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Adriana and Caesar Coronado (couretsy

Republished from

I wasn’t surprised or shocked when Adriana Coronado, the 14 year old girl, who captured headlines for a few days, after her disappearance, which occurred after her father was found shot multiple times, and set on fire, was found dead.  I was struck with a gnawing sense of certainty, as I read she had been tossed in a field, casually, still wearing her pajamas and slippers.  A familiar feeling of hopelessness and nausea as I read, and see, the carnage all around us, on both sides of the border . . .

In the past, I have written about killings on the US side of the border, that drew similarities or relation to killings in Mexico, the most recent ones I can recall, did not have any direct connections to cartels, or cells, or clicks in Tijuana, or elsewhere.  The parallels and common themes were enough for me to feel that I needed to share what I had read, or what I felt.  Here, is no different.  But, we have these facts, and we can mourn Adriana, and her father, and take an educated guess at what happened.

Adriana Coronado was last seen alive at around 1:00 AM early Sunday, 13th of March. She was said to be with her father, Caesar Vladimir Coronado, in her neighborhood of Katy, Texas, outside of Houston. Caesar Coronado was found in Walker County, 60 miles away, smoldering, and shot multiple times. His truck, an F150 crew cab was found about 45 miles south, of where he was killed. Investigators believe Adriana witnessed her fathers killing. The vehicle was set on fire, and abandoned, about 10:20 on the 13th.

The video shows the truck bursting into flames, and the man running down an alley. Investigators believe he was picked up by another man in a dark colored SUV. The fact that he burned the vehicle he arrived in, suggests an accomplice, or conspiracy. Adriana was found the following Friday, in West Houston, Harris County, her body abandoned in a field. She was killed by multiple gunshots.

The mother, gave a statement from Mexico, where she was said to be recovering from surgery, before Adriana was found. She said that her husband worked as a carpenter, and she could think of no enemies he may have had. If he did have enemies, she knew nothing about it. She asked for the safe return of her daughter.

No motive has been released, and there is nothing but speculation, linking Caesar Coronado to drug trafficking or organized crime, but there is enough to suggest a link to his murder, as well as his daughters. The crime scenes, and causes of death suggest targeted killings, the multiple gunshots suggest an execution style killing, not a crime of passion, or domestic violence related crime.

The subsequent burning of the body to destroy evidence, as well as the burning of the victims truck, suggest concealing a pre-mediated crime, not a robbery, as the truck was burned, rather then sold, or taken across the border. Also, as noted, the accomplice suggests a group enterprise organized crime killing. The burning of the body and car are trade-craft, learned or taught methods of concealment.

The killing of Adriana, brutal as it is, shows no sign of a personal crime, robbery, child abduction, or a sexual assault gone wrong. It is a straight execution killing, multiple gun shots, and coldly left in a field, where temperatures likely reach freezing at night. She was likely killed as she was a material witness to her fathers killing and kidnapping. Everything seems to indicate a targeted execution type killing, which brings us to Houston, Texas, where Los Zetas and elements of the Gulf Cartel are the main faces of drug trafficking.

It’s possible that Caesar Coronado was aligned with a rival group, or owed money, or had been accused of being a cooperator, though that is pure speculation. Another killing, which is wrenching and horrific, all the more so, as it happened in the US, whereas in places like Juarez and Iguala, this is a sickeningly common occurrence.

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    • And cover the region with drones. Lots and lots of drones. That can shoot. In the air, and the ground.

      • You dont need that just declare the border a free fire zone…. no questions asked….. trust me you’ll never have more closed border forget the wall just paint a line….. they will figure it out real quick…

        • you rekin the US gubermint got enough dinero to put the amount of guns needed on line?

        • George, when it comes to small arms. There are more firearms in the hands of citizens then there are in all combined branches of the service.

        • Or, conversely, just legalize drugs. All these suggestions would only result in a different violent, criminal group taking over the drug trade, so long as Americans (in particular) are willing to pay the big bucks for their poison, someone will supply it, and kill anyone trying to horn in on the easy riches. Just as happened with alcohol sales, legalization would end the violence quickly, the difference that would be remembered is that with alcohol the nation learned its lesson in less than 30 years, with other drugs it has been 60+ now, with no end in sight.

          Legalize drugs, eliminate any assistance of any kind not accompanied by a clean drug test, let dopers die and the rest of us get on with life. That little girl did not deserve to die, and she didn’t have to.

