donald trump tweet chris cuomo fredo red flag
Courtesy Twitter

Yesterday CNN talking head Chris Cuomo was out with his family when he was approached by two men, one of whom apparently called him “Fredo” referring to the weak, stupid brother in ‘The Godfather’. Cuomo took exception to that and got into a nearly physical altercation with one of the men.

[language in this video is NSFW]

The incident made news, with people on both sides of the political divide weighing in.

Reasonable people can disagree as to whether the Fredo comment is racist or Cuomo over-reacted. But today, President Trump tweeted about the incident saying,

Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!

If anyone needs an illustration of the inherent dangers and potential abuses of so-called red flag laws, Trump’s ignorant tweet provides exactly that.

Cuomo’s behavior — reacting to a man who approached and insulted him in front of his family — while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people. That’s the ostensible standard that red flag laws use to determine if an individual’s firearms should be confiscated.

Besides the obvious due process issues these laws present, the other risk of red flag laws is their potential for abuse. Depending on how they’re written, a relative, friend, co-worker, teacher, or almost anyone can petition a court to have a person’s firearms confiscated, by merely claiming that they think the person is a potential danger.

Trump red flag chris cuomo fredo tweet
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Would an angry ex-spouse do such a thing? How about a business partner with whom someone has fallen out? Or, let’s say, someone who doesn’t like your politics? Would someone try to have your guns grabbed because you’ve said or written something on social media they consider racist, misogynist, or otherwise triggering?

If you don’t think so, I have some Blockbuster Video stock I’d like to sell you.

We have no idea if Cuomo owns firearms (somehow we doubt it). But if so, does anyone think he realistically presents a danger to himself or others?

Trump’s tweet — no doubt meant to tweak someone who’s been a consistent critic — was stupid and ill-considered. It’s also extremely valuable as the perfect example of why red flag laws, which the President says he supports, are such a bad idea.


  1. Yeah I don’t feel bad for Cumo in the least bit. Him and his liberal ilk do this crap to conservatives all the time so FOAD. I hope he does get his gun rights taken away so he knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of what he supports.

    • I agree and no need to disrespect Trump. He’s a lot smarter than the guy who wrote the article.

      • Not sure about that, since Trump apparently can’t understand what “pro Second Amendment” means.

        Come on Donald. Drop the gun control BS and concentrate on rounding up all the future Democrat voters here illegally and send them home.

      • Dude what?

        This fucken tool is literally taking away your rights and you give him credit? Man you trumptards are a special kind of stupid. Not sure which was worse… the obama supporters, or the trump supporters.

        • Absolutely, Red Flag has lost my support for Trump, red Flag will be abused just like FISA. Court abuse Trump hates so much, I’ve come to believe trumps mouth will bury him, I wrote my reps and told them vote RFL you lost my vote, the damned law is unconstitutional and DA Trump supporters love it, stupidity.

    • Hank, I understand your hatred for he Cuomos (I share it), I think of the precedent that would set. Taking someone’s gun rights away because they have an argument is ridiculous. Normal humans have disagreements and even heated arguments all the time, it doesn’t mean they should be denied the fundamental right to self-defense.

      The best Justice in this case is the public humiliation he received, and for the rest of his life people everywhere will be calling him Fredo.

  2. I voted for Trump but I promise you he will sign a national red flag law. It’s a bet I won’t lose.

    • Trump is a con artist and is not a Second Amenment supporter. He saw advantage in singing to an NRA tune and sure enough, he got $30 million in campaign support.

      Now he’s starting to see a personal advantage in moving left on this issue. It’s as simple as that.

      • I disagree. He was trying to diffuse the media frenzy with his comments about red flag laws. He won’t sign them. If he does, he will lose 2020. He’s didn’t get this far in life by being stupid.

        • Whether Trump signs RFLs or not, he has already ignored 2A/NRA members by not passing Hearing Protection Act, not passing National Reciprocity, by mandating anti-Bump Stock/Accessory ban. He is not reliable toward 2A.
          But, you will vote for him regardless of what he does because he will again be the lesser of the two evils that will be offered at the poles. The only threat he faces might be possibly being primaried by a more reliable pro-2A Conservative. But, there is virtually no chance of that. So you will be stuck voting for a 2A luke warm, un-reliable Trump. Voting for a third party against Trump is like voting for the anti-2a Democrat Socialist that will oppose Trump.

        • Were all of those acts passed and just awaiting Trump’s signature of approval? Is he the only one to blame for this?

        • Calling Trump “self made” shows a basic psychological disconnect with facts and reality.

          Agree with Trump or not, he would be nothing without his father’s slumlord money, and his father’s friends bailing him out when he bankrupts yet another company.

          Trump is the very definition of the “elite” the Republicans claim to be so contemptuous of.

        • Trump is not a self-made billionaire, that is his propaganda not reality. His father provided in excess of $400 million to keep him afloat year after. Trump’s success comes from a large staff of lawyers, real estate experts, tax experts and resort managers. It comes from having cheated an awful lot of building and services contractors out of agreed payments, using brutal legal tactics.

          The elder, now deceased, Trump made his son incapable of going under by funding a massive support mechanism that Trump The Younger nearly destroyed on multiple occasions.

        • Simon, Trump is no self-made billionaire, that’s all more of the con job.

          Trump’s father made millions from government subsidized housing for veterans after World War II, and he evaded taxes by a series of illegal tax dodges and fraudulent schemes all throughout his life. Trumps father was a racist who was successfully sued over his prejudicial rental policies.

          The truth is, Trump had more given to him then he ever earned, and he’s used it in pursuit of immoral self pleasure. Just ask the porn stars and playboy bunnies he’s been screwing for cash.

          Trump claims he started with a “small loan of $1 million from his father” but even that is a lie.

          “But an investigation by The New York Times shows that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after he graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.”

        • First off you can’t do anything to him in 2020. Most of his constituency are fudds, cowards or delusional. If he could win in ‘16, he’s got ‘20.

          Second you’ll still vote for him in 2020 if the bill is lurking in congress right? He can sign if after, then what will you do? The thing is you’re predictable. I can tell all that about you just from one comment. So you don’t have a chance with wealthy, connected people whose job it is to manipulate you. You’re their tool, not vise-versa.

        • “The truth is, Trump had more given to him then he ever earned, and he’s used it in pursuit of immoral self pleasure.”

          Now that’s rich, a ‘Progressive’ lecturing me about ‘morals’.

          Free clue – About the most immoral thing there is is the taking of a human life for the convenience of the mother.

