
This is NOT an April Fool’s story. I promise. I already got that one out of my system. From what I can tell, it looks like the shortage on AR-15 rifles and the like is winding down at long last. However, the ammo shortage continues unabated and only seems to actually be getting worse . . .

According to my sources, some of the more popular mass produced AR-15 rifles are back in stock at the distributor level at the pre-panic prices. A Bushmaster AR-15 can be had for as little as $800 to the dealer, and Colt rifles are once again reasonably priced. In short, if you were pissed that you missed your chance to buy an AR-15 before the panic buying spree, you will have the opportunity to do so again very shortly.

It looks like AR-15 rifles have, for the moment, reached the “saturation point” in the market. Just about everyone who wants one has one, or doesn’t have the money to buy another. With a decrease in demand, production and the available supply catch up and prices will begin to drop off.

At this point, two things can happen. Those who’ve been waiting on the sidelines for prices to drop could swoop in and buy up the newly available supply, thus pushing prices back up (or keeping them at their panic-level highs). OR, we really are at the saturation point, in which case AR-15 prices will come down.

So while the news is good for the Evil Black Rifle™, the news isn’t as cheery for ammunition. The ammo shortage is having a compounding effect; those who weren’t hoarding ammo before are snapping up every round they can find now. And those with ample ammo stashes are seeking to add to their stores. In short, we’re still screwed for the foreseeable future.

So to recap, the good news is that you can buy guns. The bad news is that you can’t feed them.


  1. The ammo shortage will last till manufacturers meet demand. My theory is the panic added to the population of new gunners so quickly that ammo manufacturers were not prepared for. Kinda like imagining a million new car owners and seeing gas prices double due to increased demand and supply shortages. I’m wondering if there are NATO countries sitting on huge ammo supplies that they may want to part with.

    • Exactly. I think this is, at the very least, one major factor even if it may not be the only one.

      So many sudden new gun owners all needing ammunition, as well as the existing market, and BAM. Instant chaos. Then people panic at the chaos, and it compounds, and so on.

      I may be wrong, but this HAS happened in Far East countries with gasoline prices due to sudden increases in car ownership due to lower cost cars. I want to say India went through this once?

      • All that you are assuming is true, although, the real prob., is in fed gov. Purchase, and contract power! What we are seeing on the shelf at the local gun shop/ Walmart, is the residual product that gets produced and shiped between govt purchase orders, unless congress steps in, some people should be fired, wasting tax dollars, and useing agencies to munipulate markets, leaving peace officers , and citizens to fend for our selfs. I could think of many other ways that DSHS could spend there budget, how about on anything, like a lung for a 8 year old, food stamps, and health care tempary for the out of work family down the street, what a betrayal to our country and our people, I thought it was the solom duty and the only real duty of the pres., to keep the country and the states unionized peaceably through constitutional merit, and the will of the people?

    • We all (generally) operate under the illusion that because the shelves are full, there’s plenty. Which is how the marketers want us to think.

      The reality is there is very little “slack” in any system we use everyday.

      From the highways at rush hour, to the electrical grid under load spikes, we teeter on the brink of overcapacity everyday. More germane to ammo is this – at any point in time there’s 3-4 days of food in any major metro. That’s it. Quarantine a city for a week and the shelves would be bare just on normal consumption alone. Throw in the announcement of a quarantine, and that self-preservation part of the lizard-brain kicks into overdrive.

      Even though some of the early scalpers of 5.56 are at the ‘better out too early, than too late’ deal making stage, most of that train keeps rolling right along at Gunbroker/Armslist/your local gun show.

      As long as folks are (rightfully) concerned about their ability to source ammo in the near future, I don’t see any of this changing. At least until people run out of extra money to throw at it.

      • One unmentioned reason: Investors. Where else would I put a few thousand? Stock market? No way. Gold? no thanks, possibly at the bubble point. CD’s? interest is too low. Real Estate? Already lost a bunch doing that and property taxes will only rise with the bankrupt local governments. Ammo? Yup, will triple in price again with the next massacre or stupid gun law. No carrying cost. Only take up a little space in the closets. Same with P-Mags.

        • Gold is not at the bubble point.
          Ammo is in a type of bubble, will likely fall eventually, and is physically larger per dollar than precious metals.

        • Such certainty Patrick! You sound like the realtors in 2007: “Real Estate Never Goes Down!”, “There’s Never A Better Time To Buy!”. Though you may be right.

