sanctuary flag protest
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert
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Thus [Second Amendment sanctuary supporters] are convinced that the rather mild bill before the House Judiciary Committee (it would marginally strengthen the existing state “red flag” law allowing temporary confiscation of firearms from a person accused of domestic violence) is merely a prelude to taking [their guns] away.

“Most of the gun control groups have that as an end goal,” Davis said.

Not according to their websites and public statements. Not one of the mainstream gun control groups — not the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, Mom’s Demand Action — come anywhere close to proposing a ban on gun ownership.

Could it still be their secret long-range goal?

Probably not. With precious few exceptions, advocacy groups say what they mean. It’s the only way they can thrive. In this case it makes no difference. Even if total confiscation of firearms were anyone’s clandestine objective, no one will say so because they know it’s an unobtainable objective.

– Jon Margolis in Relax, gun owners, nobody is coming for your weapons

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  1. There they go again! Their goal of a total ban doesnt bother me as much as the fact that they think anyone is stupid enough to believe it’s not their goal.

    • The Beto and parkland kids etc are already out of the bag… We won’t forget.

      Plus every call for an AWB, silencer ban, mag ban, etc, whether it includes grandfather, registration, confiscation or not, is still the same thing. If you take my current guns or remove the possibility of me or my kids and grandkids from buying future weapons, same difference to me. I don’t own all that I might ever own or that might be invented in the next 100 years, so me committing to a finite set of weapons that will eventually wear out and become obsolete without possibility of upgrades or replacement is just as much a taking to me.

      “You can keep your scary guns! You just can’t get new ones! That’s cool right?”

      No, I am not committed to certain weapons, I am committed to the freedom to buy, make, and own what I want, for now and forever. Freedom and trust, not limited time carve outs.

    • “Their goal of a total ban doesnt bother me as much as the fact that they think anyone is stupid enough to believe it’s not their goal.”

      And that wouldn’t bother me if they were not absolutely correct that there are a bunch of people stupid enough to believe the ultimate goal is not civilian disarmament.

  2. “Could it still be their secret long-range goal? Probably not.With precious few exceptions, advocacy groups say what they mean.” … “Even if total confiscation of firearms were anyone’s clandestine objective, no one will say so”

    Hahahahah literally in the same paragraph, separated by only by a single seven-word sentence. “You can trust them, why would they lie? … If they did they’d just lie about it”. Is this satire??

      • You may have been the first to state the Moral Black Hole Theory of Relativity.

        “Once a lie aggregates sufficient adherents, moral space warps and eventually collapses upon itself.”

        There may be a Ph.D. in Sociology for you. 🙂

  3. Most do believe you can keep your guns. You just need to limit them to 10 round magazines and no assaultesque type guns. Of course a dim running for president (Bloomberg) thinks you should be limited to 3 rounds.

    The best defense is to stack the courts with judges that respect the Constitution. This only happens with a republican president and senate.

  4. Jon Margolis is an ignorant, stupid, lying fuck. God even the title of that piece makes me so angry, pretentious little shit.

    • Agreed. But I don’t think his article was aimed at us. (And if it was we ain’t buyin’) Instead, I think he was doing a little navel gazing that was intended reassure low information voters that gun-controllers were only interested in common sense solutions to gun-violence. They just want to be a force for good. //sarc//

  5. Here we are again with a)the grabbers are too stupid to live or b)the grabbers think you’re too stupid to live.
    Neither is acceptable.

  6. Legislation passed in California and New York pluss proposed legislation in states from Virginia to Arizona shows this to me… inaccurate.

  7. Margolis worked for the Chicago Tribune, was a D.C. hack for years and is a native of New Jersey…and apparently supports Bernie. Yup, his firearm credentials are impeccably Progressive Democrat…

    I especially liked his closing sentence:
    “There is but an inconsequential minority in favor of taking away everyone’s guns.”

    Swalwell and O’Rourke (among others) let that genie out of that bag…they said that they would take the guns by force…including using the nuclear option.

    Firearm owners have to remember that all it took was one determined anti-religion person to get prayer banned from public schools.

    • “all it took was one determined anti-religion person to get prayer banned from public schools.”

      Prayer has never been banned from public schools. Only state sponsored prayer has been banned.

