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Ah the good old days. When an FBI Agent could shoot a machine gun from the hip without ear protection. My how times have changed. Unless your name is FPS Russia.


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  1. The Tommy gun is a lot of fun to shoot. But it has a high rate of fire that leads to muzzle climb. Even though it weighs a ton. I wouldn’t want to have to pack one around.

    • All true, but it was the HK MP5 of its day — a ubiquitous pistol caliber automatic carbine used for building assaults and raids. All that mass and the shoulder stock makes it easier (note: not easy) to control recoil in burst fire.

      Considering the slightly anemic revolvers the Bureau issued back then, the Thompson must have seemed like a portable death ray by comparison.

  2. Just FYI because I was in the Army and know. Anybody who has been in the service is NOT an operator. An operator is a member of the JSOC community like Green Berets, SEALS, DELTA, etc. I was an infantryman/radio operator and I saw plenty of combat but I was and will never be an operator.

    On that subject, a SWAT member isn’t an operator unless of course they are prior military and were part of a Special Ops outfit. And definitely a security professional is not an operator, do I even need to explain that?

    Sorry to hurt anybody’s feelings but unless you were Special Forces you’re not an operator, you’re just a guy with some training.

    Now someone can be High Speed Low Drag without being referred to as an operator but not the other way around. High Speed Low Drag is an individual characteristic, “operator” is a group title.

    The more you know.

    • Amen!! I spent 15 yrs as an 11B, in various LRSD units for 1st Inf, 1st Cav, III Corps, and 3rd Inf. despite all the training we went through(you had to be a Ranger and Airborne) to be a LRS Team Leader, LRSLeaders Course,etc we never considered ourselves “Operators”!!
      That belongs to the SF,Seals,etc who worked for and earned it the hard way.
      LRSD/C=Long Range Surveillance Detachment/Company.

  3. I liked that video. those agents are fast. note they are point shooting. they are not punching paper for groups. simple DA 38 special revolvers. probably 158gr round nose lead bullet at 750fps. they had a reputation for winning gunfights.

  4. We’d still be doing that goofy sh-t today if it wasn’t for Jeff Cooper and his team of merry elves. In this day and age of debatably excessive amounts of tactical schools, its easy to forget that 70 years ago pistolcraft as we know it today did not exist at all.

    BTW, an “Operator” is a specific reference to an active member of the Army’s 1st SFOD-D team. Other SOC units adopt the term, but unless you were former Delta , you’re not an operator ( sorry DEVGRU, you guys still rock though!)

    • Lol “History’s greatest weapons, from two different eras” how much do you think KRISS paid for that little blurb.

      Pretty lofty to claim that a 6 year old weapon is the “greatest weapon of the era”.

        • The KRISS does look ugly, but the upside is that you can open carry it and no one will be able to tell it’s a firearm. The first time I saw one I thought is was a mangled kitchen utensil.

  5. I’ve never fired a Tommy but have spent quality time with a Reising, the only real problem with that firearm is it was not built for military enviroments but it was quite ergonomic.

  6. Looks fun. I agree the M-2 and the M-1928 sure can beat today plastic wonder SMG face it a Kriss V or MP-5 dont have the killing power a .45ACP SMG has.

  7. Put camo on those Feebs and you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from some modern OFWG “militias.”

    But give credit where credit was due. The shooters in the viddy were fast and I’ll bet they were MOBG accurate. In a tight spot where there’s no time for sighting, knowing how to point shoot can save your life. Unfortunately, revolvers are better point shooters than plastic pistols. Maybe that’s why point shooting has become somewhat of a lost art.

  8. The old timers didn’t do tacticool. When presented with a threat, they shot it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  9. It’s kinda hard to take these guys seriously when they don’t look over each shoulder before they re-holster.

    • Well, back in 1947 this new fad had not taken hold yet.

      And, by the way, the old Marine adage is, wherever your eyes go, so should your muzzle (for one without the other is useless). So, I too have a tendency to take seriously those that follow that new fad.

      Boy am I going to catch flak for this one…

      • Yeah, that violates one o’ them Four Laws – but it’s still good advice when the waters get murky.

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