mccloskeys republican national convention
Courtesy PBS News Hour

First, the case was that Trump has done many things to help individual people in extremis β€” working to release hostages, deregulating certain types of medical treatments, fighting entrenched interests, and leading a strong economy until COVID came along to kill it.

Twitterati laughed at the supposed awkwardness with which Trump interacted with frontline COVID workers and hostages, but what they missed was Trump’s good cheer as he talked to them. These exchanges were actually less weird than the ones last week in which Biden talked to party activists over Zoom.

And second, the case was that Democrats are supporters of urban chaos and socialist policies that will make American lives less safe and will help immiserate the American middle class.

Nowhere was that clearer than in theΒ joint speech of the St. Louis coupleΒ who were seen in a Twitter clip standing in front of their house, the husband brandishing a gun against a Black Lives Matter march. They pointed out that the BLM people were undisturbed by the cops, while they found themselves under arrest.

Their message β€” this could happen to you, home owners β€” surely struck a chord with Americans who own guns as protection. Stats tell us that 43 percent of all Americans live in a gun-owning household.

That’s a lot of people. Trump’s hope for reelection is based on getting those people to turn out in greater numbers than they did in 2016, to offset Democratic gains. And the Democratic message β€” that cops are bad and rioters are good β€” plays right into Trump’s hands.

– John Podhoretz in First night of RNC 2020 was very effective, to media’s dismay


    • It’s very telling that democrats are focusing on emotion over policy. Which conservative policy is it that those “republicans” endorsing Biden are fighting for? The conservative principle of fewer tweets lol? The conservative principle of putting down America (which means you’re putting down Americans)?

      • What β€œconservative” policy are the Republicans endorsing Biden endorsing? Wanton interventionism and useless foreign wars. Tighter trade relations with Red China because that benefits big business at the expense of the American (and Chinese for that matter) worker. You will notice that the Republicans endorsing Biden are establishment centrists like Kasich who back the RepubliCrat consensus, and many of them are military industrial complex apparatchiks.

        • Nixon sold us out to the Chinese so his friends could make money importing junk made there. That ruined our economy and 30 years later, out industrial base is a “rust belt”. With the help of extreme environmentalists, the American worker has been brought to his knees. The only game in town is being a government employee or working for contractors in the military industrial complex.
          The Dems used to support the working man, now they switched to keep the poor on the dole plantation. We gave away our tech all over the world, if it weren’t for Trump, it would be more of the same. Our country needs to sell things to other countries instead of cannibalizing what is left of ours.
          Our only export is our military actions, and we don’t even get reimbursed for that. Those actions help huge multinational corporations who could care less about any country on the planet. They are creating a world where corporations are stronger than any one government. These corporations want to level the playing field so no “subject” can fight back – this is the One World Government in action, believe me, it will not be good for the top industrialized nations in the world, they will just built in another country that can not stop them. Next up will be corporate armies, as soon as the American public get wise to their plans, then it will be too late.
          The orangeman may be the only one to stop this.

        • RT66PAUL, You confuse me. I thought Trump lowered taxes for the ultra-rich who run the multi-national corporations who moved the jobs off-shore. The pittance the working man received from these tax cuts is a laughing matter — I know this too well when I wrote my check to the IRS this year.
          I thought Biden’s platform included bring jobs back to the United States and building an economy that grows for now and future generations. Trump’s platform is the economy was great (despite the Market’s wild swings that followed his wild swings) until Covid-19 showed up and spoiled it all for him. The debacle here is his clueless inaction, gut feelings, and misinformation about a pandemic, especially since Trump disbanded the very agencies that had emergency preparedness plans, learned from Ebola, to reduce deaths and stop the spread of disease.

          The McCloskeys are exactly the types who give gun owners a bad name. They are always in some conflict brandishing their guns and threatening or suing their neighbors over their gated-street castle and the property they seized via squatters’ rights and quiet claims. The very little piece of property the unarmed demonstrators had the audacity to walk over and who posed no imminent danger to the McCloskeys.

        • Speaking of NONSENSE.

          That’s all you trolling dogshit do.

          Go to Venezuela. Immediately, Please.

        • @Katya_66, what you are talking about is returning to the Obama era and to the policies that works so well right. Sorry but Trump has helped Americans more than you will admit. If you are confused it is because you choose to be confused. Not supporting Trump IS the same as supporting the Marxist, Socialist agenda and makes you one of their Useful Idiots. Just like in this video….

