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I mean, none of my weapons have ever assaulted anyone anyway. Well, except for that one time I held a police officer at shotgun point. Anyway, “assault” is a verb, which is one reason the anti-gun types have had such a hard time using it to define a type of firearm.


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  1. Meh. In California, all fully automatic weapons are “assault weapons” and were registered a few decades back. All the “features” bans apply only to semiauto guns. Nice try though.

    • I seem to remember someone made a simi automatic version a few years back for like 6K and change. Too $$$ for me, but a cool item to hack off the gun control id10t crowd with.

  2. Before 1968. When we were a much freer country. A black person, or anyone else, could get this delivered directly to their house. Including the ammo. By the US Postal service. By law, they served everyone.

    • Not to mention Chris’s heros the Republicans voted yeah more than the Democrats for the 68 GCA. Let that sink in more Democrats voted against the 68 GCA than Republicans. But just keep voting for Republicans, they will have your rights restored in no time!

      • “Not to mention Chris’s heros the Republicans voted yeah more than the Democrats for the 68 GCA.”

        And just who were the real conservatives back in 1967 or so? (Hint: can you say “Southern Democrats”? Remember George Wallace, for example? He’s only one of an incredibly long list.) Were you coginzant then, or even alive?

        I was.

        Do you think any of the woke, progressive, bed-wetting democrats who make up the party now would’ve been at all involved at that time in any any serious American political party, let alone actual policy making? Delusional…

        Remarks like yours are from exactly the same cloth as the current cancel-culture types who castigate the Founders because some of them may have legally-owned slaves in the 1700s, or because these dedicated individuals, at the time, despite their incredible education and world experience, were nearly exclusively Caucasian and male, not women, trannies, or whatever.

        I can only hope and pray that future generations look at the incredibly short-sightedness of the 2020s American culture, such as it’s become, and reject it all and return to the foundational principles that once made the US a model for the entire world despite the idiocies of leftist icons like RBG and other so-called, self-appointed Constitutional scholars. Without this, we will continue to devolve into the Banana Republic so many Nuevo Americans seem to be seeking.

        Educate thyself…

        Go find some other statues to tear down…

  3. Yes, assault can be used as a noun or a verb. However, it is an adjective only in the lexicon used by those on the left.

    • That jumped out at me too: “‘assault’ is not a noun [even though it is], which is one reason the anti-gun types have had such a hard time using it as an adjective.” Huh?

      Also, an M2HB clearly does have a barrel shroud. It is difficult to imagine a recoil-operated MG without one.

  4. I’ve had it up to here _ ,(possums ain’t very tall) with “Assault Weapon ”

    We can have Assault cars, knives, ball bats, hammers and rocks, and you never hear nothing about them..

  5. All you need is a set of powered armor to be able to carry it. 😛

    I absolutely loved being able to do that in Fallout: Tactics and Fallout 4 with mods.

    • “All you need is a set of powered armor to be able to carry it.”

      Oh, I don’t know- I see a lot of cool stuff riding around in the backs of Toyota pickups in the various raghead Crapistans…

  6. I was pricing out ammo a few months back, and was surprised to see .50 BMG was still reasonably-priced, at under 3 bucks a round…

    • Fed my family and fought for my country. Although the weapons back when I fought for my country were, like me, property of the US Army. Still use my guns to provide food for my family, as well as a few other folks. Just gave a couple feral hog carcasses to the local food bank. Harvested with my AR10.

  7. I am waiting for the Browning M2 “compact” to come out. Still a .50 BMG cartridge but in a compact concealled carry version. Glock will copy it and come out with their duty version with 19 round capacity. (sic).

  8. “I mean, none of my weapons have ever assaulted anyone anyway. Well, except for that one time I held a police officer at shotgun point.”

    from the link:

    “I walked over to the fence, looked through a gap to see what I was working with, then stepped up on top of a chair to see over and down into their yard.

    Sure enough, there’s a dude back there right next to their old wooden shed, which has never had a door on it. It would make a decent hiding place, actually. He’s looking around on the ground like he dropped something. He certainly wasn’t one of my neighbors or anyone I had seen before, and he looked relatively sketchy with grimy, torn jeans, an extremely well-worn Raiders jersey, a dirty ball cap of some sort, and a couple days worth of stubble. He wasn’t aware of my presence.

    I had the 870 at the low ready — shell chambered, safety off, finger on receiver, stock up near my shoulder, muzzle pointed a few feet short of his feet.


    That was exactly the thing a gun owner SHOULD NOT do. What were you going to do, shoot some guy looking around in the grass? That’s exactly what you would have looked like to me, a guy threatening me with a gun, you would not have looked like an armed savior to the rescue.

    Had that been a real bad guy and you actually pulled the trigger, and he was still outside your neighbors house or not trying to break into the house (and he was doing either of those according to your narrative – looking around on the ground is not an indicator of “imminent threat”) you would have been spending some time in jail most likely. The threat was not imminent to you (and according to your narrative not imminent to your neighbors either) no matter what you thought. Does anyone with a gun understand the meaning of “imminent threat” any more? Its does not mean you going to investigate a noise in the neighbors yard and challenging a person looking around on the ground, with your gun at ready as though to bring it to bear on a threat that does not exist.

    So what were you going to do if he acted in defense? His defense would have been genuine, yours was manufactured by doing what you did for a situation that did not need such a response. What about the partner you did not see, what if he acted in defense of the guy you were challenging? You created a potentially dangerous and deadly situation that did not need to be created.

    • Edit: that should have read

      “(and he was NOT doing either of those according to your narrative – looking around on the ground is not an indicator of “imminent threat”)”

  9. Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.

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