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  1. Merry Christmas!!!
    Happy Hanukkah!!!!!
    Happy Kwanzaa!!!!
    Have a great day, be safe and say a prayer for everyone who can’t be with family and friends this holiday season!!
    God Bless and Take Care!!

  2. Merry Christmas to all, I hope everyone who celebrates had a blessed Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and for those of you who Speed forgot, Happy Festivus.

  3. Merry Christmas!

    (And to think that I don’t have any Pro-2A Christmas lights!? Ah well, at least I have pro 2A gifts!)

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s to hoping Santa will bring us 2nd amendment victories throughout the year!

  5. A very special shout out to Bobby Farago and his crew of demented journalists who make this the best site on the web!

  6. Merry Christmas to all. I’m glad you guys published the picture. For anyone interested here is the link for instructions how to make the wreath. I have a gun buddy who is on disability and financially struggling. I think he could make and sell these wreaths. Today, I’m going to celebrate Christmas the traditional Jewish way and go eat lunch at a Chinese restaurant.

    Christmas Craft: Shotgun Shell Wreath

  7. Merry and happy everything to all the good people who make up TTAG Nation. And here’s to a time when all Americans — black, white, yellow, brown, red, Christian, Jew, Muslin, Hindu, athiest — will be judged by the strength of their character and not the color of their rifle.

  8. Very Merry Christmas to the staff, writers and commentators of TTAG from whom I’ve learned so much this year. Keep up the great work!

  9. Happy Holidays! (Not politically correct, just lazy)

    Also, since the two head honchos are Jewish, does that mean we get regular coverage/blogage today? :p

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to TTAG! You are a bright, shining light in the dark face of a dark, anti-gun onslaught. We appreciate you soooooooo much. May the coming year bring you more views, hits, and supporters!

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