        • Kat, thanks for some refreshing truth here on TTAG!

          β€œTrump disbanded the very agencies that had emergency preparedness plans, learned from Ebola, to reduce deaths and stop the spread of disease.”

          This is exactly correct, under Obama the CDC had set up early warning centers in several countries across the world, monitoring all local disease outbreaks and planning pandemic response.
          Trump closed these centers, particularly the one located in Wuhan, China, giving us no early warning whatsoever on the spread of COVID-19.

          Contrast Obama’s response to multiple serious disease outbreaks, Ebola with no American residents dead, or H1N1, over 18 months only 12K Americans died.

          Currently, we are only 8 months into the pandemic and we have lost 180,000 American citizens, friends, family and neighbors, under the deranged β€˜leadership’ of Donald Trump.

          And now that we are approaching the traditional flu season, you can expect even more serious losses to come

        • I see that your ineptitude at retaining basic facts has spread to other people, Miner. Trump did not wantonly fire CDC staff stationed in foreign countries. Those jobs were slated to be eliminated from non-renewed grants from the 2018 budget. The CDC budget cut Trump proposed that included the new maligned cuts was for 2021, not 2020, but was ultimately not approved. The CDC actually received a seperate, increased $50mm budget for “national security” health issues like contagious diseases. Their was a reduction in AIDS/HIV funding however.

          This is all public record. Is amazes me that you continue to spew BS justified by oRaNgE mAn BaD.

    • First f all politically inept history illiterate twitter twits.
      Second, It was never about the gun handling abilities of the McCloskeys. It was about having the guts to stand win or lose.
      Third…After 4 years of A diabolical concocted witch hunt there are dirty diaper democRat Party lint lickers still trying to defend the indefensible.
      Fourth, No democRat can compete because they are not concerned one bit about Americans pulling the wagon. The only thing they are concerned about is pleasing those who dropped out of the behind of Karl Marx. If you want America to have a coast to coast CHAD/CHAZ 3rd world country look and economy then lint lick a democRat with a vote for anyone other than President Donald John Trump.

      TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

  1. I noticed the couple mentioned thousands of Americans offer trains advice, perhaps they have learned a thing or two if only their law firm quits donating to the un American Leftard party.

    • So these people are literally part of the RNC convention, and you still want to complain about how they’re secret liberals?

      With friends like you, who needs enemies?

      • It’s no secret,they donated to both parties with the lions share going to the party that would usurp their rights if given total control, the Leftards wet dream.

      • McCloskeys are no big surprise here. They panicked like the exceptionally privileged elitists left wing fat-cats they have always been, over reacted stupidly and now they are pretending to be conservative icons to gain a political edge. They know the wifey is in the biggest trouble for her direct threats to people who were ignoring her. That’s why they turned in th pistol after taking five minutes to do a field strip and assemblle it wrong.

        • if the cops had done their job and shooed these obvious trespassers away nothing would have happened…the fact that they didn’t leaves open the possibility of more incidents like this….

    • A leftist is just a right winger who hasn’t had a BLM/Antifa menace his house yet. Welcome aboard. Hopefully a lot of people in their socio-economic class see what happened to them and learn the lesson vicariously.

      Watching the shit show in Wisconsin, I was surprised no business owners were out defending their businesses. Sooner or later people have to start protecting their own.

    • It *almost* seemed like it was directed to TTAG, actually :

      “…not only do have a right to own a gun, but thousands of Americans will offer you free advise on how to use it.”

      That got a *snicker* out of me… πŸ™‚

    • You’re a prick and a twat at the same time.

      We can be such a bunch of fucking cultists some times.

    • No secret and like many people Donald John Trump once donated to the clintoons et al. Obviously he’s getting his money back one way or another.

      TRUMP/PENCE 2020

  2. Despite everything that has happened to them from a legal standpoint, I cannot get past how ignorant they were/are of firearm handling and muzzle discipline. It looked very much like they were a hair trigger away from an unintended discharge and real problems. If you are going to own a gun, get some training….please.

    They really brought this in themselves..

    Hey, if you think I am wrong, or know more of the story than me, please educate me. Seriously.

    • 300 people in front of their house, many threatening to kill them no cops in sight.

