courtesy Instagram
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“Celebrities” will do the darnedest things to virtue signal for a little love from their low-information fanbases (and get their names mentioned again). Retired porn star Mia Khalifa sought fifteen more minutes of fame yesterday with the help of the Austin, Texas Police Department. Following the Santa Fe High School shooting, she very publicly surrendered her shotgun to a police officer for destruction. “They couldn’t have made it easier,” she wrote on Instagram.

Yes, the now-retired porn star with the tattoo of a Derringer under her right arm (we’ll let you verify that yourself) used the dead kids in Santa Fe as props for her pathetic, empty gesture. No wonder the veteran cop put on a tentative smile as as she shook his hand and posed for a photo.


Here’s the full text of her message:

It’s symbolic and small, but it’s still something. I urge you to #DoSomething as well. @austin_police couldn’t have made it any easier, if you want to turn in your weapon for safe destruction, call your local police department, they will come pick it up. Or transport it in the trunk of your car and have them come out to retrieve it at the station.

I will be donating the gun’s value of $1,500 to the @everytown organization. I want to iterate that I am not against the 2nd amendment. I am against children dying. My empty gun rack is a small price to pay when some parents are living with an empty bed in their children’s rooms.

Please open your mind, I certainly have. A year ago I posted a picture in this exact room the day I purchased this weapon (in under 10 minutes on my way to grab lunch) and cited self defense as the reason for it. It has not made me feel safer, it has not helped me in any way, it has not done anything but sit on a rack and collect dust. This is my minuscule contribution of solidarity for all the victims of school shootings.

Claiming a Remington 870 Express bird gun (I’m not even sure it’s a Remmy…could be a knockoff) goes for $1500 seems like a stretch. But anything to get her name back in the news.

Remember the goofball who donated his Ruger 10/22 “machine gun” to the police after the Mandalay Bay massacre?

Yeah, the same one who then said he got death threats for his virtue signalling post. He claimed he had to hire armed security to defend his business and a bought a Louisville “slugger” to defend his family at home as a result of his newfound notoriety.

Death threats are nothing new to Ms. Khalifa, which may be why she bought the shotgun in the first place. Seems the losers at ISIS HQ didn’t appreciate her “performing” while wearing a hijab.

The New York Post covered that story:

ISIS threatened to kill porn star Mia Khalifa for having sex in hijab

Former porn star Mia Khalifa recalled the shocking threats she received after filming a scene where she had sex wearing a hijab.

Khalifa, 25, had only been in the porn industry a few months when a director told her she would be required to wear the traditional headpiece in a scene, she said.

She knew it wouldn’t sit well with the public.

“I said to him, ‘You’re going to get me f–king killed,’” she told BBC Radio’s 5 Live.

When asked why she didn’t say no, Khalifa said: “Being 21, I didn’t know that I could speak up.”

The scene made Khalifa the No. 1-ranked performer on Pornhub, but also drew the attention of ISIS.

In fact, it was the ISIS threat that prompted Khalifa to quit the porn industry. Given that history, only a fool would publicly announce that she’s surrendered the only firearm she owns. Thankfully, ISIS doesn’t have a U.S. chapter, even in the liberal Mecca of Austin. However, there remain plenty of home-grown whack jobs out there who’d probably love to earn their own 15-minutes. Be safe, Ms. Khalifa.


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  1. A retired porn star? With a 1500 dollar pump gun? Guess who quick tricking on film and does it on the quiet now.

    Anybody else see were the mountain biker was killed by a cougar in WA state? 1 dead, 1 injured.

      • This is the most clothes this skank has ever had on in a picture. You know that shotgun went right from her hands to this cops safe/closet at home, I hope he washed his hands. She likes to get shot in the face with something completly different anyways….

  2. I had a joke for this, but I decided I didn’t want to blow my whole load on this girl.

    • “A” (meaning ONE) chapter. They damn sure have multiple. Detroit, Twin Cities, etc etc. More coming across the Southern border every week. If ICE catches 5% they are having a “good” week.

    • Pretty sure they call themselves CAIR in this neck of the woods.

      Also, pretty sure that the opinions of porn stars rate only slightly lower than the opinions of other people who play pretend for a living.