        • @Larry…legalize drugs.

          Well it would be an interesting social experiment to see what the hundreds of thousands of current drug gang members will do for money. Maybe they’ll just go back to their previous careers of engineers, doctors, and lawyers. Or maybe instead it will be a whole helluva increase in muggings and home invasions.

          Well it sure would be interesting to see what happens in the periphery of the drug zones and since most of that is Democratic regions I guess I’m OK with seeing what happens.

    • More police state? No thanks.

      How about we abolish the drug laws a dump the black market? Or would there be blood in the streets?

      How about we give the right of self defense to all *people* not just citizens or green card holders.

      Until they face a court of law they shouldn’t be denied their rights any more than any other individual who receives their rights from their creator.

      How about some actual consistent application of liberty instead of one parties rhetoric or another’s?

      May I ask what you think of cryptography too?

      • How about we give the right of self defense to all *people* not just citizens or green card holders.
        Gee…we cannot even give that right to our own citizens.

        • Was extended to Syrian rebels and the peshmerga… so I was just supposing we could do something similar where the US actually has jurisdiction… but wtf do I know…

          And to clarify, it’s not ‘given’ just respected or ignored.

    • Screw the wall… Take the fight to them. Mexico is a failed state and presents a clear and present danger to the U.S.A. In short, invade. Wipe out the cartels once and for all. bring democracy to the people there.

        • naw. that don’t count. we give almost all of it back. the last real success was 1836. ‘course, there ain’t no acountin’ for them yo yos that wanted all that desert west of the brazos.

    • Exactly, this is what happens with open boarders with a third world country, the savagery spills over.

      If only our government didn’t make so much money in the drug business they would close our boarders.

      • “If only our government didn’t make so much money in the drug business they would close our boarders.”

        Clearly, they could close the border if they wanted to. That they don’t want to raises the question of why not?

        There really is only one answer to that one, and it’s very disturbing.

        But the facts are what they are; the border is not being controlled.

    • ^This. Then legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs. Deport illegal violent criminal aliens after they have served their prison sentences.

      Cartels have reached NH, and we have an opioid epidemic here primarily thanks to them. Shut them down by securing the border. No effing mercy when we catch them.

  1. Already here in Illinois. Double murder of two Mexican out of towners just 4 blocks from me. Shot execution style in the back of the head. And that was a few years ago. A few months ago in Chiraq a whole family of 7 slaughtered on the southside. Speculation they had the wrong address(!). As if the punk azz black gangbangers weren’t bad enough shooting at each others(and hitting everyone in the way)…

    • No walls, just 1 chain link fence with a 100 meter minefield behind it.

      Every kilometer, sensor towers to detect motion – body heat.

      Every 10 kilometers, Border Patrol barracks crewed with 2 shifts working 12 hours each, barracks staff rotated out every 2 weeks…

      • This is VERY close to a solution that I floated about 12 months ago.

        There should be a second fence only to demarcate the landmine field from safe territory. And there should be a nice dirt track where border patrol can zip on quad-runners to promptly intercept anyone attempting to defeat the minefield.

        The sad part: this would not cost very much money, probably less than 1 billion dollars to build.

        • Combine this with repealing the NFA and de-criminalizing possession of most narcotics. All those suddenly redundant ATF and DEA agents can transfer to the border patrol or get RIF’d.

    • M240 is too small, let’s bring in some Phalanx CIWSs mounted to flatbeds and park them every 1/4-1/2 mile or so, mount FLIR target designators and set them to smoke anything on two legs that comes into range.

    • I bet “Best” Korea could give us some nice design plans. Use some of those cool Samsung auto turrets in 5mm and some of the 40mm launchers that “2nd best” Korea uses. All automated.

    • Yep, forget all the expensive satellite/drone/airplane bullsheet.

      Just a whole hulluva lot of land mines and some cheep chain link fence.

      After that a few video playbacks of people being vaporized trying to cross it it is all it would take to get the message across. No Spanish language translation needed.

  2. Obama and Hillary said the border is secure. Sanders said we just need some cameras. Kasich said we don’t need borders. Trump and Cruz say the border is a disaster and are competing over who will secure it better.

    Trump and Cruz are America’s only options.

  3. “Family Values do not stop at the Rio Grand”, “They are natural Conservatives”, “Illegal immigration is an act of love”. Neo Cons/Open border Republicans are scum and but be removed from the party.

