done post. Hey it’s a pro-gun site, you’re going to hear from some folks who are a little out in left field (or maybe I should say right field). Vast majority of us here are 100% color-blind regarding gun rights.

    • Chris from Kentucky and Philip Smith of the Natl. African American Gun Assn. are correct in observing that NRA, Inc. does not support black gun owners. If you look at what NRA does, not what they say, NRA uses blacks like Otis McDonald as cannon fodder for lawsuits, then betrays blacks to be set up and killed by police like Philando Castile with Duty to Inform.

      NRA state lobbyist for Illinois Todd Vandermyde placed Duty to Inform w/ criminal penalties in Rep. Brandon Phelps “NRA backed” concealed carry bill in 2013. The ONLY Reps. who opposed DTI in the Illinois House floor debate were Chicago area Democratic Black Caucus Reps. LaShawn Ford, Chris Welch and Will Davis. Davis challenged Phelps re. profiling of blacks with Duty to Inform, and Phelps said, “It hasn’t been a problem in other states.”!!!

      Phelps is a racist hick from far southern Harrisburg, IL, in Little Egypt 30 miles from Kentucky. The ignorant rednecks from southern IL who vote for traitors like Phelps don’t care about Otis McDonald or Philando Castile, they are stupid enough to believe that the police are their friends. NRA is running a race hustle: use blacks for lawsuits then set them up to be killed.

  9. A parrot for the liberal viewpoint,sorry about her mom, but that doesn’t make her opinions facts.

  10. In fairness, I’ve always thought that all rights only existed for land-owning white males. But, I just arrived here from 18th century Europe in my steam-powered time machine.

    I’ve come to bear witness to the first-ever Morlock convention, which my Chrono-Atlas informs me is taking place in Philadelphia this week.

    Thanks for allowing me to visit your quaint electro-web log. Cheers to you all, and good luck with what’s coming at the end of August (you’ll see what I mean).

  11. I read her further quotes in the original article. She’s all in, spinning like a whirling Dervish. She even tossed in thevrace

    She’s not a gun control activist, she’s a gun reform activist.

    She’s for the second amendment and gun ownership. She just doesn’t want guns to fall into the wrong hands.

    Sooo…..she’s in favor of all manner of gun control and freedom infringement. I don’t believe she’s that stupid, that she’s being used and doesn’t see the endgame of gungrabbers. I think she’s right there with them, playing the game of inches to try to take our guns.

  12. Read what she is saying, not what you want to read. She is clearly making the point, wrong or not, that the way armed government thugs treat the 2nd, it does not apply to anyone but whites. She is not saying that only whites are protected by the 2nd.

    • I agree with your interpretation of her comment, but I’m not seeing anyone here who has misunderstood her comments.

      Obviously she’s not declaring the 2A is legally applicable only to whites. She’s saying that as a practical matter, blacks practicing their 2A rights will be killed. So essentially it does apply only to whites.

      She’s wrong, but that’s a different matter.

  13. Khepra says that no matter how the gun violence occurred, it shows that something needs to change.

    What do you mean “something?” Specifically what “something” needs to change?

  14. If you think that this is true, then you have a duty to stand up to this silly racism and prove them wrong – prove that the 2nd amendment applies to everyone. If you think that people are afraid to see dark skin and firearms together, stand up and show people that there is nothing to be concerned about. Freedom is worth fighting for.

  15. As someone at the upper end of being a millennial I will say the following.

    Many of my younger “peers” *cough* *hack* *wheeze* *cough**cough*… were raised on what is often called “dem feelz” in the modern parlance. In short, they were raised to believe that their feelings trump pretty much everything else.

    What progressives are now finding is that such a sword cuts both ways. It works great for social issues like gay marriage or transgender bathrooms because most millennials feel that not doing whatever society is doing would be discriminatory. However, on guns most millennials are apathetic. They don’t have experience with guns in terms of growing up with them so they don’t have a lot of positive feelz for them but they’ve also grown up as a coddled generation where, for the most part, they’ve been extremely safe. As such they don’t have experience with gun violence so most of them don’t have anti-gun feelz either.

    So what you end up with is that millennials, for the most part, have no feelz about guns and when you talk to them the response you’ll get is “Meh, whatever isn’t discriminatory is totally crunchy brah”. That is, until you take them to the range…

    • Amen strych9- I’m 28 and grateful that my parents were a bit older when they had me. They never really bought into the whole fetishized child-totem view of parenthood. Me and my brother’s feelings were not a primary concern when it came to decision-making in the household. If they were cooking something for dinner I didn’t like, I either ate it, or went hungry; there was no macaroni cooked especially for me. Kind of a tangent there but it shows how so many millennials were coddled so much in their childhood that somehow proclaiming hurt feelings was a magic incantation to stop things you don’t like. It’s f*ckin’ gross. I live in a college town so I see plenty of SJW millennials around town, but for the most part, you’re spot on: apathetic at worst.

      • In my experience SJW’s don’t really care about guns. They’re into rights based on the perceived/real historical discrimination against some minority. As they move along they get into smaller and smaller minorities.

        It’s just my experience but most younger SJW’s care A LOT more about gay marriage and transgender bathroom rights than they do about guns. Sure, some of them are into the whole BLM thing but that’s not really a gun control issue, it’s a police issue. In fact most of those SJWs probably LOVE guns because they think black people should be shooting back when the Fuzz is coming after them.

