(AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)
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Newsweek, the defunct print magazine, reports that Mexican drug and crime cartels prefer American-made guns to use against their rivals and innocent Mexican civilians. In fact, according to Newsweek, cartel criminals view American guns as status symbols because, well, they work.

Of course, that’s not primary the message Newsweek and the mainstream media (not to mention Mexican officials) want readers to take away from their report.

No, they published this piece in an effort to get the US Congress to tighten America’s gun control laws, ostensibly to stop the alleged flow of guns to Mexico. Never mind that the majority of the cartels’ armament needs are met by “leaks” of official weaponry bought by the Mexican military.

Of course, these same quoted Mexican officials made no mention of changing their own to laws to allow the little people to own some cold steel with which they could protect themselves and their families from corrupt federales and cartel predators.

Given the record number of murders there last year – almost 36,000 – Mexicans could certainly use some self-defense tools. At the same time, Mexico remains a cautionary preview of what might happen in America if we adopted Mexican-style gun control.

Here’s the story via ATT:

American and Mexican law enforcement officials say nearly all of the gun violence in Mexico is fueled by the illicit import and sale of U.S. firearms.

The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually—with American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year.

In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: “It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns.”

Tijuana’s Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border.

“There’s no way for people to buy guns like these in Mexico. They’re American-made guns,” Sotomayor told the Union-Tribune. “We know they’re being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana.”

In 2018, the homicide rate in Mexico hit a record high of 35,964, spiking 12 percent from the year before, according to the country’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography. Of those murders, at least 20,005 were carried out with guns.

Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours.

By the way, where were these officials when the Obama administration was running guns into Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious?

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  1. {Eric “Fast-n-Furios” Holder}

    “Enough-time for real action. Pass a domestic terrorism bill.”

    Sounds good.

    1 – Make rioting in public while wearing a mask a felony with mandatory prison time.

    2- Declare ‘Antifa’ a domestic terror organization….

    • Pass national weapons carry reciprocity with jail time and heavy fines for any government agent who violates any citizens carry rights. Withhold all federal funds from any state if it or any locality is found in violation.

      • I would take that way further. I’d gut all weapons law and send any politician that suggest a new gun law to GitMo with a mandatory minimum sentence of life.

    • I could have sworn that at one time there was a federal law that banned face masks, a law intended to force the KKK out into the open. Did that law get repealed or expire?

  2. Mexican “officials” want to disarm America so the can finally claim Texas again and spread there filth into the lungs and veins of every Godless heathen that exists :). I do like tacos though

  3. “American made guns are best.”

    I’m having a memory lapse…which guns are made in Mexico, exactly?

  4. There must be a mistake. These firearms couldn’t possibly coming through California. Not with all their progressive laws.

    • No it could not be right. No way the Democrats would support increasing the numbers of guns in the world. Not the party of civil rights,…, wait the Democratic Party is not nor has it ever been the Party of Civil Rights as it has always opposed and still opposes the Constitution; it has been and continues to be the Party of Civil Right Suppression, the Party of Slavery, the Party of the KKK, the Party who opposed voting rights,…, (just Google it, Google any historic Democratic Politician in history). Yet, none of that is relevant, history is often forgotten. But, who gave the arms to the Mexican cartels? Really, who? Never heard of Fast and Furious? Never heard of Obama? The Democrats gave them the guns. They want to disarm the USA as they arm who they want. They want the firearms only in the hands they want so that they can execute their plan.

  5. For no other reason than eric holder lead the investigation, I question everything we know about the Oklahoma City bombing, wow is that guy nuts

  6. See I figured they were big fans of German guns, going back to that huge illegal arms contract HK won for the cartels awhile back.

  7. Fake News. Distraction. They are still covering for the Obama administration. Or perhaps Newsweek went out of print before the Fast and Furious story broke.

  8. MEXICO: Stop the flow of Immigrants going north and maybe we will do something about guns going south across the border. Till then, fuck you!

    (PS, you may want to arm your Civilians so they can fight the cartel)
    An arrogant armed American Gringo.

    • The indigenous people of Mexico do arm themselves and fight the government. I mean the cartels. They have special “loopholes” that allow them to form their own government or something like that. The tribes in America are not allowed to do things like that, instead they have to follow 3 sets of laws, otherwise a lot of white Americans would move to the reservations for some liberty.

  9. How about we lock up a guy who sold the cartels weapons used to kill people including Brian Terry.
    Shut your pie hole Holder.

  10. Tell you what, you let me have what the Cartels are able to get from the Mexican Military and I’ll let you have what I have now. I think that’s pretty fair.