  4. i once worked in a warehouse with about 100 workers from 6 nations south of texas. the concept of extended family is not actually understood by native, non-hispanic US citizens. it was amazing how many cousins these workers had, how many brothers and sisters. not all of whom lived here in texas. it took two years working side-by-side before these hispanic workers even began to trust me, but then they made me feel almost like family. anyway, i learned about life below texas, and it ain’t pretty. my co-workers told me that if a distant relative got mixed with the wrong people, sometimes horrible things happened to relatives three or four removed, as a punishment and a message that the bad guys could reach anyone, anywhere. so it is entirely possible the coronados in katy had nothing to do with gangs, drugs, cartels, politicians or nothing else. yet they were murdered as a tool of control applied to some distant relative. the reason for the deaths may never be known by anybody.

    • This is the most intelligent, level-headed comment so far. My grandfather worked in a similar manner, flying his tiny Cessna down to southern Mexico as part of an agricultural business. He spent more time throughout Mexico than in the US at times. He’s retired now, but he shared what he learned of the culture, and your comments are spot on.

  5. It’s not like cartel killings in America haven’t been happening for years. There was something going on they didn’t randomly off a carpenter and the kid for nothing. Someone somewhere is tied in.
    It sure isn’t likely to stop with Americans shoving junk up their nose or smoking themselves out. Even readers on here will start making arguments and excuses for it so it will continue.

    • Bingo. Legal or not, cartels will keep killing. We can legalize all drugs and it will only lead to cartels killing “legalized” competitors.

  6. For the economic imbeciles here, a free market means people are free, not some abstract thing called a market. For the socialists and fascists, enjoy the blood, you have earned it.

    • I think I am confused here. I didn’t see anything about economics in the post about murders in Texas. Or did I not get the full article?

      • I think he’s pointing out that drugs are a business. “Black market” and “free market” describes the customers, not the product. Think of the term “black market guns,” and how it means something totally different to Americans than it does to people in Mexico. Or just compare alcohol and marijuana.

    • Well until the goverment does not rob me to pay for them or want to give them the right to vote I will take blood and culture over a mythical idea of the market any day.

  7. Just get Americans to stop buying weed, heroin, and coke. Watch the cartels go out of business.

    • Or you could not imprison those who would sell these drugs without violence, and that that too will put the cartels out of business.

      • Unfortunately at the point the cartels are far to powerful and rich to just go away. Even if we fully legalized all drugs, they’d find a way to stay in business. They already branch into other areas, such as creating a monopoly on those that ferry people across the border. The illegals comming in aren’t just a huge random gaggle of people wandering in. It’s an organized system. And a business. If drugs weren’t bringing in the income, something else will. These guys didn’t get to be drug lords by giving up easy. The ONLY thing that will have a real effect is a total lock down on the border.

        • The cartels also kill for fun and sport. They are not going out of business. Drugs are but one of their money-makers, there is also kidnapping and extortion. Google “Mexican Cartel Gore” to get an eyeful. Thanks to democrats, lives in the USA is going to become very very cheap.

          The main thing to remember is that the folks who are gleefully doing the actual killings ere the same folks who mow your yard, paint your house and wash your dishes. The cartel heads rarely dirty their own hands.

        • Umm, they are called “drug cartels” for a reason. The most profitable enterprise is the selling of drugs. Legalize the drugs, and a biggest part of their profits goes with it.

        • The Netflix series NARCOS, while ripe with Hollywood embellishment for the sake of drama, is a fairly factual account of Pablo Escobar’s run as the cocaine kingpin of Colombia. It’s an enlightening view of the tactics and corruption that advances their modern business model, and how difficult this problem is. The issue extends well beyond combat into the political spectrum, how the human element in those countries (extending into our own) has grown up thinking the world works. An entire generation knows nothing but cocaine = livelihood. There’s no incentive to stop exporting, and even with the $billions/yr the US spends in interdicting the supply routes, it’s highly profitable.

          The user on the streets of (insert any US city) doesn’t give a damn about all the bloodshed they’re financing. They care about the next high, and nothing else–not even the wellbeing of their children.

          I don’t have a solution to offer that doesn’t involve a massive overreach of international armed interdiction.

        • Curious how cocaine has been around for over a century but it was only when the US government launched the war on drugs when it suddenly became massively profitable.

          You blame the users instead of the government for the massive increase in margin and parrot the usual caricature about only caring about “the next high”, a lie which has disproven in just about every medical study. You see, before the drug war, medical professionals were in charge of drug policy, not politicians. The vast majority of users are casual, not hardcore addicts.

