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I’m not big on street fighting. Nor am I a student of the pugilistic arts. But I know enough to know that when two people are attempting to beat the beJesus out of each other it’s a good time to A) not be either of them and B) be somewhere else. Know what I mean?

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  1. Somehow I’m willing to bet this video won’t be used by antis….it doesn’t show the right demographic abusing guns.

    • And then when one of this two “niggas” get shot dead their mom comes on tv like “he was a good boy about to start his own business to provide for his two children and now guns took him away, its time to stop this guns from killing our children”.

      This video shows the best part of the murder rate in american. Ignorant and violent gang members offing each other in the streets with less collateral damage than the new york police force has.

        • No, because all “gang members” are ignorant and violent. Just like the people in the video.

          Robb, I’m not sure if you’re being ignorant and racist, or if you’re just being hyperbolic and implying that user “Practical Firearms” is being racist. In either account, you’re wrong.

        • Yes, I was insinuating that PF was being racist with that remark. To suggest that those two in the video were gang members because they are black, and used a gun, is racist. If it was two white guys fighting and a weapon was produced, I seriously doubt the term gang member would have been used.

          Are gang members ignorant and violent? You’ll get no argument from me on that point. Are a lot of gang members black? Sure. Are all blacks gang members? Uh, no.

          I’m not suggesting that PF is racist; I don’t know them. But the comment was.

  2. Homey didn’t enjoy being publically humiliated by the smaller gent. I’m sure he has a concealed license.

  3. I’m not really sure why African-Americans find the “N” word so offensive. They sure seem to use it quite a bit.

    • Starts losing a fight he started, so he pulls out the reason he felt so tough.

      “I’m angry, FEAR ME”

  4. It doesn’t look like he actually shot anyone to be, more of a gangster version of warning shots. The smaller guy the guy with the gun was fighting, was standing off to the left, while the guy with the gun was firing at the ground to the right.

  5. Videos of “fights” are as old as Youtube itself… besides videos of pop music, cats, small children accidentally nailing dad in the crotch with a ball, there’s lots of videos of people fighting.

    That being said, you’d think after all these fights have been posted, people would learn some basic stances and how to throw a decent punch. Watching 2 drunken idiots stumble around awkwardly in the street was painful to watch.

  6. So why is it those guys and gals can call each other nigger 16 times (I counted) in 1:47 but if I say it once, I’m a racist? I’m white and confused with this issue.

    • I think the folks in the video are saying “nigga” to each other, which I guess is OK compared to…the other spelling. I might be completely wrong about all this.

      • I’m even more confused. Is “nigger” bad but “nigga” good? I posed the same question last week when I asked why someone wanted to be a gangster. he corrected me and said “gangsta”. Then I asked why it was ok to be a pimp. I don’t think it can be spelled 2 ways, and it evokes (to me at least) the image of a man that beats women and forces them to sell their bodies to strangers. I don’t think I want to be a nigger, a gangster, or a pimp.

    • i think we abused the privilige. Kinda like how white folks were using the N word at the same time they were using chains, whips and auction blocks. Personally I wish nobody used the word. It’s history has too much pain and abuse attactched to it. You know, like the phrase “common sense gun control”.

  7. I was expecting the other guy to pull a gun, but this fool just risked years in prison over a fist fight.

  8. I’m sure they are both either:
    Honor Roll Students
    In the Choir of their respected Churches.

    At least that’s what they always say on the news here.

  9. Knuckleheads like that fighting, shooting each other, etc is nothing but a little chlorine in the gene pool.

  10. Well, if we can establish one thing from this video, it is that there are a lot of niggers in it. Their words, not mine.

      • +1. I know plenty of white niggers.

        That being said, the word is rooted in slavery and as a derogotive term for black people. So regardless of whether or not one uses it on someone who is not black, they are still comparing assholes to black folks.

  11. one thing I like about this site. Examples of good and bad. fair & balanced. I find myself coming here more and more for information

  12. When they call me “cracker” I don’t get upset. Like the Andy Griffith commercial used to go “Everything tastes better on a Ritz” (Yeah, I know, don’t correct me)

  13. Neither one is qualified to “watch” a Duran fight. Really sloppy. One of the lady TKD students was accosted at a filling station & she swept the guys hand to the side & busted his nose. The Grandmaster said the only fight you win is the one you walk away from. Randy

  14. The guy with the gun just started lighting up the other guys car… homeboy may have held his own in the fight but hes got some holes to explain to mom.

    • Depending on the State, the Castle Doctrine does not apply. These individuals have a “duty to retreat” in the face of hostile intent.

  15. So the big talking puss that obviously watches too much UFC couldn’t keep himself off the ground so he pulls a gun. Sounds about right.

  16. There’s the reason MLK Day is known as “National Disappointment Day” to me. That and the minimum one dead body found on MLK Drive each year in my town.

  17. The nation had no problem with these fools killing each other by the tens of thousands every year for decades. After seeing this video I can see why. No real loss.

    However one idiot stops his meds and romps though a white school and it is suddenly a major problem.

    ….go figure

  18. Right here, we see a clear and illustrative example of the racial, age and economic cohort that is responsible for about half of all homicides with guns in the US.

    This is the situation that lilly-white liberals don’t like to talk about. Mass shootings are barely a blip in the overall gun violence stats. Right here you see an exemplar of the majority of assaults and homicides with guns. I’d go so far as to speculate that neither party grew up in a home with a father in the household, both parties grew up in homes on government transfer payments and that neither party graduated from high school.

    And this situation was predicted by one Daniel Moynihan, Democratic Senator from NY State all the way back in the early 70’s. Moynihan was at least Constitutional in his approach to gun control – that he’d tax the ammunition into unaffordability and leave the guns alone. But he was absolutely prescient in his prediction of the complete breakdown of the black family in America, and the attending consequences.

    • “Right here, we see a clear and illustrative example of the racial, age and economic cohort that is responsible for about half of all homicides with guns in the US.”


      “This is the situation that lilly-white liberals don’t like to talk about.”

      ^^^^THIS SOME MORE!!!

      “Mass shootings are barely a blip in the overall gun violence stats. ”

      No stop that! dont let facts get in the way of good old fashioned agenda!

      Nevermind that firearms dont even constitute the top 20 causes of death or even the top 100 causes of injury…never mind that military looking semi-automatics cause a fraction of the 393 crimes committed with rifles last year (FBI Uniform Crime…eh…you guys already know).

    • “… we see a clear and illustrative example of the racial, age and economic cohort that is responsible for about half of all homicides with guns in the US.”

      Make that closer to 90% of all homicides in the US.

  19. Dyspeptic, you really have isolated the essentials, once again. No one that mattered liked Moynihan’s alternatives. He came to think this: “The central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself.” After a few years he lost much of his faith in the second part of that sentence as he saw the left-liberals and their constituencies “Defining Deviancy Down” (1993).

    Pols clearly seem to be afraid of armed middle-class law-abiding people with accurate firearms, not the demographic that actually does the murdering and armed assault. Their proposals reveal this focus. What motive? Perhaps they fear that if they wreak our economy one more time, or try to use a regressive VAT tax to pay down national debt, the lid might blow off even among the law abiding public. I doubt that would happen. I do not doubt that is what they fear.

  20. These shootings and Murders can be laid directly at the feet of Progresive Socialist Top Down, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Responsibality 5 Year Plans that started with the Johnson Admin.

  21. I don’t understand why RF spends so much time on worldstarhiphop to find these videos. I spent a lot of time on the internet, and I’d never heard of that site before coming here.

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