          The most vulnerable humans unable to defend themselves, and you ‘Progressives’ have *zero* problems murdering them.

          How about showing how moral you are by sticking up for humans in the womb, and refusing to allowing them to be murdered?

    • It is possible to write a “red flag” type law which I would not object to, so I’ll withhold judgment until I see the final result, if any. Some of the state laws I have heard of are just ridiculous, someone can call the cops six states away and make an anonymous complaint about someone he’s never met, and the cops would be setting out to confiscate ’em some gunz. I gather each one is completely different from any others, makes discussion without an actual proposal rather pointless.

      • I think I’m going to have to have you “Red Flagged” for that comment! LOL! “Take the guns first! Maybe Due process later!” Save those pennies up for attorneys to prove yourself innocent! Never know who will be “granted ” a “Red Flag”/ ERPO”(re: Legal SWAT-ing) based on Heresay…LOL!

      • A couple of things that nearly no one mentions:

        1) We effectively have red flag laws in every state. If you are the subject of an order of protection, you lose your gun rights.

        2) The legal issues, re: due process would parallel those in regards to orders of protection. This means that, yes, taking your guns and then giving you due process is constitutional.

    • I didn’t vote for Trump. But, I sure as Hell voted against Hillary Clinton. It always comes down to voting for the lesser of two evils…….the lesser threat the American Constitution and Freedom.

      • So transparent. You’ve decided your terms and the single party is aware of them: Given a so-called choice of two evils, you’ll beg for the one you think to be the lesser and be happy when you get it. I can hardly blame them for giving you what you want, pretty sweet deal for them.

    • While i like most of the things trump does, i feel that he betrayed us on all 3 of the last budgets just to get some little compensation from the dems that he wanted. So, seeing how he is willing to go against the will of the majority of americans, I am afraid that he will sign anti constitutional gun control legialation because he thinks it will garner him more votes from the middle and middle-left. He didn’t learn his lesson from the obama election when the slient majority (true conservatives) sat at home and didn’t vote b ecause they didn’t like their republican choice for president, and in not understanding that bit of history, he will lose 2020 because we WILL NOT choose a person for president that tramples our constitutional rights. Trump had the talk, but isn’t walking the walk. I’m still waiting for a true constitutional government: president, congress and supreme court.

    • How is it a poison pill when the NRA, Republicans, Democrats and President support it? Did you see Dan Crenshaw’s social media posts defending the threat assessment prevention act and red flag gun confiscations?

      We have a Navy SEAL (and a liar) supporting gun confiscation and major attacks on the Bill of Rights.

      Scary times.

        • We all know you were born and raised in commie land.

          If you don’t like it… Oh, wait. We can’t say those things. We can’t tell communists to go back to Russia if they don’t like Americans defending their Bill of Rights from all enemies foreign and domestic. Sorry about that. Trump was very influential in making us anti commie and the media reminded us that Russians are the bad guys.

        • I agree. Theres several shitbag trolls on here, and they should go over to Salon if they want to jack off.

        • He’s only been around a couple weeks. Obvious troll is obvious. He came out when the body armor shit happened and is all kinds of confused on what he supports. Clearly a neckbeard who wished he owned guns, but wouldn’t know how to handle himself if he did. Chief is a fucken idiot.

      • +1

        I didn’t think these delusions of Trump being a crypto-2A-supporter playing 4D chess could get and sadder, after he banned the bump. But here we are.

        • It’s still sad to see so many “2A Supporters” act like the bump stock ban was nothing. He literally shook the lefts penis then zipped them back up but never took his hand off the zipper.


  3. Way to go dude. Sometimes you just have to walk away. Now you’re Fredo for the rest of your life.

    • Yes! Con Man Cuomo is now officially dubbed the USS Fredo Cuomo. This is hilarious. Coming from an Italian decent myself, he is a disgrace to all of our heritage. The POTUS’ tweet did not do us any favors, unless it was his intention was to show how ridicules a red flag law is. If that was the case, he needs to do a follow up tweet and clarify his intention.

      • I think that was exactly his intent, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to explain himself.

  4. Cuomo’s behavior — reacting to a man who approached and insulted him in front of his family — while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people.

    Cuomo: “I’ll fuckin ruin your shit. I’ll fucking throw you down these stairs

    That sounds like a pretty clear threat to another person, to me.

    Justified invocation of a red flag law? No. (Justified use of force in self-defense? Quite possibly.) But let’s not pretend that Cuomo didn’t directly threaten another person with physical violence, here.

        • But he won’t be. Police and DAs don’t care about threats. So once they get those red flag laws, all of a sudden they’ll start policing threats? The new red flag laws are the key somehow?

        • The root of the matter is not whether everyone or even one single person will lost 2a rights because of the red flag law or any other gun control legislation, at least not if you take them one by one. The problem is good people saying to ourselves, well, ok, it isn’t a constitutional law, but it doesn’t COMPLETELY take away our 2a rights, so i won’t put up too much of a fuss. So, that law passes, then comes the next, and we say the same thing to ourselves… on and on. Hey, how to you get 6 millions jews to allow a few thousand nazis to murder them? Well, Germany started with anti jew rhetoric, “they are cheating you”, “they own all of the businesses and are rich”, and then Germany started making laws saying what business jews could own and taking their other businesses, then they made them wear stars, then they started taking their homes and putting them in “work camps”, then they started boarding them on trains and sending them to death camps. I’m certain they were thinking… well, this new law, this new thing they want us to do, this new place they want us to board a train to go to… at least they aren’t killing us..” One step at at time is how you get to hell.

      • You can’t arrest a man that wasn’t the primary aggressor/agitator when he never struck them.

        Those men got in his face and instigated a fight they didn’t know they were going to actually get from a CNN reporter. They made a big mistake talking down to a man and laughing in his face.

        Who looks like Fredo now? The soy boys that got punked by a middle aged man or the CNN anchor guy that’s probably on a prescription of TRT?

        Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.

        This is the kind of people that started beef with Chris to post it on the internet in an attempt to make the left look bad and campaign for Trump. Very dishonorable behavior from grown men.

        • You can’t arrest a man that wasn’t the primary aggressor/agitator when he never struck them.

          IANAL, but I see what you did there: joining – and thereby conflating – “aggressor” with “agitator”. The two are not the same. The person who was filming verbally accosted Fredo with what was, at best, a minor insult. However, a minor verbal assault is not an act of aggression. Fredo became the aggressor when he threatened to throw that person down the stairs.

          That threat constitutes assault (n.b. at least, in most jurisdictions; apparently in New York, “battery” is “assault”, and “assault” is “criminal threatening”), and is a prima facie criminal act.

