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My reaction is usually along the lines of, “oh boy, here it comes.”


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  1. “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.

    the isolate right cringes at the thought of a well-regulated militia. to them, “patriotism” means “loner” and “citizenship” means “leave me alone”.

    • Ass7
      That is exactly what those words mean, if that’s what you want them to mean. USA Mother Fu@%er! We have the right to be left alone if we so choose. FJB and you to

    • Having stated this before, and having received no response, let me try again.

      You, apparently, have a better grasp of the full meaning of the words that comprise the 2nd Amendment than any other, and have divined the parsing of the parts of speech, the placement of punctuation, the true intent of the phraseology in reference to what the Founding Fathers actually meant to say, and fully understand without question all of the penumbras and hidden, unstated-but-implied guidance and import of those 27 words.

      I am shocked that you have not been called to testify before the Supreme Court, or at least asked to submit an amicus curiae for the purpose of edifying the Justices and any other Constitutional scholars who might still be confused; Many of those less erudite and educated than yourself seem not to concur with your analysis, and somehow, obviously mistakenly, have found both an individual and discrete right of citizens to keep and bear arms, and have determined that there is no requirement to belong to any organized, or unorganized, or disorganized, militia organization, no matter how ‘well-regulated’ it may be, in order to keep and possess arms. Show us how all three sentence fragments must be arbitrarily compiled into one whole, inextricably and irrevocably, as opposed to being taken as separate and coequal statements of reason, explanation, intent, and result to obtain the construct and guarantee desired by the Founders.

      Here’s your chance. Educate us. Show us where the Supreme Court, the Constitutional scholars, the 2nd Amendment experts, and the lay persons’ general understanding of the 2nd Amendment has gone so terribly wrong.

      We await illumination.

    • Folks. rant7 is an admirer of the goose step and swastika. He has proclaimed the gestapo to have been patriots in past comments. And his ‘veiled’ remarks about those evil jooze are hard to miss. He thinks he’s slick, but he’s not. How smart can you be and still swallow that master race crap?

      To him well regulated means marching and thinking as one. He refers to real conservatives as ‘isolates’. Not being part of a herd scares him.

      • Maybe you are correct about rant7’s “rants”.

        However, you are losing creditability jwm. A day ago important questions were raised about how Kyle, a young man, stepped up to protect his community when the more “mature” generation, who under their time, the country degraded to the dumpster fire we now see.

        You also attacked that poster of those questions without addressing a single one of the issues. Another poster even urged a discussion, you refused and,,, well I leave it at that.

    • “I support the second ammendment ,but, the government doesn’t seem too.”

      Well, duh! And why might that be?

      Probably because the Second Amendment, as well as the rest of the US Constitution regulates The Government, not The People.

      Why, elitist, elected officials can’t have any of that. It’s also the reason the most damning of restrictions of all our rights now come from unelected, regulatory agencies like OSHA, BATFE, etc. rather from Congress. This gives our elected reps cover from any blame or responsibility for such actions that they themselves desire.

    • optics. drawing four fingers triggers an unconscious expectation of realistic depiction, which is difficult and not cost-effective. leaving it at three vaguely meets unconscious expectations and is much easier to do.

    • “Why do cartoon characters have only 4 fingers?“

      Because humans have only four fingers on each hand?

      I’m not sure what species you are but just about every human I know has only four fingers on each hand, along with an opposable thumb.

      Is it different down Under?

      • I consider myself the Miner_Down_Under a bit of a character of modern politics.

        Where else could I a devout Marxist/Democrat who despises his own country, hates the unions, and the bill of rights (freedoms), still enjoy the protections from the very system I attempt to destroy?


    • that’s the isolate right’s problem. they walk away. they walk away from their cities, they walk away from their legislators, they walk away from their police departments, they walk away from their churches, they walk away from their states, they walk away from their societies. they walk away from their citizenship. they walk away from their duty. leaving it all to the left.

      and then they lose.

      • If the left continues, there will be nothing left to walk away from!
        Seems the left walks away from personal responsibility. The left walk into government offices and then walk away with free stuff supplied by taxpayers. The concept of right and wrong is something the left abandoned years ago. Sure a lot of “help wanted” signs these days………..wonder who walked away?

      • Bingo! I have walked away from the GOP, but I have not walked away from true conservative candidates.

      • This isolate right rant…Just exactly how far outside the city limits do you have to live to be in your isolate right category? Asking for a friend.

  2. 2nd amendment is not necessary.
    GOD himself gave us the right of self defense.

