despair vintage cartoon man hand forehead

Daily gun deaths have turned the United States into a killing field, a country far more dangerous than many of the planet’s more civilized places. Elected officials who live in mortal fear of the gun lobby and its followers have made a conscious decision to tolerate the slaughter of children and the mass shootings that have become an almost everyday presence in our daily lives.

Members of the political class may react in fury to that accusation, but the facts are not their friends. The Second Amendment permits a right to bear arms, but includes no prohibition against common-sense gun laws. The failure of thousands of elected officials — mostly members of Congress, state legislators and governors — to prohibit access to assault-style firearms used as weapons of mass destruction against American citizens is an indefensible betrayal of their oath of office.

Instead of making classrooms safer, these gun-lobby parrots want to arm teachers. Instead of embracing the constitutional principle of “reasonable time, place and manner” restrictions, they react to mass murders with the, “It would have happened anyway” defense, an excuse whispered in their ears by lobbyists paid with gun-manufacturer blood money.

Try selling the, “It would have happened anyway” excuse to parents of those kids massacred at Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary, Parkland High School or Robb Elementary. The politicians who traffic in that garbage are beneath our contempt. …

These same people have sold their souls to the gun lobby, just as they succumbed to the influence of FirstEnergy Corp.’s successful attempt to purchase the entirety of state government.

They’re ruining the country, people like this. And why? They fear that taking decisive action to prevent children from dying may anger the base. So they engage in make-believe leadership. When the bodies pile up, they lower the flags, offer “thoughts and prayers” for the mourning families, and get back to the business of doing nothing to prevent it from happening again.

Most of our mothers sent us off to school every morning hoping we’d do well in the classroom. Today’s moms have the added burden of just hoping they come home.


    • brent larkin is so insanely fixated on the Second Amendment being the bad guy he cannot see the violence problem is attributed to the criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, feet, fists, vehicles, etc.

      And since brent larkin is totally blind to the aforementioned then he damned sure is blind to the fact that History confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide.

      • He’s just another bleeding heart liberal so worried about the criminal’s rights to murder but not for people to exercise their God given right to self preservation, regardless if from criminals or tyrannical government.

      • Debbie W,

        Wrong as usual and playing the race card once again…..

        The 1934 National Firearms Act was not “rooted in racism and genocide.”
        It was a tax, mostly on gangsters. They were involved in gang warfare.
        Why? because of prohibition, the streets ran red with blood.
        The $200 tax was nothing to gangsters but made many guns too expensive for the common citizen. Machine Guns, Short Barreled Rifles and Shotguns and Suppressors were subjected to a $200 tax which was a lot of money if you made 50 cents a day.

        “With millions of dollars at stake in black market revenues, gang warfare became an everyday affair in many major cities in the U.S. As the level of violence escalated, the public began to demand action. When the criminal gangs adopted military-style weapons, most notably the Thompson submachine gun, cries for control began to be heard. The result was the National Firearm Act of 1934.”

        Which was the root of gun control in the USA so thanks for that NRA.

        “The NRA helped draft the National Firearm Act of 1934.”

        Which means the NRA helped write the first gun control laws in the USA.
        These were WHITE violent gangsters who made a ton of money.
        Be thankful for the NRA, they helped introduce the first gun control laws.
        No racism and genocide, just crime because some things never change.

        Debbie W and Bootaire read a fucking book sometime and stop spewing bullshit.

        • LMFAO
          As if the NRA being involved means it isn’t about racism.

          There are many in the 2A community that refuse to be NRA members because of things like this.

        • The idea that the NFA is a racist law is stunningly stupid considering why it was enacted.

          The history is clear and documented, not everything is about race.

          If you and Debbie the twat can’t add anything to the discussion other than BLM, Al Sharpton race baiting talking points on how everything is whitey’s fault you should STFU. Roll on the floor and laugh your ass off at that.

        • @Cato
          If a white man is racist by virtue of being white while a black man is NOT racist by virtue of being black then the NFA is racist by virtue of having been endorsed by the NRA.

          Where as I do not disagree with Debbie on this, I do truly believe that ALL these gun laws exist as a result of ignorant knee-jerk emotional reactions to events that would never have been prevented by such laws. Gangsters were not stopped by the NFA. They have not been stopped. The heart of the NFA actually can be traced to women wanting their men to stop drinking alcohol to the point of appealing to the US government. This allowed other already existing elements to take hold and flourish. Society still struggles with ALL of these same issues today.

          Although, if it were not for previous thoughts of creating laws to keep guns from blacks then I believe the NFA would have been much harder to pass. The precedent had already been set. The 20’s era gangsters were simply a bridge too far to not do it.

          One things leads to another with very little if any rational thought put to the process.