        • Who cares. The left does this shit all the time. I enjoy watching them getting a taste of their own medicine.

        • @Hank

          We have to be the honorable men that society is lacking. We can’t act like a bunch of drama queens like the snowflake generation does. We have to lead the youth by example. If we go around behaving like the left our kids will follow our lead. Look at the results that type of leadership has created in black neighborhoods.

          Don’t denigrate America for your entertainment or political party.

          • “We have to be the honorable men that society is lacking. ”

            Which is why we are in the state of affairs today. Forty+ years of vile behavior, language and insults went unremarked by “people of honor”. You don’t win against bullies (and worse) by being polite about it. When you win, you can be magnanimous. While you are fighting, fight to win, or stay home.

          • The MOH is really a medal of valor, not res restricted to “honorable” service members.

            For instance, one Maj. Gregory Boyington, USMC, Cmdr VMF 214, WW2.

            A brawler, drunkard, bum (according to his own biography). Holder of the Navy Cross and Medal of Honor.

            The idea of honorable warfare is pure Hollywood. It is also why we haven’t won a major war since 1945. One might also note that we haven’t won a major war since the DOD was formed.

            Taking “the High Road”* is useless, pointless, wasteful, dishonorable if your nation is destroyed because of it.

            If you think WW2 was an honorable war, more study of the actual combat is needed.

    • I’m with Chip^^^^^

      This is clearly a potential threat to others. To say otherwise is denial of truth.

    • Honestly I hope this does happen to him. Cumo deserves this. He’s a big supporter of when this kind of thing happens to conservatives. So now he can reap the whirlwind and experience what it’s like to have his own liberal policies enforced on him. I hope he ends up in jail where tools like him belong.

    • Chip,

      When a person becomes unhinged at a stranger’s childish insult and threatens to maim/kill that stranger, I think the unhinged person has demonstrated that he/she very well could qualify for Red Flag intervention, depending on the specific standard of any particular Red Flag law.

      Note that the standard which I am proffering is becoming unhinged at a childish insult. Anyone may be irritated when someone levels a childish insult at him/her which is a reasonable, non-dangerous reaction. Becoming unhinged and threatening to maim/kill someone over a simple childish insult is so far off the charts that it could require intervention.

      Note: I do not support Red Flag laws. If Democrats insist on enacting them, then we sure as $hit should hold them to it.

    • I don’t see that as an actual threat. It was chest-puffing, posturing, challenging a guy who insulted him in front of his family. Yes, he probably went a little over the top, but that’s the extent of it.

      • An actual literal threat is assumed not to be a threat. I’ve learned over the years to never assume.

      • “Yes, he probably went a little over the top, but that’s the extent of it.”

        Why is no one noticing that Fredo received the kind of harassment the leftists find quite appropriate for people they don’t like?

        • I’m not denying the hypocrisy here. Fredo— that’s how he’ll be known from now on — got a taste of exactly what his friends on the left have been advocating and sometimes doing for years now.

          But it doesn’t change the fact that, while he shot his mouth off, he didn’t do or say anything a lot of other people wouldn’t have done or said in similar circumstances. And implying that it’s somehow red flag-worthy is ludicrous.

          • “And implying that it’s somehow red flag-worthy is ludicrous.”

            Not the implication, at all. Similar to someone telling you that you are deficient in some area, requiring expulsion from something, then, afterward, demonstrating the same deficiency, to which you reply, “Congratulations, you are now a candidate to be expelled from XYZ.”

      • I don’t see that as an actual threat. It was chest-puffing posturing, challenging an guy who insulted him in front of his family. Yes, he probably went a little over the top, but that’s the extent of it.

        He had the motive and opportunity. Would a reasonable man believe that he also had the means?

        The person to whom the threat was directed, as well as other bystanders, appeared to have such reasonable belief, since that was the point that the third parties started intervening to separate the two.

        • Respectfully, Chip you are full of shit. You are completely mischaracterizing the exchange between Cuomo and the aggressors. Our friend the Chief has it right, here’s his on point comment for you to consider:

          “The man that approached Chris to ask him for a picture after he calls him Fredo, in front of his family, agrees to mutual combat before Chris says he will throw him down the stairs. The man stated at points in the conversation, “Le’ts play then. I’m standing up. What are you going to do about it? Do something then. Do something. Please do. Why don’t you do it then?” Then the man claims he wasn’t doing anything and plays the victim.

          That makes the man the “primary aggressor” although he isn’t the one yelling or saying what he is going to do. They probably could arrest him for disorderly conduct. He is the one that approached Chris and instigated the confrontation, with his buddy recording it, so they can post it on a pro Trump Youtube channel.

          You can’t approach someone first, incite a fight, tell that person to “do something” and then claim to be the victim.”

        • Good reply Minor you really fried Chips ass after his usual pompous nonsensical viewpoint that only he seems to be able to think is logical. I really enjoyed this one.

      • Dan,

        Swap out the New Yorker with any cop, on duty or off. A man gets into his face and tells him he’ll “throw him down these stairs”.

        You bet your sweet bippy the cop would arrest him on the spot for verbalizing intent to assault. So yes, words do matter.

        • “You bet your sweet bippy…”

          Good job. All to many people leave out the “sweet” part.

        • This is a false comparison, we’re not talking about an individual who just gets into a cops face and starts cussing. Cuomo was approached by a group of aggressors, who ridicule him in front of his wife and child. Any one of you would react with the same fortitude, if you were accosted by a group of strange adult males in a public place in front of your wife and child.

          I’ve heard Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and others use this exact language. And consider Donald Trump, who asked attendees at his rally to punch out the protesters and offered to pay their legal fees. Trump is guilty of inciting a riot, terroristic threatening and being an accessory before during and after the fact.

        • @Miner,

          Um, I doubt you’ve heard those guys say it personally to a cop’s face. If so, then video links, please, for the rest of the class.

        • Hazy, here you go:

          “Ted Nugent has an appointment with the Secret Service on Thursday after he was called in to explain his comments about President Obama at a National Rifle Association Conference in St. Louis last week. The Associated Press reports:

          “The conclusion will be obvious that I threatened no one,” Nugent told radio interviewer Glenn Beck on Wednesday. Nugent said he’d been contacted by the agency and would cooperate fully even though he found the complaints “silly.”

          The controversy erupted after the self-styled “Motor City Madman” made an impassioned plea for support for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney during the National Rifle Association meeting in St. Louis last weekend. “We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November,” Nugent said of the Obama administration.”

