1. The helmet may withstand the bullet, but your brain bouning around inside your skull is another thing entirely. I’d like to see him test a S&W 500 on that helmet.

    • There’s an interesting gel material that has amazing force dispersion properties. Not sure what it’s called, but there are numerous demos of people striking sample patches of this material as hard as they can with a mallet and the hand placed underneath barely feels a thing.
      Perhaps they could use this as a helmet liner…

  2. About 14 years ago I strolled into a junk shop on Canal Street in NYC.
    Came across something I wish I had bought: a Kevlar helmet someone clearly had been proof testing – it had about three gouges with handwritten notes describing the caliber and grain weight of each round they had fired at it.

  3. I had a .22lr skip off the back of my head as a teenager and I’m perfectly ok…what’s that…squirrels communicating with me telepathically again!

  4. Aaron, they’re called Non-Newtonian Fluids. Different versions of it have different properties but there is experimentation with a version that will actually have the surface tension to stop bullets. They are by far not ready for deployment.

    • I saw a show where they were trying to make soft padding for senior’s hips. It was a torus (donut) filled with corn starch and water. When it was shocked by said wobbly senior taking a spill it would stiffen up and form a protective ring around the head of the femur.

  5. It looks promising for motorcycles. Can it be painted black with Motorhead on it?

  6. Sure doesn’t look like “rifle” fire to me – since the cop is firing an MP5 in 9mm.
    Though the current standard military body armor kevlar pads are rated to stop 9mm and shrapnel, and the current plates stop 7.62×51 AP, the helmets were never rated to stop rifle rounds.
    Famously though, there have been several examples of the kevlar helmets stopping 7.62×39 AK47 rounds – the first one worn by an 82nd Abn paratrooper in Grenada, 1982. Yes, whiplash resulted for the troop wearing the brain bucket, but he survived.

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