        • ‘If a white man is racist by virtue of being white while a black man is NOT racist by virtue of being black then the NFA is racist by virtue of having been endorsed by the NRA.’

          This is where I stopped caring. You and madcow Debbie sound like the woke assholes that want to save the world from the subconscious and ubiquitous anti-black racism that is the cause if all evil in the U.S.

          ‘ One things leads to another with very little if any rational thought put to the process.’

          People that think rationally do not believe every white person is racist (whether they realize it or not) and is the blame for everything that is wrong in the world.

        • @Cato
          Relax. I don’t blame everything on racism. I do think we are losing any sense of what actually is racist though as a result of this label being overly misused. That does not change the reality of it’s existence in world wide human history. At some point though, all you can do is laugh.

          I’m simply not a huge fan of the NRA. They could easily be so much bigger, stronger, and more powerful. Particularly after all the new gun buying over the last three years. But they walk away leaving huge amounts of money on the table. I don’t need them dumping cases of Magpul 30 rounders. I need them doing what the GOA, SAF, and others are doing. Disdain for Wayne does not make one woke.

        • you should read a “fucking book “.
          like a history book and understand that they wanted to remove the second amendment in 33-34.
          the nra took a avenue that left the second amendment untouched.
          go read some historical articles and understand what was going on back then.

        • If you think that that was the first gun control law, you are sadly misinformed. Prior to the Civil War, there were laws on the books banning concealed carry and Bowie knives. There was no need to ban ownership of firearms by blacks, as most were slaves who could w=own no property. After the Civil War, an in order to assure the continued hegemony of the White Slaveers and the Carpet Baggers, laws were passed that made the possession of fireamrs by blacks illegal, or in the alternative, bans were passed that were only applied to blacks and other minorities. In 1913 (if I recall correctly) San Francisco enacted a weapons prohibition that included guns, black jacks, butterfly knives, switch blades and the like, a law that was admittedly an entirely racist enactment intended to disarm blacks, Indians and Mexicans. The law later became the basis for a California state law. So she is correct, that the vast majority of firearms laws were enacted to disarm minorities. That the NFA was not is beside the point. And by the way, it was effective, as not only was there a tax, but a background check as well, thus eliminating legal sales of automatic weapons to criminals.

        • Mark N

          The idea that gun control today is anything like gun control in the past is stupid based on who wants to take the guns now and the fact they want to disarm everybody *regardless of race*.

          The fact that Debbie the dipshit and others refuse to acknowledge that makes them completely useless in the fight against real gun control today.

        • @bobo F
          I think the people that are pushing gun control right now are the same ones that were doing it then. I think that the US has enemies that have always been there. The idea has always been to destroy this country. Much has changed since the 30’s but some things haven’t.

          The 20’s gangsters did not exist because of SBR’s, SBS’s, or full auto Tommy Guns. That was simply some of what they liked. They were an excuse to win enough support to do things that no one would allow otherwise.

        • ‘I think the people that are pushing gun control right now are the same ones that were doing it then.’

          Not likely, they’re fucking dead.

          *Almost sarc*

        • @Cato
          Oh no. They are here, alive, and well. What do you think we all discuss here on TTAG every day? Open your eyes and take a real good look.

        • “With millions of dollars at stake in black market revenues, gang warfare became an everyday affair in many major cities in the U.S. As the level of violence escalated, the public began to demand action. When the criminal gangs adopted military-style weapons, most notably the Thompson submachine gun, cries for control began to be heard.”

          @Prndll “The 20’s gangsters did not exist because of SBR’s, SBS’s, or full auto Tommy Guns.” – to which I disagree based on my quotation.

          @Mark N. – San Francisco and Californian law? That’s nowhere the same as the sweeping Federal Law known as the National Firearm Act of 1934.”

          @Link – The Second Amendment could not and cannot be touched, ESPECIALLY back then. The country almost imploded over Prohibition, they weren’t going to make the same mistake again when we were settling the West, people needed guns.

          The bullshit we put up with today is because of the NFA back then and the NRA was all for it. The NRA also backed the GCA of 1968 so basically the NRA sold out everyone who believes in the Second Amendment and The Bill of RIGHTS. You are all woke (NOT Cato – he gets it) but just don’t realize it.

          Once again: Read a fucking book sometime and stop spewing bullshit.

        • Prndll

          Different people, same agenda.

          That is the entire fucking point. The idea that asswipes like you and Debbie the whorebag are shrilly screaming ‘racist’ when organizations like BLM and other African American groups are trying to disarm law abiding gun owners is imbecilic and irresponsible.

          These groups need to addressed when talking about gun control. They get support from Bloomberg and Everytown AND THEY NEED TO BE DEFEATED AS WELL.

          Get it through your thick skull that not everyone is a fucking racist.