    Additionally he said :
    “Sit at My right hand until I make thine enemies a footstool for thy feet…”

    • “Sit at My right hand until I make thine enemies a footstool for thy feet…”

      That is a misquote.

      KJV “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”

      So the Lord is not talking to you, he’s talking to the one who rules over you.

      As for me, being an American, I have neither Lord nor LORD ruling over me, we don’t tolerate royalty here in the United States of America.

      • I actually hate this country jwm.

        I use the term being an American in the pejorative sense.

        Although I find great amusement that a Marxist/Democrat who attempts to tear the country down from within is afforded the same protections(MORE ACTUALLY- Thank you Soros) than those that support the system.

        Fascinating jwm.

        From character to parody, and back again.

        Just Fascinating, don’t you think?

  3. Miner said: “we don’t tolerate royalty here in the United States of America.”

    Hahahahahahahaha….that’s rich, considering that leftist goons adored King Obozo, King Wilson, King Roosevelt and now, the dementia ridden pedophile king, Build Back Bankrupt Biden….

  4. I really enjoyed posting here, but after many “awaiting moderation” notes, followed by post disappearances, It’s simply a waste of my time being here.

    Thank you all….

  5. Honestly, I’ve never understood the concept of “but” cancelling out what’s trying to be said. I personally think it’s good if people can allow some nuance.

    Probably because politics have become too tribal, we can’t allow people to hover in the middle anymore?

    • Most people know that when somone says “I support the 2nd Amendment but” What they really mean is I support restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. Which is unacceptable to true supporters. I wish the founding fathers had said “Congress shall pass no law restricting the right of the people to bear arms”. Alas they did not do that so here we are.

        • “Alas they did not do that so here we are.”

          I’m sorry that is wrong muckraker. So very wrong.

          What you are saying is the poor left just doesn’t understand “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. Just maybe if the founding fathers had been just a little clearer, then everything would now be a cool breeze.

          That’s just wrong and worse saying the left is just misunderstood. The truth is the left just doesn’t care what the constitution says unless they feel it’s to their advantage. If not, it can be made to read anyway they see fit. They openly say the constitution is a living and breathing document that changes with the times. That’s how they said the constitution actually says “abortions for all” in deciding Roe.

          That’s why the 2A doesn’t mean what it says. Because the left doesn’t care for it or about anything other than getting what they want..

      • “Alas they did not do that so here we are.”

        I’m sorry that is wrong muckraker. So very wrong.

        What you are saying is the poor left just doesn’t understand “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. Just maybe if the founding fathers had been just a little clearer, then everything would now be a cool breeze.

        That’s just wrong and worse saying the left is just misunderstood. The truth is the left just doesn’t care what the constitution says unless they feel it’s to their advantage. If not, it can be made to read anyway they see fit. They openly say the constitution is a living and breathing document that changes with the times. That’s how they said the constitution actually says “abortions for all” in deciding Roe..

        That’s why the 2A doesn’t mean what it says. Because the left doesn’t care for it or about anything other than getting what they want.

  6. I’m sorry, but to me, understanding why the Founders felt the need to secure the rights of the people in the 2nd Amendment, is as important as the amendment itself in my humble opinion.
    The 2nd Amendment takes the basic right of the individual’s self defense, and extends that right to the community to self defense.

    Much ado has been written in current History texts, about the Tea Tax, the Boston Tea Party response, and the other abuses Britain’s Parliament had visited upon the colonies. But you have to search and dig deep to find the incidents of disarmament, both of individuals and of communities that occurred in the colonies. Taking away one’s ability to defend themselves as well as a community’s ability to defend itself was a far more heinous act than a Tea Tax. I’d proffer, that those seizures drove the march towards Rebellion far more than the other various abuses, yet little is mentioned or is common knowledge among the average American today, and you’d be hard pressed to find those facts in any of the Propaganda History texts used in schools today. Question our fellow citizens, and you’ll find an egregious ignorance concerning “Why” we have the 2nd Amendment, let alone enough that understand what it really means. I will say that it would have made our task far easier if the Founders had used a Semi Colon rather than a Comma, even though a Comma is grammatically appropriate to use when separating 2 “short” Independent clauses.

    When you understand “why” we have the 2nd Amendment, understanding the 2nd Amendment follows. Then one will also see, that any attempts to place restrictions and boundaries upon the Amendment is infringement upon the free exercise of the Right To Keep And Bear Arms.

    We are under the thumb of the very government our Founders warned us of 245 years ago.

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