It’s Beginning to Dawn on Some in Canada That Revolving Door Justice and Gun Control Don’t Really Work


Just before Christmas, an Ontario judge gave Shaquane Stewart a most unbelievable gift. Despite his tossing a loaded handgun into a school yard while on the run from Toronto Police on his 19th birthday, Justice Jill Copeland said she was required to consider the social context of anti-Black racism and as a result, gave the young Black first offender a conditional sentence of two years less a day rather than sending him to prison.

Copeland, now a judge on the Ontario Court of Appeal, said she was satisfied a conditional sentence “would not endanger the community. ” 

So much for misplaced confidence in rehabilitation.

On Feb. 3, less than two months later, Stewart, 23, was arrested outside his probation office — and it sure doesn’t look like he took advantage of the chance he’d been given. Police allege he was packing a concealed and loaded Glock 17 5th Generation pistol equipped with a functioning laser pointer and extended high-capacity magazine containing five 9mm bullets, with one bullet in the chamber.

A search warrant of his apartment allegedly uncovered another empty .40 calibre Glock magazine and 122.8 grams of suspected cocaine.

“The facts of this case are almost too outrageous to believe,” says Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid, “but sadly this is the day-to-day reality for our members who dedicate time and energy to investigating, arresting, and charging those who carry loaded firearms in our communities.

“The conditional sentence was frustrating enough for our members but to arrest the same person, with another loaded firearm, after just six weeks is not only an insult to the work they do but an affront to the notion of community safety.”

— Michele Mandel in Outrage as gunman rearrested just weeks after judge gave him a break


    • yeah but a Glock with a functioning laser pointer? We are all doomed, I tell you, doomed!

      Boy, it’s a good thing justice is “required to consider the social context of anti-Black racism” when handing out sentences. Affirmative action! I guess if you are a not so special perp you have to do your time.

      • And a “high capacity” magazine containing 5 rounds! How many bullets was that?


      • Don’t forget the five rounds in the extended capacity magazine and the one in the chamber (hard to have more than one in there).
        With that magazine, he got his capacity up to that of a revolver.

        This court “justice” is really a court “unjustice”.

      • Nothing like the judge putting her heavy thumb on the scales of Justice to operationalize a variable she cannot even coherently define, much less quantify.

  1. Hmmmmm, where to start, He was 19 when he threw the gun into the schoolyard in Dec and two months later at the age of (23?) he’s busted with a Glock 17 w/extended high capacity mag but only five rounds in the mag and one in the chamber? Is 9mm ammo hard to come by in Canada?

      • Aging that quickly he’ll be dead in a few years. Ammo is plentiful in FMJ but handguns are impossible to get after Trudeau went full Commie.

        First it was a ban long guns on 5/1/20 then on 10/21/22 a nationwide freeze on the sale, purchase and transfer of handguns was effective immediately.

        “A search warrant of his apartment allegedly uncovered another empty .40 calibre Glock magazine and 122.8 grams of suspected cocaine.”

        That’s more then a quarter of a pound of cocaine in US terms.

        BLM Toronto?

        • “That’s more then a quarter of a pound of cocaine in US terms.”

          So, the start of a really good weekend? 🙂

        • “So, the start of a really good weekend?”
          If you are partying with Scarface and snorting a couple of ounces a day.
          There is no Canadian word for fentanyl so they don’t have it. /s
          Fentanyl sets off my spellcheck so that just proves it. /s
          Actually regardless of color or age this guys a gun toting drug dealer,
          I didn’t think Canada was that woke.
          Arrest truckers but put dope dealers with guns on conditional sentences.
          “Conditional sentences were introduced in 1995 as a response to perceived over-incarceration, especially among Indigenous peoples in Canada.”
          The guy must be related to Elizabeth Warren.

        • Actually, she was just quoting the Canuk Cop, maybe THEY have a numeric deficit… Maybe the Canadian system only goes to five (only requires one hand).

    • A while back there was a story about a party bus full of gang members getting busted by the popo in NYC. They listed each siezed gun, and how much ammo was with it. None of them had a fully loaded mag. I think 4 or 5 rounds was the average.

      • If that is the new way to identify a gangster then I’m golden, fully loaded G20 mag (w/extended floor plate) and one in the chamber of my G29 every time I walk out the door, plus another extended mag in my pocket… If 33 rounds can’t get it done it isn’t worth doing…

        • Honestly any kind of pistol and a level 2 (maybe even 2a) vest would be overkill for the majority of single or paired gang encounters. For 3 or more your extra ammo makes a lot of sense

        • I always try to carry at least my fully loaded Ruger LCP 6+1 rounds of extreme .380 power in a pocket holster is nothing to sneeze at. 😉

  2. “The facts of this case are almost too outrageous to believe,” says Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid

    Spoken like someone living in a bubble. This is the new norm is the woke Western world. Expect things to get worse yet.