      • Although your certainly entitled to your opinion, I think that it is of note that absolutely everyone within the frame of the camera disagrees with you, and stepped in to physically intervene in what they believed to be impending violence.

        Just curiously, what more would he have had to do for you to consider his actions to be a “threat”? Bear in mind that once violence ensues, it it no longer the threat of violence, but actually is violence. Since his stated “threat” to inflict bodily harm did not involve the use of a weapon, what other words or actions would be required, since his hands and body were already postured for violence?

        I’m actually curious to hear your response, if you would care to make one.

      • threat
        1. a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.

        “I’ll end your shit and push you down the stairs”

        That is literally the exact definition of a threat. WTF U SMOKIN DUDE?

    • You have to watch the video again.

      The man that approached Chris to ask him for a picture after he calls him Fredo, in front of his family, agrees to mutual combat before Chris says he will throw him down the stairs. The man stated at points in the conversation, “Le’ts play then. I’m standing up. What are you going to do about it? Do something then. Do something. Please do. Why don’t you do it then?” Then the man claims he wasn’t doing anything and plays the victim.

      That makes the man the “primary aggressor” although he isn’t the one yelling or saying what he is going to do. They probably could arrest him for disorderly conduct. He is the one that approached Chris and instigated the confrontation, with his buddy recording it, so they can post it on a pro Trump Youtube channel.

      You can’t approach someone first, incite a fight, tell that person to “do something” and then claim to be the victim.

      Chris didn’t touch him, he only informed him what he would do to him if they did fight. Chris was going over the top to intimidate the soy boy into passivity. He punked him. The guy stood down knowing Chris was willing and able. Chris didn’t act like the soy boy generation who won’t use their hands but they will use their guns. Not only that, Chris didn’t want to fight when given the opportunity because he knew the boy would sue him.

      You can’t look at what you want to create the narrative you want. You have to look at the totality of events.

  5. “…while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people.”

    Come on, now…

    Cuomo: “I’ll fuckin ruin your shit. I’ll fucking throw you down these stairs”

    That’s a threat. A credible one. With video evidence.

    • Regardless of what the guy said, it appears that Cuomo put his hands on him and when he backed up, Cuomo advanced on him and postured aggressively in a blatant attempt to provoke the guy to respond physically. The guy who appears to be an honor student at the Roger Stone School of Political Activism didn’t respond. The guy-3 Cuomo-0.

      • I dunno, I thought Glasses acted like a sissy. HE wouldn’t own it. “I thought your name was Fredo.” Yeah, right. Didn’t have the guts to say, “yeah, I called you Fredo, Fredo.” Clearly intimated by Fredo, who recognized that and turned it up about three notches. All bluster.

        • Cuomo was not the aggressor, the aggressors are who offered to fight him first, making the first terroristic threat that Cuomo was just responding to protect his wife and child.

          As the chief pointed out:

          “The man that approached Chris to ask him for a picture after he calls him Fredo, in front of his family, agrees to mutual combat before Chris says he will throw him down the stairs. The man stated at points in the conversation, “Le’ts play then. I’m standing up. What are you going to do about it? Do something then. Do something. Please do. Why don’t you do it then?” Then the man claims he wasn’t doing anything and plays the victim.

          That makes the man the “primary aggressor” although he isn’t the one yelling or saying what he is going to do. They probably could arrest him for disorderly conduct. He is the one that approached Chris and instigated the confrontation, with his buddy recording it, so they can post it on a pro Trump Youtube channel.

          You can’t approach someone first, incite a fight, tell that person to “do something” and then claim to be the victim.”

        • Miner, you completely deny reality, don’t you? Cuomo wasn’t the aggressor?
          Guy says “I don’t want any problems”
          Frito says “You’re gonna have F’n problems. Don’t insult me like that”
          Guy “I didn’t insult you”
          Frito “What if I called you Punk Bitch?”
          Guy “What are you going to do?”
          Frito “I will F’n ruin your shit”

          And it goes on like that as everyone on the planet but you can see.

    • A guy in my gun club saw that his neighbor was being harassed by some low lifes. He jumped into help his neighbor and, in the process, made some injudicious comments about shooting even though he wasn’t armed. The low lifes were shrewd enough to video those comments. They earned him a felony charge for terroristic threats which his lawyer managed to talk down to a misdemeanor with a year’s probation.

      Cuomo made himself just as vulnerable. There are terms for getting into the face of someone who insults you. One is “monkey dance”. It leads to fights unless one of the monkeys backs down. The legal term is “mutual combatant”. Both combatants stand to be convicted of disturbing the peace. If one of them gets hurt, the other will be charged with battery which could be a felony if the injury is severe or fatal.

      As long as the other guy is just running his mouth, walk away. Some recommend trying to deescalate the situation. In my opinion, that’s more than you need do. Just keep your mouth tightly shut and GTFO without making any threatening gestures. If he tries to stop you, that’s different. It is a crime against which you are entitled to defend yourself.

  6. An armed society is a polite society. An increasingly disarmed society is usually an increasingly impolite society.

    Red flag laws don’t fix the problem, they exacerbate it at the cost of safety and freedom.

    • quote:==================An armed society is a polite society.==============quote

      You do not live in the “real world”. An armed society shoots you when your dog pisses on the neighbors lawn or cuts you off in traffic or even when you vote for a political candidate they do not agree with. Read the local newspaper some time you will find many tragic incidents resulting from a not so polite armed society.

      • @vlad…well, what do you expect when only one of the parties is armed? Give ‘em all guns and that sh!t would burn itself out in short order.

      • Well Vlad, I’ve seen several absurd comments from you on TTAG, and it’s time to respond.

        It’s blatantly clear EVERY time you post that you do not live in an area where firearms are carried by citizens everyday. You have the “firearm” mindset that comes from Hollywood and the MSM.

        I actually live in the Dallas/Ft Worth Texas area, carry a Walther PPQ 45, and have had confrontations with dog owners whose pets have dumped on my lawn, and incidents where I’ve been cut off or almost hit by other vehicles while driving. Not ONCE has my weapon left its holster. It’s called being a mature adult.

        You have the lefts mindset of what an armed society looks like. Grow up and open your eyes.

        • James, he’s just a troll who does this for fun. Don’t feed the trolls, and they’ll eventually starve.

      • Not only is that stuff not happening in my world, but local newspapers you referred to are going out of business because leftist trolls like you have pretty much ruined them.

      • Vlad, you’re a lying piece of shit!! I live in a solidly armed society, and I have for around 47 years, now, and your claims are bullshit. Sounds like you are referring to a gang-controlled unarmed society, like, for example, Chicago, or NYC.