      And that ban on state sponsored religious ceremonies is a part of our constitution, which took thousands of revolutionaries and a handful of patriotic founding fathers to accomplish.

    • Quote: “Yup, his firearm credentials are impeccably Progressive Democrat…”

      You misspelled the label, ” democrat (communist party USA)”

      Fixed it for you.

      • Progressive Democrats…Communists…not much difference that I can see.

        Appreciate your clarification.

  8. These are the same clowns who always complain when ANY gun control law is passed, that it didn’t go far enough and that the law that just passed was a good start. Good start to what, may I ask? Oh, yeah, gun prohibitions and confiscation. Margolis is a shameless liar. The groups that he mentioned soft peddle confiscation. Don’t be seduced by the sirens call of gun control lies.

    • Mine is awaiting moderation… 🙂

      Here it is, in case it doesn’t meet their ‘standards’ :

      “As evidence that some people really want to outlaw firearms, Eric Davis noted that “that Beto O’Rourke fellow kind of came right out and said” that he would confiscate guns.

      He did. But it was only semi-automatic weapons.”

      You are aware that’s the *vast* majority of all the guns in existence in America, aren’t you? Some estimates are 80 percent of the total.

      People who don’t know what they are talking about have *zero* business dictating policy in America…

  9. The left doesn’t publicize what they eventually want to do to the non conforming public but we’ve got historical examples to draw from.

  10. FBI trained Antifa will be routing bitter clingers for the guaranteed minimum wage of 15.00/hr. when President Bernie seizes power.

    • Minimum wage goes up so do the commodities.commodities go up your minimum wage increase diminished, everything can be imported cheaper. MCGA

  11. At the end of the day. It comes down one simple concept. Reality and How You/They perceive it. Logically or Emotionally. Through out history people have been lured into Socialism/Fascism/ Communism. By having their Emotions manipulated. Promised that if everyone worked for the Greater Good. All Their needs would be taken care of. All their perceived societal transgressions. Would be alleviated by their Leaders. These Ideologies are/were very alluring and rely on the Emotional Connection. People have historically marched willingly hand in hand down the road to Utopia. Only to realize after a generation or two. The the road led to all the things they feared was happening to them. Before the journey began. Unfortunately history has proven. People rarely learn from History. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  12. Margolis is a anti proponent, for Vermont’s Leftard rag of record, he’s never seen a anti constitutions bill he couldn’t get behind, next would be tyrant.

  13. “With precious few exceptions, advocacy groups say what they mean. It’s the only way they can thrive. In this case it makes no difference. Even if total confiscation of firearms were anyone’s clandestine objective, no one will say so because they know it’s an unobtainable objective.”

    Wow. Turn this over in your mind a coupla times: rejection and acceptance of the premise in a single paragraph. A case of speaking with forked tongue? Further proof that liberalism (leftism) is a mental disorder? It is one thing to be able to argue both sides of a proposition, and a whole ‘nuther country to believe directly opposed conditions actually exist. The logical fallacy in the quoted paragraph is astounding (but not surprising).

      • ” We don’t want to take your guns ” but……… Yeah right.”

        It seems the logical conclusion must be, “If we confiscate your guns, it didn’t actually happen because we never said we wanted to take your guns.”

    • Well then, it seems I’m good to go, since none of my firearms have a domestic violence conviction.

      Wait – I DID acquire a couple of them when they were in their 20s, so I don’t know their entire history… And one was approaching 45 years old when we got together, so I suppose there could be a conviction I’m not aware of…

      But I doubt it.

      • “Wait – I DID acquire a couple of them when they were in their 20s, so I don’t know their entire history… And one was approaching 45 years old when we got together, so I suppose there could be a conviction I’m not aware of…”

        In the era of Me Too, and the Harvey Weinstein conviction, your admissions might become problematic when circulated via social media.

        • Thanks for the warning Sam, but I believe I’ll be safe… After all, the feds vetted me before each of these acquisitions, if not the guns. I know that a couple of my firearms do have a checkered past, to include the elimination of humans during wartime… but I’m fairly sure they have no DV convictions in their history!

          But I had forgotten about my old Russian bride from 1943 (her parents were born in 1891 and 1930…) She is certain to have taken out a few soldiers many, many moons ago. But she’s no heartbreaker, so I think I can rule out a DV there, as well.

