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Old Tom named April the cruelest month of all. We don’t know if that had anything to do with kicking things off with April Fools Day hijinks or not. Actually, it was probably more the vernal emergence of lilacs and other flora stirring up a combination of memory and desire that got him so exercised. Whatever, the label’s pretty much stuck and we’re more than willing to attribute it, at least in part, to the perpetual yuckfest that takes place on the first of the month. Practical jokes are almost invariably neither. Not that we’re above them ourselves on occasion. Still, fans of the boyz at Defense Distributed and their new(ish) site, have been burning up the intertubes (and our inboxes) today with news of the government crackdown they just knew was coming all along. Relax. Glance at a calendar. And get the hell off of our lawn.

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  1. I was pretty impressed with this one, simply because it’s genius, and many people don’t get that it’s a joke and react accordingly. Even funnier is the people that don’t believe that it’s a joke after being told.

  2. When he finally does poke the dog enough to bite him, it will ruin my shadenfreude, because we will all be paying the price.

  3. At least they (and we) have a sense of humor.

    Could you immagine the uproar over an April fools prank being played amongst the snooty gun control crowd; they’d be beside themselves with indignation!

  4. I damn near had a heart attack until I compared this to the real seizure notice Megaupload got slapped with.

  5. Ralph must have been reading my mind, and I believe it will happen for real. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see the Feds bust them on April Fools day just for kicks.

  6. I went to all of the various links on the web. They all have the same thing. Since there are 3 or 4 web url’s, must be really good April fools joke. I have Cody Wilson’s Email address and will ask him.

  7. Fooled the crap out of me. The perpetrators should be hunted down and made to have dinner with a denture-less Di Fi. f’ers.

  8. Some A-hole in a dark office somewhere is thinking “hey, we could actually do this…”

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