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According to Mexico News Daily, “Police are having a hard time hanging on to their guns: at both state and federal levels police officers and officials in prosecutors’ and attorney generals’ offices have lost nearly 13,000 firearms since 2006.”

The federal Attorney General’s office reported the disappearance of 1,171 arms, the Federal Police 1,054, and 102 by the Center for Investigation and National Security (Cisen).

Members of the Federal Protection Service, responsible for the security of public officials, were best at hanging on to their weapons. They lost only 15.

The rest of the 12,878 missing guns, both handguns and rifles, were lost or stolen in all 32 states, but the majority disappeared in Mexico City, the State of México, Chihuahua, Guerrero and Jalisco. The last three represent regions of the country with strong a presence of established drug cartels and splinter groups.

The largest number of lost or stolen weapons was reported in Mexico City in 2009, when 800 arms went missing from local police stations. That was also the year in which the most guns vanished nationwide, a total of 2,081.

These numbers represent less than a tenth of the number of firearms that have “seeped” to Mexico’s cartels. Specifically, guns that went walkies from official U.S. sales to the Mexican military and police. Check out this story from in 2011:

One weapon – an AR-15-type semi-automatic rifle – tells the story. In 2006, this same kind of rifle – tracked by serial number – is legally sold by a U.S. manufacturer to the Mexican military.

Three years later – it’s found in a criminal stash in a region wracked by Mexican drug cartel violence.

That prompted a “sensitive” cable, uncovered by WikiLeaks, dated June 4, 2009, in which the U.S. State Department asked Mexico “how the AR-15” – meant only for the military or police – was “diverted” into criminal hands.

And, more importantly, where the other rifles from the same shipment went: “Please account for the current location of the 1,030 AR-15 type rifles,” reads the cable.

There’s no response in the record.

Over the last ten years, some ten thousand members of the Mexican military left service for cartel employment. If each one of them brought one [U.S. sourced] weapon with them . . .

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  1. In a healthy society, the order of power is:
    1. Public
    2. Government
    3. Criminals

    In Mexico, it’s the other way around.

    • Why? I was there from 2015 to April 2016. In the north, south, east, west and in Mexico City. Not a single problem, just great holidays and very nice people. I was also in Acapulco, one of “the most dangerous” cities in México. Not a single problem. So don’t belief the US propaganda and the travel warnings, holidays in the USA are maybe much more dangerous.

    • My cardiologist was born, raised, and educated in Mexico City. He immigrated here legally and claims to bleed red white and blue. A BFF is going into medicine and I asked my cardiologist about medical school in Mexico. He said “NEVER go there, it’s too dangerous”.

      I would like to know…all these weapons have gone missing. What about of medical radioactive material that was hijacked in Mexico City. Last I heard, it had not been recovered. Do I hear the makings of a dirty bomb floating around somewhere?

    • Those guns aren’t included, only lost or stolen guns.
      The “sold” guns number is probably three times as many.

  2. The cartel thugs are savage, but not as savage as a Islamist with an axe to grind. Now that our country is flooded with them, Mexico will seem safe by comparison.

  3. LOL my wife’s grandfather is Mexican and has a better arms collection than I do. AK, SKS, AR, a Mauser, a couple of revolvers, a 1911, an early browning challenger. He’s not even rich. Just a guy that likes guns. Just can’t talk about it because it’s illegal.

  4. They know exactly where they are, the muzzles are right over there pointing at the police.

  5. Mexico long ago passed the point of arms leaking from the government to the cartels, and is now reaching the point where they leak back. Some agencies are so wholly owned and operated by the cartels that the latter are the ones providing the equipment.

  6. Joe,
    Your wife’s grandfather has illegal guns in Mexico
    I am certain he has them because the local police chief is a relative and he hires the Chiefs’ nephew to work on the farm
    Then the pervasive corruption works in his favor
    Just wait until there is a new chief, or a family feud or a different cartel puts in a different police chief or mayor
    Then they can arrest your grandfather any time they want
    That’s when corruption becomes a problem for grandpa
    Would t it be better to be allowed to own firearms legally?

  7. When law abiding people can’t own guns only the police and criminals will have them.

    Oh, and often the police and criminals will become one and the same.

  8. San Fransisco reports 500 guns stolen from their police in the same time period. Houston has high numbers too. I didn’t research every major city, but by extrapolation I’d estimate US numbers of guns stolen from (or ‘lost by’) police to at least be in the neighborhood of what is stolen in Mexico.

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