  11. According to my cousin who lived in Mexico City, for many years, the cops have a city day job, and a cartel night job. Same guys, different job. No secret, everyone knew it, too.

  12. “We know they’re being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana.”
    So CA is itself one of those “neighboring States” that is (cough) responsible for illegal firearms/use across a boundry? Damn Democrat Pipeline! LMFAO.

    • Can’t have all those firearms in the USA, so lets pipeline them to Mexico. Oh, surprise, surprise, who was AG of California when this was happening?? See any connections here?

  13. Dear Mexico,

    Seriously, I feel your pain. As of 2018 you have lost 395 servicemen killed and 137 missing, presumed killed by over 100,000 cartel fighters. You have lost 4,020 Federal, State, and Municipal Police killed by the cartels. Total dead including common citizens, murdered politicians and cartel members was at 115,000 estimated for 2006 thru 2018.

    So, that’s bad, that’s a horror. How in the hell can any society withstand such incredible violence and not crumble? Frankly, I’m rather impressed you are still standing at all.

    So I’ve just one question for you. If American made guns are somehow responsible for all this killing by the evil people using them, why do you allow them to enter your country so easily?

    Why haven’t you closed your northern border with a massive military presence to stop south bound smuggling?

    Why haven’t you established large numbers of military personnel inspecting every truck, train, cargo ship, private boat and aircraft entering the country?

    I mean all the enforcement is on the American side, very little exists on the Mexican side.

    If you want to keep guns out of the country, you do not appear to be making any real effort at it.

    Just say’n ….

  14. John Boch, you said:
    “Mexico remains a cautionary preview of what might happen in America if we adopted Mexican-style gun control.”

    Exactly, if America had adopted “Mexican-style gun control”, it probably would’ve had as many mass shootings as Mexico has had in the past 30 years.

    You also said:
    “Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours.”

    I’m curious, did you even read your own article before posting it? Most of Mexico’s gun violence (and violence in general) has primarily come from the cartel wars through the illicit gun trade and insatiable drug thurst facilitated by the United States. Yes, Mexico has some house cleaning of their own to do, but it would help a great deal if the U.S. had much tighter gun control and drug enforcement.

    • Agreed. Just look at the numbers for their drug war:

      To lose that many military, cops, politicians and citizens murdered by gangsters is phenomenal. It makes America’s 1930’s Gangster Era a minor skirmish by comparison, and it has lasted much longer too.

      I do not fault Mexico for failing to try, but I do wonder if somebody down there on the anti-cartel side is simultaneously trying to fail? Because they could be doing a hell of a lot more to fight smuggling into the country and to protect their own “good guy” guns from being stolen.

    • “…it would help a great deal if the U.S. had much tighter gun control and drug enforcement.”

      It would help gangs and cartels to increase their presence and elevate homicide and crime rates in the U.S.

  15. president kushner,

    build the wall you promised us! (zero miles currently built – 1 mo gov shut down – trump heights built tho???)

    We want USA to be majority white! not mexican

    • Haven’t you heard anyone who comes to the US and gets a magic piece of paper is just as American and you and I. In fact these Paperwork-Americans are even more American than us evil racists!

  16. What i believe is that… If i want to sale you ballons ,i give you a good price nd you will greatly say my ballons are the best ..

  17. quote——————Tijuana’s Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border.———–quote

    Another solid reason for the U.S. to pass universal back ground checks. Its just to easy to buy up second hand guns and ship them to Mexico.

    But in all honesty the article above does not tell the whole truth about illegal guns in Mexico or South America as drug gangs also get guns from international arms traffickers as well, especially factory made full auto weapons. Its all too easy to legally ship a batch of guns to a South American Corrupt Government that just happens to have some come up missing and they get sold to drug cartels for big bucks.

    As far as American guns being the best. Sorry not in today’s world American guns have some of the shittyist workmanship that I have ever seen compared to the U.S. guns that were made in the distant past and even those were often nothing when compared to finely made European guns. Yes Colt and Smith at one time made some very nice revolvers I will give them that but our rifles have been a joke for years. Even the much worshiped pre-64 Winchester Model 70’s were laughed at by the Europeans when they were first marketed even though the pre-war guns were not all that bad but workmanship after WWII went down rapidly at Winchester. Comparing it to Belgium and Czech and German Model 98’s made the M70 look like a piece of trash. The Model 70 receivers were not even heat treated rather they were made from straight bar stock unlike the double heat treated Mausers.

