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I know we have Colt Mustang followers amongst us, but really, how jejune.

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    • I’m guessing a combo of 2 and 3. As irritating as KK is, I don’t think RF is advocating she eat her gun, in either the literal or figurative sense.

      • The jejunum is a portion of the small intestine, so as an extension of that, the phrase “how jejune” could be likened to “how shitty”. Maybe?

  1. That’s a fine little pocket pistol. Low recoil due to the use of a Browning short recoil mechanism instead of a blowback action. Good trigger. The sights could be better (and are, on the SIG clone) and it does have a safety she’ll have to remember to manipulate, but she is carrying it cocked ‘n locked, so she apparently knows a little something about how to use it. For practical self defense purposes, this is very close to as good as it gets.

    So really, does it matter what kind of grips are on it?

    Of course, I think The Pony is every bit as prestigious as YSL, but if that’s what it takes to get a woman to carry, turn that thing into glue.

  2. She could conceal a .44 magnum on her waist, because her waist ain’t what guys are looking at. Yep, feeling a bit jejune today. The photo for this story shouldn’t be of the gun, butt of…oops.

  3. I thought only New Orleans p*mps carried pearl-handled revolvers?

    (Is “p*mp” a verbotten word? First time I posted this it didn’t go – no message just no post.)

  4. I would like to thank Kim futhering the normalization of guns….not from a likely source but given all the people who follow this brainless twit, I will take it where we can get it. So thanks Kim!

  5. I won’t buy anything Colt or Kardashian. Colt abandoned the retail market years ago, and the Kardashians try to sell any kind of crap imaginable in the retail market. Two sides of the same coin.

    I wonder — what does Kris Humphries carry?

  6. Something like 7,000,000,000 people in the world, and the least of these in my mind would be the Kardashians. I don’t care what Kim carries, or doesn’t carry, eats, or doesn’t eat, or what she wears or doesn’t wear. She lost the tiny speck of credibility I had for her when she divorced her husband for no good reason I could see.

  7. The grip screws look like they stole from the bottom of a chair, a cheap folding chair.

  8. Someone please explain to me why any of the Kardoucheians are “famous”…

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