  3. Reminds me of Cocks not Glocks. Have fun trying to fend off the bad dudes with a piece of plastic.

    • If I ever have to wear a clear backpack, its damn well going to have some bad dragon toys in it…

    • It’s implied that she’s owned quite a few guns in her time, but this may be the only firearm she’s ever owned.

  4. “…it has not done anything but sit on a rack and collect dust.”

    Khalifa, we have been trying to tell people like you that guns don’t just jump off your rack… uh maybe they do… but you figured it out on your own

    • Just like organs jump out of pants ,its magic , lol ,$1500.00 for a remington pump please , she just pumped the IRS .

  5. I remember her, not exactly a role model. She’s the same girl who wore hijabs in her porno movies to generate controversy and piss of the Islamic state, while living here in America. It only damaged our reputation even further. She also received many death threats, I hope the wrong person doesn’t read this and find out she’s defenseless now.

    • What does a hooker “retire” from? Disease vector isn’t really a career.

      That hijab/piss off Mohammadans is rather funny. Was her character named Aisha? She has the young girl look going.

    • You imply that we should be concerned about the opinions of goat raping savages. That’s adorable.

    • Right as summer vacation is about to start?

      Yeah, what a ‘sacrifice’…


      • Summer gives them the time to organize.

        If you read the article they actually are concerned about logistics. They can have that all set up by the end of summer.

        What concerns me is this: The political Left has never been honest or upstanding but this is flat out hostage taking because they’re not asking kids to participate. The kids legally can’t make the choice. This is targeting the parents and telling them to use their kids as political pawns. And the parents can’t wait to do it.

        If this actually takes off it’s way worse that Herr Hogg but for different reasons. IMHO.

        • Can we get all the liberal teachers and parents to quit the school system? Shut down some schools, actually start teaching, repeal the free zone, or turn them into private schools, this might actually work! If all the people of questionable moral compasses are out, school shootings would indeed drop!

    • I don’t have any kids in skool no more, but from what I’m seeing from the students they ain’t learning much anyway. Most history classes are skipping parts of the Constitution. The kids can operate a computer but not a pencil. No cursive writing being taught and on and on and round and round we go.

      • Public education has been worthless shit for 20+ years. It’s just been getting worse and getting more attention recently.

        I graduated HS in 2002 and got in more trouble for reading the “wrong” books than I care to type out. I didn’t really learn fuck all from public education in this country. I learned more in a year of public education in NZ than I did in four years in the US.

      • Nobody needs cursive now. That said, we’d be a lot better off if they spent time teaching that instead of so much of the other actively harmful garbage they’ve got going on.

    • I couldn’t read that WP article. They require ad-blocker whitelisting (to pay their shoddy, unskilled “journalists”).

      • The jist of it was encouraging parents to keep their kids out of school (boycott education) until gun control passes.

        • Strych, quite a few jurisdictions have no problem throwing the *parents* in jail if little Johnny or Sally don’t show up for indoctrin, er, ‘school’…

        • Geoff:

          There isn’t, in any place I know of, a law that prevents the parents from keeping the kids at home.

          This isnt kids playing hooky, its parents keeping the kids home to make a political point. I don’t see what cops, or anyone else, can do to stop that.

        • I’m all for it. A lot of tax bills take school attendance into consideration. Think of the drop in funding these propaganda outlets would see if half or two thirds of their subjects stayed home and sucked their thumbs.

      • maybe they’ll actually learn something while they’re homeschooled. Considering the type that’s going to pull them out though, its not likely.

    • So they threaten to remove their commie spawn from our public education system? Can we get them to take their feminazi “teachers” with them? I think I see school district budgets going into free fall.

      • If we”re picking the order of operations here can we get the admins out first? Pretty please!?

    • Its going to be really hard to go on strike for higher pay when you didn’t even work.

  6. An 870 with a field barrel for self defense, was it the only shotgun the place had?

  7. She’ll never be retired as long as her videos are up and running…😂🤣😂🤣😂

  8. When a retired porn star recognizes that surrendering her gun is “purely symbolic”, and the “disarm everybody” folks madly promote this futile n pointless gesture, including it’s futility and pointlessness… you’ve jumped the last shark.