          Ammo at the current prices is a bubble. Ammo at the old prices is a can’t-lose proposition. Big difference. The trick is finding new ammo at old prices, which is quite do-able.

        • Ahh, real estate. The gift that allows you to break even, unless you get really lucky.

          By the time you figure in taxes, devaluation of currency, and maint, your heirs will be lucky to get your money out. Sure, some folks sell out to a developer for a braggable profit, but more often folks lose money as their subdivision ages.

          I’m not against home or land ownership at all. But it’s been proven to be a lousy investment – so far.

        • Even if the ammo bubble bursts, at least you can still have fun shooting that ammor. And who know, the Zombie Apocalypse might still happen.

    • tt, what new gun owners? Remember, according to the “polls” gun ownership is down, way down!

      (sarcasm is now off)

    • Every “wave” has a backside, and ammo is no different. Eventually the masses will get bored, complacency will set in, and CCI (etc) will be back down to $6/100rds.

      In the mean time, gradually culling through my ~7k rounds of 22lr, built up over the last decade. That’s exactly what an ammo stockpiles are for: uncertain times.

      Get through this. Learn from it. Use it as a guide for future decisions.

      • I agree with the only caveat being – as long as nothing else changes.

        The ongoing potential for universal background checks for ammo with the database which would inevitably spring concerns some folks.

        The ongoing potential for legislated limits on purchases and a whole host of other restrictions concerns some folks.

        Until something really horrible happens abroad, and/or this Presidency passes into the history books, I see no let up until people just plain run out of money. Then demand will fall.

        • As long as there is a cop, or a soldier walking the streets, there will be ammunition, if it ever comes to that point. I don’t believe all the hype about Soros owning all the ammo companies, and gun manufacturers… he may have stock in them but beyond that, the companies are working 3 shifts, 24x7x365 to keep up with the demand. The government orders will be piece mealed out as the orders come due, over 7 years. Even some of those orders may never be filled before the 7 years is up. Don’t panic, because that is what they want you to do.

    • Yes. I believe Ruger makes something like 100,000 10/22 rifles per year (rough estimate). Multiply that by the average number of rounds each new owner will shoot through that rifle and you can see why ammo demand keeps going up.

      Also, it is easier to increase firearms manufacturing capacity than ammunition manufacturing capacity. Firearms are for the most part produced on generic CNC machining centers and much of the work can be shopped out. Powder and primers require highly specialized and very expensive equipment.

    • If there is an ammo shortage, why can I go on and search 22lr and get 1300+ hits? If you total all that up its over 1mm+ rounds.

      If we let the market set the price, instead of burning down every retailer who wants to raise prices, we would see supply come back. Instead, we have people camping out at Walmart purchasing a box and turning around selling it for double and people hoarding because even double the price is too low.

      All we have done is caused shooting events to have to be cancelled due to lack of ammo.

      • “If we let the market set the price, instead of burning down every retailer who wants to raise prices, we would see supply come back. Instead, we have people camping out at Walmart purchasing a box and turning around selling it for double and people hoarding because even double the price is too low.”


        god i hate being right.

        I mentioned this back in January and was ridiculed for being the evil Rand-esque demon.

        Its nice to see reality, once again, smack everybody over the head much like a 2×4.

      • So there’s enough 22LR for a whole 1300 people to go do a ‘normal-ish’ day of plinking and that’s a surplus?

        When I used to have the inclination and the time, I’d meet a friend or two andeasily blow through a few thousand rounds in a day. 1K rounds is a measly 33 30-round mags. Divide by three folks and it’s only ten per.

        1K rounds per person per day is pretty standard for plinking and practicing. Especially stuff like 5.56, 9, and .22.

        In the scheme of things, 1MM rounds isn’t even a blip. A lot to put in your personal basement, but compared to demand? Not even a couple hour’s worth of ammo.