  3. lol gangstas, if you only have 5 rounds use the flush fit. all my extendos are fully loaded

  4. “Justice Jill Copeland said she was required to consider the social context of anti-Black racism and as a result, gave the young Black first offender a conditional sentence of two years less a day rather than sending him to prison.”


    Ya mean if an offender in Canada is black they get a lighter sentence for their crime?

    That in its self is racist.

    What insane thing is this, that a criminals sentence is decided by the color of their skin?

    WTH kind of country are you people running up there in Canada?

    Damn Canadians, going one better to out-stupid our democrat politicians here in the U.S.

    • “What insane thing is this, that a criminals sentence is decided by the color of their skin?”

      It’s the practical application of ‘Critical Race Theory’, where the answer to ‘racism’ is…

      Wait for it…


    • It’s to fight the long history of slavery in Canada. /s

      No actually, the Canadians screwed their native tribes really bad and being racist in favor of the (very very few) black people in Canada (where slavery was illegal long before the Civil War) lets them feel like they can now forget that history… and continue screwing the tribes over, because they’re “antiracist allies”.

  5. The criminal justice system IS the government we expect will protect us. Why would we pay for a government that is indifferent to protecting us?

    Now, as illustrated in this case, when a reasonable and prudent observer examines the evidence, and reaches a conclusion that his government isn’t undertaking its responsibility to protect him, then what conclusion should he reach? He is prudent. He is rational. He is a member of the body politic.

    One choice he has is to elect officials with more enthusiasm for protecting him. This might work. Or, it might not. In the latter case, what conclusion should he reach?

    If he is, in fact, rational and prudent, we might anticipate that he will use his resources, remaining after taxes, to undertake measures to protect himself. He might build a wall around his house. He might go armed outside his house.

    Yet his neighbors complain. The Police will protect this man! He has no need to build a wall or bear arms. It’s perfectly rational that we, the good-hearted people, have a right to see his house and yard without a wall obstructing our view and to feel safe that he is not bearing arms outside his house!

    Still, the prudent man remains unconvinced that government will protect him adequately. How do we resolve this difference of opinion?

    Should a simple majority vote to de-wall and dis-arm this man?
    Or, should the simple majority await the casualty this man’s wall or arm might inflict upon them? Whereupon, they could take him to court and punish him for the damage he caused with his wall and his arm.

    A true dilemma.

    • He might build a wall around his house.

      Nobody owns a house in Canada, July 1st every year everybody moves… (please do not attempt to school me on moving day, it’s a fuking joke)

      • Well, nobody iN Canada owns a house anymore, but it’s because they let rich Chinese buy them all up.

        what better way to hide your assets from the Chicom government than invest them in a foreign country? And Canada, sharing the universal western democratic value that every single person on planet Earth is more important than its own citizens, was happy to help them.

  6. White guilt. The socialists have been waging psychological warfare against whites for decades. The result is white guilt.

    Come on, people. Grow up. You ain’t responsible for your great-great-great’s sins, either real or imagined. Stop seeing you shrinks. Stop listening to progressive news sources. Just stop.

    If someone attacks you, you defend yourself, no matter his skin color. Idiots.

    • Not so fast whitey…Since the legacy of slavery, segregation, the kkk, lynching, Jim Crow, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities belongs to the democRat Party then next time put guilt solely where guilt belongs. And while you are at it…Demand Reparations to be taken from the coffers of the guilty as sin democRat Party.

      • Sounds like Al Sharpton and every other race baiting piece of shit. You make the libtards and the Democrats proud with that kind racist trash.

        I deserve reparations for having to listen to dumbfuckks like you.

  7. The article seems to imply that all black people cannot be trusted and are all gun toting homicidal maniacs. The Article does not reveal how many other blacks did not get re-arrested when given a break and another chance. But then again the author of this article and her other articles are all of a far right ranting white racist.

    • “The article seems to imply …”

      Only to someone who is reading into the article, rather than reading it. I’d say that your comment reveals your inherent bias against minorities. And I’m still wondering why you hate women, since you object to threatened women being able to protect themselves?

      “The Article does not reveal how many other blacks did not get re-arrested when given a break and another chance.”

      That’s not within the scope of the article, which describes one case of a criminal taking advantage of a court’s unjustified leniency.

      ” … the author of this article and her other articles are all of a far right ranting white racist.”

      Here’s a list of Michele Mandel’s other articles for the Toronto Sun:

      I don’t see a pattern of racism in titles such as “Why do privacy rights of these killers trump our right to know?” and “Time to take crimes behind the wheel more seriously.”

      Just more proof that you’re a racist looking to confirm your bias.