  16. Every time I’ve gone shooting in NJ, the crowd has been 99.5% middle-aged white guys (Italian-Americans included). Throughout my college days in Texas I shot along side Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, East Indians, Native Americans, and more. Exercising your 2A rights in NJ costs a lot of time and money. Combine this with a high cost of living, even higher taxes, and fact that your FID card is only valid if the address printed on it matches your DL. The conclusion is clear. You can only be a gun owner in NJ if you’re financially well off, live in the same place for a long time, and can afford to take time off work to have finger prints taken at your local PD. Most people today can’t afford to do any of that when they’d struggle to put $500 together for a decent rifle.

    In Texas you just go buy the gun, either from a neighbor or your lgs, and it takes all of ten minutes, twenty if you like to stick around and chat.

    This Sarah character has no clue what she’s talking about.

  17. When I get pulled OVER. The first thing I do is hand him my PERMIT with Drivers license under that. I don’t say anything. I do not want to give him the impression I’m carrying a gun illegally. Once he sees the license he ask me at that time I tell him YES and where it’s at. With my hands on the wheel at all times. Once he’s comfortable I can relax.

    You DO NOT MOVE. Especially reaching in areas that a GUN can be. The hip the back. Center compartment. Glove box without first asking the LEO may I reach to grab my paperwork. Make his LIFE AND JOB easy on him. It’s just his job. I know you have the right to carry and it’s a hassle. But most shootings happen cause people reach to areas and move too FAST. Move slow and state every move for him. Sir, I’m reach behind my back to get my drivers license. But when I’m carrying my license is already in a spot ready to ID. Don’t wait have it all ready when the LEO walks to the door. The states that allow you don’t have to state your carrying. Well to me what’s the big deal. Tell them. But you better have that ID ready for them

    • Mark, I don’t fundamentally disagree with anything you wrote. Here’s what I never understand about posts like this – what cops have you encountered where you pull over, and the cop jumps out and is right there?

      I’m 50. I’ve driven something north of 2MM miles – a lot of it highway, and over the posted limit. Not to mention front plates are ugly, and my state of residence requires them, but I keep it in the trunk. And until the last few years, I was kind of a night person, and I sometimes drive unusual highline cars. Point being, I’ve been lit-up at least 100 times that I can remember, in at least a dozen states. (Only maybe 20 tickets though, they’ve just wanted to run me, or talk about whatever car I was driving, or give me trouble about no front plate, or they were my old friends and hadn’t seen me in a while, or…)

      In every single instance, the lights come on, I wave in acknowledgement and pull over. I have at least a minute to have my paperwork in order and my hands visible, while the cop finishes (or starts depending) running my plate. Window down, DL and insurance in hand at 10. Why are people not ready when the cop gets to the window? What do they think is gonna happen? Unless you’re 80, they will run you, so why would anyone not just automatically have the docs ready, when given at least 30 seconds to a minute?

      • I Hear ya, 16V, I am 70, and when I was a tyke, the cop was at your door practically before you got stopped. Of course, there was no question of “running you” at the time. Since then, there have been longer and longer waits, now getting shorter again as the response to queries is getting faster. But still, plenty of time to retrieve your DL. BTW, My 1971 muscle car was never burdened with a front plate in the 29 years I owned it, and nobody ever mentioned it! My current car doesn’t have one since it would interfere with airflow to the intercooler, and I’ve been stopped twice for that, probably to see the car closer.

        • LarryinTX, maybe it’s a regional thing – because even getting pulled over in the early 80s with no computers, the cops would always take at least a minute to approach the car. I don’t doubt your experience, I just have never seen it.

          But yeah, I’ve never had a car that I’ve run a front plate on, (except shop vans), or the ’70 Eldo I had as a kid – big hole in the bumper that had to be filled with something…

  18. The increasingly relied-upon tactic of progressives is to try and posion an issue with racism. As usual they believe their own assumptions about the POTG, and once again, they are not even wrong.

  19. Poor little self-loathing white girl.

    Y’know, when somebody loathes herself, there’s probably a valid reason for me to loathe her too.

  20. Why aren’t these people openly mocked. Why are people not pointing and laughing at them? It is their right to say what they want to say and have whatever opinion they want to have. That right does not prevent me or anyone else from openly laughing at them in mockery and derision.

    I am serious, when she spouts off with this kind of crap you are supposed to laugh, turn around, and walk away. Laughing the whole time.

  21. Jeez, I knew I was always pasty but I figured my eyes would still give me away. Guess that makes me a white chinaman.

  22. Does anyone remember the late Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko? Decades before concealed carry became legal in Illinois, he wrote about an elderly black woman who shot a young black thug when he tried to mug her. Royko dared the Chicago police and prosecutor to charge her for defending herself with the gun she wasn’t supposed to have.

    • The acid tongued Mike Royko was no friend of the 2nd amendment. I just thought he was a jerk…like nearly every Chicago newspaper columnist. Hey fun fact-I was a paper boy for the Chicago Daily News a lonnnnnng time ago…

  23. Absolutely, at the peaceful demonstration in Dallas there were many openly caring long guns and interesting that none came to the aid of the police. However if a person of color says he has a gun and is licensed to conceal and carry he is shot just in case. Shame. The argument that if more people are armed, especially openly, would help stop a mass shooting is moot after Orlando and Dallas. Try another argument.

    • DavidZ…do you even own a gun or know anything about carrying a gun.
      You seem to think, that in the middle of an Active Shooter (Sniper) situation…and all of that chaos, it would be a good idea to “come to the aid of LEO”…by un-slinging your gun and start shooting.

      IF anyone, white or black (even a plainclothes LEO) would have started shooting with an AR during that scenario…they would probably be dead right now.

      You want to come to the aid of LEO…get out of the way, so they don’t have to save your ass…and theirs.
      If on a lonely road, when no one is around…and you see a LEO getting shot at….then you can un-sling your rifle and return fire at the bad guy.

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