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Tipping point? (courtesy

Never take your gun rights for granted. Always repel politicians’ aspirations to degrade and destroy your right to keep and bear arms. Remember that millions of Americans live in states that restrict the type of guns they can buy, force them to register their guns and ban them from carrying guns. At the same time, take satisfaction in the fact that the enemies of firearms freedom are claiming victory in the face of tremendous losses, putting their delusionary aspirations in high relief. Enabled, of course, by the anti-gun mainstream media. Here’s a perfect example from under the unintentionally ironic headline A Tipping Point on Guns . . .

Just after the horrific slaughter of nine African-American churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, President Barack Obama openly doubted the latest shooting spree would change things in a nation awash in guns – and with lawmakers so controlled by National Rifle Association that the massacre of 20 suburban first-graders in a Connecticut elementary school more than two years ago couldn’t get them to act.

Meaningful reform of gun laws, he told reporters just after the Charleston shooting, “is not going to happen in this Congress.”

While likely true, Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, thinks the reform the president seeks is closer than any time since Adam Lanza burst into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and opened fire that tragic December day. If you take the long view, he says, real change is unmistakably on the horizon – even if the bloodshed in Charleston makes it harder for Obama and others to see.

Right. Anti-gun politicians can’t see that their defeat is actually a sign of impending success. Because guns. Seriously, that’s about the extent of the arguments for gun control rising forwarded by the usual suspects (Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign and Lad Everitt of the Campaign to Stop Gun Violence). Without any contrary opinions from gun rights supporters, of course.

In fact, the U.S. News and World Report piece will warm the cockles of the hearts of gun rights advocates everywhere, as it chronicles the pro-gun political landscape from the anti-gun point-of-view. Like this:

“I wouldn’t argue we have totally loosened the [NRA’s] grip,” he says, “but we have made progress. The NRA is not going to fold their tent and go away. The NRA is an enormously powerful and influential organization. This is going to be a slog. We’re not going to win the battle overnight.”

It’s equally as clear that the NRA isn’t feeling the threat: with the exception of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, all of the announced Republican presidential candidates have NRA legislative ratings of A-plus, the organization’s highest rating, or A-minus – its second-highest rating. LaPierre delivered a fire-and-brimstone speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February, and 11 of the GOP candidates showed up at the NRA’s national convention in April.

At the same time, a December 2014 Pew Research Center poll had bad news for the gun-control movement: for the first time, a majority of respondents favored gun rights over gun control, 52 percent to 49 percent.

The rest of the article follows the same format: gun rights are ascendent, gun control is in decline, but that’s alright. Because the anti-gunners say so (in their own special way). Again, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. And there’s a lot of work yet to be done in so-called “slave states.” But the dark clouds of Sandy Hook have swept across the horizon, leaving many Americans better able to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. At least until the next time . . .


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  1. Why do gun control or anti-gun people believe that their idea is the right way? Are they unable to see problems from different points of view and/or see how to fix or improve problems from only one point of view?

    • They would probably say the same thing about us. Oh, wait, they do. All the time. Very loudly.
      But the problem is endemic of all the problems in out country right now, everybody is absolutely convinced that their point of view is right. Gun control people are just unable to break away from a reactionary and feel good point of view, while Pro Second Amendment people are able to look at thing in the abstract and realize the it isn’t the guns that are the problem, it is the people.

      • What I do is ask them: “Is US gun homicide up, flat or down from a generation ago?”

        Way more than nine out of ten times the antis will say it is up. It is in fact down massively, the preliminary numbers for 2014 show it is down more than 60% from the 1990’s peek.

        A flat earth inversion of the core metric is part of the issue. Not sure about whether the flat earth view is caused by or causal to their hatred gun rights

  2. We actually went backwards on the blue state by blue state level. On the national level we held our own. Red states, gun owners did win some battles.

      • Unless of course, you’re visiting from out of state, then Illinois is a bunch of tyrranical douchebags.

        I don’t know why you insist on praising it in every thread.

  3. So, to recap;
    – NRA, funded by millions of Americans, bad
    – Bloomberg sponsored politicians good
    – NSSF. Who?

  4. Being from Washington State, where I-594 was passed, it’s recognized as the joke it really is. Even the people who voted for it, now recognize what a joke it is. Other states that have it, it’s ignored and unenforced.
    They advocates for gun control like to tout what a success it was. Well, it wasn’t really such a success. The majority of the population is on the west side, the Seattle area, where they had a recent shooting and where money-bag blow hard knobs like Bloombag and the Microsoft bozos spent money in advertising. So the area with the population passed it. When you go to the state elections web-site, in the majority of counties, it FAILED.
    By law, legislature has to wait two years before picking it apart, and that is exactly what will happen.

