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Hello neighbor,

It has come to my attention that on the back of your black Jeep Cherokee you have an NRA “Life Member” sticker. For it is your right to express your opinions openly I do not appreciate the fact that I live in a neighborhood with a lunatic who owns guns! We’re supposed to live in a safe Christian neighborhood, and we don’t need some redneck hillbilly nut living here!

So I ask you please, to get rid of your guns and remove your NRA sticker for my children and everyone’s children and turn to God for guidance!

Thank you,

A caring neighbor

[h/t DrVino]

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      • Odd, my first thought was:

        Dear Caring Neighbor,
        The Guy with the NRA Life Member sticker

      • Ok, I’ve cooled down a bit.

        The best response would be to organize youth hunter safety and marksmanship programs. Be sure to put out flyers to all of your neighbors’ houses in such a way the kids see them first if possible. It’s good to have the little darlings pestering their parents for “gun lessons”!

    • This has to be bullshit, I can’t even fathom the most rabid anti’s sending such a childish letter.

      • I’ve seen such letters, put anonomously in the mailbox of my mother-in-law. “We try to have a nice neighborhood; please mow your lawn.” We think we know who did it, but we all just laughed and threw the note away.

  1. I’m sure he has an Obama sticker on his bumper that I would take offense to. I wouldn’t write a note about it though…. Seems he doesn’t really believe in the right to express opinions different from his openly.

    • Agreed. What is required here is to establish a paper trail from the point the harassment started…cause it will continue.

  2. Tell me this is an ‘effin joke…I’d get a neon NRA sign for the top of my house after that letter. 😉

    • Exactly. I’d suggest this person call the NRA up and ask if they have any larger stickers to put in the window as well. Perhaps one of those “full window” commercial type stickers.

  3. Dear Neighbor:

    FOAD…please…for the children!

    And God Bless…:)
    The Redneck Hillbilly Gun Nut

  4. Step 1, call police….Step 2 call lawyer….step 3, set up cameras and check security system, step 4 contact HOA if part of HOA

  5. Dear Caring Neighbor: SOIAR!!! If you don’t like the sticker, COME AND TAKE IT OFF. Maybe while I’m sleeping.

    Yours truly
    Insomniac Neighbor

  6. Well I don’t want to live on a planet with weak willed simpletons like you. Unfortunately neither of us are going to get put wish.

  7. Holy cr@p! Maybe just put the note back where it was found with a larger note attached:


  8. I see this kind of passive aggressive bullshit in the SF bay area all the time. Yet I have to “tolerate” driving behind a prius full of obama stickers and stickers telling me to be vegan,

    • Not all vegans are lefty liberal anti self-defense types (and I’m not saying you think that).

      There are more vegans than many may think that own black scary rifles, go to 2A rallies, and don’t have moral, or any other issues with hunters or meat eaters. I know this to be true because I’m one of them :). (just a friendly FYI)

      • The minority gives the majority a bad name. I have no problem if someone chooses to be a vegan (more bacon for me). What I do have a problem with is when people get all religious about it “reminding” everyone that they are one and complaining when someone eats meat in front of them. There are people like that for just about everything though. They are all annoying as hell.

    • Another Bay Area resident here:

      Tell me about it…

      I just keep telling myself that their vegan diets has prevented their muscles from getting much-needed protein, as well as their brains turning to mush from all the Marxist literature they’ve read throughout their lives will prevent them from fighting back effectively, allowing the Zombie hordes to eat them first, and letting people like us make a quick getaway to regroup in the Sierras and get to work rebuilding civilization.


      I kid, I kid of course…

      • Rob, of course you’re only kidding. But in a fantasy world of the zombies eating the fruit loops from the bay area, my home also, what part of the Sierras would be good to meet in? Understand, this is just fantasy wargaming. Purely hypothetical, as it were.

      • Actually there are one or two medical studies that show where one doesnt get enough fats most of which are supplied by eating proteins, there are significant brain developmental & functional issues! Will have to dig into my People Eat Tasty Animals files to pick them out!