          Also, your interdiction “solution” has been tried and failed.

          As usual, drug warriors pile on propaganda and lies, and nothing else.

        • Dopers using dope harms no one but themselves. Let’s prosecute actual crimes, like burglary or theft to support the drug habit, instead of prosecuting the drug habit. The other argument for interference in the life choices of others is that they will cost the rest of us money, so let’s throw them in prison where they’ll cost even more, or just kill them. Why not just leave them alone if they are not bothering anyone, refuse to provide them any assistance in their self-destruction (I’d love to know the percentage of welfare, like AFDC and the like, which is spent on drugs) other than a cremation?

        • I’ve done some legal work with families torn apart by drug use, ending in state custody and such. The ghettos and backwoods meth dens across America add up quickly. I don’t doubt that most users are casual, but there are indeed numerous junkies. Those families don’t raise the best products, grooming another generation of serious users.

          As to the interdiction piece, I should have been more clear. Right now we execute a policy of limited active interdiction, coupled with foreign aid to stem the production. I don’t have a published stay on the amount of product we stop, either at the source or enroute, but based on other numbers I’ve seen I’d guess it’s 10% or less. That’s pathetic.

          Between myself and my coworkers, we’ve spent hundreds of hours in the last year, serving as an airborne interdiction platform in the gulf and pacific. We locate, report, and actively stop boats and semi-submersibles. It’s a great time; you’ll rarely see a more terrified individual than a guy that’s rolled up at 0200L with hundreds of pounds of coke onboard. He knows he’s screwed. However, that approach has limited effectiveness. It only captures the estimate above, and doesn’t account for land routes.

          I misused the term interdiction in my earlier post. I meant to state Direct Action. The locations of grow sites, the IR signature of coca plants, and the communications pathways used by growers and cartels, are all highly vulnerable. Growing and processing requires a fairly stable physical location. The crop must grow, and that takes time. The crop must be harvested and processed, and that requires a facility (however basic and temporary), which is vulnerable to targeting. Transporting in any respectable/profitable quantity requires light aircraft, trucks, and/or boats; those are all somewhat traceable back to a source or owner.

          It’s not an easy job, but it is one which we have mostly limited ourselves to waiting until the product is enroute and relatively easy to conceal, or have provided limited support and advisors in-country to combat.

          It’s the longest running war we’ve ever fought, with the least success. Stop dribbling away money when it produces no change, and commit the funds, forces, and equipment to eradicate it.

          And nowhere am I speaking about pot; my professional work has dealt mostly with cocaine trafficking, while the other work is mostly with meth and heroine.

        • Hahaha, it’s not like the US government has not sponsored foreign military forces to go after labs and plantations. That these guys often use their “talents” in other ways is responsible for much of the violence in the Americas. Needless to say, “direct action” has also been a miserable failure any time it has been tried, because the money will always be on the black marketers side.

          “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

  8. I am positing, that these deaths may be an unintended consequence of the “war on drugs”, secondarily of course, to the intentions of homicidal greedy people who ordered the killings. I am also positing that recreational drugs, like labor, are commodities and thus elements of a free market.

    Heinlein through Lazarus Long, said it pretty well,

    “Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

  9. Serious questions:
    Did the father have a gun available? Was it used as a defense?

    The crimes happened in Texas, which is very pro-gun. Wondering if a personal firearm was involved.

    • Who cares? Here’s a tip-off; not everyone in TX is armed, and simply having a gun does not guarantee success against organized crime killers, anyway. It DOES give you a chance, but nothing more. Hell, we recently saw two uniformed cops on duty in NYC murdered in their cop car, in broad daylight, and that guy didn’t even have access to select fire AK-47s, as drug cartels do.

      • According to what I read here, unarmed people are detested, being armed is a near guarantee of fighting of attackers, and all that jazz. My question is simply to determine if the victim had a gun and was able to deploy it. Just information. Or is sharing of information without a political vested interest considered taboo here?

  10. Human smuggling, sex trafficking, etc. will still come from the south – regardless of the drug situation. Those saying “make all drugs legal”, that won’t solve much.
    Border security is important, well should be important, no matter what happens with drugs, or pretty much anything else.

    • My uneducated bet remains that the vast majority of customers, and the vast majority of money, comes from the drug trade. And we are *told* that essentially no one wants to buy sex slaves, particularly children, so how much money can there be in that? The overall quantity of violence will cease if we let dopers just kill themselves.