      • If I remember correctly, the first shooting after Texas passed its concealed carry law was a case of road rage. Except it wasn’t the guy with the permit who misbehaved. The bad actor was the other guy who came at the permit holder with a club. The shooting was determined to be legitimate self defense.

        I agree that an armed society isn’t automatically a polite one. However, a disarmed society is at the mercy of thugs with clubs. Gun grabbers either don’t think about the thugs’ victims or they have made a calculated decision to sacrifice them.

  7. MAGA yards don’t care. Tread harder big Daddy. “It’s not Hillary”. Then they’ll Wonder in 2024 when Michelle Obama bans all guns by fatwa , what the hell happened?

  8. I actually think Cuomo handled the situation fine. I would not have initiated a confrontation, especially with my family around, but he called out and challenged someone who was clearly being an asshole. I would have chosen to walk away, but he didn’t. His point was made, the guy who called him “Fredo” didn’t even have the balls to be honest. I doubt he will do that again. Also: F@ck red flag laws, people should be able to have small confrontations without the worry that the Government will take away their rights…

    • “the guy who called him “Fredo” didn’t even have the balls to be honest.”

      You completely missed the point of this interaction. The guy didn’t approach Fredo to start a fight. He approached him to humiliate the asswipe that’s always disparaging people (calling them horrible names) he doesn’t agree with. Mission accomplished since asswipe Fredo did NOT handle the situation just fine.

      Now CNN is backing someone that threatened violence, trying to spin it as a racial slur attack hahaha! Get it? Fredo was only defending himself against a RACIST! It turns out that one of their employees has used that same “racial slur” to attack Trump Jr. I guess it was okay then, huh CNN? This is what inevitably happens when you have double standards. CNN is a joke and so is Fredo.

      • @Dude:
        CNN and Fredo are consistent sources of aggravation. (CNN has been an aggravation since its founding.) Who needs it? My plan is to skip the aggravation by not watching CNN, ever! If enough people do that, just maybe, the both CNN and Fredo will dry up and blow away from lack of advertising revenue.

      • Did you not watch the video, did you not hear the aggressors threaten Chris first?

        “The man that approached Chris to ask him for a picture after he calls him Fredo, in front of his family, agrees to mutual combat before Chris says he will throw him down the stairs. The man stated at points in the conversation, “Le’ts play then. I’m standing up. What are you going to do about it? Do something then. Do something. Please do. Why don’t you do it then?” Then the man claims he wasn’t doing anything and plays the victim.

        That makes the man the “primary aggressor” although he isn’t the one yelling or saying what he is going to do. They probably could arrest him for disorderly conduct. He is the one that approached Chris and instigated the confrontation, with his buddy recording it, so they can post it on a pro Trump Youtube channel.

        You can’t approach someone first, incite a fight, tell that person to “do something” and then claim to be the victim.”

        • I watched it. You should go watch it again. They were both jerks but you’ve got the order VERY wrong. Chris “that’s the N_ word equivalent” Cuomo completely loses it, and gets very aggressive. Fredo took the bait from a troll, and you’re here making excuses for it because he’s a democrat.

    • No fan of Fredo, but yeah. But Ivy Leaguer Fredo as probably never been in a fight in his life, he just recognized fear and hit the gas. Also, is that the way Fredo talks in front of his family? He’s such a hard-ass!

  9. There is only one chance of a solution to our problems in Washington (and in several state legislatures)….

    Vote in the PRIMARIES!!!!!!

    Face it, any “Republican” — even a RINO — is going to be better than the Democrat running against them, so your vote in November 2020 is probably going to be settling for the lesser of two evils. The time to make a change is in the 2020 Republican Primaries.

    The lunatic left proved it in the 2018 Democrat Primaries, kicking out moderate incumbents and replacing them with lunatics like AOC.

    NOW is the time to start supporting pro-gun Republican candidates to replace the RINOs. We’re stuck with Trump in 2020 because no political party is going to support a primary challenge against a first-term sitting president. But we can put some spine in the House and Senate if we start working now.

    • ””””””””””quote””””””””””””The lunatic left proved it in the 2018 Democrat Primaries, kicking out moderate incumbents and replacing them with lunatics like AOC.””””””””””””””quote

      The real lunatics are Trump and the Republicans who yesterday said they did not give a damn about global warming and could not care less about causing the extinction of the endangered species. They blatantly stated blind greed as their reason as they fully intend to trash the last remaining wilderness areas in their blind greed search for more oil, gas and coal while totally ignoring the green technology the rest of the industrialized world is now developing and implementing which is championed by sane people like AOC who put the environment and the health and safety of not only the American people but all people above the blind greed of the gangster criminal greed monger Republican filth that infests our government.

      Ever wonder why the younger generation that has the most to lose is becoming more and more socialistic? Look no further than the gangster criminal Republicans who want to destroy the planet over their blind greed.

      • Am I supposed to give a shit what a bunch of other people feel when they don’t care about my positions on issues?
        Do you even look at the other point of view or just your own smug world?

        • quote——————-Am I supposed to give a shit what a bunch of other people feel when they don’t care about my positions on issues?
          Do you even look at the other point of view or just your own smug world?—————–quote

          When you make attacks against AOC did you really expect any sane person to support you and the Republican Gangster Criminals that are blatantly stating they are going to rape the environment for every penny they can get out of it. And Remember AOC is not getting any financial gain with her view points and green programs but the criminal Republicans sure as hell will cash in and laugh all the way to the bank while destroying the environment , that alone should tell you something. Duhhhh!!!!!!!

        • Didn’t bring up the financial genius of the Bronx but since you did……
          If you’re impressed with her ideas your in pretty sad shape.

        • to GS

          quote================Didn’t bring up the financial genius of the Bronx but since you did……
          If you’re impressed with her ideas your in pretty sad shape.===========quote

          Your a real hoot. The rest of the Industrialized world has had green plans passed and in place when AOC was still a teenager. She is not advocating anything new or shocking. Where have you been these last 10 years living in a cave?? Its irrefutable proof what a fucked up political system the U.S. has when well over a decade ago that the parliamentary systems of the world acted fast because they realized the danger and got the ball rolling while in the U.S. they still do not even have a sanctioned plan on what to do about it.

        • quote———————–If global warming gets rid of Vlad, the damage is worth it.—————–quote————-

          Just remember one thing genius we all live on the same planet so Global Warming will get you too. Duhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Seeing is that climate change is blamed for every potential calamity imagined thus far, I presume the drought and flooding will cancel one another out.