    • Thank-you, you are correct. I’m west of Seattle and watched (and was involved in) the entire I-594 thing unfold. I’ve also watched a rejection of it and complete (for the most part) ignoring of the law. Other States are enduring some of the same. OR passed things which they also recognize are foolish and impossible to enforce.

  5. “…ratings of A-plus, the organization’s highest rating, or A-minus – its second-highest rating..”

    It’s been a while since I’ve been in school, but if A+ is the highest, wouldn’t A- be the third-highest? Isn’t there just a plain “A” in there somewhere?

    • Well, they are “journalists”, you know, it’s not like they make their living using letters and words to communicate accurately. Oh, wait….

  6. The anti-gun side continues to view the pro-gun side as identical with the NRA, and the NRA as a front for the gun makers, neither of which is true. Meanwhile they view themselves as protecting individuals, when they’re actually disempowering individuals.

    In other words, their view of the situation is fundamentally flawed, which we should be very happy about.

    “If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu

    • Honestly, do you really think Shannon is an attractive woman? Taking politics out of it and all…

      • That flat face, the vacant look in her eyes, hips like a 12 year-old boy’s, those hideous man hands…

        Who are we kidding, POTG?

        Dirk’s in love…

        Who are we to argue with the choice a man makes for who will be his woman?


  7. If the country is awash in guns, wouldn’t that be because plenty of people like them? It is not like there is some nefarious NRA program that slips guns under people’s mattresses in the dead of night without them knowing about it. And to answer that question, these twits finish the article by saying that “… for the first time, a majority of respondents favored gun rights over gun control…”
    So there you have it, the country is “awash” in guns because the majority of people support having them.So where is the problem here? I thought these cretin believed in the rule of the majority? I guess it only works if it favors them.

    • “It is not like there is some nefarious NRA program that slips guns under people’s mattresses in the dead of night without them knowing about it”

      Wait… we need a gun fairy. Leave spent casings under your pillow and you’ll find some fresh reloads in the morning, or leave your gun there and it’ll be clean when you get up.

  8. I am reminded of an ancient Japanese proverb. “After victory, tighten you helmet cords.”

    In other words, our opponents will never rest, ever. They will redouble their efforts after defeats (and victories however they are defined), and so should we. Be ready for the next battle because it is coming.

  9. Gotta love these brain-dead gun-hugger blokes.

    Somehow, Background checks that stop felons and crazies from obtaing guns is considered an “infringement”.

    That’s gun-nut logic for ya.

    You bloody nits care more about your dick-compesators than the lives of innocents.

    I’m glad I live in a country with sane laws that I wish you gun-moron had; No wonder your country is a 3rd world hellhole because of terrorists like the NRA and the vile hold they have on the civilized society.

      • It’s a Willy_Lunchmeat sock puppet. Australians don’t act this stereotypical when then write.

        • Well, it might be Jim Jeffries, ranting his heart on public wifi after blowing all of his money on drugs.

    • Fortunately for us brain-dead gun-huggers, USA is pretty easy to spell.

      Unlike, say, “Australian.”

      • @J-El: You got him on that one. Either H_A_D is a very bad speller or he is not really Australian. Ironic that he pokes fun at the pro-gun folks for being brain dead and he can’t even spell his own country’s name. What an idiot. He drinks the Koolaid and repeats the gun control lines just like a parrot. Never stopping to study or find out the facts. Poor illiterate. We should really feel sorry for him. But folks like him are the problem because they believe whatever the Billionaire Boss and his minions tell him. Never realizing at that his rights are slipping away. Or, if he is really from Australia, that they are already gone.

    • Nice troll. AUS=23 million, USA=320 million people (2013). Gov’t in Aussie closer to what USA rejected to become US.
      Can’t compare apples to oranges. Study up dude.

    • Whether we agree that background checks are an infringement or not is somewhat immaterial, “Dude”, because they don’t do dick for keeping guns out of the hands of “felons and crazies”.

    • Somehow, Background checks that stop felons and crazies from obtaing guns is considered an “infringement”.

      That’s gun-nut logic for ya.

      In the United States, everyone who purchases a handgun from a licensed firearm dealer has to pass a criminal background check. And yet felons and crazies who use a firearm to murder someone use a handgun in about 94% of all such murders. Ipso facto, criminal background checks do NOT stop felons and crazies from obtaining guns to murder people. And yet Australian dude tells otherwise. That’s gun-grabber illogic for ya.

      Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned the fact that felons and crazies don’t need to pass a background check to purchase equally effective alternate weapons such as heavy rocks, oak branches (clubs), hammers, knives, and axes. Again, ipso facto, background checks do NOT stop felons and crazies from murdering people.