        • @Cato
          I will repeat myself. I never said anywhere on this site or in this thread that everything was about racism. That is a claim that other people make. I have in fact said the exact opposite. I do not believed that and have never claimed it.

          What I did say was that the fact that the NRA was involved does not mean there is no racism in the NFA. These are two very different things.

        • more to the NFA than a tax…fingerprints, photo. permission of your local CLEO, an extensive background check and a lengthy waiting period were all part of it….handguns were to be included but that provision was eventually waived….

        • Prndll

          ‘If a white man is racist by virtue of being white while a black man is NOT racist by virtue of being black then the NFA is racist by virtue of having been endorsed by the NRA.’

          Repeat yourself as much as you want.

    • Reactions like this do make it sound like the PoTG are “winning.” But it would be foolish to let up. Keep donating to FPC, SAF, and GOA.

      • As any antigun kook will tell you, the NRA is the organization that has protected your guns! Use them well, and be thankful for the NRA.

        • Well, they’re just anti-gun kooks so their opinions are invalid.

          Everyone knows that the NRA should be sued into oblivion, the organization disbanded, its educational and training programs curtailed, and its assets seized and distributed to the victims of gun violence.

          Everyone here, at least.

          That would better serve the POTG community.

        • You do you, Boo.

          I canceled my NRA membership a few years ago and never looked back. I donate to FPC and CRPA.

        • Haz, I don’t know much about other gun-rights orgs.

          Does FPC offer shooter training programs, or perhaps youth-safety programs that they could present in schools?

          They have some cool shirts, though. I especially like the T-shirt with the motto “Stack Up or Fuck Off” and the one with the Gay Pride logo and “Shoot Back.” Maybe a bit pricey at $27.95 plus $5.50 shipping.

        • The NRA can kiss my ass. They should give back EVERY cent they stole from people with interest. The FPC, SAF, GSL and GOA are the people you should be giving money to, they aren’t sellouts. I seriously doubt the NRA has 5 million members anymore, they are probably bleeding two million suckers.

          The worst part? The antis know this and are probably working with them.

          “The NRA, selling out their donors since 1871.”

        • @neiowa
          Some people post more then one sentence snarky comments.
          If you don’t like it then don’t read it or is that the issue?
          Too long to understand for an Iowa education?

  1. In the immortal words of Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe in Boondock Saints) upon hearing some cartoonishly weak, pathetic nonsense, “Whatta fag.”

  2. “Most of our mothers sent us off to school every morning hoping we’d do well in the classroom. Today’s moms have the added burden of just hoping they come home.”

    Because gun laws were stricter when we were growing up? Oh, wait, the exact opposite is true.

    • That burden has been added by the gun grabbers pushing their moral panic and inflating the threat of “mass shootings”.

    • All the guys had long guns in gun racks in the back window of their pickup trucks when I was a kid. That was before Columbine and when youth had respect for their teachers and drugs were not available anyplace, anytime, and the kids were not drugged at an early age for new age “disorders” such as AHD…. Oh wait, back in those days babies weren’t pumped full of chemical “vaccinations” before they were one — so few had allergies.
      And crisis pregnancies were not taken care of by murdering the innocent.

        • Umm…we had race riot’s 3 out 4years in Jr & Sr High School in Kankakee,ILLANNOY. 1969-1972. Several cowardly teachers. No one shot but stabbed. A national story at the time.

        • FWW,
          OK, I should have been more specific. I grew up outside a small town; we were “behind the times” in terms of a slide toward degeneracy, and actually had a few teachers deserving of respect.

          We also had a few lefty ideologues, and some outright idiots. My first memory of “speaking truth to power” was an argument with my second grade teacher who taught that because the North Pole is cold, the South Pole is hot.

        • “…my second grade teacher who taught that because the North Pole is cold, the South Pole is hot.”

          Unfortunately, it appears that this “teacher” had kids and grandkids who didn’t fall far from the tree, and are now “teachers” themselves.

        • Indeed, although simple incompetence and ignorance are less toxic IMHO than dedication to indoctrination.

    • Not to mention that, even with the “epidemic” of school shootings, your child is still less likely to die in school from a gunshot wound then they are from being stung by a bee, or falling off of their bicycle, or being struck by lightening.

      • Reminds me of the recent TTAG article where the author ridiculed the antis for knee-jerking from those tiny numbers to “We have to dooo something!” and then did the exact same thing.

    • gun laws were not that prevalent back in the day…yet much less violence…blacks were often ordered off the streets after dark…few if any of them seen in the downtown…but juvenile delinquents were becoming a problem although switchblades rather than guns were the rule

      • …..and that was the fifties…the sixties were a whole different kettle of fish with race riots all over the place…and a lot more guns involved… the cops coming down hard on rioters with many of them killed [unlike 2020]…and people arming-up in their neighborhoods…that was also when cc began to take hold with many permits issued….it was a very violent time….

