facepalm kid
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You pretty much know what you’re in for when you absorb the author’s laughable claim that “the gun industry is effectively unregulated” in the United States. She’s lucky we don’t send her a bill for cleaning the coffee off of our computer after reading that. She really should warn us next time.

A crucial component of any comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence in the United States is a focus on implementing robust regulation and oversight of the gun industry. Efforts to reduce gun violence that focus solely on the demand side of the problem ignore the role of the gun industry in manufacturing and distributing the guns that are the instruments of this violence.

Focusing solely on the individuals who use guns to commit acts of violence is not only ineffective, it’s also an approach that has contributed to overcriminalization and targeting of communities of color as part of a “tough on crime” approach to criminal justice. To truly address all aspects of the gun violence epidemic in this country, policymakers must focus on the role the gun industry plays in enabling and exacerbating this violence.

– Chelsea Parsons in Gun Industry Must Be Held Accountable for Gun Violence

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      • Perhaps we should limit Chelsea Parsons Assault Typing to 10 words and give it a 2 week waiting period? And just because she is a woman perhaps she should be subjected to the same scrutiny the Gun Control democRat Party applied to Black Slaves; no guns for you slaves, no complaining from you slaves so stfu and pick cotton….So for you Chelsea Parsons start scrubbing those dishes, etc.
        That’s right Chelsea Parsons let’s regulate you otherwise more stupidity will spit out your piehole like projectiles from a MP5.
        But never Chelsea Parsons we would ever dream of going democRat Gun Control Slave Master on you in any shape, matter or form. That’s because the Gun Control you and your ilk propose daily has its Roots in Racism and Genocide. What you and your ilk drag around every day like an overloaded dirty diaper is a Despicable Racist and Nazi Based Agenda. That’s quite obviously something far, far away and not the least bit considered in that sicko self-serving demoCrap filled head of yours.

        TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

      • Hilariously, in the original article, not one commenter seemed to support her drivel. Typically, in source articles TTAG references, the left is much more prevalent and supportive of the author. There is usually a lot of back and forth between pro and anti gunners that can be very entertaining. Not in this case…..

    • Agree yes definitely these corrupt judges and prosecutors are the fault , Not the gun manufacturers or those that sell the guns,

  1. I wish the gun industry was unregulated. Same with gun stores and private sellers and buyers. Then again, she probably thinks kids selling lemonade need more regulation.

  2. “Focusing solely on the individuals who use guns to commit acts of violence is not only ineffective, it’s also an approach that has contributed to overcriminalization and targeting of communities of color as part of a “tough on crime” approach to criminal justice.”

    So… Focusing on violent criminals is overcriminalizing. The solution is to make otherwise law abiding people into criminals by instituting stricter gun laws?

    • I fastened on that same sentence. How in HELL would anyone know if focusing on criminals works or not? We haven’t been focused on criminals for most of my lifetime. Maybe if we get cops to stop worrying about stupid drug laws, they’ll have more time to track down violent criminals? Maybe?

      • Violent drug criminals…

        It appears that the back-alley manufacture, distribution and marketing of Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 drugs may lead to violence between rival “suppliers”, their “customers” plus adding in their “customers” desire to raise the $$, anyway they can, for that next “fix” or “hit” that their bodies / brains are screaming for.

        Completely legalizing all drugs with a “recreational” application is not the answer you are looking for Young SkyWalker…

    • And given how poorly the laws are enforced and prosecuted, particularly in places like Chicago, they might want to take a shot at enforcing the laws before they conclude that the laws are ineffective. Preaching to the choir, I know.

  3. “Focusing solely on the individuals who use guns to commit acts of violence is not only ineffective…” When you read this, besides the rest, you know the agenda is not to address the crime problem: it is to ban guns or at minimum, make it so hard to get one that few can afford it. I mean PLEASE! Let’s not blame the hapless individuals where the firearm just falls into their hands begging for evil to be perpetrated.

    If your agenda is to ban guns, just say so. Stop hiding behind a veneer that somehow doing so will reduce crime.

  4. Over-regulating an industry is counter-productive.

    America recognized it had an alcohol problem. It essentially prohibited the manufacture of alcohol, but didn’t touch home-brew/vinting. That approach made illegal manufacture entirely without regulation of any form.

    America recognized it had a drug problem. Rinse and repeat.

    Guns would be no different. Crank-up the regulation of FFLs and the consequence will be a ramping-up of clandestine manufacture and smuggling. If we couldn’t stop, even slow, the problems with alcohol or drugs we can’t expect a different result with guns.