          At least I hope so.

          • Thank you for the chuckle over your humorous tongue-in-cheek comments today!

            I believe that I have one of your Russian’s sisters here at the house…she, too, is no great beauty…but, dependable, kicks like a Soviet mule and has a (most likely) sordid past. Pretty sure she reached out and shared her wholesomeness with a few Germans in WWII…she reminds me a little of the female Russian weight-lifter in the Wendy’s TV commercials decades ago.

          • “Thanks for the warning Sam, but I believe I’ll be safe… After all, the feds vetted me before each of these acquisitions, if not the guns. I know that a couple of my firearms do have a checkered past, to include the elimination of humans during wartime… but I’m fairly sure they have no DV convictions in their history!”

            Foster parenting can be rewarding. Good on ya’, mate!

  14. “Could it still be their secret long-range goal?” Said in reference to a gun ban and then he added, “Probably not.” Probably not my ASS! Why would all the groups the author mentioned even exist if their end goal was not total gun ban and confiscation? There is no secret of their sought after goals as they employ devious methods of advancing public opinion and pushing politicians to pass laws that slowly become more restrictive e.g., “red flag laws”. Are their websites really the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
    These groups adhere to the nature of progress as evidenced in the Dialectical Materialistic philosophy of communism which is likened to taking 3 steps forward and 2 back. Thus the timing of observance is critical, otherwise one is easily deceived into a pseudo opinion of the desired goal. Jon Margolis has penned an excellent example and the reader should be aware.

    • The Dialectical Materialism of Communism is an older version of “The Secret” where if you keep wishing it will happen. Remember the joke:

      What’s the difference between a capitalist fairy tale and a Communist fairy tale?

      A capitalist fairy tale starts with “Once upon a time…” . A Communist fairy tale starts with “One day there will be…” .

  15. Sure, I believe that. They don’t want a total ban on guns. And did I mention the world is actually flat?

  16. He could be right. Confiscation is not the end goal. Confiscation is merely a stepping stone to something much bigger and more sinister.

  17. So Americans can build themselves a full auto and carry it outside without permission? It won’t be taken from them by men with guns and a government uniform? And you won’t be charged with any crimes because doing those things is not allowed?

  18. He’d be a lot more believable if the anti orgs would push for useful solutions, or at least relevant laws. Instead, a guy buys a handgun through an FFL and then shoots up his workplace, and we get the same laundry list of proposed laws for assault weapon bans, universal background checks, silencer bans, ghost guns, red flag laws, etc. It doesn’t matter that none of them would have prevented the crime that “something” must be done about. They’ll say stuff like, “It doesn’t matter that my bills wouldn’t have stopped the last crime because they might stop the next one.” They’ll talk about 30k people killed as a reason for a “high capacity mag” ban, but 20k are suicides that usually don’t even fire a second round, much less 15, 10, or 7 rounds they want to restrict to (not that there would be much effect on the other 10k either). Do they think guns being trafficked on the black market along with drugs are going to go through a background check? If you take the pattern of restricting rights without addressing the problem, more rights get taken each time a newsworthy crime happens. Eventually, all rights get taken away.

  19. I don’t know what planet Dan Zimmerman lives on but, his entire article is full of lies and liberal crap. I have heard them all say that their ultimate goal is that they, eventually, want to disarm every American citizen.

  20. Yeah, the Dems/progressives were th same way for decades: keeping the gun confiscation End Game an unspoken truth: Until the last few years! Now its their rallying cry to ban and confiscate. The anti-gun orgs are no different. They may target MSRs (AWs) and magazines with capacities above 7 or 10 cartridges. If the succeded 100% what would happen? Criminals and the suicidal would use whatever firearms and magizines remained available and the firearms/mags they never turned in. No suprise there. What would the Anti-gun groups do then? No one believes these groups would not go after the remaining firearms. Maybe semiautomatic pistols, then all pistols then rifles and shotguns. At this point we would then be in the same shape as the U.K. with massive increases i knife attacks. Its so bad innthe U.K. that the Parliament is working on more stringent “Knife Control”. Let’s not forget the “vehicle attacks” that precede the driver getting out with a knife to kill more people.

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