    • Similar situation here in Chicago. I see plenty of Obama 2012, Obama 2008 and the occasional Kerry 2004 stickers. But… that’s their right to put that crap on their car just as it is the above individual’s right to display a NRA sticker or whatever the hell they want. I’m always amazed at the intolerance of those who claim to be tolerant.

      Illustrating Chicagoland Idiocy, Mayhem and Stupidity at

  9. I have no stickers on my cars at all, but, if I were to have an NRA sticker on one, this would be a troll that one of my friends would do to me.

    Especially the ‘turn to god’ line. Priceless…

  10. If I knew who sent a note like this to me, I would simply reply with:

    Hello neighbor,

    Regarding your request, no.


  11. I would file a police report. This nutcase might increase their “caring about guns” by means of violence or destruction of property in the future.

    Also, was the letter in the mailbox? That, I believe, would be illegal as well.

    My next step would be to strap on my pistol and walk to all my near neighbors and ask them if any of them wrote the note. Likely suspects would be anyone with an Obama sticker, anyone with a Prius and anyone that had an Obama yard sign back in November.

    Also, just to point out – what a typical p*ssy liberal – if you believe so much that guns are the problems – SIGN YOUR F*CKING NAME.

  12. I also ask for God to watch over me and to guide me. When he’s not around, he guides me to Sturm Ruger & Co.

    • I don’t like those signs, i don’t want to tell the neighborhood thugs where to go to steal my guns while i am away (at work).

      • Notice that the writing is a little bit higher on the right side of the sign? Bit of a photoshopish.

        I’d love it if it was real though.

  13. Oh hell no. If I got that I would begin a weekly cleaning of my firearms in my front yard.

  14. I saw this on Reddit a day or two ago. I think we should consider the possibility that this may not be real…

  15. I am very tolerant, so very tolerant, so please adjust your life to suit my sensibilities.

    • So tolerant that I will presume and insult your character without ever meeting you. I thought using Stereotypes was bad?

  16. You can bet if I got that letter I would host an open carry all day barbecue with an open invitation for Ted Nugent to be the guest of honor!

  17. Yes, the lesson and principals of John Hancock obviously did not apply to this writer!

    do set up surveillance, this bold crusader is just the type to key your Jeep!

  18. God’s guidance to me is to wear my Kimber to church every Sunday (I mean, as long as I’m wearing it all the time anyway). My Pastor knows I have his back. And, with his .357 snubbie, he has mine. Together we keep the flock well shepherded. Who knows what kind of nuts want to barge in to what they might assume is a helpless crowd in church.

  19. I’m assuming it was sent anonymously. I mean, if you really think that anyone who owns guns is an unhinged psychopath who could go off at any minute you’d have to be even stupider to let him know you were the one who sent it.

  20. They should take the letter back to that dumb ass moron and tell them where to shove their silly letter.

  21. That’s pretty funny. Time to put up a “my next door neighbor hates guns and keeps none in the house” sign in your front lawn.

  22. Time to get a gun rack for your Jeep and put some scary looking chinese airsoft knockoff assault rifles in it!!

  23. As a follower of Christ I just have to say that the “Caring neighbor” is not exhibiting any Christ like characteristic.

  24. Dear neighbor

    I am an atheist, and your books mandates that you stone me and my family to death.

    For the safety of myself and my children I think I’ll keep my guns, just in case you ever decide to take your faith seriously.

    Thank you and stay off my law.

  25. Honestly, I’ve never received anything like this note, but I am in the process of moving because I live in Smurf City, Pa. Everything from the news to the Nutty government to the people are too blue for me. When the financial collapses happens, these people will turn on themselves and me in a blink.

  26. Homeowners Associations / Neighbors can be real (insert strong derogatory term). My mother used to get these anon letters in the mail about the height of her grass and that the shapes of the bushes in the front were “unkempt”.

