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Maine State House (Bigstock)
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On June 20th, the Maine Legislature adjourned from the first session of the 129th Legislature. During this session, several egregious pieces of anti-gun legislation were defeated, including bills to criminalize private transfers of firearms and ban many commonly-owned standard capacity magazines.

Thwarting efforts to threaten shooting ranges, the Legislature instead took steps to protect ranges, passing a bill that Governor Janet Mills signed into law. Unfortunately, the Legislature missed an opportunity to pass a Stand Your Ground measure, LD 533, that would have strengthened Mainers’ fundamental right to self-defense anywhere they are legally allowed to be.

Legislative Document 79​, sponsored by Representative Patrick Corey (R-District 25), protects shooting ranges by allowing the discharge of a firearm on a sport shooting range that is within 100 yards of a building, if the sport shooting range was in regular operation prior to the erection of the building.

This will ensure that those who choose to construct new buildings within 100 yards of established sport shooting ranges cannot threaten them with court fees, hiatus, or closure of operations.

Maine’s shooting ranges will be protected and remain venues where shooters can practice their shooting skills in a safe, responsible environment.  LD 79 was signed into law by Gov. Mills on March 29th.

Anti-Gun Bills Defeated

Legislative Document 379, sponsored by Representative Victoria Doudera (D-94), and Legislative Document 1033, sponsored by Representative Anne Perry (D-140), would have imposed a one-size-fits-all, government mandated firearm storage requirement that would impair the ability of law-abiding Mainers to access firearms in the home to defend themselves and their families.

Legislative Document 747, sponsored by Representative Barbara Cardone (D-127), Legislative Document 810, sponsored by Senator David Miramant (D-12), and Legislative Document 1276, sponsored by Senator Linda Sanborn (D-30), would have effectively criminalized the private transfer of firearms.

Legislative Document 1569, sponsored by Representative Lois Reckitt (D-31), would have essentially ended the centuries old practice of home manufacturing firearms for personal use.

Legislative Document 1071, sponsored by Rep. Cardone, would have defined most standard capacity magazines as “high capacity” if they can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition and make it a Class D crime to sell or supply them, unless one had “the authority to do so.”

Legislative Document 1099, sponsored by Senator Brownie Carson (D-24), would have delayed Second Amendment rights by imposing a 72-hour waiting period before an individual may receive firearms that they purchase.

Legislative Document 516, sponsored by Representative Heidi Brooks (D-61), would have directed the Commissioner of Public Safety to administer a statewide voluntary firearm collection day, and to establish a voluntary firearm collection program administered by the Bureau of the State Police.  The bill would have compelled disclosure of personal information of individuals turning in firearms, and with no restrictions on how the police could have used this information.

Legislative Document 869, sponsored by Representative Mattea Daughtry (D-49), was a concept draft that included no detail on the specific gun control measures being proposed by the sponsor.

Legislative Document 1470, sponsored by Senator Catherine Breen (D-25), would have allowed political subdivisions and municipalities to create arbitrary boundaries at public proceedings and polling places where law-abiding citizens are left defenseless against the criminals who ignore such restrictions.

Legislative Document 489, sponsored by Senator Justin Chenette (D-31), would have allowed noise ordinances to be used to shut down local shooting ranges, even if they operated safely and were otherwise in full compliance with the law.

Thank you to NRA members and Second Amendment supporters that attended committee hearings and contacted legislators throughout the session.

Your NRA-ILA will be back at the Capitol for the second session of the 129th Legislature, and in the meantime, please stay tuned to your email inbox and for further updates on issues impacting our Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage.


This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission.

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  1. Glad to hear it. It’s a shame that stand your ground isnt established yet. An attempted retreat could place someone in more danger than if they just stood their ground. Fight-or-flight is a biological law of nature. To place a legal preference on one over the other is lunacy. That’d be like legislatures trying to prepare for Katrina by outlawing hurricanes.

  2. From your neighbor to the west; congrats! But do NOT let your guard down, we thought we were gonna be safe from the grabbers till they loaded up the legislature with flatland self righteous liberals.

    • There’s a lot of new, douchebag legislators like Vicki Doudera, who know nothing except what the ignorant demons residing inside their progressive minds tell them. Vote her OUT!

  3. Congratulations to Maine from West Virginia, the next free state to your southwest (excluding New Hampshire, but not Vermont, for now)! Unfortunately I fear Maine has too many Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York retirees moving up east.

    Don’t tell anybody, but WV is a great place too. I’m hoping the toothless hillbilly image keeps most DC expats away for the rest of my lifetime.

    • Lol you guys should run the opposite of tourism ads. Just a bunch of clips of things like rednecks doing that “Yeee-hooo!” rebel yell while firing AR-15s in the air all willy-nilly and standing on the bed of a confederate-laden pickup truck being launched off a dirt mound. Just all the shit that gives liberals nightmares. Keep your state pure by scaring the fuck out of them.

      • That’s a brilliant idea! I would give serious consideration to moving to a state that intentionally projected such an image. The thought of a place with near zero leftist cockroaches makes me feel all warm and fuzzy deep down inside.

        • Bagpipes.

          There are three kinds of people. Those that run toward the pipes, those that run away, and those that stand and watch.

          I’m in Group 1.

  4. If I recall correctly from “Northwoods Law” hunting is permitted starting at 100 yards from a structure.

  5. “No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.”

    — Gideon J. Tucker

  6. I still think we’re approaching this all wrong. What we need is a culture where it doesn’t matter to us whether politicians pass laws because nobody complies. How do we get there?

  7. What needs to happen, when we see pro-2nd Amendment laws passed and anti-2nd Amendment laws defeated, we need to talk about them as “common sense” gun control measures…..take back the language from the anti-gunners…..Pass a concealed carry law…. = “Common Sense” gun control. Stop the attempt to ban magazines….call it “common sense” gun control…. They hide behind those words…”common sense” gun control, and now need to be challenged ….. Call all pro-2nd Amendment actions “common sense” gun control….really piss them off…

  8. Too bad we here in Oregon have to put with Communists and then we have brain dead brain washed idiots we would need a revolution just in Washington Oregon and California to clear out the garage

  9. Looks like it’s Democratic women “D” are the ones we need to watch for. Let’s keep them out of government.

  10. Is it true that mostly women are presenting anti-gun legislation?

    We need to remind women that Sam Colt was the Great Equalizer.

  11. W Polsce zakłady bukmacherskie są dozwolone, ale pod pewnymi obostrzeniami. Najważniejszym dokumentem, który szczegółowo precyzuje, co jest legalne, a co niedozwolone i karalne, jest Ustawa o grach hazardowych. Trzeba od razu zaznaczyć, że historycznym momentem dla funkcjonowania rynku bukmacherskiego w Polsce był przełom 2016 i 2017 r., kiedy to najpierw 15 grudnia 2016 r. uchwalono nowelizację do Ustawy, a następnie jej zapisy weszły w życie 1 kwietnia 2017 r.

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