
Press Release [via]: GunVault, the industry leader and innovator of quick-access safes, launched their new ARVault, a compact safe specific for AR rifles, at the 2016 National Sporting Good Wholesalers (NASGW) annual Expo in Kansas City, KS.

GunVault’s ARVault is one of the only AR-specific compact safes that completely eliminates the requirement to purchase a large gun safe for secure weapon storage.

The ARVault is made with 16 gauge steel, has dimensions of 14″ L x 11″ W x 4″ H and weighs 10 lbs. It comes standard with GunVault’s unique No-Eyes quick-access keypad or an upgraded biometric lock, and is the only GunVault model that has a Dual Lock System; one lock on opposite corners for added anti-pry protection.

The ARVault can be wall mounted with the rifle held in place thanks to the internal strapping system,which fits most AR rifles and comes with a padded foam interior.

“As the market leader in quick-access and portable vaults, combined with the incredible popularity of the AR, the release of the ARVault is a natural addition to our lineup,” says Pete Danielson, VP Marketing and Customer Experience. “We did a considerable amount of marketing research while working closely with numerous AR rifle owners to deliver on their requests so that they can also enjoy the benefits of quick-access security as our other GunVault customers have done for over 25 years.”

GunVault is also taking pre-orders for their new ARVault at booth 56 during the expo, which runs from October 25-28 at the Kansas City Convention Center. Expected delivery on pre orders is set for early 2017.

About GunVault®

Since 1990, GunVault® has been the industry leader and innovator in developing quick access pistol safes and other security solutions for handguns, firearms and personal valuables. A division of Cannon Safe, Inc.®, GunVault is the leader in biometric technology, offering safes that operate with a high-strength locking mechanism that is instantly accessible with choices of keyed, touch-pad combination or biometric fingerprint technology. For more information, visit


  1. I prefer the ShotLock AR Solo-Vault.
    It has a pushbutton combination lock, costs around $200, does not require batteries. Always ready.

    • Those push button combination locks are very easy to defeat. Just by putting in all the combinations, it takes about 10 minutes with practice.

      • 10 minutes is more than the police response time in my town.
        I have layers of security, deterrents and obstacles meant to delay the would-be thief.
        The only way to keep someone from stealing your gun is to encase it in several tons of concrete.

        • The Shot-Locks that I have have five buttons and use a 3-digit combination. That means they have 60 possible combinations. However, with five buttons there are a total of 120 combinations so unless your burglar knows how this thing functions guessing is a pretty big pain in the ass because he has to know the math on this and then have a list so he doesn’t repeat possible combinations and he has to figure out which one of those 60 is the right one out of a possible 120.

          Could that be done in 10 minutes by blind guessing or just running through combinations? Yes. Would anyone bother? No. Unless you have concrete walls the best you can do with one of these things is put screws into a stud or 4×4. Using a prybar to take the whole unit off the wall and cut it open elsewhere would be a faster and easier solution for the criminal.

          Considering that your average burglar is in and out in 8-12 minutes they’re not going to bother guessing your combo. They’re going to attempt to remove the whole unit quickly and failing that they will likely abandon the gun for other items of value that they can grab more quickly and get out.

          If the perp is smart and knows how these things work they will ignore both the lock and the wall because they know that 16 gauge sheet metal is 0.0598″ thick and therefore the lock itself is easy to defeat with a lever by bending the whole unit to shit and back. A long enough (6′) cheater bar will pop open the heaviest safe door if the person knows how to attack the mechanical device that’s holding it shut. It literally takes seconds. This is even easier.

          Long story short: the idea someone is going to guess this only matters if you have kids, in which case they should know gun safety before they’re capable of defeating the unit. Any security made by man can be defeated by man but burglars are on a clock. The more layers you have the more time it takes before anything of value is obtained and at a certain point, like The Club, they pick an easier target.