    Busy-bodies with nothing to do.

    The real “Christian” thing to would for this idiot to do would have been to ignore the fact that you have a NRA sticker on your car and not make a judgement about you.

    My “Christian” response would be to hang a sign on my window that says, “When someone breaks into your house at zero-dark-thirty in the morning and you call me for help, you’ll be thankful I have a gun. Love, -YourNeighbor”

    • You would risk your gun rights an entanglement with the legal system for an anit 2a asshat? Not me! But just to show you I’m not a hard hearted guy, I’ll call 911 for them, but that’s it. F ’em. They want us to treat us like pariah AND defend them if something happens? Not a chance in Hell.

  27. I wasn’t able to find this letter elsewhere on the Internet. Was this letter sent to Dr. Vino or did he find it elsewhere such as on a blog? I’d like to know more about the source. Thanks.

  28. I don’t think it’s a good idea in general to put gun-related stuff on your car. There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing so, but people can exploit it in various ways.

    E.g. if someone gets mad at you in traffic and sees that NRA sticker he might try calling the police and making up a story that you brandished a gun. If the police then stop you and you do happen to be carrying you can be in for a lot of trouble.

    • If you don’t mention, own, and love dogs as much as cats that is Pet Bigotry and Pet Discrimination. In modern America, such Hatred cannot be tolerated. Pets have rights and are people too. A Pet Social Worker is on the way to your home as you read this reply.

      • A Pet Social Worker is on the way to your home as you read this reply.

        Great! I need somebody to help me clean the litter box, even if it’s at gunpoint.

        • Ha! That’s because when it comes to cats, they’re the owners. And we’re not pets, we’re indentured servants.
          Top of the food chain, my ass.

  29. I will gladly pay for some additional pro gun bumper stickers to whomever recieved this letter. Let me know TTAG.

  30. That guy definitely would’ve been one of the martyrs fed to lions in the Coliseum.

  31. I’m guessing they wouldn’t like the “Don’t mess with the Second Amendment, and I won’t be forced to exercise it” bumper sticker on my Jeep.

  32. Just yesterday I was watching The Mist. Some psycho preacher lady incited a crowd to murder an Army officer because he protected “heretical” scientists. I was thinking “why doesn’t a CHL holder shoot the bitch?” 5 minutes later one did. Guns rule. Go NRA.

  33. I see that no one signed it. COWARD !!! I would Turn to God and ask why he put this narrow minded individual on the same plane of existance as you. As someone mentioned before get a neon sign. calling him out as the nosey body his is.

  34. One more reason to avoid living in neighborhoods. Presuming that this note is real–and I have my doubts–I’d post a sign in my yard: “No. What’s your next move?”

  35. I’ll respect that asshat’s Constitutional right to practice any religion as much as they respect their neighbor’s right to bear arms.

  36. Whatever else you decide to do, I would immediately send a very low-key and direct message to the sender by placing another NRA sticker right next to the original.

    • I think I’d just get a bigger one. Like, a whole back window decal. Maybe a couple of those small flags, some of those “bullet hole” stickers would be a nice touch as well.

  37. Wow…read this post while listening to Tom Gresham ‘s radio show. Interviewing some left wing Demo gun owner who wrote a book. “WE ” need to be more enclusive. In other words give in to the commie turd vegan aetheist nanny state zombies and they will let us keep our guns. That is good. You see we are too old too male too god worshipping and too white. So my advice is to embrace this caring neighbor and hand your guns to her. Remember the children and equality.

  38. I would actively seek out NRA signs, stickers, etc. and plaster them everywhere on my property just to piss that jerk off.

  39. I find it ironic that the phrases “Safe Christian Neighborhood” and “Redneck Hilbilly Gun Nut” were put into the same sentence by someone who is obviously ready to be the first to cast judgement, liberalism is a mental disease.