    Beyond some modest point, government can only make the situation worse.

    • And it is already illegal for most of the people committing the crimes to have guns, and they are already getting them from “secondary” sources, certainly not though FFLs. Chicago doesn’t have an FFL problem causing their weekly bloodbath. But it’s racist to investigate the potential causes.

      It’s fine for democrat city business eg power for black people to kill each other. If anyone questions that, blame guns and the system (note: the Democrats own and run “the system” in the cities)

  5. “A crucial component of any comprehensive plan to reduce violence in the United States is a focus on implementing robust regulation and oversight of the Education and Entertainment industries.

    The lack of regulation in these two industries has contributed to stereotyping, overcriminalization and targeting of communities of color as part of a “tough on crime” approach to criminal justice. To truly address all aspects of the violence epidemic in this country, policymakers must focus on the role Education / Entertainment plays in enabling and exacerbating this violence.”

    FIFY – no need to thank me Ms. Parsons…

  6. Guns in America are extremely regulated. The violence is from democrats pushing for while nearly all political leaders allowing for Communists using blind rage within the black race to destroy everything.

    Voting Republican might not fix it but voting Democrat absolutely won’t. Democrats bear more responsibility for this than anyone.

    If there is any reason to keep the black race disarmed and low in number, it is the events of 2020. It is BLM and Antifa. They need to wake up to the realization that the democrat party keeps them down. The racism is coming from the left. Black people just can’t seem to care understand that they are beggars to their own demise while trying to take everyone else with them.

  7. Black guy steals a gun or worse, uses it to commit a crime, pulls the trigger… Don’t want to focus on that, don’t want people going to jail for that! Let’s do some pre crime, those “white” gun dealers and manufacturers are the problem here!

    I don’t think charging people regardless of race is over criminalization when the crimes in question are theft, armed robbery, assault, and murder. Those shouldn’t get a pass or be swept under the rug.

  8. Idiot and Thugs are our gun problem. Besides more people are killed with blunt objects than guns. Hammers out do guns, Knives out do guns. If people want to kill somebody there is Million ways. There are as many gun in U.S. as people. Why are there not more deaths. Gun FRree Cities are another problem. That is whare Murders are. Chicago. Gun Free. Not one gun store in City. Most Deaths. Baltimore Maryland second most. GUN free City!, Atlanta Georgia. Gun Free City was 3rd most deaths. New Orleans Louesiana Gun Free City. 3or4th. in deaths, Potland Oregon right among the top! (All Democrat Cities so we need to outlaw Democrats)

      • And on an even more ludicrous pretense than preventing drunk driving. But watch and see if there isn’t a carve-out for government officials and their rich cronies.

    • If they didn’t want you to drink and drive why are there drive thru windows,,,,,,,, I ride a bicycle for a reason.

  9. As of now, the only two comments under the article are calling her on the “unregulated” nonsense.

  10. “Focusing solely on the individuals who use guns to commit acts of violence is not only ineffective” – Perhaps would be more effective if there were actual enforcement to go with the “focus”???

    • enforcement? Not knocking on blacks what so ever, they’ve got justification to a point. BLM was justified when it started, now it’s turning into a race war which is in no way good for Our country. Some faction has turned what BLM started out as and then was infiltrated by instigators and turned sinister. Whomever are behind this are evil, very evil ,this faction which controls people’s lives and country’s downfalls need to be eliminated.Not the cop In the street or the black man with an AR. In my mind, it takes money to pull this off, follow the money and one would find the solution to the turmoil in America, it’s definitely not guns, it’s manipulation with the power of money.

      • Possum,

        You speak truth. However, as far back as I can recall, BLM had a terrorist wing assassinating police.

      • If i recall blm was founded in the wake of trevon martin being “murdered” with no consequences. Its was founded on lie and still endorses a lie.

        • It was founded by revolutionary Marxists. Martin never really mattered to them. Martin may matter to many, even most of their dupes, but always remember that the issue is never the issue.

  11. The picture of the little girl in the heading, be she black, brown or white is why we as Americans ,one and all must come together. Do we want our country torn apart so that the laughter of our children is no longer heard on the school playground. We as a country must stand united. Prosecute the presumed guilty no matter who they are or what uniform they wear. Black, brown , red , or white , We our Americans and should be United. Stop the Violence.,. ,,,where’s Jimi Hendrix when u need him

    • In general, yes

      Prosecuting these officers is another matter. If that would fix this then fine. It won’t. The actual problem never gets attention that way. Those three officers were there for a reason. That reason was NOT racism.