    • Considering the large percentage of people who frequent this site are very pro-2A and thus pro-firearms, your little scree sounds rather silly. You can whine and cry all you want but in the end we are still armed and you are still not. Heck, I bet you actually drink Fosters, don’t you?

    • There ought to be a rule that these fascisexual dirtbag trolls have to pick one name and stick with it. I mean, sybil was confused but she was nuckin’ futs unlike our trolls…..oh wait. My bad.

    • Oh… That’s cute… Is that why your pathetic excuse for a country might as well be a US protectorate? Don’t worry, we’ll bring rights to you soon enough. (Or just let the Japanese finish what they started 80 years ago.) You clowns are hilarious. You seem to think that once we win in the US, we won’t get around to liberating the rest of the world from liberalism.

    • Looks like the pseudo-deity figured out his schtick has worn out and is trying something that passes for “new” in what passes for his/her/its mind…

    • You guys sure are wasting a lot of energy replying to this crap. Just let it go.

      We should treat comments like this the same way we do the “make money at home, follow this link”

    • No the “logic” you refer to doesn’t exist as 99% of the criminal element do NOT buy their weapons LEGALLY. The background check FANTASY has been proven just that a fantasy. And as with your pie in the sky fantasy world were everyone follows all laws and is nice to one another the reality is gun control NEVER has and NEVER will work the ONLY thing it does is disarm the legal citizens and consolidate the lethal power within the government.

    • Hello! I was wondering when of you penis obsessed gun control folks would show up.

      I have a question. If a 110 lb woman is carrying a two inch snub nosed revolver, exactly what is she compensating for?

      I await your answer with baited breath.

  10. Two thought…

    1. They can afford to take their attitude because the are laying the long game. As long as the anti’s control the education system they are winning. We have totals the fight there if we really want to beat them. Don’t step let them back off, make them retreat where schools are concerned. Especially at the primary grades where there is the greatest influence over children’s beliefs.

    2. I-594, NY’s SAFE Act and the CT law may be jokes that nobody follows TODAY, but they are still on the books for whenever the anti’s think the CAN get away enforcing them. Again, it’s a matter of the long game. It is critical to get rid of those laws.

    • I-594 is actively being fought by the SAF. Become a member, it’s cheap and helps all of us.

      • Already planned on doing that. I’ve been looking into their activities and I really like what they do. Having a choice between NRA, ISRA and SAF I like SAF the best. ISRA is a waste of money if you don’t live in Chicago and NRA doesn’t seem Roget the nature of the struggle now.

        We’ve largely won on the national level and now it is a state by state grass roots fight. SAF gets that.

        But it’s not enough to simply write a check. We also need to be on the phone or writing letters. Do you teach shooting with Scouts, 4H or NRA? Have you tried to get a shooting team or support a shooting in your local school? There’s a lot of boots on the ground work that needs to be done that doesn’t require you writing a check but investing you time.

  11. I’ve been in equipment sales for 20 years, only long game being played is is the one anti gunners are selling to their benefactors. A handful of citizens working to limit lawful self defense for a bag of coin. Every one a Judas to liberty.

  12. Winning = Losing
    Gay parents = Heterosexual Mother + Father

    The Left (and SCOTUS) are on bad dope.
    Ivy league graduates are at the helm.
    The MFM is playing on the loudspeakers 24/7/365.

    Our country is toast.

  13. Join some political action groups. $100 goes a long way and benefits all of us. I recommend, NRA, GOA and SAF. They are all useful tools in the basket of eggs, and we need more than one egg in our basket.

  14. Gun control advocates are pissing in the wind. They’re probable thankful for Newtown since they all got a new infusion of cash to keep their organizations afloat. If that never happened most of them would be out of a job by now.

  15. I just popped over to (a well known bastion of Liberalism), and they had an article about gun control. I decided to cracked a Heineken and take a look at the comments, and what I saw surprised me; the majority of the comments and responses to said comments were pro-gun. I guess the anti-gunners really are pissing in the wind.

  16. Hmm…. I hadn’t realized that the US News and World Report had been reduced to serving as the Brady Campaign’s newsletter. I remember it proudly displayed on the end tables at doctor’s offices and dental clinics. I guess I’m just getting old…

  17. Saw the article, had relatively the same thoughts as RF. Quotes come entirely from gun-control groups saying the tide is shifting in their favor. With no empirical evidence to corroborate such statements. Seriously can’t imagine why a magazine that says “News” in its name would print something like that without plainly labeling it as an opinion piece.

  18. Hey Aussie dude, you down there obviously can’t be trusted with guns. You are not trustworthy. Explain why everyone including felons and children 16yrs and up can be trusted driving a motor vehicle with hundred of thousands of foot-pounds of kinetic energy passing you 3 feet away?

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