  40. Several years ago someone my wife knew was shot and killed so that three teenage boys could take his car out for a joyride. At a meeting in town about the shooting one of the local preacher boys suggested that if we would all put our guns in a basket that this would show local gangsters of our good intentions.

    Don Kates Jr. In an article “Bigotry, symbolism, and ideology in the battle over gun conrrol” pointed out that the official position (at that time, early 1990s) of the Presbyterian Church USA was that an individual had no right to take the life of another, even if they would otherwise be killed by the attacker. A stance that would no doubt shock many peple in the pews.

  41. Everyone go home, it’s fake.

    This was posted on 4chan last night trying to rile people up. Didn’t fool anyone there, so I guess they tried again here.

    • I have seen stuff like this though, even if THIS one is fake(I am going to use some Obama logic here) I am sure there are people who have gotten similar things.

      I have a guy at work who doesn’t talk to me anymore because I put a nice big “I support concealed carry” bumper sticker on my truck and he is a bleeding heart anti gun type. Thats only one step removed from something like this.

    • I have to say, I’m actually surprised I didn’t find one of these on my car window. This is just the kind of crap they’d do to mess with me.

      Except they’re all terrified to come by my house at night unannounced. Damn right they should be.

  42. Dear a caring neighbor: KISS MY lilly white ### and don’t come crying to me when someone is breaking into your home, raping your wife and killing your children because my “lunatic gun owning self” will not be helping you.

    • You’d think that someone who (apparently) reads the Bible would absorb some of the basic components of grammar and punctuation.

      I’m getting a ‘mental health issue’ vibe from the note

  43. THere is nothing christian about disarming others, making them defenseless, enabling oppression and tyranny.

  44. No point in beating your swords in plowshares if you can’t protect your fields from scavengers.

  45. I would be faced with extreme temptation to unleash all sorts of obnoxiousness for the benefit of Dear Caring Neighbor, the only thing that would hold me back is the knowledge that I am not so much of a douchebag. But I would definitely add at least one more sticker.

  46. Thats when I get my AR sticker out and say whats that term you here use??? Tell him to go jump into the arctic ocean. Tell it that normal Christians own guns and only fascist pigs who mock Christians act like you jerk.

  47. I’ve come to anticipate these anti-gun claptrap letters, but for some reason the letter’s font annoys me more than the contents. It just screams elitist, holier-than-thou-except-we-don’t-believe-in-God, liberal.

  48. Dear Caring Neighbor,

    Thanks so much for your concern, sorry for the delay but being a redneck hillbilly I never did have much book learnin’ and had a hard time reading your note.

    As advised, I did check with God and He told me that I was doing just fine.So, grateful as I am for your efforts to run my life I must defer for now and in the meantime enclose a list of mental health professionals who can provide you with the help you so desperately need.

    Stay well – and away from my house – ‘ol Bubba

  49. I’d guess this is either a joke, or a gungrabber writing a note in the style of what they “think” a Christian would sound like, but couldn’t resist the red-neck hillbilly slap.

  50. This is fake. It was from 4chan’s /k/ board. Also it’s printed in comic sans. Think about it guys.

  51. I call BS, totally effing made up for tin-foil hat wearers. Reminds me of the so-called “war on Christmas”.

  52. Dear neighbor.
    I turned to God. Jesus thinks you are a jerk! He said to just ignore you and keep protecting myself and family as I am free to do in The United States of America. Also, to refer burglars to your address for their own safety.
    Have a nice day.

  53. Actually it is against federal law to put unposted mail or information into any mailbox, and is a $5,000 fine for an individual & $10,000 fine for a business.

    As the idiot who gave them the note left figner prints, easy enough to figure out who did it and as such the ladies were notified on the law, lol!

  54. Is it fake? there’s a very strong possibility. It is, after all, on the internet. But comic sans isn’t evidence thereof. Anyone naive enough to seriously write such a letter would likely also be open to using the font without irony.

  55. I’m pretty sure about 200 years ago the Native Americans living here got a similar notice from some friendly Christians about their bows and arrows….

