“The full coalition members roster is no longer posted on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns [MAIG] website,” David Codrea points out at examiner.com, “and the disappearance happened right after Gun Rights Examiner questioned why Michael Bloomberg was still listed for New York City and pointed out that his successor, Bill de Blasio, had not yet committed to joining the group.” David reckons the removal of the list of MAIG mayors is down to political antagonism. Or simple site maintenance. I reckon MAIG’s finally figured out that it’s not a good idea to maintain an online resource for gun bloggers to check whenever a mayor goes off the rails and, say, kidnaps a man at gunpoint. An event which also coincides with the list’s disappearance. FYI: saf.org offers a handy chart of 15 MAIG Mayors gone wild.
Delete it? Or maybe just updated it? Either way works for me.
Kind of what I was thinking, the new list is accurate, or at least I hope it is.
They don’t want anyone to know who supports them yet it’s quite acceptable for a newspaper to publish the names and addresses of CCW permit holders.
By the way, now that Bloomberg is out of office, is the MAIG site still registered and located on NYC, tax payer funded servers?
Didn’t Dirk so some digging on that? Maybe some follow up is in order?
If so, maybe someone in NYC should be filling a law suit.
JUstice Watch beat me to it. They filed a FOIA and got about 450 pgs of docs. Go to snowflakesinhell.com blog and they have a link to the justice watch link to read the docs. Interesting stuff.
No, it has been moved out of NYC owned IP blocks and the domain registered via Domains by Proxy.
However this doesn’t mean that MAIG may not still be being maintained by NYC IT staff, or using exernal resources from NYC servers – e.g. site search capability.
Now that MIAG deleted their list, it’s up to the voters to delete their mayors.
Here is your list from October 2013.
Gotta love the interwebs, nothing truly disappears. ***Hi Amy at the NSA, tell your family I said Hello***
If they took down the list in an attempt to hide the information, that indicates they know as much about how the Web works as they do about how firearms works. Or the Constitution.
Probably a good idea.I hear the FBI dislikes it when their corruption suspect list is posted on a public webpage , case confidentiality and all that jazz……
Membership is down due to members being arrested for illegal use of guns. It could never be to hide their membership in an election year. I am sure they are above that. (did that sound sincere)
Since I can’t think of an “illegal use of guns”, I’ll assume you meant “use of illegal guns”.
Robbery, murder, accessory to rape. I can think of all sorts of illegal use of guns.
It was supposed to be a joke. A failed one, evidently.
My sense of humor is suspect. I think Monty Python is funny.
Monty Python is not a real person.
Monty Python is several real people. What they’re not is a large constrictor type snake. They’re also not a dead parrot.
A dead NORWEGIAN parrot!!
They hide their membership but it was perfectly fine for New York newspapers to post the names AND addresses of registered gun owners both online and in print???
They are merely protecting their members’ Fifth Amendment rights. (sarc)
Bloomberg is getting ready to make Shannon post it on the MDA site.
Someone should gather the statistics on how likely a MAIG member is to commit a crime versus a CCW holder.
Since they are all elected officials I would say including corruption charges it would be quite high.
Politician or non-politician?
Bozo’s against illegal moms
Myrtle Beach SC Mayor joins MAIG, tries to explain away why a redneck supports gun control in a redneck town quickly becoming a liberal hellhole, with the high crime, taxes, survelliance and other hallmarks that a troubled city exhibits.
“Mr. Mayor, are you now, or have you ever been a member of MAIG?”
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