  3. Right, so law abiding citizens need to give up their guns so that a lying, corrupt and feckless government can protect them? Law enforcement couldn’t prevent the killing, and oh yes, the shooter took his own life. While all those woke snowflakes huddle in their safe spaces, those of us who are armed will have a fighting chance to survive and be free.

    • most colleges and universities are snowflake city…they’re supposed to have their own campus police but in many cases they are not even armed…

  4. “Most of our mothers sent us off to school every morning hoping we’d do well in the classroom. Today’s moms have the added burden of just hoping they come home.”

    Real moms have always had the added burden of hoping their kids come home. This is nothing new, its what parents do.

  5. On the 5th anniversary of the Parkland murder spree, no doubt we’ll see more such fiction writers too carried away by enchantment with their own wording to realize that their points have no basis in fact.

  6. Really, the United States?
    Maybe Baltimore, Chicago, NOLA, etc….

    The countries more “civilized places” are just fine.

    • Came to say the same thing.
      Why are our elected leaders so blind to the scourge of fentanyl? Or the threat posed by the PRC? What about securing the border? Or the damage of inflation to our economy? There are a LOT of issues that we could be addressing. But there’s definitely ONE party that seems to celebrate the deaths of ‘certain’ children while decrying others. Wonder why that is.

  7. Typical leftist. Take no responsibility and blame others. Put a bandaid on a gouging wound rather than critically consider reality.

  8. Daily gun deaths have turned the United States into a killing field, a country far more dangerous than many of the planet’s more civilized places.

    At least now we know where dacian gets his warped “civilize countries” BS ideology from…

  9. Nobody ever talks about WHO is doing most of these shootings. Why?? Because that would be “racist.” Remove diversity from the “gun violence” stats and the country is as safe as Canada or the U.K.

    • To be fair school shootings are generally fairly integrated as compared to shootings on “school property” so it is normally less of a racial thing despite how the media spins it.

      • urban schools are generally less likely to have a mass shooting because of heightened security…when shootings do occur it’s usually outside the building….

      • They tend to be fixated on gun violence, not ethnically “asian” rape/grooming gangs and similar groups for stabbings.

  10. Okay someone is bucking for an award for greatest drama by a ‘who is that person anyways?’ award.

    You know what I always find interesting is how these same lemmings opine and praise these otherworldly ‘more civilized places’ and if that’s what they really want, why don’t they move there? What’s stopping them from pulling up their roots and heading off to these more civilized places?

    As for me I’ll take dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery and servitude to the state.

  11. Upside down and backwards.

    Completely out of touch with reality. No understanding of how much they have the truth so twisted.

  12. The Second Amendment permits a right to bear arms, but includes no prohibition against common-sense gun laws.

    So much fail. The Constitution does not permit the People anything. Rights are inherent and the Bill of Rights simply names a few and clearly tells government keep its hands off. Even SCOTUS doesn’t get it; and that included Scalia. There are NO permissible restrictions upon the exercise of a right; NONE.

    • Well, there are certain examples such as the famous “yelling fire in a crowded theater”, but the problem for anti-gunners is that the 2A includes language expressly forbidding any infringements whatsoever. “Fringe” means outer edge, meaning not even the slightest limitation on our RKBA can be imposed.

      • Your example falls down the left’s rabbit hole. You are arguing on their terms and not in reality. YES VIRGINIA, one CAN yell FIRE in a crowded theatre even if there is not a fire. We have not banned the word FIRE. Now, having exercised your right to free speech, if you cause harm to others, then punishment is fitting. The difference is that the exercise of rights has no constitutionally permissible restraints. Rights are absolute.

        • Not quite, G-ster.

          Just as my right to expression by throwing my fist ends where your nose starts, so does my right to yell something if it’s intended to cause commotion leading to injury. Meaning, of course I can yell “fire” without consequence if I believe there’s truly a fire, but I cannot yet it if I intend to cause panic that would lead to a stampede and injuries or death.

          The point is that rights must be handled with responsibility. I imagine you’d agree that there should be no restrictions whatsoever to what types of gun(s) we choose to own or carry, but we cannot go waving them around or firing into the air near crowds of people. Or drinking heavily while target shooting near others (you can do whatever you want on your own land).

          Just as our framework of government was designed for a “whole and moral people” (John Adams), it’s expected that those who wish to exercise their rights within society must do so with responsibility.

        • Oh, I’d really love to know *what* within the wording of my comment here could have caused it to be intercepted for moderation. I can still see it on my screen (it hasn’t refreshed off from it yet), and for the life of me I cannot fathom what TTAG/Wordpress can find potentially offensive with it, even in the very least.