    • Your selective quoting left out California being the source of Tijuana’s American weapons (which is but a small minority of total weapons used down there, not that the article mentions that relevant fact). California already has background check laws & every other useless gun control policy you fools have dreamed up.

      Why doesn’t it stop guns from going through their border into Mexico? If the laws actually worked, wouldn’t Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas be the easier route? Or is it because the CA border is not a barrier to trafficking contraband? Why wouldn’t *that* be the most obvious area to apply enforcement pressure, instead of law abiding gun owners hundreds or thousands of miles away on the far side of the country?

      Clown shoes.

      • to Barn Brain

        ”””””””””””””””quote””””””””””””””Clown shoes.”””””””””””””””””””””””””””quote

        You never cease to make an absolute fool of yourself. Lets review recent history Genius Boy. The recent California shooting was done by a maniac who drove for almost 12 hours to commit crime. Guns are funneled into the closest or easiest crossing into Mexico and they come from other states with lax laws. And yes the California shooter did have a vetted gun but the point being made is that without uniform vetting laws funneling second hand guns into Mexico is a piece of cake. The California Maniac could just as easily bought a second hand gun and instead of killing people with it could have made handsome profit by selling it and more like it to Mexico because he is not connected by paperwork to what he is selling. Now I cannot make this any more simple for you to understand.

        Blaming California’s laws for failing is about as stupid as blaming Blaming Democrats for inter city crime but that’s another story that’s way over your head.

        Try again Jethro your out of your league.

  18. “, Mexican Drug Cartels Say Americas Gunms The Best” , , , , , , fck n A ,HiPoint told yah so.

  19. Christ, John; do a little digging please, since this article is easily refuted/debunked

    “American and Mexican law enforcement officials say nearly all of the gun violence in Mexico is fueled by the illicit import and sale of U.S. firearms. [nearly all the guns they bother to trace through the ATF…which is basically those with US markings on them, duh]

    The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually—with American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year. [see the above; Israel, China, Brazil, and many other big arms makers also chip in plenty. Those Ma Duece’s & full auto Norinco Type 56 carbines aren’t coming from America, duh]

    In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: “It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns.” [what’s the ‘status symbol’ aspect have to do with anything? I bet they have favorite beers and hand grenades, too. Besides, the Belgian five-seven was supposed to be the ultimate status symbol]

    Tijuana’s Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border. [most of his city is “north of the border” so that shouldn’t be a surprise. Maybe if the border was more of an obstacle…]

    “There’s no way for people to buy guns like these in Mexico. They’re American-made guns,” Sotomayor told the Union-Tribune. “We know they’re being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana.” [There’s no way for people to buy guns like those in California, either; they are not ban compliant]

    In 2018, the homicide rate in Mexico hit a record high of 35,964, spiking 12 percent from the year before, according to the country’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography. Of those murders, at least 20,005 were carried out with guns.” [and I wonder what fraction of those murders were carried out at the behest of federal authorities by their cartel buddies…the same Federales that prohibit citizens from arming up to defend themselves against the cartels.]

    • Barn Brain also conveniently ignores the fact that there are gunsmiths in the U.S. and Mexico that regularly convert semi-auto American made guns to full auto as well and yes they are second hand guns not vetted that come from the U.S. This is another valid reason to vet second hand gun purchases because there often is no paper trail with second hand guns, especially guns that have been sold over and over again second hand.

      The Chicago study proved guns used in crime were often at least 11 years old and had passed through many hands making it impossible to trace them to the person that used them in a crime. It works the same way when gun runners from the U.S. funnel second hand guns into Mexico.

      None of this is rocket science and all the slick lies and smoke and mirrors Barn Brain attempts to use only discredit anything else he panders to an unsuspecting right wing crowd eager to hear preaching from a Messiah to the choir of the uneducated.

  20. I tend to like Belgian, Swiss, German, Austrian, and Italian guns. American guns are ok, and many of the gun companies from the above countries have some US manufacturing.

  21. Holder and Obama spoiled the Mexican Cartels by sending them all those quality US made weapons while they ran the show in Washington.
    Even got a few border agents killed with those weapons. Explain again how the two assists are not in prison for supplying weapons to know criminals that used the weapons to kill US citizens.
    I would like to buy Holder and Obama for what they are worth, to sell them for what they THINK they’re worth. I would be one of the richest people on the planet.

  22. This article would have you believe the “American guns” are coming from civilian sources..

    one point left out of the article is that the cartels also like American hand grenades.


    The problem isn’t cartels sneaking (civilian) guns from the U.S. Into Mexico..

    Our own government is gifting military weapons to Mexico & those arms are being used by the cartels.

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