  9. Considering FOSTA/SESTA has claimed at LEAST five lives of her fellow sex workers, you’d think she maybe wouldn’t be so quick to jump on “lets do things because it sounds good” bandwagon.

    But she’s neither a hunter nor an ACTUAL prostitute, so what does she care?

  10. Here you go. You’re welcome.

    “That cop should definitely wash his hands”

    “She has swallowed more children than have ever died in every school shooting ever”

    “I see she believes longer is better in every aspect of her life”

    “She surely has more than one gun in that photo. I hear she is a master of concealment”

    “This gun smells funny and now it burns when I pee”

    “Sorry officer this gun is not for me, every time I just touch the trigger it prematurely shoots its load. I need something with more stamina”

    “I would like to return this vibrator. It is defective. I put 12 D batteries in it and nothing happened”

    “Now that I retired from porn I’d like to go back to a white one”

    • ” The gun has never been fired but it has been pumped plenty of times”

      ” Probably the only gun she has ever pumped and not fired into an orifice or onto her face.”

      ” Something smells fishy here.”

      ” Shotgun complains of a burning sensation when discharged.”

      ” Man that could be a really awkward conversation about types of discharges.”

    • Austin city workers promptly place an “open MANHOLE” warning sign on her door , cop hey were having a party at the policemens guild this friday ya wanna ho up , i mean show up ,, smirk .

  11. are we sure this isn’t a publicity stunt and she’s really just giving us a preview of her next DVD? That looks like a prop gun to me. Also that “cop” should probably get tested no telling where that prop was before she gave it to him.

    Wait…. Where are the calls to boycott her and her production company????

  12. Caption for the first picture…

    “Dear Penthouse Forum,

    It finally happened like I always dreamed it would…”

  13. Nice, the “liberal Mecca of Austin” love what you did there. I am sure she can hide a pistol somewhere, since a shotgun is fairly useless in the closet when you invite strange men into your bedroom business.

    • Wilson Combat’s Scattergun Technologies can barely sell one remington 870 for $1000…..

  14. “Please open your mind, I certainly have.”

    Is that what she calls what’s between her legs?


    In unrelated (yet still tragically funny) stupid news, a guy decided he wanted to ‘See The Show’, up-close and personal, of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupting.

    He got more than he bargained for when he was nailed by a lava bomb while he was standing on a third-floor balcony of his home, shattering his leg. (But likely neatly cauterizing the wound…)


  15. Well good for her, Quite admirable that a porn star cares about the atrocities committed by gunz against our children. Now if she could remove her videos so those whacking jacker 14 year olds who watch them don’t get anymore ideas on her type of sex education.

  16. That Cop’s face says he knows *exactly* what she looks like under those clothes.

  17. Yeah… This is pretty goofball but the fact that liberals aren’t lined up around the block in every single blue state across the nation doing this every day is proof that despite media reports to the contrary, the 2nd Amendment is still widely supported across the political spectrum.

    Or maybe it’s just proof that when people have to do something REAL, lots of nonsense flies out the window.

  18. what I can’t believe is??

    how ISIS even knows that she was or is a Porn star??

    admitting they saw her…means they (ISIS) watched PORN and that is not the Muslim way!

    anyway…her wearing a Hijab is a good idea…she needs to cover that face!

  19. What she is really trying to say is this..

    It’s a shame these students died in this horrible tragedy !! But Hey … Don’t (Forget About Me) !!

    Remember To Like and Subscribe !!!

  20. So how is disarming herself “doing something” and how does it keep children safe? Was she planning to go shoot up a school”

    • More like letting the school (well the boys anyway) shoot her up (in the face). Admittedly, that was only if this joining Moms Demand Action in Everytown thing didn’t pan out….

  21. When asked why she didn’t say no, Khalifa said: “Being 21, I didn’t know that I could speak up.”

    There are 21 year olds in this country who don’t realize that they have the right to refuse to do their jobs as instructed (and their employers have the right to not pay them)?

    Or did she think getting paid for that scene was more important that the death threats she claims to have been smart enough to foresee?