    • Well, they tried to start a war on guns and gun owners and the result is obvious: it has breathed new life into the 2nd amendment. Last time I was at the gun range (Pflugerville TX – what I would call a “conservative but tolerant” town) I never saw so many gun newbies in my entire life and it was not just young rebels arming themselves for SHTF. On the contrary, it was young couples with the guy knowing little if any more than the girl what end to hold and what end the bullet comes out of. But they wanted their guns and they wanted to learn how to use them. Another story: my local Bank of America just had a “team building” event. You know what they did? They all went as a group to get their concealed carry permits. I mean, really, low level bank employees spending their $$ on this tells me that the herd has awakened to the founder’s view on guns – that they are a defense from government tyranny. This huge awakening has caused gun sales to skyrocket and no intelligent politician will vote against something that so many Americans want. Ammo sales will catch up. Supply and demand will prevail. It is the heart of the American way. There is profit to be had in supplying what people want and some smart person is going to figure out how to fill the purchasing demand of so many new gun owners. End of story. But the new need is so dramatic that I do not think it will just be the conventional bullet makers filling the demand. That will take too long and it will leave too much money on the table. That is un-American. I bet within 6-12 months something happens to fill this demand some how some way.

      • Whoa! Dave rocks. How succinct! And so good to hear of America waking up to the wisdom of the Founders. Now, if we could just recover out former consensus about what constitutes a legitimate marriage. .

    • It’s because the DHS is driving the prices up. Can’t ban assult rifles?? Lets dry up the market. Pretty simple people….

  2. Just left a gun store in FL, four black rifles, AK and Saiga 12 at reasonable, almost normal prices. The two AK pistols they had were still spendy. Ammo selection seemed decent. Tons of parts to build an AR but I am too scared to buy any and try to take them with me on the plane back to MA.

  3. If the .gov would stop dropping multi year quotes people might slow down hoarding…but really until 2014-15 it’ll be crazy.

      • Seeing how it’s all pretty much there service issue ammo, not practice ammo for them, and a twenty year use supply, and this ammo because of design and law this is for domestic use, and could not be realucated to foreign or military use, you have come to a pretty roundup conclusion!

  4. I am not seeing that. Ammo supply’s are weak but at least were I live I can’t say they are worse. Most of the LGS have something in stock even if it is expensive and the local Wal-Mart / Dick / Bass Pro are getting some in although it isn’t lasting long it is still coming in. I still think your original est of June / July is going to be pretty accurate at this point.


    • +1, same thing I’m seeing locally. I’ve appreciated our local Wal-Mart keeping prices the same throughout the panic.

  5. those who weren’t hoarding ammo before are snapping up every round they can find now.

    Too true. Because I have limited storage space, I was content to let my LGS or online retailer pay for the storage. Why not? I knew that resupply was just a short trip or a UPS delivery away. Now, I buy what I can when I can and as much as I can, even though prices are at least 15% higher than they were pre-Newtown.

    As a result, I now have more ammo on hand than I ever had during the days of easy availability, and I’m running out of space for it. I know it’s crazy, but since I might not be able to find what I’m looking for until months from now, I do what I have to do.

  6. The cheapest I have seen Colt AR’s anywhere near me is $1,675.00. That same rifle, in that same shop was $1,175.00 before the panic. We are still talking about a 30% increase. I will call the AR Shortage over when prices are within 10% of pre-panic levels.

    • Gunbroker is actually a great place to gauge the market, especially sales that start at $1.00. If you take a look at the 6920 sales that actually have bids on them, they are going for around $1,200 to $1,300. I’d say that is pretty close to pre-panic prices. Sales listings that are asking more than that as initial bids are not finding any takers. At the height of the frenzy, the 6920 was going for more than $2,000. The market is becoming saturated. I find gunbroker to be a more accurate gauge of overall sentiment than LGSs. Similarly, Pmags are now down in the $20 range, instead of the $30~$50 range during the frenzy. It’s still not pre-Newton prices, but it’s pretty close.

  7. Oddly, 223/556 seems to be coming back around….at least here in NW Georgia. 9’s, 40’s etc not so much.

    • Sure it’s out there, but at what price? I’ll continue to watch from the sidelines until it drops below .40/rnd for US brass case ammo and .20-.25/rnd for Russian steel stuff. It’s a buck a round and up here in Greater Atlanta right now AND on the internet.

      • Academy Sports in Hiram has Independence 5.56 at $8.99/box and Winchester White box at $11.99 per. They are limiting one box per customer so perhaps thats why they appear full. In any event they are usually gone in a few hours, but seems to be in good supply for a few days at time here recently.

  8. Small amounts of .223 turn up here, nothing for handguns at all. Nothing for .22 LR either.

  9. Well ammo not so bad here I can get some PMC-XAC M193 rounds in a box of 20 for about $11.50. A 50 box of 9mm FMJ for $15; although you have to use it up on the range.