      Maybe we ought to cut them some slack. If they weren’t at the ready the mob might have tried them.
      I think his wife needed a shotgun or AR instead of that little PPK.

      • GS650G,

        … many threatening to kill them no cops in sight …

        I keep asking for evidence and no one ever provides any: who threatened first? If the McCloskeys starting pointing firearms at a mob of trespassers who had not directly threatened to maim/kill them, then the McCloskeys are in the wrong and counter threats from the mob are legitimate. Of course the opposite is true as well. (If the mob threatened first, then the McCloskeys did no wrong.)

        • The media causes unnecessary trouble by convincing every black man that the police are out to get them. Going into every police encounter with this mindset creates unnecessary conflict and has likely cost lives.

          Every night on TV the media is also showing everyone the arson, looting, and chaos being created by the BLM and Antifa rioters. The leftists in charge of the communities that are being destroyed are making it very clear that the police aren’t going to help and the rioters are going to be allowed to destroy private property.

          Whether the McCloskeys were reacting to threats or not, there is no shortage of reasons for them to have believed that a group of protesters entering their community at that point in time posed a threat to them personally and to their property. Perhaps if the BLM/Antifa protesters hadn’t left such a path of violence and destruction in nearby areas of St. Louis, the McCloskeys wouldn’t have considered them a threat when they arrived in their community.

        • the “mob” became threatening because of their illegal presence….they are the true initiators…that these people were charged purely for political reasons is obvious…

        • First, let’s address the gate issue.

          The video shows the McCloskeys are lying:

          β€œThe protest moved north on Kingshighway again. At Portland Place, protester Derk Brown’s live feed shows he is one of the first protesters to pass through the iron gate held open by protester Tory Russell.
          Although the McCloskeys have displayed photos of a crumpled gate as evidence the protesters broke it down, the feed shows the gate is intact. It was not clear when it was damaged.”

          Next, the McCloskey’s are lying about their lives being threatened before they produced the firearms. And the evidence shows their belligerent firearm brandishing in a threatening manner is a continuing pattern:

          β€œThe first few protesters who enter the private neighborhood swerve away from the McCloskey house to walk in the street.
          Immediately, Brown’s feed captures Mark McCloskey under a massive portico on the east side of his mansion. β€œHey!” he can be heard shouting. β€œPrivate neighborhood! Get the hell out of my neighborhood!”
          None of the protesters are on his property β€” even the disputed triangle.
          Brown zooms in on McCloskey, who is wearing a pink Brooks Brothers polo shirt, and narrates: β€œY’all see? On my live feed … he got his rifle.”
          Mark McCloskey shouts, β€œGet out! Get out! Get out! Private property!”
          A chant builds: β€œWhose streets? Our streets!”
          Moments later, Patricia McCloskey can be seen in her front yard in her bare feet with a silver handgun, waving it at the protesters.”

          β€œWe’re gonna move, calm down!” someone yells.
          β€œPut that gun away,” someone else yells.
          She comes closer to Brown, pointing the gun left and right. β€œGo!” she yells. β€œGo!”
          One of the protesters yells, β€œWe got kids in here! We got children!”
          A chant builds: β€œEat the rich!” She keeps pointing the gun.
          β€œWhy are you threatening?” someone asks.
          β€œYou need to calm down!” someone else says.
          β€œPut your goddamn gun down!” someone yells.
          β€œYou’re a coward, bitch!” a woman yells.
          β€œNobody wants to hurt you,” another woman yells.
          About 13 minutes go by with the McCloskeys on their front lawn in bare feet and protesters mocking them or asking them why they are threatening them with weapons.”

          McCloskey has brandished firearms in a threatening manner against people whose only offense is walking on a piece of ground the McCloskeys claim as their own:

          β€œThe McCloskeys have filed at least two β€œquiet title” suits asserting squatter’s rights on land they’ve occupied openly and hostilely β€” their terms β€” and claimed as their own. In an ongoing suit against Portland Place trustees in 2017, the McCloskeys say they are entitled to a 1,143-square-foot triangle of lawn in front of property that is set aside as common ground in the neighborhood’s indenture.
          It was that patch of green protesters saw when they filed through the gate. Mark McCloskey said in an affidavit that he has defended the patch before by pointing a gun at a neighbor who had tried to cut through it.”

