Besides the calculated nature of Ali David Sonboly’s Munich shooting spree — he’d been planning the murders for a year — nothing surprised Germans more than the fact that the teen managed to get his hands on a GLOCK 17 pistol. After all, as we’ve detailed in the past, Germany has some of the strictest gun control laws in Europe. It probably won’t surprise, well, anyone who’s paying attention that the murderous little bastard bought the pistol…wait for it…illegally.

The 18-year-old gunman suspected of killing nine people in a mass shooting in Munich on Friday spent more than a year planning the attack and was able to buy a handgun on the dark web, investigators have said.

Bavarian investigator Robert Heimberger said Ali Sonboly had visited the scene of a previous school shooting in the German town of Winneden and took photographs, adding further evidence to the claim by Munich’s police chief, Hubertus Andrae, that the teenager was “obsessed with shooting rampages”.

Heimberger also said the gunman likely purchased his illegal weapon online, through a website trafficking illegal weapons hosted on the dark web.

If you’re a German politician — or just about any pol with a few notable exceptions on this side of the Atlantic — the solution is simple: Deutschland needs more gun control laws.

German politicians urged tighter gun legislation Sunday following the shooting in Munich by a troubled teenager who police said was obsessed with violence and mass killings.

German gun laws are already some of the most restrictive in the world. The country also has one of the lowest rates of gun-related deaths despite having high levels of gun ownership, a scenario with added significance in light of the shooting spree in Munich.

German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told the Funke Mediengruppe newspaper chain that the country “must continue to do all we can to limit and strictly control access to deadly weapons” while Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper in a separate interview that “we have to evaluate very carefully if and where further legal changes are needed.”

Naturally. Statists gotta state and gun controllers gotta control.

As the McPaper noted above, though, that won’t be easy given the Fatherland’s already famously heavy regulations where firearms are concerned. Still, in the aftermath of atrocities like this, elected officials feel a moral imperative to…do something. And that something is always easily found along the tripartite path of least resistance, greatest expediency, and optimal headline-making potential.

In this case, what must be done is obvious: make acquiring illegal firearms (Sonboly’s GLOCK had its serial number filed off) and shooting people with them much more illegal-er than it already is.

Will whatever German politicians cook up prevent the next mass murder groupie or aspiring ISIS-wannabe martyr from killing a whole passel of innocent citizens? Of course not. All any new laws they enact will do is further ensure that law-abiding civilians are wholly unable to defend themselves when the inevitable happens. Just as Münchners were on Friday.

As Thomas Salbey, who had a view of the shooting from his apartment balcony, told the BBC, all he could do was throw a beer bottle at Sonboly as he watched him from his balcony.

I was so full of hate because I was so so powerless, I couldn’t do anything.

The audio at the link above of Mr. Salbey’s re-telling of what he saw stops there. But in the extended version that was broadcast by the BBC, his next sentence was, “I could have shot him from here, but with what?”

With what indeed. This is what happens to a disarmed populace. And if their betters in Berlin and Brussels have anything to say about it, that’s the way it’s going to stay.


  1. Since it was already illegal for him to have a handgun, we need to make it more illegaler for him to have a handgun, yeah, that’s the solution!

    • If only murder were illegal….. Sigh**….. Or even better; super duper illegal…. Double sigh**

      • In a sci-fi story from many years ago, I forget the title, a convict who had committed multiple murders was executed until he was legally dead, then revived and allowed to recuperate. This was continued until he was executed for each of his victims.

        Not Constitutional (cruel and unusual), but interesting from a philosophical viewpoint.

        • One of the Heinlein time traveling stories came upon a place where they practiced ‘eye for an eye’ with deliberate precision. A guy hit a pedestrian and broke his leg. The sentence included having his leg broken at the scene of the crime, and laying there in pain for the exact amount of time it took the ambulance to pick up the original victim. The difference was the ambulance was already parked there and the EMT was holding a stopwatch.

    • Putting more restrictions on the legal firearm owner makes as much sense as a farmer beating his dog because a fox got into the hen house. But politicians rarely seem to have much common sense anyway.

  2. “All I could do is throw a beer bottle”

    State sponsored killing of its citizen through the denial of lawful self protection.

    • If the guy with the camera phone had a rifle he could have dropped that punk the second he raised his gun. But that would be wrong to some people.

      • Same could be said of The Boston Bombers, Charlie Hedbo office in Paris and the Orlando shooting.

        We live in a macabre world in which we video atrocities instead of stopping them. When CCW reaches the same level of cell phone ownership, we’ll finally defect both criminals and terrorist.

        • You don’t want CCW levels to rise to the level of phone ownership. Have you looked at most of the people around you? I don’t know how they find their way home at night.

        • No concern about citizens finding their way, only rounds on murdering terrorist or criminal.

    • Ja, because we all know Germany’s real problem is those evil White infidel sh!tlords who call themselves “Germans”! That’s why we need to import more Turks, Arabs, and North Africans to purge those mean old Nazis!