          One further point: The weak point on any of these things is the hinge. It’s child’s play to defeat. Once that’s done, simply bend the 0.0598 sheet metal until you can extract the firearm.

      • It will take more than 10 minutes with one of their products. The code can be 4-8 digits and if you get it wrong five times it won’t let you try again for something like 10-30 minutes. I’d have to read the manual again to be sure. Not as secure as an actual safe but it should keep anybody out who didn’t show up with the right tools in advance.

  2. I have one of their products in my home and have purchased them for a number of people. The AR vault has been listed on their website since May or June. I couldn’t swear that it was available but I remember seeing it there last time I bought one for a friend.

  3. Meh… Costco used to carry one similar to this for a shotgun. I wasn’t really impressed with it and I’m not really impressed with this. To each his own though.

  4. Its a safe storage law proponent’s wet dream. Requires your “assault weapon“ be disassembled before locking it in the safe.

    • How does it require the rifle to be disassembled? It doesn’t.

      Shot Lock has made the same thing for years and it will store a rifle with a mag. This thing looks like it will do exactly the same. If it doesn’t, how long does it take to slap in a mag and pull back an operating handle?

  5. I don’t see how my beta mag and 20 power scope are going to fit in that thingy… do they even operate?

  6. Isn’t that little round-key doodad in the front one of the most common locks around? How secure is that?

    • They are not at all secure. There are tools the size a screw driver made especially to defeat these locks, and they can be overcome in 30 seconds or less. They may look secure, but they are a joke. Although the primary lock may be more difficult, the back-up lock is a cinch. There are secure locks, according to a post by a lock smith on Ammoland’s site, but I don’t know of any manufacturer that uses them, even for “vaults” costing a couple of hundred bucks. More security theater that provides none, except to keep guns safe from little people and to satisfy nanny state legislators.

      • “…except to keep guns safe from little people and to satisfy nanny state legislators.”

        Reckon if it passes state requirements, and that is all it is for, it’s good enough (unless one of the little people gets a screwdriver and bends the 16ga metal.

  7. Tubular lock = not secure enough for me.

    Plus, there’s my aforementioned reluctance to stick a firearm into something with “ATTN: GUNS INSIDE HERE PLEASE STEAL” emblazoned on it for security purposes, but that’s a side note.

  8. Look, these things serve a couple functions and that’s it.

    They keep younger children away from a loaded gun and they prevent a home invader from using your gun against you. That’s what they do.

    Other than that they’re basically pointless (Full disclosure: I use the Shot-Lock brand ones to store shotguns). These things are made of sheet metal, they have an easily attackable hinge, and they’re mounted to a wall, which unless it’s concrete, it’s fairly easy to remove them from.

    Against someone in your house who has real time to work on this (more than say 5 minutes) these things will fail because the perp will either break the unit, cut the unit or steal it with gun in tact and open it later.

    No lock is truly secure. Not a single one ever made. This thing is meant to buy time because burglaries are quick in and out affairs averaging 8-12 minutes. In reality, if you have a SawZall in your house and you’re trusting this thing, the AR is gone. If the perp knows how to use a pry bar correctly, it’s gone. If he understands how thin 16 gauge sheet metal is, the rifle is gone. Going out of town with a rifle locked in this thing is flat out dumb.

    What this thing really does is give you quick access to your rifle when you’re home and, if a perp beats you to the location, insure that at best they get a club by ripping the whole thing off the wall but not having access to the controls to make it fire. This thing is not meant to stop a burglar from jacking your rifle.

  9. I would never buy a Gun Vault product again. When I was new to firearms, I bought 3 and the electronics on 2 of the 3 have failed.

  10. I always think of this when I think of gun safes:

    If the person looking to get your guns has time enough, and is immoral enough, there’s no stopping them. Products such as this make sense for some people in some situations, but nobody should fool themselves into thinking they’re high security solutions.

  11. Different things work for different people, better enclosed than not at all. Nice lightweight safe.

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