      • To the Man with no sense

        quote———I don’t see a pattern of racism in titles such as “Why do privacy rights of these killers trump our right to know?” and “Time to take crimes behind the wheel more seriously.”———-quote

        Of course you see no racism because like most white racists you close your eyes to the truth and the obvious.

        In Her white racist diatribes no mention of blacks who were given a second chance and took it.

        • dacian trying to defend racism in the Canadian justice system. I guess he’s looking to branch out to Canada with his racism.

        • Proves you’re making your MARXIST/SOCIALIST handlers feel well!!!

          How do feel being a “RACIST”???

        • dacian — what proof do you have that I am Caucasian?

          Why are you such a racist? And why do you hate women?

    • What I see as a reprint of a news article actually quoting a judge and some Canook Cops, you see as Right Wing “RACISM”? You left out “WHITE SUPREMECY”… What a moron…

      • What the judge is doing is actually white supremacy. She provided a reduced sentence because she (and the wokies) view black people as inherently inferior. They try to talk around it by jargoning on about historical systems of structural systemic structure,s but their actions speak volumes. They are infantalizing non-white (especially black) people.

        • AND?… Not disputing that possibility, just commenting that dacyboy missed an opportunity to point that out… I really don’t care what the judges motives were…

        • To dacian the oppressed minorities need to saved by him and his fellow travelers with the guidance of the glorious party and it’s great leader.

    • darcydodo…If only slave master, lynch mob, Jim Crow, kkk, Eugenics, Gun Control democRats could have been as understanding as your silly democRat behind pretends to be.

    • If such a statement was inferred it was because of a compelling example.

      Perhaps the local antifa/BLM chapter can recruit him when released.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Oh, PLEASE! There is no racism in this article implied or otherwise. Seems you Lefties just love to interject race into everything.

  8. What’s equally interesting in the story, is that the guy was 19 when he threw the gun in the school yard. But was 23 when found carrying concealed. It says it was 2 months later??? Okay . . .it was a 2 year conditional sentence . .. at 19 would make 21 or 22 maybe . .. how did we get to 23 ???

  9. Gun Control Coalition Presents List Of Demands To Biden Just Before State Of The Union Address >

    (The letter is here >

    Read the letter, but the list its self is:

    1. Declaring a national emergency around the epidemic of gun violence and establishing a federal office of gun violence prevention and appoint a full-time director to streamline the federal, state, and local government’s efforts to save lives.

    2. Calling on Congress to commit $5 billion in funding for community violence intervention programs that help disrupt cycles of interpersonal gun violence, encourage states to apply for and increase available funding for community violence prevention, and incentivize states and cities to establish offices of gun violence prevention.

    3. Announcing a series of executive actions to reduce gun deaths, including fully enforcing the ban on importation of foreign-made assault weapons that do not have a “sporting purpose” and instructing the Federal Trade Commission to promulgate regulations that prohibit unfair or deceptive acts or practices related to the advertising or marketing of firearms to minors.

    4. Using the office and power of the President to communicate the scope of this crisis with the American people and develop honest, educational, and culturally relevant public campaigns that focus on the inherent risks of keeping firearms in the home, especially around child access and suicide.

    5. Outlining a detailed plan to fully implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, including ensuring funding for violence intervention is directed to communities most impacted by violence and youth-focused violence prevention programs in schools, training NICS investigators to properly conduct background checks on gun buyers under age 21, addressing the background check loophole by clarifying who is considered “engaged in the business” of selling firearms, and using the new firearms trafficking statute to target the largest sources of crime guns.

    • “They voted for it.”
      It’s a bit more complicated then that, it is all tied to the UK.
      They are a Commonwealth of England.
      Charles III is Canada’s Head of State.
      You are better off Googling it or this would be a very long post.

  10. Canada is lost.

    You can be prosecuted for speech – there is no freedom of speech; because there is no right to armed self defense to ensure that freedom.

    This is what happens to a country that never fought a tyrannical government for its own freedom.

    • Canada is a Commonwealth of England.
      Charles III is Canada’s Head of State.
      See above, they are not a “free” country.
      Trudeau is more of a public puppet.

  11. Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid should know better and save his breath. Justice Copeland just provided the legal process that the Crown subjects wanted.

  12. Obvious racism afoot when the po bo can only afford 6 rounds in the “extended high-capacity magazine” of his Gluck (with the laser “pointer”). A workman must have his tools to function. Canukian welfare system needs to set up with ammo.

    • n the po bo can only afford 6 rounds

      Probably needs a refresher course in drug dealing 101…

      Lesson one: In order to be a successful drug dealer you have to SELL your drugs in order to realize a net profit which will in turn provide funding for the purchase of more drugs AND the peripheral stuff you need like ammo to fill your extended magazines…

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