          Especially when others here tell each other to “f**k off” and have no problem getting posted for the world to see.

          Fix the filters, Jeremy.

        • Haz,
          What you conflate is can and should. Yes you can but you should not. No law is preventing you from doing it. And there is the subtle difference.

  13. Instead of making classrooms safer, these gun-lobby parrots want to arm teachers.

    Primarily because the best (ONLY) viable defense against a gun wielding nut case is a competent, trained, armed individual…

    • But the comment is also inaccurate. We have no desire to “arm teachers”. What we do desire is to eliminate the un-constitutional laws prohibiting teachers from arming themselves; if they so desire. See the left sets forth all of these strawman arguments and all too often those on our side slip down their fictitious rabbit hole. There is no winning as long as we continue to argue on their terms and not simply point out the utter fallacy of their statements.

    • Their idea of making classrooms safer is to lock helpless people (even young children) in a room with an armed killer.

    • when the cops just stand around, arming teachers makes a lot more sense…but that’s officially…if you think some teachers don’t carry…or haven’t in the past..your being incredibly naive..but that was primarily for your own protection….

  14. Elected officials who live in mortal fear of the gun lobby and its followers have made a conscious decision to tolerate the slaughter of children and the mass shootings that have become an almost everyday presence in our daily lives.

    And this is how the left thinks and why they support activist judges who will legislate their will from the bench. It never occurs to them these elected officials they so readily demonize are simply honoring their oath of office to – “Support and Defend the Constitution”. The level of donations by the “Gun Lobby” is nigh a fart in the wind compared to such institutions as the Teachers Union, Planned Parenthood, and the military industrial complex.

  15. “Daily alcohol deaths have turned the United States into a morgue, a country far more dangerous than many of the planet’s more civilized places. Elected officials who live in mortal fear of the alcohol lobby and its followers have made a conscious decision to tolerate the poisoning of children and alcohol related deaths that have become an almost everyday presence in our daily lives.”

    Have some fun! You could also put “fentanyl” in the article.

    • More adults between 18 and 45 died of FENTANYL overdoses in 2020 than COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and suicide… Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45: ‘A national emergency’… Fentanyl deaths have increased every year since 2020…

  16. “When the bodies pile up, they lower the flags, offer “thoughts and prayers” for the mourning families, and get back to the business of doing nothing to prevent it from happening again.”

    Eff off Larkin you moron. People like you are the ones getting children killed. Keep people disarmed and vulnerable. You’re the one with blood on your hands. I would like to meet you so I could slap you upside the head.

      • Ultimately the day I see any funding for actual improvements to school security via hardened doors, limiting access points, improved access control/alert, or ballistic shielding for doors/walls of classrooms to guard students I will begin to take anything said about protecting children seriously. Even then allowing teachers to choose to carry in addition to resource officers would still be a major point. Till then why would I care about what an abortion pushing drag queen story hour promoting lefty have to say about kids past a warning on why mine will never be under their supervision.

  17. “Most of our mothers sent us off to school every morning hoping we’d do well in the classroom. Today’s moms have the added burden of just hoping they come home.”

    How about those mothers that are clutching their pearls all day just keep their kids at home and teach them themselves like a responsible parent?

    • or mom just kicks them out to get their free breakfast and lunch and keep them out of her hair while she gets high and gets it on with her latest bro’….all kinds of “moms” out there…..

  18. Guns have always been part and parcel of our country, heritage, and traditions. And yet these random mass shootings are a relatively new phenomenon. I wonder what has changed. I went to High School in the Long Island suburbs of NYC. Carried my target 22 on the bus all winter long as we had a rifle team and range in the fallout shelter basement. I bought my first “weapon of war” military surplus rifle from the Sears catalog when I was 14. Bought 500 rounds from the local hardware store; no problems. And yet there were no school shootings back then. No horrified students or staff that there were guns on the buses and in our lockers. I wonder what has changed.

  19. The second amendment doesn’t prevent common sense gun laws? I would counter that the second amendments express purpose is to restrict government from making common sense gun laws period.
    Anyone who spews this drivel has proven themselves to be morons.

  20. Virtually every vertebrate on the planet endures threats to their young, and most protect their young with the best weapons available to them. Even insects physically protect their young.

    So where does Larkin rank?

  21. My owning guns has nothing to do with mass shootings anywhere. The aim is complete disarmament to eliminate resistance to one world government.

  22. Brent Larkin: “The Second Amendment permits a right to bear arms, but includes no prohibition against common-sense gun laws.”

    Amendment 2: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Besides being a hysterical whiner, Brent has the reading comprehension of a German Shepherd. Or he’s dishonest….or both.