  22. This woman is deluded. This is the same as ignorant idiots willfully surrendering their personal
    firearms to these odious, damnable, vile, deceitful anti-gun “turn in guns for cash/gift card scams!”
    She has not only surrendered her shotgun, but likewise her soul, birthright, dignity, and self respect
    to the socialist almighty nanny state. Now she is without a firearm. If some stalker, sociopath,
    or lowlife decides to attack her in her own home then it’s her ass! And if she naively believes
    the police have a legal duty to respond to her 911 call, then she had better think again.

    On the Net: “Dial 911 and Die: The Shocking Truth About The Police Protection Myth” at www. Also available for viewing via You Tube.

    James A. “Jim” Farmer
    Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County)

    • You know it really does surprise me that these women are anti gun. It would seem after death threats, stalkers, and multiple online weirdoes they would take self defense a lot more seriously than they do. I mean after all their body IS their paycheck and anything that affects their looks or physical abilities may very well end their career. So it honestly baffles me that more porn stars aren’t packing (Glocks not cocks you pervs). Same for pro athletes, actors, and any other high profile person in public They don’t have the luxury of blending in like we do and the women also get the added bonus of stalkers and rapists.

    • Dignity and self respect? She’s in porn. She gave that and a lot else up when she made her first ‘movie’.

      • Ok, enough is enough. You may not not prefer her career choices but the readers of this blog are hardly the moral center of the nation either.

  23. What a lackluster publicity stunt! The Police department should get “reamed-out” for playing politics! I’m sure the police Sgt. Problably got the Hijab treatment before he left…

  24. In the Facebook snap. It said she has 458,000 likes? !? Still there over 5 million + NRA and GOA members…so take that ! My guess is this chick is trying to get a “JOB” $$$ with the Politboro instead of giving them….

  25. In other news, the ISIS leader who first noticed she was wearing a hijab was declared gay and thrown off a rooftop.

  26. And the gun will probably be sold at an auction. After it’s properly lubed of course.

  27. Virtue signaling is a road flare. It don’t last but an hour at best, and it’s too bright to look at too long, and (briefly) too hot to snuff out. Just don’t play with road flares. Leave them alone and drive around them near accidents, and detours.

  28. She said that giving up her shotgun is a small price to pay, compared to the parents who are paying with empty bedrooms. What, exactly, is she paying for? In exchange for her shotgun, what exactly is she or we or society supposed to be getting in return? Disarmament? Vulnerability? Commiseration?

    Those are not benefits to be purchased. Those are detriments you would pay something to avoid. I just don’t understand the economics of virtue signalling, though Fremdschämen is starting to make a lot more sense.

  29. She looks pretty good in that photo. Her sweater hides those nasty overinflated bolt-on bags of silicone quite well.

  30. She’s just getting rid of it because it’s of no use to her. She tried pumping it furiously until she was utterly exhausted, and it still didn’t discharge.

  31. The day you take moral advice from a dirty porn star is a day you should start questioning your personal judgment.

  32. About the guy who traded a gun for a bat, I am always amazed how people will trade one deadly weapon for another and then lecture us on the supposed evils of the first.

  33. Things must of slowed down in the Toss a Hot Dog Down a Hallway business since Stormy Daniels came on the scene.

  34. “Celebrities” aka complete drilled out porn stars. One that can NEVER visit a Muslim country without wearing a burka because she’ll be killed instantly because she’s a fuckin pornstar and a whore. She’d be stoned, beheaded or thrown off a building with her gay liberal friends.

  35. If you have to buy a Louisville Slugger to defend you and your family because you gave away your guns, what you’re telling me is you don’t mind killing people, you just like doing it in the most barbaric and inefficient method possible.

  36. The expression on the officer’s face is priceless. “Man what a ditzy bitch, but this day could turn out OK!!”

  37. “The scene made Khalifa the No. 1-ranked performer on Pornhub, but also drew the attention of ISIS.”


  38. One night u may wake up from someone breaking in ur house and u have 15secs to live would u rather grab ur phone and make a call ….or grab ur shotty???. Which could save ur life.

    People are so stupid its unbelievable!

  39. People who pose for a photo opp are never honest about why they are posing for a photo opp. It is always for attention, and in the case of porn stars publicity, because publicity makes them money.

  40. When some nut case home invades her she will be able to throw her plastic sex toys at him.

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