    • Heard that our local Dicks had a lot last week….but they are on my FOAD list, so I didn’t confirm. My LGS has them though. Haven’t seen any at Cabelas, Bass Pro, Academy or Walmart.

    • Local Walmart in KY gets some 22LR every other day or so. Even with a 3 box limit per customer, you need to be there are 7 AM cause by 8, its history. Having never been there at the right time 🙁 I asked the clerk about the price. She said it was the “same as always”.

      But, having a well stocked locker already, I just can’t bring my self to camp out in front of the store.

    • Really? That stuff is going the way of the dodo. I don’t think I know anyone who has a gun chambered for .22 short or who shoots it out of their .22 LR. Do you shoot it out of a .22 LR chamber, or do you have an actual rifle chambered for it?

      • I can answer that I have a Henry .22 Rifle that I’ve been dying to feed shorts, I bought it right before the supply dried up.

      • I’ve heard *some* people (cough!) shoot shorties in their basements. Can’t confirm that, of course.

      • There are probably millions of older guns out there that shoot long rifle, longs, and shorts. I have three including my first rifle, a Remington 514 received at 7 years of age. I still take it out and shoot it. Additionally, dedicated 22 short guns are out there as well, i.e., High Standard pistols and Browning rifles. I have an old take-down Browning that I probably put 5-6 hundred rounds through a year, just for grins. The 22 short ain’t dead by a long shot. Go over to Plenty of 22 short activity still going on.

        • Ruger single six. Uses everything from .22 short to .22 mag. Hard to tell when the round goes off if you wear ear protection, which I do, when shooting the shorts.

  10. There has to be some money to be made in starting up an ammo manufacturing company. I have no knowledge or start up capital or I’d be on it myself.

    As for the drought, I’ve probably seen .45 ACP more than any other common handgun round, but I’m suprised the less common stuff (.25 and .32) isn’t coming back yet.

    • Tens of millions of dollars and years of paperwork and construction.

      I’d say you could just by Olin’s Alton plant when they close it in a few years, but by then, the landscape will have changed.

      And you won’t see ‘oddball’ stuff for quite awhile at least from the big boys. Less popular cartridges are done all at once, a year’s worth in a single run. Right now, the money is in volume cartridges like 5.56/9/45 – that’s what’s gonna be made for the foreseeable future.

      • Sometimes the Serbs will do the oddball stuff at reasonable prices. I will admit I’d love to get a tour of the Privi Partizan factory – they seem to do more different calibers than anyone else.

        • Not saying that Privi, Eley, Colibri and so on don’t sell a lot of product – they certainly do. And they will likely be the first ones to stock new .444 Marlin, .270, 7MM Rem, and all those not-so-odd-but-not-5.56 calibers.

          When I say “big” I mean Winchester, Remington, Lake City, Federal. The guys who crank out the mainline stuff by the truckload.

  11. Not just ammo. Try getting your hands on components for making ammo. I will not be able to shoot competitions this season if the supply of H4198 or Varget supply doesn’t appear soon. Same goes for primers of any sort. There is even a shortage of shell holders, dies, and most bullets. I saw some H4198 go for 200% of normal on gunbroker. Really? 674 dollars for 16 lbs of powder.

    Optimistic suppliers say June for stuff. The other day my LGS said “go fish” no longer trying to estimate arrival.

    • Cyrano, I had an order in with Midway since late December for Hornady 224 FMJBT 55gr. They had emailed me recently that they were expecting it in sometime in May, it was delivered the other day. Plus Cabela’s near me had CCI primers and some powders in a couple of weeks ago, so maybe it’s starting to loosen up!

  12. I’m waiting on backorders on uppers. I have an open order with RRA from before the panic. I am starting to think that order got lost in the shuffle.
    My LGS has plenty of rifles in stock. But prices are still high ( probably why they are in stock)

  13. dont wanna brag but my lgs had a ton of. 223 but you could only buy 1 box so i got the biggest box they had. a case of 1000 for .60 a round i almost missed it it was well hidden

    • Somebody probably hid it hoping to come back for it. Oh well. Lucky break for you! 😀

  14. What we need, apparently, is some ammo manufacturing start-ups, but there’s no small business help for such an enterprise… the market is huge, and that should be incentive enough.

    On the other front, we need to light a bonfire under the asses of our Congresscrooks, to make DHS ACTUALLY ANSWER QUESTIONS about the actual purpose of their ammo buy-ups. We know the reason; we need to choke it out of them.