          I realize that President Trump and Fox News have their own propaganda line of disinformation concerning these events, but perhaps the more intellectually capable on this list would care to avail themselves of the local reporting for a more accurate picture of the situation.

          STLtoday.comWeb resultsThe St. Louis couple charged with waving guns at protesters have a …

    • ” How ignorant they were/are of firearm handling and muzzle discipline. ”

      From Patricia McCloskey’s statement last night She/they realize that now.

      • Muzzle discipline is not the issue. Neither is the first spoken threatening words. The mob’s very presence was an illegal act considering the property was deemed private. Considering the very recent history mobs of this sort have, they are lucky none were injured. It seems logical that the McCloskeys would feel threatened at this point in time.
        Forest or trees, can’t have it both ways. What this calls for is a well defined forest that all defend without allowing the trees to distract from the real issues!

        • Once a mob gets riled up, the collective IQ of the mob would be matched, or even less than, a herd of sheep of the same size.

    • At least they had a couple of guns. I doubt if she was ever interested in them before this happened. They did their best. All gun owners are not trained Ninjas, nor should they be. Many people have guns because they just might need them, never really believing that something bad could happen to them.
      Guns are simple, just point and shoot. Yes, training should be there, but someone with little training and a gun is much better off than someone without a gun.

      • No point in making excuses for them. Yes, they have every right to own a gun, and to use them to protect themselves and good on them for it if that is what happened. I still haven’t seen evidence of who initiated threats of violence first. But responsibility comes with rights, and that means getting some training at least for muzzle control! I’m glad they got the message, and Trump himself ought to be making the case for it, especially since the RNC is using these two.

        • Even the police would have a hard time determining who made the initial threats in that situation. People keep asking for proof one way or the other, but that’s going to be extremely hard to come by for armchair quarterbacks on their computers. It’s a he said/she said situation few of us have direct access to.

          When crowds of people recently destroyed other areas of your city, you’re probably going to perceive any crowd that shows up in your neighborhood as a threat. If the Antifa/BLM protesters don’t appreciate that, then maybe they should police themselves and make sure their protests stay peaceful.

        • The initial threat was the mob breaking down the gate to a private street. Even in St. Louis there are laws against trespass.

        • The video shows the McCloskey (and you) are lying:

          β€œThe protest moved north on Kingshighway again. At Portland Place, protester Derk Brown’s live feed shows he is one of the first protesters to pass through the iron gate held open by protester Tory Russell.
          Although the McCloskeys have displayed photos of a crumpled gate as evidence the protesters broke it down, the feed shows the gate is intact. It was not clear when it was damaged.”

          Next, the McCloskey’s are lying about their lives being threatened before they produced the firearms. And the evidence shows their belligerent firearm brandishing in a threatening manner is a continuing pattern:

          β€œThe first few protesters who enter the private neighborhood swerve away from the McCloskey house to walk in the street.
          Immediately, Brown’s feed captures Mark McCloskey under a massive portico on the east side of his mansion. β€œHey!” he can be heard shouting. β€œPrivate neighborhood! Get the hell out of my neighborhood!”
          None of the protesters are on his property β€” even the disputed triangle.
          Brown zooms in on McCloskey, who is wearing a pink Brooks Brothers polo shirt, and narrates: β€œY’all see? On my live feed … he got his rifle.”
          Mark McCloskey shouts, β€œGet out! Get out! Get out! Private property!”
          A chant builds: β€œWhose streets? Our streets!”
          Moments later, Patricia McCloskey can be seen in her front yard in her bare feet with a silver handgun, waving it at the protesters.”

          β€œWe’re gonna move, calm down!” someone yells.
          β€œPut that gun away,” someone else yells.
          She comes closer to Brown, pointing the gun left and right. β€œGo!” she yells. β€œGo!”
          One of the protesters yells, β€œWe got kids in here! We got children!”
          A chant builds: β€œEat the rich!” She keeps pointing the gun.
          β€œWhy are you threatening?” someone asks.
          β€œYou need to calm down!” someone else says.
          β€œPut your goddamn gun down!” someone yells.
          β€œYou’re a coward, bitch!” a woman yells.
          β€œNobody wants to hurt you,” another woman yells.
          About 13 minutes go by with the McCloskeys on their front lawn in bare feet and protesters mocking them or asking them why they are threatening them with weapons.”