  11. One quibble, one observation.

    Quibble – it almost never drops below freezing around here. And, frankly, it’s getting back to summer temps already, so her body would have attracted significant attention because of the rapid onset of rot. Which is all the more disturbing, since it makes it clear that the killers didn’t even care about hiding the evidence of the crime.

    Observation – Katy isn’t some urban mess or ramshackle backwoods village. It’s one of the rapidly booming parts of Houston, and considered a solid place to live. It’s a solid reminder that crimes like this don’t just happen to “those people”. Especially if this happened just because she was a witness. We could all be putting the garbage on the curb or taking the dog out at the wrong time.

    • Katy is to Houston what Arlington is to Dallas. It’s a metropolis unto itself, though seamlessly intertwined into the larger city. The article made it sound like a podunk village in the middle of nowhere.

  12. Most mexicans are of christian faith, so once obamas army of muslims gets a foothold, it will all work itself out.

  13. The only way this sort of thing goes away is if the US legalizes drugs and ends the war on drugs. Leverage the free market against the black market. The cartels will sell their wares somewhere else when american corporations can outsell and out produce them.

    • Where marijuana has been decriminalize you think they still aren’t wetting their beaks. Just like with cigarettes being legal almost consistently internationally , yet there are still millions to be made avoiding taxes and guess who does it. Or do you think drugs is just referring to coca

  14. I hate to break it to all of you that have stupid idea to ban all guns. All of America is turning into the wild west so my suggestion is to buy a gun and know how to use it

  15. Bobby et al:

    Please for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and all that is noodly either hire an editor that proof reads or actually try taking an English class yourself. Your articles are harder to read than an introverted high school students poetry.

    Here’s some pro-tips:

    Then =/= than.
    Commas are not something that you just drop in the middle of a sentence.
    Subjects and objects are not the same thing.
    References to things like videos with no link, context or actual video is at best confusing and at least shoddy writing.

    Read a book, take some classes. Do something. Your writing in this article is not just juvenile and unprofessional. It’s extremely disheartening about clownshoe blogholes in general as well.

    • To you, and those who commented (whined) about the number of commas:

      This article was republished in its original form from It was not edited in any way, simply copied over, with their permission and/or encouragement. Here is the original posting of this article. Robert’s writing in this article isn’t juvenile and unprofessional, it’s nonexistent, as nonexistent as your reading comprehension, since you very clearly missed the first line, to wit: “Republished from”

      borderlandbeat is a collection of journalists whose education and professionalism levels vary, but whose information is as on-the-nose as it gets. For some of them, English may not be their first language. If you’re that concerned about their grammar, perhaps you should wander over to the original site and let them know, instead of chiding Robert (et al), who didn’t even write the thing. You’ll have to forgive them if they’re too busy tripping over the bodies of murdered 14 year old girls and their fathers to give two steaming shits about what you think of their comma usage.

    • ok, if you are gonna be the grammar police, you should change “students” to “student’s”….let him without sin throw the first stone kinda thingy

  16. No need to worry, just declare the border a “safe zone”, like the kind Chicago enacted to quell the epidemic of black-on-black shootings of schoolkids walking home in the ghetto.

    that was sarcasm, in case you missed that.

  17. legalizing drugs might put the cartels out of business, but leave us with more addicts. Happened in Holland that way. So legalizing drugs might reduce violence but it will create other costs to society. It might still be worth it, but it isn’t a complete solution. Addiction is a biochemical problem -it’s really a medical problem, not a “willpower” problem. The best cure for addiction is never to start an addictive substance. success rates for rehab are very low, because rehab simply doesn’t address the actual chemcial problem.

    The real solution to drug-fueled crime is to find safe, non-addictive medical alternatives to narcotics.

    • Which will be hugely expensive, most dopers will stick to the cheap stuff. Next suggestion, of course, is that you should tax *me* so that dopers can have as many free drugs as they like. Kiss my ass. Let them die.

    • I’m for ending the useless war on drugs. I have no research to back my opinion but how could treating addicts and alternative solutions cost us more in dollars and misery than what this “war” is costing us?

  18. There is a need for yet another Mexican Revolution. The Mexican government is much more content arresting and killing the Autodefensa than they care about dealing with the narcotic cartels.

  19. I don’t know. Something tells me these people are getting a taste for savagery and don’t really need much of a reason to perpetrate it.

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