    • There’s plenty of capital out there and investors are sitting on piles of cash looking to put it somewhere are years of uncertainty, but the Feds probably put so much red tape, restrictions and regulations around ammo manufacturers that it would take years to get into the game. Damn I hate red tape. B@stards.

    • Unless its a co-op of some sort maybe! US citizens invest, build, lobby, we are what makes this country, not our out of touch govt, don’t wait for our govt, or some one else, probably a foreigner, to do some thing about what inspires, or disgusts you be American listen to your thoughts and follow your hearts!

  15. I am now starting Nick’s posts with the last line to make sure it is not a long joke with a punch line.

    Time to go buy an air-pump gun.

  16. My mid-Iowa Walmart got some .223 (in addition to 22lr Remington value packs and misc other popular calibers) ammo in Sunday night. I asked for my 3 boxes of .223 and the assistant manager was helpful in retrieving it from the locked cage. He brought it all out and they stocked the shelf right then and there (normally reserved for the morning crew).

    Then, I went in this morning before work and they had some Winchester 5.56mm in stock (9 boxes of 20-ct). So, I bought another 3 boxes.

    It’s going to take a while before you can walk into a Walmart and find anything and everything you want, but it’s there now… you just have to get there early, or ask.

  17. Was in Bud’s retail store last week…over 30 high-end AR models on the shelf and literally pallets of entry-level ARs in boxes stacked with no price gouging. 16″ Doublestars, flat-tops, M4 stocks – $799. I was impressed. Low ammo and handgun section looked a little picked over, but ARs and AR alternatives were copious.

  18. I’m seeing the same thing here. Stopped by the local gun shop this morning, and they had Bushmaster and S&W AR-15s on the shelf, but no 9mm to be found. They did have some 5.56mm, but were charging $40/20.

  19. This seems true where I live too. Stopped by local gun shop / indoor range here in Seattle, WA and the walls have *almost* been restocked with rifles. There’s at least a couple of ARs, AKs, and FALs to pick from. From glass case with pistols is also stocked, though it’s still missing a few I’m interested in.

    Not a lot of ammo for sale, though… some boxes of 9mm JHP ($29 a box of 50), some Russian 7.62×39, no 5.56. The range keeps a few boxes on hand, but those are for sale only to newbies or people who have already rented / using a lane.

    On the plus side, 38 special seemed well stocked. Time to get the Python out again.

  20. Lesson I learned from the last shortage. Set a ammo budget and buy ammo in normal times whether you need it or not until you reach your desired inventory. Once you reach your goal just replace what you use. You will never run short. Iif everybody did that then there would never be a general shortage caused by panic buying.

  21. Question….Can a resident of Canada send ammo to me here in the states?

    I can’t find any law that would outlaw it.


  22. Funny, where I am it’s kind of the opposite. AR-15s are still kind of hard to find, though available, and ammunition is starting to come back in stock. At this point it’s only difficult to find 9mm.

  23. Obama was great for the gun industry. No one else in the world could of done the greatness that he has done. Ammo off the shelves, firearms flying away, 1.6 billions rounds ordered by DHS, and the millions the manufactures are making.

  24. Is there an AR chambered in .17HMR? Cause that would be a win win. Big Scary Black rifle, And Plenty of ammo..

  25. yeah . . We the People would sure like to get some ammo . . can’t even get 22LR to go plink at the range .

  26. Good news I just got a 9mm Shield!
    Bad news I just got a 9mm Shield!
    After being on Cabelas waiting list since last summer they called today and said they had a S&W Shield for me. I wasn’t exactly thrilled due to the ammo shortage but it gave me a chance to trade in my Taurus Slim and now I have a gun I want to shoot.

    • Ammo recently played a big role in a firearm I chose to purchase. I wanted a smaller pistol for cc, preferably a 9mm. I ended up buying an m&p compact chambered in 40. Why, I have enough 40 to last me practicing another year or so. I have 0 9mm.

  27. I quit buying guns due to lack of and over priced ammo. I wanted a .22 pistol for training purposes, but passed on the pistol. I want a .308 semi auto rifle, but I am not actively pursuing as there is no ammo available.

    • You might want to think of something chambered in 30-06. Plenty of that ammo around. That was the primary reason I bought a Remington 750. It isn’t exactly a battle rifle but you won’t run into its limits in self defense scenario.

