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I’ll shoot it. Just maybe not first.


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  1. I trade the markets, so I saw ‘EOD’ and thought “End Of Day”. Had to click the article to see what Jeremy meant by it. I still don’t know.

    • “I trade the markets, so I saw โ€˜EODโ€™ and thought โ€œEnd Of Dayโ€.”

      If you’re wearing that suit as a part of your job, every time you wear it could be your last day on this planet.

      (I notice that’s not a very confident look on that fellow’s face… ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    • Yeah that was a good one.
      However I’m not blaming Baldwin, my line of thinking it was the person who said cold gunm and handed it to Baldwin.
      Should have checked it? maybe theres something about dicking around with a gunm after a professional deems it safe.
      How many of us would triple check a gunm before we hand it to an idiot to play shoot someone , I know I would.

      • “… my line of thinking it was the person who said cold gunm and handed it to Baldwin.
        Should have checked it?”

        That’s kinda where I’m at on that incident, to be honest.

        But as much naked hate, spite and malice spewed by Baldwin on us exercising a civil right, throw his ass in a cell with Bubba…

        • It does not matter if I watched God Almighty verify safe. If he hands it to me it gets verified again. Works everytime and you won’t ever look like a distraught, apologetic Alec Baldwin.

        • The armorer on set is 100% to blame.
          Actors are told not to fidget with, clear, check, or anything once handled the gun. The Armorer is 100% responsible for making sure that gun is cold when handing it to an actor.

        • “Actors are told not to fidget with, clear, check, or anything once handled the gun.”
          I don’t believe that. A person with the status of an Alec Baldwin within the movie industry would be above being told by an armorer not to clear a weapon. Even without those chops, any actor on the set should tell said armorer where to go and clear it anyway.

  2. ATTN Dan Z –

    Saw on ‘Liberty Doll’s’ YouTube channel that Palmetto State Armory has purchased the entire tooling of a Com-Block ammunition plant in Europe, and will be setting up in South Carolina a steel-cased ammunition line here in the US.

    Plans are to produce (eventually) the entire Soviet ammunition line, from 7.62X39, through 54R for the SKS, AK, and Mosin fans throttled by the import ammo ban.

    Thought TTAG might like to know…

    • They are already promoting it too. I thought it might be from brass prices too high, but your observation makes more sense. The import ban makes absolutely no sense and has ZERO impact on crime (the excuse used by the Biden team).

      • If they are able to price it anywhere near what the stuff was before Corona, et. all, that would be amazing.

        But I doubt they could, considering labor rate over here.

        At the very least, I hope it won’t be a few lousy cents off of new brass prices.

        C’mon, PSA, make it for 10 cents a round, willyas?

        • Please do not hassle Mr. Zimmerman. He has no time for an angry โ€˜manโ€™ who has never known the pleasures of a woman ๐Ÿ–•.

        • Lookie here, the little boy living in mommy’s basement is projecting his inadequacies on someone else.

          How about doing the world a solid by blowing out your last 2 brain cells? You’ll never need them, as mommy feeds you the spaghetti-os you love so much as you masturbate furiously in her basement… ๐Ÿ™‚

    • PSA is just up the road from me, and there is one in Columbia. Seems like the media is freaking out about the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ lower PSA is selling. Some news guy even called the Secret
      Thinking about buying one but probably won’t.

      • “Seems like the media is freaking out about the โ€˜Letโ€™s Go Brandonโ€™ lower PSA is selling. Some news guy even called the Secret”

        The same folks who had a ‘comedian’ hold up a severed head of Trump.

        Hey, little demented troll – How about cutting off your own head? It’ll look really cool, and you could ‘own’ the Trumpers… ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • You just know Geoff sniffs his socks after making posts encouraging suicide. Like he’s accomplished something (outside of confirming what a loser he is). Seriously, what an angry little ‘man’ he is lol….

        • Just your suicide, fuckwit.

          Nobody likes you, every time you show up here, you will get your teeth kicked in.

          There is something seriously wrong with an individual who willingly puts up with that kind of abuse. Since you’ve proven you’re not right in the head, just kill yourself. Please.

          I *promise* all the pain will go away once you leave your last 2 brains cells on the ceiling of your mom’s basement… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. From now on, that meme pic, from now on that’s standard wear on any movie set Alec Baldwin is on.

  4. That would be like asking if I want to perform a test flight on a home-built aircraft. That answer would not be just NO but F—- NO!

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