1. That is just as painfull as it was getting my German Drivers License.

    This would be the utopia that the anti-gun crowd would want for the USA.

    Let me guess, Norway has zero crime now?

    • Other than the mass murder committed by Anders Breivik, the crime rate in Norway is very low, especially compared to the U.S. As far as I see it, the strict gun laws are far from the only reason for that. The culture, the economy and the health care system most likely affect the homicide rates more.

      By the way, I think comparing this to the driver’s license makes sense. Cars and firearms are very dangerous when used irresponsibly, and both require skill to use properly. So why not have mandatory instruction for firearms too?

      • Does Norway have mandatory firearms instruction? For everyone? Aside from military conscription or something?

        If they do, at least they are getting some value for their famously high (in reality not so much anymore) taxes.

        • No, firearms instruction is only mandatory for those who want to acquire them.

          Norwegians do get plenty for their taxes, such as a good infrastructure and public transportation, unemployment benefit and excellent health care as well as education. University and college studies are free, aside from a modest semester free at about $80.

  2. As much as I love my ancestral homeland, Norge can stuff it. I prefer the model where I go to the LGS and walk out 10 minutes later with a pistol.

  3. Reasonable restrictions…..

    This is there plan to make it difficult to buy guns so there are less of them and when we become such a minority that they no longer matter in elections they’ll take em all

  4. And I am sure a criminal will:

    Provide a good reason: in a gang…
    Collect logs on everything they “score” with their gun…
    Be active for 3 months before switching to a larger caliber…


    Why harass the law abiding? They should fire all the bureaucrats who handle all of these requirements and hire some more criminal investigators.

  5. there was mass shooting in Norway a couple years back where something like 77 people were killed…teens at some type of youth camp. Obviously these gun laws did not prevent that.

    • Gun laws worked the way they are supposed to, there as here: Make sure the intended victims don’t end the party, before it gets exciting enough to give politicos plenty of televised time, talking about how much better the world will be if only they, themselves, get to have more power over people and their purses.

  6. It was hard enough to watch the video explanation of the process. Couldn’t even make it to the end of it. I can’t imagine going through the hassle for real.

    Maybe he covered it toward the end of the video that I didn’t see, but I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if the fellow had to use any of these arduously acquired weapons in a defensive use of lethal force.

    If you really want to jump through all those hoops only to compete in friendly competitions, knock yourself out, I guess. Heaven help me if that poor dude’s scenario makes its way here.

    • Regarding self defense with his weapons, he said essentially “Don’t even think about it”.

      What are people in Norway supposed to use when defending themselves…harsh language?

      • Throw pillows at them and ask them to leave nicely, if that doesn’t work your supposed to go fist to cuffs, if that doesn’t work lay into fetal position, suck thumb, and let the criminal rape and pillage your home…

      • There are no bad guys in Norway, nor any other leftist Utopia. They’re just misunderstood. If you don’t like the way he behaves, you should blame yourself, for refusing to pay enough taxes to ensure the nannycrats have the resources to help unfortunate him become an upstanding citizen with opportunities, too. Suits you just fine, you greedy, selfish right wing extremist.

    • Well, I could tell what would happen if I used my firearms for self-defense… I would be legally f***ed. Even using something as simple as a baseball bat can lead to dire legal consequences if you hurt your attacker “too much”. You’re expected to apply only the minimum amount of force necessary to stop the attack.
      However you’re supposed to figure out exactly how much force is needed, that is beyond me.

  7. The only way a model like that works is if you don’t already have 300M+ guns in private ownership.

      • Never seen a bottle that couldn’t be recorked. How about “toothpaste back in the tube”? (credit: H.R. Haldemann)

    • Having traveled about in Norway four times over thirty years, I’ve never felt anything but a moose rifle would get much use. No big conflicting racial or ethnic groups. No impoverished people without food or health care. Very sparse population. The right-wing nut-case that killed 77 does not exemplify their society any more than Adam Lanza exemplifies ours.

    • Yes, that regulation wouldn’t be very effective in places like the U.S. where already tons of firearms are in circulation.

      What most European gun laws do achieve is avoiding the problem of gun owners who don’t know how to safely and responsibly handle them. A mandatory safety course makes perfect sense, and the personal evaluation in the shooting club helps to sort out individuals who are clearly mentally unstable. It’s not a perfect fail-safe but it has some positive effect.

      Having to get a new permit for every single firearm however is just unnecessarily inconvenient and pointless though.

  8. A friend of mine used to live in Germany and he liked to go hunting. To do so one is required to join a hunting club.

    The clubs thus have a way to keep members and have high dues and rules so silly that eventually he quit and said to hell with hunting Germany. They were required to wear traditional lederhosen, and my friend said the whole experience was too humiliating. He is fluent in German but did not appreciate their enthusiasm for tight leather shorts.

  9. We had some Taiwanese gentlemen at work for new machinery we purchased. I handed one of the gentlemen a Cabelas promotional flyer, to see if he was interested in the hunting rifles on the cover (since i know they cannot own firearms).

    He would not touch the flyer! He was scared to touch it.