    • “Get some training,” yeah, right. They were EFFECTIVE! Did their house get burned down or looted or were they harmed in any way? Did the rabble move TF on?! Training my ass, they broke out the hardware and the scum moved on, end of story, no $1,500 weekend LARPing necessary.

    • Get over yourself Mr. Operator.

      They are probably like 75% of gun owners that only have a basic knowledge of the rules and practices.
      But you know what, they didn’t shoot each other and they took a stand unlike just about any other surburban non-military couple in this country that was thrust into an ugly overwhelming event.

    • they do seem to have panicked a bit and become too confrontational…not everyone is awed by the presence of a gun….and then what do you do?….

  3. They were very powerful in their words. Who among us can’t see themselves in a similar situation. Or worse.

  4. I suspect that the McCloskeys are merely the poster child for the tens of millions of “moderate” Americans who are having that “Saul on the road to Damascus” conversion. They may have been middle to upper class liberals who do not like President Trump, but they are realizing that the alternative is anarcho-tyranny. The unholy alliance between a “liberal”, totalitarian government and mobs of rioters will culminate with extermination camps.

    While I can armchair quarterback the McCloskeys, I don’t live near Ferguson Missouri where many buildings were looted and burned while the police didn’t intervene. The United States is beginning to resemble beautiful, downtown Beiruit back in the 1980s or Mogadishu today.

      • Can’t say much about the camels but in a few years packs of wild dogs may be a threat to people.

    • these two dominant issues…dissatisfaction with Trump…and fearing for our personal safety…will continue to play off against each other in the run-up to the election….

    • Yes it does. Rolling a yard on Halloween as a kid, and the owner came out and pulled a Joe Biden on us. We left in a hurry and didn’t come back.

      • yeah,..we all have stories like that…remember some of us stealing apples one night from a tree at an old bachelors place…when we suddenly saw the flare of a cigar from the back porch…followed by a shotgun blast…man!…you want to talk about a bunch of guys raining down like ripe fruit….

    • There is a running belief that when the “city” folks come into the suburbs they will be allowed to “peacefully protest” like they have been in the city. They are wrong. That was two guys in the outlying areas of Milwaukee and you see the effect. I doubt they will be arrested or charged either.

      If they go further out into the suburbs and begin “protesting” they may very likely will not be given a warning shot. Law enforcement in most suburbs have less public outcry to protect the “protestors” from their actions.

      • Porridgeweasel,

        Oh, come on now. When these “protesters” venture into the suburbs, those suburbanite residents will greet them with open arms — cheerfully offering tea and crumpets. And if any of the “protesters” appear to be agitated, those suburbanite residents will then invite the “protesters” to sit down around a fire pit, have a conversation, and share their innermost feelings. Finally, if even that fails to quell the “protesters”, then those cheerful suburbanites will invite licensed counselors to the neighborhood to help the “protesters” express and resolve their grievances. At that point, everyone will get back to the fire pit, sing Kumbaya together, and live happily ever after. Once again, the skies will be filled with rainbows and unicorns.

        • No one was more surprised than I when a BLM ‘protest’, complete with one guy all decked-out in black ANTIFA garb (gas mask and all) showed up in my little shit city here in central Florida.

          Unlike where the recent looting and burning are taking place, our local LE (Sheriff Grady “Because they ran out of bullets” Judd got on the TV and informed them that heading into the neighborhoods was a real good way for them to get their asses shot, since folks here like, have, and have no problems using their guns.

          The quote he used was something along the lines of “…they will blow you right out of the back of their house.”.

          Ahhh, central Florida. {Insert sound of ‘Deliverance’ on the banjo}… πŸ™‚

        • having encountered a few…rich people tend to be fiercely protective of their property…remember that house with the bowling alley in “Kingpin”?…I was stationed at the gate to make sure only one vehicle at a time used that access road…..

    • hearing an actual shot fired is rather attention-getting…and tends to make anyone with the semblance of an IQ, think they ought to be someplace else….

      • ….was once at a party full of off-duty cops…the kind you don’t want your wife to know about…when one of the girls, for whatever reason…fired a shot in the air…you never saw cops move so fast!…as they all scurried off in the opposite direction..true story..

