GSL Defense Training image by John Boch.

The news from Texas has gun control advocates upset and nervously chewing their fingernails. The Dallas Morning News reported the grave news that adults under 21 years old have started securing training for carry licenses so they can carry on university campuses. Let the pearl clutching commence.

Campus carry has long proven a contentious subject, especially for those who recoil at the idea of good guys carrying guns in public for their own self-defense. Opponents of allowing students and staffers on college campuses the right to keep and bear arms often make wild claims about blood and lecture hall shootouts…none of which ever come to pass

However, those dire predictions scare those who don’t know any better. But Texans aren’t afraid.

From the Dallas Morning News . . .

A new kind of student is showing up in handgun instructor Michael Cargillā€™s classroom: teenagers.

Earlier this month, Cargill said two 19-year-old college students sat before him, pens in hand, ready to get theirĀ licenses to carry.

Until recently, most Texans had to wait until their 21st birthday to apply.

ButĀ a federal judgeĀ toppled the stateā€™s age restrictions, and now thousands ofĀ young adults are eligibleĀ for licenses that will let themĀ carry concealed handguns on public university campuses, into certain businesses and across state lines…

The change marks a major shift in Texas gun policy…

The change has sweeping implications. Now, a far larger swath of students are eligible for so-called campus carry,Ā a contentious policy enacted in 2016Ā that allows license-holders to have concealed handguns at public universities.

There you go. With a license to carry, students aged 18 to 20 will be able to carry concealed arms at public universities in Texas.

That news likely has people like David Hogg, Shannon Watts and their ilk piddling their undergarments at the thought of a good guy (or gal) possibly stopping a bad person with evil in their hearts.


  1. That news likely has people like David Hogg, Shannon Watts and their ilk piddling their undergarments at the thought of a good guy (or gal) possibly stopping a bad person with evil in their hearts.

    and I would stand there pointing my BIG ndex finger whilst heartily laughing as they did so. Hogg Boyy is a fraud and phoney, and Watts is a sold out for-hire thing with NO moral compass.The ONLY thing resembling a compass in HER world is a device that inerrantly points toward… money.

    Hogg Boyy and I have one thing in common.. we BOTH survived the Douglas High School massacre. He from a distance of three miles, me from a distance of three thousand miles. Neither of us was shot that day.

    • Hogg & Watts also have something in common besides an unnatural fear of inanimate objects, they are both whores for the anti-gun communist.

  2. OMG: there will be RIVERS of blood in the streets… RIVERS I say!!! Chaos, mayhem!! HELL to pay… Life as we know it will come to a SCREECHING halt…. DOOOOOMMMM…

  3. So, young women are tooling up. Good.

    I look at it this way :

    Now, young guys will be even more motivated to treat their dates with respect.

    A very wise man once said :

    ā€œAn armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.ā€

    ā€• Robert A. Heinlein, Beyond This Horizon

  4. Born, raised, and loved in Texas until 2002. There were plenty of people of all ages carrying on campuses long before Texas even got concealed carry.

  5. Texas youth are getting training. From the Burnet 4-H Rifle Team to the TSRA State Indoor Rifle Championships, the correct handling of arms is being taught. I see good things with this.

  6. STEM students should be level headed enough.

    Humanities students? Let the inane shrieking commence.

    • “Humanities students? Let the inane shrieking commence.”

      That, and any degree that ends in ‘Studies’.

      I predict that if any argument in a college classroom ends in gunfire, it will not be by anyone majoring in the hard sciences…

      • I hope many humanities student take concealed carry classes. The no-nonsense discussion (and range time?) might very well be a real eye opener for many of them. Maybe some will be told (or realize) that they can now truly wreck their lives (and other lives) by behaving irresponsibly with a firearm. It can be a sobering moment.

  7. I took my daughter to get her GA carry license on her 21st so she could carry the pistol I gave her years before on campus.