  10. Well, I’m from a different European country (Czech Republic), and while we do have to register most firearms CCLs are shall issue, no need to prove a need. And concealed carry is legal almost everywhere – even in schools, banks or cinemas. Even a no-guns sign on a bank’s door does not carry the weight of the law, you’re still free to legally carry in all the bank’s publicly accessible areas. You can’t carry everywhere, though – basically you can’t carry during big sports events, fairs and mass demostrations (at least not without jumping through way too many hoops, plus this time you might need a permission which can be denied).
    Heck, you can even get yourself a fully automatic weapon, even a machinegun, provided you can get the permit (no shall-issue on full auto weapons) and are willing to let police inspect your home and check safe storage etc. anytime they feel like it.

    Sure, I’d like less nosy government. I do know the registered guns are sort of borrowed, i.e. easy to confiscate should SHTF.

    But recent events in the USA amaze me, and not in a good way. We are, in some sense, more free than many parts of the USA and things are getting worse for you. We are an ex-communist European country and we have more gun rights than many Americans? Amazing, isn’t it?

    I never thought I’d be donating to SAF to help support Americans’ gun rights but I did, a few days ago. And I do try to fight for our rights here too. So I hope that knowing you Americans are not alone, that even some people in other countries support you, as do some of my countrymen who live in the USA, can provide a little bit of moral support. Looks like it might come in handy…

    Oh, and to end on a funnier note… Did you know you can legally own a pirate muzzle-loaded naval cannon around here, no permits or registration needed?

  11. @Skyler about You have wrong information about hunting in Germany. The Germans are very traditional but there is no dress code for hunts. While you might not get invited back to hunt at that revere it’s not illegal to hunt in non-traditional attire.
    To acquire weapons here you have to show need as well. The Sport Shooter License process is similar to what this video talks about. You have to take an extensive training course then show X amount of time at a range or club and in competitions. If you stop shooting then your “need” is gone and you must get rid of your weapons.

    I have a hunting license here (Jadgschein) and I am fortunate as I can take the course through the military base I work at, in English. Once you get your license you can acquire as many long arms as you like and two handguns. All guns must be registered and while you can walk out of the shop with a long gun (by showing your license) and then register you must have your completed paperwork before you can take your handgun home. This is a hassle and can take months (I am still waiting over 6 weeks for my weapons card to come back so I can pick up a handgun)

    Also, you must show your license to buy ammo. For handgun ammo, that caliber ammo must be listed specifically on your weapons card. If you forget to fill that out then you have a handgun and can only buy ammo at the range (and can’t leave with any extra)

    Hunting here is a pain. There is no publicly available hunting land. All land, private, federal, state, local has a revere “owner” who lease the hunting rights from the landowner. Unless you know that person or get hooked up with him/her you won’t be able to hunt. Where I live they have more hunters than permits so you have to try to network to get invited on a hunt. It is worthwhile when you o get to go though.

    • I vastly prefer the Euro-way, in which hunting rights go with the land. It feels much safer and the hunting seasons can be much longer given the landowner’s self-interest in complying with limits. Also, I prefer the German (not Swedish, unfortunately) culture of carrying a handgun, should it be necessary to finish off an almost-dead red deer (kronhjort, whatever). I hate putting a .30 cal rifle bullet into a deer from one meter. It just seems brutal. Enjoy your hunting.

  12. I find it funny that Anti point to Europe yet in Norway Poland Finland Italy and Austria you can own semiauto rifles and have shoots with them. In Germany you cant own rifles but own semiauto pistols.

    In the Pacific/Asia only Thailand and Philippines you can own guns but you can own any gun you want.

  13. I lived in Finland for over a year. They have somewhat similar laws.
    I don’t know if you’re required to belong to a “club” to have the weapons, but I know most people are, as the clubs have the ranges.

    Suppressors are 100% legal to own use and are not considered restricted in any way. When I was there a few years ago my friend was telling me you can get decent .22 LR cans for about 40-60 Euros.

    Regarding other weapons, I personally know several Fins who own assault rifles, and do a lot of shooting. They have the weapons registered to them, and must present their firearms cards whenever they purchase ammo.

  14. I am so happy to see this video. This is the kind of manual that needs to be given and not the random misinformation that’s at the other blogs and information about handguns. Appreciate your sharing this.

  15. Howdy!

    Thought i’d share some info about norwegian gun laws with you guys (from a norwegian). To start of with a fun fact, i can say that buying shotguns in norway had no restrictions in norway until 1992 (this mean everyone over the age of 18 could just walk out of the store with the bought shotgun without any registration or paperwork done, persons at the age of 16 could buy shotguns with parents permission). As for now you’ve got to have a reasonable need to aqquire the specific firearm type you want (IPSC, hunting, pistol shooting etc), Hunting licensing require you to take 1 month course and you can then buy 6 long guns. There are also some laws for storing aqquired firearms and this requirement is to be in possesion of a insurance company certified gunsafe or safe. As for defensive use, i gotta agree with the video above as you can’t even buy batons or pepperspray without a special lisence in norway. On another note we still have a right to self-defense but any use of weaponry is said to be used in such a manner that it is deemed nessecary in the scenario you would be in (in other words reasonable force).

    Norway have strong traditions in hunting and sport-shooting and we are fighting our own batte over keeping selfloading firearms at this current time.

    If any info above is incorrect feel free to post correcting info.

    -The Norse

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