  5. The Democrat party has turned into a FREAKSHOW. Maybe that’s why enuf is going to vote Dem.

  6. I’d have invited all the protesters in for puddn, when their faces were buried in puddn, got my shootgunm , slip out , lock the doors ,then set fire to the house. You can build a man a fire and keep him warm for a day, or you can set a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life. BLM

  7. Black Looters Murder turned Blue Red…leave it to 2 mouthpiece’s to get the message across! Yeah what a stark contrast between the dims and the party of America😏 My cousin’s son lives only a block from the looting,guns and arson in Kenosha. Prayer for him and his family. The national guard is supposedly on it’s way…

    • Prayers out. Not to be a shthead, but glad it aint me. You know this BLM thing has gave me a look into the Civil War, the brother against brother thing. Before I just couldn’t see how that could be, now I’ve got an idea because one of my son’s is all BLM, and my other son is Fck that you big puss. I figure with time my protesty son will get his ass whipped and robbed by a dindu and change his mind, he lives near Portland so the chances are good. Me I’m stuck in the middle, I just wish the BM movement wouldn’t have tore down statues, burned city’s, rob, rape and plunder. They blew it on that.

    • the question is what will people deem worse…the actual shooting…or the rioting that followed…

  8. Yes, if I point a loaded weapon at someone on my lawn instead of retreating into my house, then I too can be prosecuted for menacing and brandishing.

    If I, however, wait for them to come inside of my house, I am 100% legal.

    • So put a couch and a beer cooler in your yard, like the rednecks do,now your yard is your house.

      • This technically can work in some states, but not in mine – where the physical barrier of the house walls is “the house.”

        In others, your deck / porch / garage count.

        I’m not aware of any state where your driveway/lawn count.

    • just having someone come onto your property in a threatening manner is sufficient cause in many states….

  9. Completely different view point. If I had a large violent crowd of obvious Burn Loot Murder in front of my house. Verbally threatening to Burn Loot Murder me and mine. Yes my finger would not only be on the trigger. My firearm would be at the low ready at the very least. Remember the Tueller Box. When your life is truly in danger the rules can get you killed. Unless you were the one being threatened in a high stress situation. You can’t be sure what you will do. My guess very few of the “So Called” firearms experts who post here have ever been in such a confrontational situation. You can say what you would do. You can even plan it out in your mind but, until it happens you don’t really know. You just think you do. Mike Tyson was asked what he thought about the way an opponent said he was going to defeat him. The answer was classic. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Unless you’ve been there you just don’t really know. Unless of course you’re an Operator who Operates Operationally. Monday morning quarter backing is for Pundits, Politician, Talk Show hosts and bar stools. The best you can hope for is you learn something from the experience, don’t get the shit kicked out of you or worse wind up dead.

  10. So are they revised or are they republicans at convenience or what?
    The message is solid but I’m still wondering about them.

    • It’s commonplace for wealthy folks to donate to both sides politically. That way, they won’t piss of either side (too much).

      It’s simple hedge-betting, nothing more…

      • And who cares, really? Matters not. I think their participation in the RNC makes perfect sense this year, what’s at stake, what could happen. They are completely relevant to the Right side of things, and the right side of things.

  11. In terms of “what could happen to you, too”, I’m more concerned with what happened to the Wuestenbergs up in Clarkston, Michigan. These are the “Chipotle Parking Lot Couple” who are currently facing felony charges despite making every effort to de-escalate the situation forced upon them, and even tried to leave.

    Not making light of the McCloskey’s situation, of course. But what is happening to those folks in Michigan could easily happen to any of us. Some drunk, or homeless guy, or attention-seeking activist (or a combination of all three), decides to pick a fight with you, and you’re hosed no matter how much you try to get out of it peacefully.

    • The Rookie,

      I saw the video of the altercation that you mentioned. As far as I can tell from the video, I believe the Wuestenbergs were not legally justified to use deadly force.

      The legal standard to justify deadly force in a confrontation is very simple: you were not breaking any laws, you did not instigate a fight, and you must have a credible fear of imminent great bodily harm or death.