  23. How is Larkin allowed to engage in this Hate speech? He is accusing and attempting to associate law abiding gun owning citizens of being criminals, merely for believing in their rights. . .Sounds like Hate speech to me.

    • to the liberal left any gun owner is a criminal or a potential criminal…once you understand how they think ir’s easier to understand where they’re coming from….

  24. A man driving a U-Haul truck in New York City was taken into custody on Monday after allegedly mowing down multiple people with the vehicle.

    Where is dacian “demanding” the immediate ban of U-Haul trucks, stuff like this does not happen in “civilized” countries….

  25. “The Second Amendment permits a right to bear arms, but includes no prohibition against common-sense gun laws.”
    Two fails.
    First, the second amendment doesn’t “permit” anything; instead, it recognizes a right inherent in any person.
    Second, it does indeed include such a prohibition: “..shall not be infringed.”
    Someone’s education is lacking. Basic reading comprehension is definitely missing here. Such a shame.

  26. The article told the unvarnished truth about the far rights insanity over no gun control at any human cost.

    • You are the far right you fascist dumbass. Goosestepping in your black ss/antifa uniform. And you claim to own guns. Why would you own the very thing that defines you as a racist far right jackboot?

    • Hmm. Not a TL;DR statement in the usual Dacian cut-and-paste style.

      Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

      • Gman,

        Please don’t give dacian the demented any suggestions. He’s already unhinged, uneducated, and stupid. He can come up with enough deranged dumbf***ery on his own. Ignore him, or mock him. Those are the only valid responses to his f***tardery.

        Too bad he is such an uneducated, ignorant, delusional nitwit. If he could overcome those handicaps, he MIGHT have a shot at achieving mere abject stupidity, instead of his current mastery of complete, bats*** crazy.

        • he got a rise out of you…which has always been the intent…he’s here for a reason…if he didn’t exist they’d simply invent him….

        • Frank,

          Have it your own way, Chief. I originally tried to engage MinorLiar and dacian the demented in good faith. I quickly discovered that they were both hyperpartisan, bad faith, uneducated liars. MinorLiar is also a lying, partisan propagandist. Therefore, I no longer afford either of them the presumption of good faith; they haven’t earned it.

          Then I tried ignoring them, hoping the old ‘ignore them and they’ll go away’ meme would work. It didn’t.

          So, we are apparently stuck with their abject stupidity.

          That leaves two responses available:

          1. Ignore them, and continue to hope they just go the f*** away – which didn’t work before, and I see no reason to believe it will, now; OR

          2. Mock them both mercilessly. Call them what they are. Laugh in their faces every time they beclown themselves (as in, every time they post).

          I chose the latter. Feel free to do whatever you want. If you consider that “getting aj rise out of me”, that’s on you, Chief. I’ve made a policy of mocking idiots since I was in grade school, and I see no reason to discontinue it.

          Several MinorLiar and dacian the demented-like trolls have been essentially chased off by constant ridicule (jsled and Prince Albert, for instance).

          You do you, Chief; let me worry about me, K???

    • “The article told the unvarnished truth about the far rights insanity over no gun control at any human cost.”

      Controlling criminals and the unhinged is actually better than controlling the objects they misuse. That would include the likes of you of a certain political ideology, you are the last people that should be armed, your ideology created enough havoc and death in the 20th century.

    • How, *precisely*, does taking guns away from people who aren’t shooting anyone stop someone *else* from shooting someone? Hmm, note the *precisely*. Unless and until you can display that a gun control proposal does that, your “human cost” component is meaningless because your policy will not impact your performance metric.

      If I were very concerned about the human cost of, say, fentanyl being smuggled on foot across the U.S. southern border and I suggested that a good solution to this problem would be to prevent the private ownership of small aircraft in North Dakota and Montana then, people would rightly call me an idiot because the proposed solution has nothing to do with the observed problem. Similarly, you are an idiot because your proposed solutions to your identified problem don’t do anything whatsoever to solve that problem.

    • Well since your a “BRITISH SUBJECT” you are a “FAR RIGHT” Fascists!!!

      Politics in the USA is flipped “POLITICALLY” from the rest of the “WORLD”!!!



    • Since you are a “British Subject” and you support “Fascism”, that makes you are “Far Right Nut”!!!

      Communism/Socialism/Fascism/NAZI’S are all “Far Right” groups!!!

      Since European schools don’t teach this “fact” in, it shows how “Ignorant” you are!!!

  27. What Larkin does not understand, or maybe he does, is that Chairman Mao got it right although a little less elegant than our founding fathers said it. Without the 2nd Amendment and our ability to force political change, if need be, than we as a nation/peoples are uncivilized.

    Curious that most anti-gun screeds will not allow comments in rebuttal. Almost as if they desire to rule without opposition.

