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It’s always encouraging when the local police make up the laws they’ll be enforcing as they go along. Which seems to be exactly what’s happening this weekend at Mardi Gras parades in Mobile, Alabama. As reports, MPD spokesnoid Christopher Levy has proclaimed that “pistol permits do not grant you permission to carry pistols at Mardi Gras no weapons allowed at Mardi Gras.” Except that they do. Alabama has a state preemption law that prevents cities from enacting their own firearms laws. Just ask Lori Miles of the the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office: “The state of alabama (sic) code states that if you have your pistol permit you may carry a concealed weapon.” Does anyone really want to be the “lucky” one to test the MPD’s version in court? Anyone? Alan Gura, please call your office.

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  1. While I vehemently disagree with the LEO’s choice to violate their own laws in enacting a local ordinance against legal carry, the lady state rep brings up a good point. People who have a state permit to carry are held to the highest standard of conduct while armed, above even the police in most cases.In reference to the maxim of avoiding stupid people doing stupid things , it is logical for an armed citizen to avoid Mardi Gras-or any other sort of outdoor event with booze and lewd behavior- as a personal decision.

    To illustrate my perspective there was an experience I had in my state visiting the annual Summerfest beer festival .I was armed at the time and entirely too uncomfortable being around a lot of drunk & unruly people ,with bored Law Enforcement and Private Security personnel standing on the periphery.Had some event required me to draw down there’s no way I could shoot anyway, as the only backstop for tens of feet around were uninvolved partygoers. Even with my back to a tree there’s no way I could have drawn down and shot an armed perp without possibly tagging someone in the background.

    Nothing wrong with going to events like this, but if you participate leave the piece at home. With that said such a decision is for the INDIVIDUAL to make, not some policeman in a suit.

    • I lived in Mobile for 2 years. Their Mardi Gras it nothing like the New Orleans one. Its a family event in Mobile and should be compared to a county fair.

    • Also don’t forget that you will have people working there selling things in a cash only environment. They have the right to protect themselves and their livelihood.

  2. The state’s AG office can’t offer an “opinion” on a state preemption law that prevents cities from enacting their own firearms law?

    Umm…so am I completely wrong on what an AG does? Aren’t they they the top lawyer and sometimes top LEO of a state appointed to know and enforce the laws on the books?

    So should’t the AG be saying “Hey Mobile, knock that off, there’s a STATE LAW against what you’re doing!”

  3. I live in Milwaukee and know what it’s like to be in a crowd of drunk Milwaukeeans both sober and while imbibing. While it may not be a place that carrying could do you much good, you have to get there and you have to leave. If you’re not drinking, not carrying somewhere just because it wouldn’t be useful during certain times is folly. If you are at a place that you can’t use a gun, don’t use it. Keep it with you for all the other times when you will be able to use it.

  4. We are the cops. Whatever, whatever, I do what I want! You will respect ma autoritii.- Eric Cartman, South Park.

  5. I think the real issue is the no guns allowed declaration by a sheriff or other LEO on an at will basis. What’s to stop them from banning guns on Friday night, or a section of road, or for any number of reasons.
    This is why the country has a Constitution. It sets ground rules.

  6. Have you noticed how absolutely no-one in the state government has done anything at all to point out to the Sheriff that he’s wrong and should publicly retract his position?

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