        • Yeah, we’re in the midst of a tens of thousands of years climate shift, which may or may not lead to warmer overall temperatures for a few thousand years, nobody alive will ever know. Human activity may have an infinitesimally small fraction of influence here. To think that humans can change the climate is the height of arrogance. Who did the lefties blame the ice age on? Climate on Earth does what it does, to think we humans can change it is laughable. Bigger powers at work here. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be conservation-minded, we want clean and thriving rivers and streams and forests and air. I tell tree huggers, if you want to help the environment, but a hunting license and a box of shotgun shells.

          • “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be conservation-minded,”

            Conservation is NOT the goal of the climate change mob. Control over individuals, and wealth transfer from developed nations to undevelopable nations, are behind it all. That, and the fact “climate” protection is a religion all its own.

        • I agree with you Sam, especially the Green Dream BS. BUT, even if we were to give Al Gore and his followers the benefit of a doubt, that they really do care about the Earth, the smug arrogance that “98% of scientists agree” is complete bullshit. They act like anybody not buying into their crap is either an idiot or hates Earth. Even if the climate is changing—completely debatable that it’s anything other than normal cycles—I guarantee you crappy gas cans and a Prius ain’t gonna stop it!

  10. Since when has “Fredo” been an Italian slur? Fredo is a jealous, weak, conniving, selfish scumbag. His being Italian is merely happenstance. If we are to believe that “Fredo” is an Italian slur then we must believe that Italians are jealous, weak, conniving, selfish scumbags as Fredo is.

    Believing “Fredo” to be an Italian slur, therefore, would make you the bigot, Cuomo.

    Besides, sooner or later The Godfather will be remade with a more “diverse” cast so it’s all moot.

    • Cuomo really hates being called Fredo because it fits so well. Italians have endured a lot of slurs but “Fredo” is probably not on the list. He made it racial/ethnic to justify the rage.
      I wonder who he learned that trick from. Now every character ever portrayed in a bad light is an ethnic attack. Maybe we need to ask Mario Puzo if he intended Fredo to be synonymous with all the other ethnic slurs.

  11. Everybody knows the only fight you ever totally win is the one you never have. That Cuomo is thin skinned and an arrogant pri_k doesn’t change that. Huffing in front of your family may make you feel better but the best would have been to smile and shake his hand (squeezing until the guy winced) and move on with your life. Only my opinion. YMMV.

  12. Reacting like that, especially with your family with you is embarrassing and reckless but not an indication that you are a mass murderer looking for a phone booth to change in. There were so many easy and good comebacks that didn’t involve threats it is evidence that he is not clever and has a temper problem.

  13. quote———————-Cuomo’s behavior — reacting to a man who approached and insulted him in front of his family — while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people. That’s the ostensible standard that red flag laws use to determine if an individual’s firearms should be confiscated.——————quote

    The above quote is pure bullshit and used to panic a paranoid Right Wing Crowd who value gun rights over the lives of innocent people.

    A well written red flag law would not have done a thing to Como even if he were a person living on the street. There is a common sense factor to evaluating an incident.

    Well written red flag laws look for often consistent (not spur of the moment loss of temper resulting in no violence) but often repeated and or blatant abuse of people and by people or with an accompanying extreme racism which is used to justify an impending mass murder.

    If a husband beats the shit out of his wife and she is treated at a hospital that is another case where a red flag law would and should step in immediately. To often even when this happens a mans guns are not taken from him even when he is arrested for assault and had a restraining order placed against him, its actually that asinine..

    Yes there can be be abuse if the red flag laws are not well written and equally enforced and used without due process as long as the due process is not so tangled up in red tape as to make the law meaningless which is what the Republicans will try and pass which is almost guaranteed because Republicans have always regarded women as their property and little better than sex slaves. Not to mention their complete ambivalence to the mass murder of children in schools.

    • Vlad,

      I want to thank you. Idiots like you are the reason Trump will win in 2020!! Keep it up, please!

    • Protecting second amendment rights is protecting lives. Defending them it’s not a matter of putting second amendment rights over human lives. That’s a ridiculous statement. Red flag laws are just another tool for the left to abuse law-abiding gun owners.

      It’s already a crime to murder someone, it’s already a crime to Rob someone it’s already a crime to threaten somebody with a weapon. When people do those things they should be charged with crimes and punished accordingly, not let off with a slap on the wrist so that they can go commit more crimes and then lunatics like you can blame gun owners.

      With your mentality all men should have their penises removed because they could all be potential rapists, it’s absurd.

  14. Trump is playing 500 dimensional chess. He comes out in favor of red flag laws, but comes out and says a man yelling like a typical man warrants a Red Flag, which essentially means everyone who is human must be Red Flagged, which in other words means total disarmament.

    • I’ll run for president in 2024 under the slogan: “Make America Free Again” or MAFA

      Gold-colored hats abound.

      I’ll build my platform on defunding the federal government as much as possible; what better way to buck the deficit. I’ll start by shrinking the IRS down to strictly corporate profits taxes only. The ATF will just be the AT and focus on Alcohol and Tobacco tax issues. I’ll push for the decriminalization of all drugs (like Portugal) and push the Supreme Court to proactively nullify all Unconstitutional Laws.

      In the interim, anyone prosecuted for federal charges of victimless crimes that are counter their Constitutional Rights (i.e. gun restrictions, drug use, etc.) will be pardoned.

      The federal government will go back to a minimalistic entity meant to maintain national sovereignty, provide for the common defense, protect trade and ensure states abide by the Constitutional Rights of its residents. Let the states make their own laws; any and all they want so long as they don’t undermine Constitutional Rights.

      Oh I’ll kick the UN out of New York too, even pay for everyone’s plane tix to Geneva, Switzerland or wherever they decide to go (Antarctica, maybe?)

      Plus, I’d tell the media to kick rocks and that all of the national briefings will be open forum AMAs and Sections on various internet communities.

      Enough nanny state, it’s time for America to Grow Up Again. If you’re over 18, you’ll have all the responsibilities and accountability of an adult and will be expected as such. Time to sit at the big-kid table. If someone offends you, too bad. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, arm yourself or just stay home.

      It’s time to stop coddling the those who are weak by choice and abject intellectual laziness.

  15. Everyone including President Trump (love saying that), knows the red flag laws are only a first step to gun confiscation from the general population. If we give even a tiny bit on the gun issue, they will be back again sooner than later for another bite, and another and so on. Do not budge on this issue at all. Trump knows his base and will not sign this law. If somehow he does; he and we are doomed.