  28. “Most of our mothers sent us off to school every morning hoping we’d do well in the classroom.”

    And for many, one of those classrooms was a school basement shooting range where firearm safety and marksmanship were taught as part of the public school curriculum. It wasn’t unusual and not at all noteworthy to see a youngster getting on the bus carrying a rifle.

  29. Idiots like this is why I recommend parents take their children out of government indoctrination centers. They don’t get an education and they’re in danger every minute of every day. Plus, you can’t debrief them from the brainwashing of the wokeists. Save your children and save the country at the same time. Win-win!

  30. There are already 20,000 gun laws on the books nationwide. You’d think extremists like Larkin would take a hint and try something different like controlling violent criminals…you know, the people who are actually committing crimes.

    It’s not about actually doing something to solve the problem, it’s all about cultural bigots like Larkin seeking to blame POG for the problems their liberal policies caused.

  31. Hmm… doesn’t sound like oppressions at all.

    “Trust us, we’ll keep you safe”
    “You can have this, but not that, because we say so”
    “It most definitely won’t happen if we make tighter restrictions”

    Yea… The thing that will happen and history has proven it, is that when something does happen with all your laws and extra added safety, it happens 10x worse. So how about we address the real issues that are social and economical, causing people to lash out more frequent than ever before. You sensationalize it, you feed off it, and you use it as propaganda. You create idols for these people. So yea, it will happen anyways. You make sure of it. So instead of punishing the masses that don’t have anything to do with it, you let them make their own decisions. As if the war on drugs isn’t enough proof that your laws, militaries and borders mean fuck all to people, you want to make it about another inanimate object – which btw, you would use to oppress those you took that object from in the first place. One way or another. No politician is above war. They simply try to avoid it because it looks bad unless they can spin it as a “we must take action” stance. The same type of action you are advocating against your own people by removing their ability to make their own decisions and protect themselves.

  32. Try selling the, ‘It would have happened anyway’ excuse to parents of those kids massacred at Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary, Parkland High School or Robb Elementary. The politicians who traffic in that garbage are beneath our contempt.

    Okay wise guy: what is your solution? How do you propose to significantly reduce the number of violent crime victims in our nation?

    Of course your “solutions” will invariably involve laws which make it illegal to possess firearms. So how does an unarmed teacher stop a crazed murderer who bursts into a classroom swinging “for the fences” with a sword or a steel pipe? How does an unarmed woman stop three men from simply overpowering her (with nothing more than their bare hands and boots on their feet) and gang raping her?

    Obviously, disarming “good” people simply makes them easier targets for violent attackers and does absolutely NOTHING to dissuade violent attackers from attacking them, regardless of whether or not those violent attackers have firearms. And if you make “good” people easier targets, the violent attackers among us will increase the frequency of their attacks.

    Larkin implicitly knows all of the above facts–including the fact that he/she has no solution. So he/she resorts to the tried-and-true Progressive True Believer tactic of smearing his/her political enemies.

    • “Larkin implicitly knows all of the above facts …”

      This type of thing often has me wondering: Does Larkin know these fact or not? Problem is, neither answer justifies the BS. If, he does know all these facts, he is a liar. If not, an idiot. I have to admit that it confuses me to see people who are, possibly knowingly, choosing between being viewed as either a liar or an idiot. I work pretty hard to be neither.

  33. “Instead of making classrooms safer, these gun-lobby parrots want to arm teachers.”

    That is *precisely how* you make classrooms safer. (Well, ok, part of how. Making classrooms and schools harder targets would be pretty smart too.) Putting up signs that say “Don’t do a crime here,” even in big red letters, has not, does not and will not accomplish anything.

    Making it harder for the 329,999,996 people who *don’t* shoot up a school each year to arm themselves doesn’t do anything either.

    The central problem, as I see it, with the gun-control crowd is that they are convinced (or, at least, willing to say they are convinced) that the number of guns in this country is directly responsible for the number of school shootings (or, shootings of any type, for that matter).

    This is the fundamental flaw in their thinking (or rhetoric) and is why they have trouble gaining traction.

    The opening paragraph above is indicative of their misconceptions:
    “Daily gun deaths have turned the United States into a killing field, a country far more dangerous than many of the planet’s more civilized places. Elected officials who live in mortal fear of the gun lobby and its followers have made a conscious decision to tolerate the slaughter of children and the mass shootings that have become an almost everyday presence in our daily lives.”

    First off, the U.S. is not a killing field. Want proof? Get up and go outside, there is a greater than 99.99% that you *won’t* be shot to death (even if you stand out there for a year). Further, the author tries to sell the notion that it is the “gun lobby” that somehow is causing the (vastly overstated) occurrence of the “slaughter of children.” This is pure sophistry. The boogeyman “gun lobby” hasn’t killed anyone and the killing that is referred to as “daily” is in no way such a thing. Further, the “gun lobby” and others opposed to additional gun control in no way “tolerate the slaughter of children.” The very reason why many recommend arming the teachers is to *kill* the people who would perform the slaughter – whether it is rare, as it is, or “daily” which it is not – that is not tolerance, that is a decidedly intolerant response.

