I laugh when the legacy media gets its proverbial knickers in a twist when cops confiscate a couple of hundred rounds of ammo. Click here for the raw data.


  1. It’s probably not a good idea for people to say how much ammo the have tucked away. I have at least a couple of boxes just in case.

    • Not me – while I can understand the financial reasoning behind it, I just can’t bring myself to ever purchase anything chambered in .22.

      • My .22LR Bolt action rifle was great for getting my wife (then girlfriend) started, shooting. And she loves her Ruger Mk III.

        • It’s pretty easy to get up over 1000 when .22 is $20 for 500. So I’m one of those people in the >1000 and most of it is .22. Although I’d much prefer to have that 14,000 rounds of 5.56 (or maybe it was .223) that the army base lost tucked away in my basement. That could take out a lot of zombies.

    • I always frget about the .22 rounds I have, I have a hole green army .50cal military ammo tin full of .22, probably 10k rounds there alone.

      I have a few russian guns, and I have those sealed ham tins of the really bad ammo tucked away for just incase.

      But I try to keep at least 1k rounds for every gun I own. Not because I am foolish enough to think I will ever survive long enough to use all that ammo in a zombie invasion, but I see it as an investment. It only goes up in value anyways, and when the goverment makes moves against it it’s value climbs faster. In a SHTF armagaddon scenario I think bullets will be worth more than anything else, even .22LR rounds. Bullets and alcohol.

  2. Ammo? What ammo? I don’t have no stinkin’ ammo. Run along, there’s nothing to see here.

    It remind me of the time, when my daughter was two or three, when her “health care provider surrogate” asked me if I had any guns in the house. I told her that it’s none of her God damned business. That was our last visit to that particular “health care provider”.

    Never, EVER, discuss your particular situation with anyone other than your longest, most closely trusted and vetted friends. And even then, very carefully weigh what the repercussions of that confidence could mean.

    • Never, EVER, discuss your particular situation with anyone other than your longest, most closely trusted and vetted friends.

      them, and random people on the internet ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Last time the kids doctor asked me that I replied “Oh, good point, I should probably get a gun or two to protect the kids huh.” She assumed that was a no and never asked again.

  3. Does anybody expect to get into a firefight where one magazine won’t be enough to resolve the situation?

    One way or the other?

    That said, I don’t even bother to go to the range unless I plan to go through at least 200 rounds, even if half of that is .22. And my ammo can is not even close to empty when I come home. And, I have plenty more in my cache at home.

    After I’ve eaten dinner, I still have plenty of food in the house.

    • Hell, these days I usually take at least 1k rounds to the range with me; Just this Saturday I shot a competition, and brought ~650-900+ rounds EACH of both .223 and 9mm. I shot through at least 75-150 of each, so I ended up bringing most of it home, but still.

      The last time I went to the range (indoor), my brother and I put 50 rounds through my .380, 100 rounds through a rented M16, and 250 rounds through one of my 9mm’s. The last range trip before that (outdoor) we used a few hundred rounds of 9mm; I have no idea how many, but I’d guess it was at least 500 between the two of us.

    • “Does anybody expect to get into a firefight where one magazine wonโ€™t be enough to resolve the situation?”

      I can answer that question for you in three letters. ATF.

  4. Reason I usually carry a spare magazine isn’t that I expect to face a group of attackers(but nice to have just in case), it’s because most drills for a jam involve dropping the mag, cycling the action and shoving another mag in; hard to do if you don’t have a spare.

    With a firearm in good repair and good ammo & mags, shouldn’t happen, but.

  5. I believe the true question is why we feel the need to posses and store large quantities of ammo. Yes ammo prices have doubled in the last 5 years and 20 years ago .22 LR was 2 cents a pop and good hard alloy lead 12 gauge dove loads were about 3 bucks per box of 25. Sometimes I wonder if the ammo manufactures and distributors and retailers are price gouging? How would I know if they were? I like the sound of reloading but for the amount that I shoot I don’t think that it is worth the time and hassle. As for how much ammo I have on hand, it is enough to fill a go bag for my 3 gun battery, but not enough to hold off a siege of black clad, no-knocking, got the wrong address, taxpayer funded, goat-roping swat zombies. I keep enough ammo for the next couple of deer seasons and for self defense/practice. I just buy it as I need it which should be okay as long worst does not happen and even if the world melts down and our credit cards fail to be accepted then I still have more than enough ammo to survive until I run out of water or food. And exactly who has more than 50,000 rounds and when can we go shooting?

    • Are ammo makers gouging? Maybe. I think it’s a reasonable question to ask. I buy a lot of Russky and “eastern-bloc” ammo because it’s cheap and effective. When I compare Russian ammo to spendy American ammo, I recognize that the US stuff is more costly to manufacture with all its brass and complex bullets. Is American ammo worth triple the cost of the Russian product? If I thought so, I’d buy the American goods exclusively.

      I can’t be convinced that the lethality of ammo depends on country of origin. If I did accept that premise, I would have to assume that Russian ammo is more lethal based exclusively on body count. That makes no sense to me.

      Would I trust my life to cheap ammo? That’s not the question. The question is whether I trust my life to anything, and the answer is no. Trust isn’t part of the equation and shouldn’t be. So I buy what’s cheap or what’s on sale, which is how a cache of ammo develops over time.

    • Yes ammo prices have doubled in the last 5 years and 20 years ago .22 LR was 2 cents a pop

      Only in the high-rent districts. I still have some 525-round boxes I bought for right around $5.99 at Jim’s Sporting Goods in Fayetteville (A/K/A Fayette-Nam) NC. Penny-a-pop was standard for a LONG time with .22lr.

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