  16. The problem with red flag laws is there is no way to exercise due process. The government sanction precedes the process. Seizure and forfeiture of rights for being loud and/or obnoxious…we would be making loud and obnoxious (and stupid?) a crime. Can’t do that. What would we politicians do for a living?

  17. “Trump’s tweet — no doubt meant to tweak someone who’s been a consistent critic — was stupid and ill-considered.”

    No. It wasn’t. You get people to say stupid things in public, then ram it in their faces to increase the ridicule. At worst, Trump was using irony to paint Cuomo as an idiot. Nothing stupid or ill-considered about that, at all. The only “bad” part about it is the gun-grabbers are too illiterate and/or stupid to get it; the proof that red flag laws are obscene and insane.

    Trump’s comment is what “push back” looks like when you engage the mob.

    • “At worst, Trump was using irony to paint Fredo as an idiot.”

      That’s how I took it. Trump wouldn’t pass up a chance to pile on Fredo.

      • Most likely but would be hilarious/terrifying for most if red flag went through on Cuomo. May be the best argument to not screw around with a host of civil liberties unfortunately only because one of theirs gets hooked.

  18. We need red flag laws and we should be writing them.

    No, nobody should be instantly “Red Flagged” over a single verbal outburst. Again we should write these laws and fight for the due process we see as necessary and constitutional. For one thing, the same techniques that the US Secret Service uses to protect the President should be applied. That means upon a report, an assessment of a threat is made and a plan for intervention decided upon by a team. That plan starts at do nothing and elevates up to going to court.

    All the mechanics and protections of due process needed being those that our side proposes in legislation.

    Or just keep on keeping on, pretending that doing nothing won’t hurt this cause.

    • They could be doing that now with current laws, but they can’t be bothered for some reason. Do they not have time, or is it just not a priority? Are they going to hire a bunch of new people once red flag laws are in place? Serious questions.

    • We do not need red flag laws. Current laws will work if enforced.

      And now we have the senate dems threatening the scotus over the NY case. Threatening. Even Ginsberg disagrees with their reasoning.

      Do what we want, or else! These folks cannot be trusted with red flag laws.

      • quote——————-We do not need red flag laws. Current laws will work if enforced.————-quote——————

        Yeah sure genius our laws worked beautifully when the Texas shooter was reported to the police by his own mother and they yawned and told her they could not do a damn thing about her nut case son. And then we all saw what happened without that Red Flag Law which would have slapped his crazy ass in jail. And ditto for the Dayton Shooter who was as nutty as a koo koo bird and law enforcement again said they could do nothing about him until he started killing people. The current laws worked like a charm didn’t they (sarcasm)

    • Hey, Dan Crenshaw! I didn’t know you hung out on this website. You should retire after your first term?

    • You might want to check on how much is spent each year protecting the President, and then ask yourself if we’d like to spend 330 million times that much, to similarly protect each citizen. Your statement is silly.

      • Incorrect. The concepts of Early Detection, Threat Assessment and Planned Intervention have been applied to schools since the first report on the Secret Service Safe Schools Initiative came out post-Columbine. I know, I talked with school resource officers, school administrators and local politicians where my daughter went to high school. They use those methods, they work to detect kids escalating into the planning stage, and violence is prevented.

        • No such people seem to exist when it matters. That’s why we have the red flag craze. We look back on these mass shooters and it looks so obvious, yet no one does anything because? We know the answer in Parkland. They were busy destroying the “school to prison pipeline.” Good thing they didn’t give that kid a bad name before he went on a killing spree.

    • If you think we’ll get due process and fair treatment under a Red Flag Law you’re being optimistic. They are not going to build all that into the law.
      It’s going to be simple accusations and a order is issued. Ask divorce victims how that works. Or anyone hit with restraint orders and trespass orders.
      They aren’t doing this to prevent shootings. It’s meant to disarm people and scare millions into quiet submissive compliance.

  19. Maybe Trump figured out that his support of red flag laws were wrong and his recent comment was to expose the problem with them so his final opposition would look good.

  20. Somebody should ask Chris (Fredo) Cuomo if that kind of behavior should result in a red flag.

  21. cuomo should be locked he did more than the man they arrested for saying that one woman should be shot he did not threaten her when fredo just threatened this man with great bodily injury where this other man said should he said would seems like a big double standard now me I don,t want anybody hurt and never want to shoot anybody because I would have to live with that on my mind the rest of my life but in these all I am saying is there is a big double standard from the political to none political

    • Now there’s audio of Chris “that’s the N_ word equivalent” Cuomo calling himself Fredo and laughing about it several years ago. Fredo could have taken the high road and no one would have ever heard about this, but Fredo gonna Fredo.

      • Fredo is just like his brother Andrew. Hot headed, with little impulse control. But at least Andrew has enough sense not to get mixed up with hecklers. Sometime check out Fredo’s social media, I’ve actually seen him try to engage trolls before. For a rich guy who came from a background of privilege, that’s monumentally dumb.

  22. There are many disappointing people in this comment section. Shameful and counter productive. Very unprincipled wanna be patriots here. You throw yourselves under the bus. You need to go read your bible and Bill of Rights again. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

    You guys are so bad I have to defend Chris and conservative principles on a pro 2A website. You made me do that. That’s how bad some of you are.

    Where is your honor?

    • “Where is your honor?”

      When your life and your future are being attacked at every turn, “honor” is a concept for pacifists. We are where we are because the wrong politicians decided form and substance were antonyms. You want to fight and lose honorably, fine. You be you, and we be we.

    • No one made you do anything. You choose to do everything in your life on your own accord. That’s called personal responsibility and it’s a conservative cornerstone. But you wouldn’t know anything about that because you’re not a conservative. Your defending CNN and Cumo because you like them, and want to be with them.

      • You guys are arguing in the defense of a soy boy who wants social media likes. You are advocating for red flag laws to be used against your political opponents. You behave like the left because you think two wrongs make a right.

        When both parties are behaving like leftists, what happens to conservatism? I would say if you keep it up we can declare the conservative right dead and the country (as intended to be) gone.

        I am fine with holding the left to the same standards they want for the right and I will hold the right to the standards they claim they have.

        America isn’t supposed to be the Jerry Springer show.

    • Due process means hiring a lawyer to get your guns back, how much do lawyers charge an hour, most working class people can’t afford a lawyer to get their guns back, so the unconstitutional RFL gust stole your legally purchased guns and now your on the government shift list you never have another gun, TRUMP IS A DEMOCRATIC COMMUNIST PRESIDENT.