    Whenever people present me with this kind of mindless rhetoric IRL I refuse to continue the discussion until they establish, using something other than hand waving and raised voices, the substance of their premise. That is that the U.S. has some sort of massive instance of violence not just with but *because* of the guns. They can’t do it, the premise is fundamentally flawed and you can’t prove a false premise – at least not with truth, data and logic. Most such discussions end with the same kind of worthless screeching that this article contains. I get called a monster or complicit in the deaths of children or whatever. That’s fine, I have thick enough skin and I think that those jumping from “Bad thing happened over there because of someone who is not you,” to, “You are complicit in the bad thing because you own something I don’t like,” reveal themselves as fools. I’d rather be called a monster by a fool than be the fool.

  34. So exactly what so called ” Common Sense” gun law would have prevented a prohibited felon from purchasing a weapon on the black market? What law would have forced him to disarm himself before entering the campus? Why are young adults supposedly adult enough to sign for student loans or be allowed out of mommy’s care not allowed to have weapons to defend themselves from people like the shooter?
    Sorry folks, it’s not the firearm. It’s the person holding it. We do not have a gun problem. We have a criminal/people problem.

  35. “The Second Amendment permits a right to bear arms, but includes no prohibition against common-sense gun laws.”

    Bullshit….. complete and total bullshit.

  36. It is difficult to find a starting point to respond to this abject idiocy, but I will make an effort:

    1. The INHERENT RIGHT of self-defense, and the right to the means to effectively act in self-defense, exists from our birth. Notice I specified this is a RIGHT.
    2. The 2A does not grant, establish, support, or otherwise positively impact that right. The SOLE purpose of the 2A is to say to the federal government, “This right exists. You are NOT permitted to f*** with it. Leave it alone, or you will find yourself decorating a lamppost.” PERIOD.
    3. Since the benevolent gummint is so big on ‘truth in advertising’, I suggest we re-label all ‘gun-free zones’ more accurately as ‘free-fire zpnes’. While almost every recent ‘mass shooting’ has involved someone who illegally obtained, was not entitled to possess, or illegally modified a firearm, that is irrelevant. EVERY mass shooting violates a bevy of laws. A criminal willing to violate those EXISTING laws will NOT be dissuaded by . . . another idiotic, ineffective law.
    4. NO GUN in history has ever killed a human without the intervention of . . . a human. Guns don’t (with RARE exceptions, not relevant to any discussion of “mass shootings”) “go off”. In every case, a human loaded the gun, and pulled the trigger. ALL ‘gun homicides’ are committed by humans, and except in the case of self-defense, committed with evil intent.
    5. ‘Evil intent’ cannot be legislated away. A person WITH evil intent will not be dissuaded by the existence of a law. In SOME cases, a person with evil intent MIGHT be dissuaded by the existence of effective enforcement of a law, depending on the seriousness of the intent, the criminal’s state of mind and sanity, etc., but . . . that’s not how the smart money would bet.
    6. Y’all can argue all day about whether a ‘good guy with a gun’ is the answer. I don’t give a shart. ME having a gun is MY answer. I may win; I may lose, but that’s MY CHOICE.

    Take your idiotic, ineffective, poorly-conceived, authoritarian, useless “gun laws” and put ’em where the sun don’t shine. I have an inherent RIGHT to self-defense, which I WILL exercise, will ye, nil ye. Idiots like dacian the demented and MinorLiar can babble on until Satan wears ice skates, and I give not a single s***. I have the right to defend myself and my family. I WILL exercise that right. I have the right to access to the means to effectively exercise that right. Beyond that, y’all idiot Leftist/fascist, authoritarian gun control freaks are free to osculate my anal sphincter.


  37. “…the constitutional principle of “reasonable time, place and manner” restrictions…”

    Now where the “bleeping blap” does this concept come from?

  38. And WTF is “Brent Larkin” (don’t care).

    Does TTAG REALLY need to go hunting at 3rd rate newspapers for irrelevant opinion pieces? Some might call this click bait.


  40. Brent Larkin and ALL his (?) lies is beneath my contempt. His (?) smears of gun owning Americans tells me that Brent is a shill for the anti-gun fascists!

  41. The more they screw with the 2A the more gun deaths are going to happen. When we had less gun haters in office we had less violence. They’re too stupid to realize that.

  42. the more they push gun control measures…the more guns that will be sold…they don’t seem to realize it’s a motivating factor

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