  12. Banning guns absolutely reduces violence. Just look at the city of London. No guns, no violent crime.

    Just in case: /SARC

  13. Fascinating piece. What’s interesting to me is that you can replace the word gun (firearm) with “auto, soda, alcohol or opiods) and it’s the same article.

    Gun manufacturers produce a legal product designed to be used for legal purposes. The choice to use the gun for illegal purposes (as a note – murder, assault, etc. are illegal in every jurisdiction in the US) is not made by the manufacturer – but by people.

    I know of no lawful gun owner who wants weapons in the hands of criminals, someone with suicidal thoughts or the mentally ill. Note: replace gun with anything and it’s the same thing.

    In what instance has increased regulation of design/manufacturing had a positive impact on crime? Alcohol sales are regulated at distribution. Auto sales are basically unregulated.

    Do we have a violence problem in the US? Absolutely. Is it made worse by access to matches, gasoline, guns, knives and cars (all things with which people have taken lives)? 100%. However, it is irresponsible to suggest that these are causal. So, let’s maybe focus our energy around solving the actual problems of economic disparity, food security, educational access, family separation and illegal drugs – all of which seem more proximately causal than anything in this article.

  14. CHELSEA sum liberal in your educational experience, pumped this trash in your do not think for myself mind, Anybody should have the mind set to self preservation, rite now home invasions are on the rise, car jackings riots all sorts of people wanting what you have an worked for, an they will take it! just give them a chance. Maybe your idea of peace an love will be shattered one day! Get a grip an take control of your life, the police in case you havent noticed, are not there for you any more, in fact they dont care if you live or die. they have been defunded shot murdered beaten, an now you want police protection!

  15. Chelsea should try to buy a gun from an FFL. She would quickly discover how “unregulated” the firearms industry isn’t.

  16. She’s the self-described the Vice President of Gun Violence Prevention at American Progress. In other words, she’s yet another radical leftwing screaming Karen.

  17. Kind of like our “un-regulated” pharmaceutical industry.

    We need way more regulation on who gets drug treatment……for any ailment.

    Cant have people getting well when we dont want them to.

      • I’m ok with it if there’s at least a three day waiting period.

        5 day waiting period for PeptoBismol……….Just to see if the squirts are really a threat to your health.

  18. Misrepresenting CRIMINAL VIOLENCE as ‘gun violence’ is the real problem.

    Unless you are willing to call a problem by its name, its REAL name, there is no hope of actually identifying the problem, much less solving it.

  19. The gun free zones have killed more people than lobotomy joe can count!

  20. If you want to expose Chelsea Parson’s grade school tattletale mentality change the font in her dribble to Comic Sans.

  21. Let’s go after car makers. They make a weapon that kills people. Or lets go after Democrats, they cause many deaths by holding black people in poverty Slaves!

    • Add to the list brewers, distillers, pharmaceutical companies, and certainly don’t forget tobacco companies.

  22. The ‘Gun Industry’ is not the problem, ‘Congress” is the problem for they know not what they are talking about when they are influenced by the anti-gun lobby and their emotional and uneducated rants and proposals.
    I would suggest that all Congressmen be required to be briefed on the Gun Industry, current laws and how they are enforced, the 2nd Amendment and recommendations from the Gun Industry, Gun Dealers/Store Owners (FFL), and gun owners.

    • Since when are Congress Critters driven by Law, Logic and Facts??

      Most of them are driven by their smugness and desire need for Power. The addiction to Power is never-ending…there’s always just that little bit more that will satiate that gnawing in their souls…at least for a short while…then the cycle begins anew.

      Sex, drugs and power over other people…Congress embodies this equation and independent businessmen like Harvey Weinstein cater to the rich and infamous enabling their many perversions….and they cold-bloodedly killed their prized pimp when he became a threat.

      Do you really think they give a rodent’s behind about us poor schmucks in the unwashed masses?

  23. Just once, just once, I’d like for these so-called anti-gunners with a national platform just do a little research before they start mouthing off about the gun industry. It’s bad enough that we have anti-gun politicians who think magazines are expendable items once the rounds are exhausted or the barrel shroud is that ‘thingy that goes up on the shoulder’. Now we have this loud mouth editorialist thinking the nation’s most regulated industry needs regulation. Go and do a little research before you type Parsons! Incredible…

  24. “America’s ‘Unregulated’ Gun Industry Bears Responsibility for the ‘Gun Violence’ Problem”

    Two Words: BULL SHIT

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