  56. god has a bad track record. I’d turn to god except its difficult to ass er tain the direction, Randy

  57. Wow iv dealt with this. I had a neighbor put a sticky note on my car for my 5.56 decal saying “Tear it off a**hole.” Needless to say I posted “F**k off” on his windshield. Last I heard of that.

  58. Dear neighbor,

    If you set foot (uninvited) on the property of a man you know to be armed, you clearly are not afraid of him. If you walked away unharmed, you are not my enemy.


    Common Sense

  59. Dear neighbor,

    I make no secret of owning guns. In order to purchase them, I had to pass a background check proving I was not a lunatic.

    Could you do the same?

  60. Dang! I’m always the last to know about these good posts!

    If this “caring neighbor” takes his own advice of trusting in and turning to God, I suppose he has no locks on his door, or smoke alarms in his home, or seatblets in his car.

  61. The first they will do if they have an intruded in the middle of the night is call someone with a gun to protect them. 911, law enforcement and then pray the respond quickly. Humorous the lack of comprehension they have. I suggest they disregard 911 because they will be used for the security for them.

  62. An anonymous note from a “caring” neighbor? I’m of two minds on this:

    1) Give it all the attention it is worthy of; specifically, zero. If they’re not willing to tell me who they are, then their opinion matters zero to me.

    2) Pamphlet my neighbors with something to the effect of, “Dear Caring (yet Anonymous) Neighbor: if you’re so concerned about guns, come with me to the range so we can help you with your fear. Signed, [my real name] [my real telephone number]”

  63. One of my “neighborly” neighbors one day called the Popo on me cause I was cleaning my guns with the garage door open. PD rolls up, looks in at me, and the 2 officers casually walked up and asked what was going on. Turns out the call was a guy “brandishing” guns. The comment from me that I think won them over was “I have the door open so I don’t get high on the solvent. Being high around guns is not smart at all.” They bid me good day and moved along. To this day I have not quite figured out who it was.

  64. I am a gun owner, an NRA member, and a Born Again Christian. Give your neighbor the following scripture from the Bible: Psalm 144:1

    My Rock and My Fortress
    Of David.
    Blessed be the Lord, my rock,
    who trains my hands for war,
    and my fingers for battle;

  65. Reply with this: “Dear Neighbor. It has come to my attention that you have a kitchen full of KNIVES. As you know, KNIVES are used in 3 times as many slayings as rifles in this country. In fact, Great Britain is preparing legislation to OUTLAW any chef’s knife with a blade more than 3 inches long, in order to prevent SLAYINGS. I have notified the Sheriff that you possess weapons that account for 3 TIMES as many homicides as rifles, and I hope you will convert all your stainless steel DANGEROUS KNIVES into plasticware. For the children. Please.

  66. Dear Neighbor,

    After kneeling in prayer and finding the Christian guidance to avoid the sin of wrath, I have refrained from driving my black Jeep Cherokee over your tiny Ford C-Max. I always wondered where you put the groceries, kids and dog in that sardine can.

    It has come to my attention, by the ecologically incorrect litter left on my property, signed by “A Caring Neighbor” that I live in uncomfortably close to a blooming idiot. And, while I respect your Constitutional right to behave live a complete ass and ignore my God given rights, I will continue to respect your rights to act as a jerk.

    I will continue to proudly display the emblem of the NRA and legally carry and posses my firearms. In the future, I will be happy to broadcast your distaste for firearms and self defense to the next criminal/terrorist I repel from attacking my home, family, friends and innocent strangers.

    They will be elated to learn that a visit to your gun free zone will enable them to enjoy sharing in the wealth of your possessions unfettered. Should you ever find yourself in the position of an unwelcome house-guest, unable to defend yourself, awaiting for 911 to respond, if you are able to call them, I have some simple advice. Cry out to the Lord loud enough, and he just might send your prayer in my direction, so I can come to your aid.

    Signed, From One Who Protects and Serves

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