      I do not believe that the Wuestenbergs initially were breaking any laws or initiated the confrontation. I believe the other two ladies were the instigators. I also believe that the other two ladies were rude, obnoxious, and obviously worked up. Finally, I believe the other two ladies interfered with the Wuestenberg’s ability to drive away. Nevertheless, none of that adds up to the point that the other ladies presented a credible, imminent threat of great bodily harm nor death to the Wuestenbergs. Therefore, I do not believe that the Wuestenbergs were legally justified to used deadly force. (Intentionally pointing a firearm at someone in a tense situation is deadly force by the way).

      I am not an attorney.
      My comments above are NOT legal advice.
      My comments above are my informed opinion.
      Consult an attorney for legal advice on use of deadly force.

      • All fair points. Where I would differ (and I too, am not an attorney, so I might be full of beans on this point) is that I think with the combination of at least one verbal threat of violence by the mother/daughter, taken with the couple being trapped in the lot, and Jillian Wuestenberg being pregnant, she might have felt a reasonable fear for her safety when she chose to pull her firearm.

        We’ll see what shakes out, though. Appreciate the comment! πŸ™‚

  12. Did everybody forget that they made money suing the gun industry? That is whey they kept the inoperable gun to use it in personal injury court cases. We’re being played. they are not pro gun people.

    • “Did everybody forget that they made money suing the gun industry?”

      Got a link on that claim?

    • They may be complete assholes, and being they’re lawyers, the odds are that’s the case. Still doesn’t make any difference. They were in the right to bear arms in this case, and the fact they were charged with felonies should alarm everyone on this site.

  13. Well, what do you know? A pair of lawyers who don’t have their heads stuck up there sit downs.
    Too many lawyers see the law as just a way to rip off and steel from poor people.
    If either one of them runs for office, I would vote for them.
    This experience has undoubtedly taught them a lesson that would effect their vote on any law effecting the right to keep and bear arms, and to use them in self defense.

    • ” If either one of them runs for office ”

      Count on it. Either one or both of them are going to run for something. I’m betting heavily that their appearance at the RNC has absolutely nothing to do with a respect for our rights — gun or otherwise — and this is all about then launching a political career. A quick look at the backstory on this pair and it’s obviously part of a pattern. Once an opportunist, always an opportunist.

  14. Unlike the McCloskeys, I would not leave my home to confront trespassers whether they were peaceful or violent. I would stay inside with my doors locked and loaded guns within reach. If the trespassers continued on by, there would be no confrontation. However, the first one to rear back to throw a Molotov cocktail would be dropped where he stood. With luck, the bottle would explode next to him.

    • Staying inside, when you have a mob that has proven they have no reservations of buring down homes is in no way tacticaly sound. No, they made the right choice to confront the mob in the open rather than being burned alive.

      • 100% agree. I support what they did and would do the same, even though my house is 1/4 mile off the road and I would never have BLM types moving down my country road. They’d never get that far.

        • Would they die of starvation on their “Long March”?

          Their last words were “Starbucks. Must find Starbucks”.

    • best response?…just sit on your porch with a firearm across your lap…and when heckled, your response should be “Just keep movin”…preferably delivered with a smile…..

  15. avatar Two home owners held dozens of rioters at bay with a rifle and a handgun! Welcome to America and our second amendment!

    All lives matter, or they would have blasted the perps!

  16. Trump lowered taxes on low income people all across the board, as well as business owners and then tried to get jobs BACK here. Braindead Biden supported fair trade with china and nafta, trump lowered my taxes, and I am not rich. the commies ( the democraps) raise taxes ( and NJ is about to be hit with that from the democrap commie gov who just proposed his new plan to raise taxes). and as far as the McClouskys go, maybe they were all for the lefties, but I think , since now the lefties are grilling them , they have woken up and changed their political views. and there was a video that did show them getting threatened first. no suprise though, it has disapeared.

  17. I hope that I would show the same restraint as the McCloskeys if I was confronted by a mob of jackals outside my home.

      • Welp, when they destroy property and come unto your private land to make those verbal threats, it is easy to confuse the two…

  18. If you don’t support the McCloskeys, then you don’t really support Liberty.
    I have never supported the KKK marching in black neighborhoods. But the white Libertarians Liberals and Leftists did. Most of them have not supported gun ownership by black people. Nor did I support the national socialists marching in a holocaust neighborhood.

    And these same three L’s never supported anti abortion protesters at abortion clinic protests. But they did support protesters at military recruiting centers.

    Protesting in a residential neighborhood is wrong. As far as I’m concerned that is a direct threat.

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