maryland hogan handgun permit review board
( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
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Today, Governor Larry Hogan vetoed House Bill 1343 /Senate Bill 1000, legislation to repeal the Handgun Permit Review Board.

House Bill 1343 /Senate Bill 1000 sought to remove citizen oversight regarding the appeals process for Maryland wear and carry permits. Current law allows individuals who are denied a wear and carry permit to file an appeal to the Handgun Permit Review Board, a group of five members of the public appointed by the Governor. HB 1343 /SB 1000 would dissolve this board, thus removing all public oversight, and make all appeals be filed through an administrative office.

Thank you to NRA members who continued to contact their legislators in opposition to this legislation.  Also, thank you to those legislators who voted in opposition to SB 1000, and to Governor Hogan for vetoing the bill and preventing the repeal of this important review process.​


[ED: For background on this issue, see this post.]

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  1. Be thankful that at least something pro 2A passed in Mayland. Maybe we should take a lesson from the other side. A little at the time.

    • He has said he is going to primary against Trump, who he hates. Explains all…

    • If I read it correctly, it’s rather something, that would make current anti 2A situation in MD even worse, that passed both Senate and House and was only stopped by a governor’s veto.

      • Yep, the Governor did the right thing. The legislation that passes was NOT pro-gun. The headline could have been written a little better.

    • The Md. assembly (House & Senate) have a super majority of Demonrats,,, if they so choose the veto can be overridden,,, albeit the legislation session might be over.

  2. Hogan is a democrat in rino clothing. He signed a bill in front of demanding mommies which guts the review board, allowing the state police to take any board decision they don’t like (all of them) to an administrative court. A board hearing costs nothing to the petitioner. An administrative court hearing will cost thousands of dollars.

  3. Say what you want about Larry Hogan, he’s actually what most Republicans were before Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan came along.

    Hogan is like what George & Mitt Romney, Prescott & George HW Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, William Weld, Lowell Weiker, Christine Todd Whitman, George Pataki, and Chris Christie were, and Phil Scott-VT, and Charlie Baker-MA are currently. They’re Republicans, but they’re not Conservatives. Neither are, for the most part, their constituents. It’s not the usual thing to have Conservatives get elected in the Northeast.

    Rick Perry was a Democrat until 1989, and he was more conservative even then, than most of the people listed above. Anybody remember the late, great Zell Miller? Registered Democrat til the day he died, but one helluva Conservative.

    Greg Abbott, Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis could never get elected in the Northeast/blue states

    Back to Hogan, has everyone forgotten how hostile to gun rights a democrat Governor with a super-majority democrat legislature can be?? Cuomo? Newsom? Inslee? Prickster? How about Hogan’s predecessor, Martin No’Malley? He signed all the shitty gun laws Maryland has on the books now, and drove Beretta out of the state. If he were still Governor, he’d have beaten feet over to the State House, pen in hand, to sign the bill as soon as the printer spit it out. His Lt Governor, the guy Hogan beat in 2014 likely would have done the same.

    Be grateful for a small victory, however fleeting it might turn out to be. If memory serves me correctly, two or three years ago, the Maryland Legislature managed to override every single one of Hogan’s vetoes.

    Donald Rumsfeld famously said, “You go to war with the Army you have, not the one you wish you had.” Sometimes a Moderate/RINO is all you have. It sucks, but they’re marginally better than socialist democrats.

    • As a recent further Marylander, 100% agree. Hogan definitely isn’t the gun rights savior many had hoped for. On the other hand, he also isn’t Anthony Brown or Ben Jealous, the two Dems Hogan defeated, and who surely would have been far worse for 2A rights in MD.

      • I don’t even understand why people thought Hogan was going to be a 2A savior he ran for Governor on a fiscal platform not a gun rights one if he did he more than likely wouldn’t have won the election. Hogan focused on what he could change in MD unlike the Governor of Virginia around the time he took office Terry McAuliffe trying to push gun control legislation at the state level thar had little to no chance to pass which he wasted time doing and showed how much of a joke he was in office.

    • You are correct, it’s this purity test fostered by extreme right gun nuts that will set back the 2A supporters.

      Frankly, the rest of America is looking for a moderate conservative or a moderate liberal, and we know how bad it can get at the extremes.

      • Soft bigotry of low expectations…is what I would say, if you hadn’t already dropped the mask a number of times here already. Forward to workers’ victory, comrade!

        We’ll do just fine without your kind of ‘moderate’ liars lousing up the place & trying to convince everyone we shouldn’t even try to win.

  4. Most of y’all are reading the ambiguous headline incorrectly. The Governor vetoed a bill that was anti-gun. The democrats had passed a bill eliminating the denied permit review board and the Governor did the right thing by vetoing that bill.

    He’s still a 95% RINO.

    • The review board was overturning too many C.C. denials coming from the P. Barracks in Annapolis, I believe A.G. Frosh’s office was reviewing/questioning the why so many approvals were coming from the board. Guess nobody has a ‘Good and Substantial’ reason to carry in Md..

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