So I’ve misappropriated a song title to expose TTAG’s audience to Karan Malhotra’s genius. So sue me.


    • That’s the way I like it. It’s why I can’t stay away! Superb choice, Robert!

  1. Cute Indian girl, Even if I didn’t have ANY fu<kin' idea what she was singing about. Guess something about him being sad on his birthday. Thanx for the pickup beat though……….

  2. Only in the movies (Bollywood and Hollywood) is a man depressed when he has a girl like that. Turn that frown upside down, dude.

      • Just a little bit bitter, eh? But I know how you feel, been there myself. Remember that a bachelor is a man that HAS thought seriously about marriage. (LOL)

  3. I’m trying to figure out where the guns are. I guess its fine if you want to do post something not gun related, but maybe doing it on another site might be better? I come here for my daily gun fix.

    • Gun, Gun, Guna, the TITLE? or did you not see that? We get enough gun fixes from Robert so this was a nice break from the constant drumbeat of the antis. Relax, open your favorite adult beverage and watch the swingin’ butts.

  4. how insensitive of these people to parody and stereotype the Indian culture like this… 😉

  5. Don’t be fooled Guys, you’ll NEVER see women like that in India unless you happen to visit one of the top-5 Hotel chains to attend an Indian wedding. I lived in Delhi for 2 years. That type is corralled by guards, and driven around by chauffeurs and they rarely speak to foreigners. The caste system is still around. I went to clubs hoping to bump into a few… Not a change. Good video though.

  6. boy could those girls dance, thank you for that sir

    and because this is on TTAG Bollywood is now mainstream

  7. India used to be a big gun owning nation, you know. 🙂 If you want an Indian song about guns, here’s one about how much the singer loves shooting his 12 ga (12 boran de) shotgun:

    The lead dancer in the earlier video, BTW, comes from the same Indian state that the video that I’ve posted is from. There are some very pretty women there since Cyrus followed by Alexander, Menander and a host of invaders came roughly once every two centuries and left their mark. Since the 19th century, the region has produced some fantastic soldiers who have served in the British and Indian armies as well. Yes, they love their guns, and no, though I am from India and I love my guns too, that is not the state that I’m from.

  8. Hi another Indian TTAG reader here and the gun gun guna (read Goon Goon Goona) actually roughly means to hum a song in Hindi 🙂 . BTW next time if anybody asks why i love guns my reply will be “because gun lovers are in my experience the least racist”. Nice to find people who don’t hate Indians for being Indian :). BTW Mr.Nick Leghorn i an a total fanboy of TTAG and TTAK , Hopefully one day you guys will review something i designed :3 .

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