  8. Anyone familiar with Rob Leahy over at Simply Rugged holsters?? From the description of the “pocket protector” product …

    “Rob started making these for his gun store customers in the early 1990s. Many of the customers worked at the local university and had to carry concealed, because carrying a personal protection weapon was a career ending thing, if caught. He was surprised at how many of these educators chose to carry in spite of their job being on the line. They all related the same thing: they knew just how violent their campus was, and held their own life, and their students life more precious than a job or career. Rob carried one of these of his own making for years before that.”

  9. No, you don’t understand. Teenage girls are only supposed to be practicing putting condoms on cucumbers. And then deciding whether not to cut their breats off and then call themselves a boy.

    That’s what the democrats want for teenage girls.

  10. It so happens that “handgun instructor Michael Cargill” is none other than the very person of “Cargill v. Garland” fame. 5th Circuit just issued a mandate legalizing bump stock in three states.

    • “It so happens that ā€œhandgun instructor Michael Cargillā€ is none other than the very person of ā€œCargill v. Garlandā€ fame.”

      Correct, and to the Leftist Scum ™’s dismay, was born with a very deep natural tan… šŸ™‚

    • “It so happens that ‘handgun instructor Michael Cargill’ is none other than the very person of ‘Cargill v. Garland’ fame.”

      You sound surprised. It wasn’t a secret.

  11. Texas is the most hillbilly infested state in the nation. The new law will come under an avalanche of criticism when drunk young kids shoot it out at fraternity parties or have gun battles fighting over drunken half naked girls.

    Psychological studies prove that until young men reach the age of 25 they do not realize the consequences of their actions both in the short and long term. Of course the militaries have realized this for years and that is why it’s so easy to dupe young men into joining the military for the “great adventure of their lives”, usually a one way adventure to an early grave during war time.

    Insurance companies also confirm that the most serious accidents and fatalities come from young men under age 25 who always seem to exhibit reckless behavior behind the wheel.

    Putting guns in the hands of young men in college will also threaten the teachers as well and will put a damper on the free exchange of political discussion. The homicidal far right student will not hesitate to blow away any Professor that is not a far right jackbooted storm trooper. The Educational experience will diminish when college professors are not free to discuss all subjects in an honest and forthright manner especially when it exposes the ignorance of the far right.

    And of course with the popularity of the pre-loaded striker fired guns without a manual safety will guarantee many accidental discharges that will inevitably cause tragic crippling and deaths.

    When a political party like the crazed Republicans turn their country into a shooting gallery the only real cure is to vote out these Neanderthals so a civilized socialist state can triumph over ignorance, stupidity and mayhem.

    • “Psychological studies prove that until young men reach the age of 25 they do not realize the consequences of their actions both in the short and long term. Of course the militaries have realized this for years and that is why itā€™s so easy to dupe young men into joining the military for the ā€œgreat adventure of their livesā€, usually a one way adventure to an early grave during war time.”

      so that’s why we give these people automatic firearms, access to even nuclear weapons, because “Psychological studies prove that until young men reach the age of 25 they do not realize the consequences of their actions both in the short and long term.”

      and what about young women? you forgot to post some crap about those.

      “And of course with the popularity of the pre-loaded striker fired guns without a manual safety will guarantee many accidental discharges that will inevitably cause tragic crippling and deaths.”

      millions of firearms are carried and possessed every day by ordinary law abiding people, yet the lowest number of ‘accidents causing tragic crippling and deaths’ of anything ‘carried’ a person could have in any demographic is with firearms by more than 1,500 times less likely to be ‘accidently’ fired to cause “tragic crippling and deaths” carried or possessed by ordinary law abiding people. heck, just in one aspect alone overall a person is more than 1,200 times more likely to be run over by a car than they are to be accidentally shot by a law abiding person carrying or possessing a firearm.

      you are so full of crap dacian. everything you post is so full of it.

      • I love showing dacians hate filled screeds against them to the young. This is the face of gun control. A bigot that wants to put youth under his thumb until they’re middle aged.

        dacian is one of our biggest assets. I hope he stays around forever.

    • until young men reach the age of 25 they do not realize the consequences of their actions both in the short and long term.