      It is just a hunting rifle which the gun grabbers promised not to take away from us. /sarc

  28. In an effort to prevent my ammo stash from shrinking I have been shooting my muzzleloaders often during the past couple of months. I have about 300 pounds of pure lead ingots in my basement; that will make a dookie-load of .490 round balls. No problem finding Pyrodex so far…

  29. Well… this guy with an “ample ammo stash” is SITTING TIGHT. I haven’t bought a single overpriced round of ammo during this panic period.

    I believe ammo will reach a similar “saturation point.” I’m looking forward to bargains in the future. But, meanwhile, as I said… sitting tight.

    • I’m very glad that I “dollar-cost-averaged” ammo purchase over the last four years. I watched for online sales and bought, even though I didn’t “need” it. Also made regular visits to Walmart (mostly bought bricks of .22LR).

      I’m SET for a while. And, I’m confident the pendulum will swing the other way for ammo. In fact, I predict that prices for ammo will go BELOW pre-panic prices. Just gotta wait it out.

  30. All this chatter and not a word about handguns? In my town, there are plenty of rifles and shoguns, but handguns are a scarce commodity. A big box camping/hunting store is down to a couple of .44 brassies. Even the Ruger Single Sixes and Blackhawks are gone. Another store was virtually out of revolvers (one left), and the only Kahrs they had were a swarm of $800+ PM models. I’ve looked on Bud’s online, and they have one or two models of handguns from all of the major manufacturers. Most handguns left are .22s. Very bizarre. The only thing they seem to have restocked are Turkish 1911s.

  31. For those that are AR15 deprived (such as myself), it’s good news. How soon is this going to occur? Will parts also be available at reasonable prices to build one (for those of us that are “economically challenged”)?

  32. Subsonic 9mm (147/158 gr) and 22LR are seeing the absolute worst of it. 22LR are obviously being hoarded, so at least some stocks are trickling through. But the heavy 9mm are just literally nowhere to be found.

  33. I’ve been able to find 223 and 22LR in Wal-Marts here in VA on two separate trips in the past week. $35 for 100 Federal 223 55 grain. $24 for 555 Winchester White Box 22LR 40 grain. Bought the three box total limit both trips. The 22LR was a fluke as I went into the department as they were unboxing it. Anyone know where I can find 300 BLK and/or reload components and an H&R AAC 300 BLK Handi-Rifle? That’s been my unicorn lately.

  34. Guys I am a licensed and insured Firearms Instructor , you can’t fathom what this shortage of rounds has done to my business and continues to do to my business.

    I can’t fill classes because students can’t get ammo, or are afraid t shoot it due to the fact they dont know when they can replace it and how much it’s going to cost them.

    This is trickle down economics at its best because my business influences that of my local range my employees and office staff etc. I hope I can make it through this!

  35. In the Pacific Northwest shelves are still empty of ammo. But let Me ask this question ?? To reduce prices and stem empty shelves until ammo manufacturers can catch up with demand, why are they not importing ammo ?? Reason, they like prices high. They want to be the new oil companies of ammo. See they have contracts with the Feds so they’re not losing money and they want higher prices, it’s to their benefit. So everyone that bought a 500 round brick of .22LR ammo You paid 20.00 dollars will stay at 30.00 to 35.00 dollars if they have their way. Their not Your friends, their in to make as much money as they can at Your expense.

  36. cmorbutts is actually wrong.

    The manufacturers are not getting the high prices for the ammo. They are still selling to distributors at their normal prices. And many of the reputable distributors (Midway, etc) are selling at normal prices as soon as they get the stuff in. However it’s the secondary market that is immediately snapping them up, jacking up the prices and selling on the secondary market.

    In the last 2 weeks, the ammo shortage has started to subside. I’ve been seeing 22LR, 9MM and .223 going for 7 cents, 25 cents, 30 cents respectively on a more continual basis and taking longer and longer to sell out.

    The end of the ammo shortage should be soon.

  37. Just bought a case (1000 rnds) of mk262. Whoohoo. Paid $1/rnd but that’s pretty much they cost previously if you could find them. So, stuff is getting through. Seeing some 9mm and a bit of .223 dribbling through our big box stores lately. All said, this should be a wake up call: Keep a healthy SHTF supply and if it does hit, you can relax and won’t have to add to the panic buying and the bubble.

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