  23. Fredo is not racist, wap slope, jap, kraut, and kike are racist. People need to stop playing the racist card for every little thing they disagree with.

  24. Actually, I think that this vignette shows us why Chris Cuomo supports red flag laws and other “gun control” measures.

    Cuomo clearly has anger and self-control issues. He assumes that everyone else does too. He would not trust himself with a firearm (not that he would admit it, even to himself), so he cannot trust others with firearms, either.

    In psychological terms, it’s projection.

    “Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.”

    In my opinion, much of the emotional appeal of “gun control” is based on many proponents’ recognition that they, themselves, might do something irrational and violent if they were in possession of a firearm. They simply assume that everyone else has a similar lack of control. But with millions of lawful concealed carriers in this country, there has been no bloodbath, so apparently self-control is a widely-distributed personality trait after all.

  25. For 1. I disagree with the statement “while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people”. Cuomo threatened the other man with violence at least twice. Is it enough for a charge worthy of removing the persons ability to legally own a firearm? Probably not. Is it evidence? Absolutely. Also, what if instead of the tweet by the President being ignorant, it could be an example set by him to show how ridiculous they could be? As the author pointed out.

    • Fredo was pretty close to tossing a punch. Body language suggests he was staging himself for a physical confrontation.
      The other guy should see a judge and get a crew over to fredos house tomorrow

  26. Cuomo:

    “I’ll fuckin ruin your shit. I’ll fucking throw you down these stairs”


    “…displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people.”

    Ummm, i don’t think those words mean what you think they mean. TDS? What exactly in your mind constitutes evidence of a threat more so than a direct threat?

    For a wide variety of other reasons I think so called “red flag” laws are a terrible idea subject to inexhaustible abuse, but your example here is bizarre.

  27. Hard to imagine any situation where a prominent liberal like Cuomo could be successfully “red flagged”. These laws are meant to stomp on the rights of us proles, not the elitists.

  28. What was Trump thinking? Dems are never held to the same level of responsibility and accountability as others.

  29. That guy should have sung to him
    Fredo Freeeeeedo Fredo Fredo Fredo
    Fredo Fredo Fredo
    Fredo Fredo Fredo

  30. Check Mad Maxine for weapons, she’s been advocating violence since Trump started running for office. If she has any she could be dangerous.

  31. I am half Sicilian by ancestry, third generation born in USA on my mother’s side. But I grew up around my grand dad, a Sicilian man who fought for America in WW1. And around aunt’s, uncles, great-grand parents all from the old country.

    “Fredo” is not an insult to Italians that I’d ever heard of. I get it, a character from a Godfather movie, I know the story. So what? It’s meaningless. Some idiot thought he was throwing an insult and said something meaningless out of ignorance.

    I’d of laughed at him and walked away.

  32. The only common-sense law to enact is to repeal 2nd Amendment Rights for all Democrats and liberals. But the harm is nill because they want nothing to do with those icky guns anyways. It’s a win-win for everyone.

  33. Leftardism is a mental disease/defect and as such all Commiecrats would receive the scarlet mark.

  34. Cuomo is about as credible as a back street used car salesman, he has a short fuse and his thought process and beliefs are shielded by blinders and influenced by family support; his actions may have gone over in Sicily 60 years ago but not here today. Fredo is a good tag for him.

    All of the banter about ‘red flag laws’ are useful but not as currently laid out. Yes, any person who is deemed a threat to himself or others should not have access to any weapons he owns. This does not and should not mean confiscation by the police after going through the courts. Those weapons are personal property and as such if they are to be removed from the owner those weapons should be transferred to his family for proper safe keeping under court order. If and only if the family cannot properly secure and maintain the weapons should the police secure and maintain them until such time that they are returned to the individual or transferred to the family by death

  35. As for “🚔🚓🚫 Nationwide Red Flag laws/ERPOs 🚔🚓🚫” being used for expanded purposes. I look to Canada’s “C-6 ” order…Which gives RCMP and local police the authority to seize and confiscate a “Royal Citizens (Vassal)” motor vehicle 🚗 from their home if they have been reported or suspected of drunk driving 🚗….I remember coming across this issue by angry Canadian peasents of the Crown 👑 complaining about how unfair it was….That neighbors, Ex’s, anyone could make such a complaint and it would be followed up on very vigorously by Law Enforcement…

  36. Dan Zimmerman, I’m really glad you wrote this article. All day yesterday, after Trump made the tweet that he did, I saw countless conservatives, and so-called gun rights supporters supporting Trump’s comment. I tried to enlighten many people about how dangerous a precedent that would be.

    We need to oppose red flag laws entirely. We don’t need any further gun control laws, every time there’s a mass shooting, the left, along with the Rinos on the right push for more gun control legislation. We need to put a stop to it.

  37. Can anyone on this post comment on why the FBI hasn’t arrested anyone for treason? We have many politicians including the President and the Attorney General passing ILLEGAL laws that are in direct conflict with the Constitution.. your 1st, 2nd, 4th,6th, and 14th Amendments are being massacred by these RED FLAG LAWS !!!!!!! WHY has nobody taken this to SCOTUS !!!!
    WTF !!!!!!!!!!

    • “Treason” requires there be an “enemy” declared. “Forces of evil”, and such, cannot be used as an “enemy” for purposes of charging treason.

  38. RedFlag Law is unconstitutional on its face, taking guns upon what someone thinks you might do. Who in their right mind don’t think this will be abused, think FISA COURTS that was abused and Trump witch-hunt, and here Trump coming up with the same thing. Question on the due process who can afford a hundred dollar an hour lawyer to get his guns back, due process means proving in a court of law and mental evaluation to prove your no threat, NO ONE WORKING AN HOURLY JOB CANN AFORD DUE PROCESS, so we lose, TRUMP IS AN IDIOT OR A DAMNED LIAR COMMUNIST REPUBLICRAT.

  39. The author writes: Cuomo’s behavior — reacting to a man who approached and insulted him in front of his family — while angry, displayed no evidence that he’s a potential threat either to himself or to other people. That’s the ostensible standard that red flag laws use to determine if an individual’s firearms should be confiscated.

    Displayed NO EVIDENCE that he’s a potential threat. Threatening to throw a man down the stairs and mess them up is not a threat?

    That is EXACTLY what red flag laws are designed to filter out. Cuomo should be evaluated and perhaps committed for a mandatory 72 hour evaluation and black listed form flying and owning a firearm.

    • Thank you Doug,
      I could did not wade through all these comments but it was clear that Pres. Trump was pointing out the absurdity of “Red Flag” laws.

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