      Funny story, in the late 1960s and early 1970s thousands of young men and women (average age 19) were sent to a little country in Southeast Asia where many of them were placed in situations where they had to make life and death decisions on a daily basis and MOST of them passed that test… We’ve seen that same scenario unfold for the past two decades in the Middle East… Quit projecting YOUR shortcomings onto ALL young men…

      vote out these Neanderthals so a civilized socialist state can triumph over ignorance, stupidity and mayhem.

      Relax Sport, your “Soshullist” utopia is NOT going to happen in YOUR lifetime…

    • Recent history has proven some of the greatest mass murders where socialists and their twin brother communists. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot to name a few. Then there was that whole WWII Hitler thing, where he prohibited the Jews from owning firearms. That kind of evil must not be repeated. Our 2ndA rights shall not be infringed to keep that kind of evil in at bay.
      11 so called civilized leftist leaning Blue cities in the US made the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world.

    • And I am sure you have plenty of evidence to back up your assertions that will be proven correct as this plays out over the coming years………oh wait nevermind it’s just speculative pearl clutching lol try again with something that has support.

    • My hammerless S&W 642 revolver is both preloaded and without a safety. Millions of them have been for decades. Still waiting to read about negligent discharges for them.

      Oh, waitā€”is your other handle Titiana McGrath? If so, never mind.

      • That is a neat overall design, I do prefer hammers but that will forever be a great fire from the pocket or jam into the mugger’s torso before firing design of excellence.

  12. anti-gun: “OMG! Guns on Campus! Noooooo!”

    Student: “Why not? Thousands students across the nation are violently attacked every year on campus, assualted-robbed-raped, all sorts of stuff. I should be able to exercise my constitutional right to self-defense with a firearm, these violent people don’t stop just because I say ‘please don’t’ or run away or try to hide.

    anti-gun: “There are campus police there to protect you. You don’t need a gun.”

    Student: “If campus police are there to protect us then why are there thousands students across the nation violently attacked every year on campus and injured, assualted-robbed-raped, all sorts of stuff?

    anti-gun: “Well, its complicated. But trust us, there are campus police there to protect you.”

    Student: “What about criminals with guns and mass shootings?”

    anti-gun: “We have laws that forbid guns in no guns zones and we put up signs. Those are there to protect you.”

    Student: šŸ˜‚

    anti-gun: “What are you laughing at? All these things protect you.”

    Student: “This is the real world of college, not Hogwarts.”

    • Students of Hogwarts were armed with wands and whatever magic they could use to defend themselves…….even in fiction it is a huge improvement from reality.

  13. We actually need concealed carry for 13 year olds who have passed their hunter safety courses. We might require that there is a father figure living with the teen. Such a requirement would make far more sense than all the stupid requirements the gun control crowd wants. There is at least some marginal evidence that fatherless children are more likely to be batshit crazy.

    • We actually need concealed carry for 13 year olds who have passed their hunter safety courses

      No…. we don’t…. Carrying a firearm in the woods is one thing, but a 13 year old with a gun in a public setting where anything could (and will) happen is NOT a good idea. Agreed there probably are some 13 year olds that are responsible and mentally capable of making those decisions but it would take more than a hunter safety course to convince me that anyone under the age of 18 should be walking around school or the mall with a concealed handgun…

  14. If students are allowed to carry on campus, mass shooting will not occur on them, as psychos prefer gun free zones, where they know they are safe.

    • that’s not entirely true in a guaranteed sense. Although its a lot less likely by more than 1,100 times less likely if its known or suspected ordinary armed law abiding citizens are or could be in the area, mass shooters are driven by mental illness and although in some aspect they may think rationally at times not all of them may think ‘hey, people with guns so I will not go there” ’cause mental illness is driving them. however, its been shown that ordinary law abiding armed citizens employing DGU have, and provide for others, a 94% probability better chance to survive such an incident or other violent act with no injury or death verses an over 80% injury or death rate probabity for those that do not have firearm DGU available to them.

  15. Lol, the US Department of Education still has no consensus on the issue of guns being carried by students on campus. The Second Amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. I have read a study on the subject at and it shows that students carrying guns can reduce their risk of becoming a victim of violence. But I still think it should be over 21 years old.

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