  3. “One-World Global Governance / EU-NWO / Globalism = New age Communism….” Coming to America if Hillary ” Benghazi ” Clinton is elected ! Get ready to surrender your soon to be “unlawful assault musket”! Under force of LE arms via the Government ! Resistance is futile ! “Beware of Exploding Police robots = NRA Terminators !” Thank German Pols for showing us your Liberal craziness! Massachusetts AG just Outlawed by Decree…The loophole for easy access to “Sticks and Stones! ” Massachusetts will be safe…To make it safer, MA. AG. will decree all Massachusetts residents must have all their teeth filed down, and fingernails removed! A near GUM, free zone….Thank you EU-NWO for showing us the way to ….end…Freedom…..

  4. This is good news for the invading terrorists merkle imported already. I thought smart educated people ran their government?

  5. Hey where’s German guy from yesterday? He’ll tell us how simple us dumbkoff American’s are. That this boy wasn’t a Moose-lim terrorist… duh.

    • I thought the Some German Guy remarked that German Politicians would not exploit this shooting politically by calling for more gun control.

    • If he was or was not a Muslim-inspired terrorist it still cannot be denied (German-Iranian) that he was almost certainly a Muslim from a Muslim dominated family and culture.

  6. Ok folks, so an illegally modified handgun was illegally sold to someone who was illegal to possess it and he took it to a location where it was illegal to have it and he pulled it out and illegally shot nine people to death and illegally wounded several other people with it before illegally fleeing the scene and then finally (yeah!) shooting himself with it.

    So how much more illegal can they make any of this? Years after he was dead they dug up Oliver Cromwell to cut off his head, lot of punishment in that, since he was years dead at the time. Are they going to decide that since he appears to have been a Muslim that they should bury him in a box of pig fat, or just feed his dead body to a bunch of pigs? Some people are just evil or twisted and you can’t make the world perfectly safe from those people.

  7. Does the dark web have a shoulder thingy that goes up or just a bayonet lug?

  8. Yep, that is Germany. There is a reason that the German people allowed Hitler’s 3rs Reich to rise. They were good little Progressives back in the 30’s, good little Progressives when I lived in Germany in the 80’s, and obviously, good little Progressives today.

    • Pretty sure progressiveness and tolerance isn’t what made the Germans genocide the Jews. The problem with Germans is that they always take it too far.

      • I studied German history and I lived there for 7 years. 1930 fascism and Progressivism are similar ideologies. Don’t believe me, look it up. Don’t read history books written by Progressives, though. Read biographies and history books written by the people who were there. Albert Spiers book is rather revealing about how the Hitler inner circle thought, the basics of fascism, and the internal conflicts. Learn why we cannot allow Hitlery to win in November, and what Progressivism leads to.

        • Bob, I’m pretty sure Nazis were all about German tradition and the nation as one, which of course excluded “inferior” races. I know you want to vilify your political opponents, but let’s not revise history here. You could call the Soviets progressives, but I don’t see how you could call the Nazis that.

        • JAlan, I’d agree that the tenets of fascism had, in their policies, many things in common with modern ‘progressive’ policies.

          The big difference between communism and fascism is that under communism, there is no private property. Under fascism, there’s private property, but the government tells you what you’re going to do with that property – for the good of the nation and all that.

          The nationalism between the USSR and Nazi Germany is almost indistinguishable. The Germans killed Jews, the Soviets killed Ukrainians, Poles – and a whole lot more. For the greater good in both cases.

        • Not necessarily about Hitler; but Mussolini bounced around between Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Nationalism quite a bit.
          They come from many directions, but all grovel and prostrate themselves before the Golden Calf of Statism.

        • I think it would be much more accurate to cll Progressives fascists than it would be to call Fascists Progressive.

          That said, both ideologies are left-leaning, statist dominated and socialist. None of those political goals can be achieved without fascist authoritarianism.

  9. As I watched that video of Balcony man heckling the gunman, I couldn’t help but think what an easy shot it would have been. With a rifle, no problem. Even with a handgun it would have been pretty easy to get shots on target.

    • Thought the same thing. Bastard was just standing there in an open parking lot, not in any cover or concealment whatsoever, not moving quickly; just daintily walking around. What’s more, the guy shooting the video had an elevated position with a 100% clear sight line, and a concrete deck railing to hide behind or rest a rifle on (if he had one of course).

      You couldn’t ask for a better shot.

  10. “Dark Web” or “Dark Alley” if there is a determined person the laws do not matter they will find a way/

    Politicians always “do something” to make believe that whatever that “thing” is that poorly informed emotional citizen stop hyperventilating and leave them alone.

    It is all crap!

    As we have seen here in the USA, thanks to media, we will have more copy cats and “inspired” terrorist for the rest of the summer. No law will stop which will inevitably happen.

    All these events do is give a reason for politicians to make more stupid laws.

    Nobody wants to internalize that sometimes, shit happens there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

  11. Bureaucracy failed, so we need more bureaucracy!

    I’ve also seen this pop up more often with mass killers. They study mass killings. They have lots of readily available material that the mass media spews forth with every single minute detail.

  12. It’s always easier to blame the guns and gun owners than deal with the criminals……

  13. “I could have shot him from here, but with what?”

    Clearly, the solution involves better European control of the press so truths such as these don’t get leaked.

    Thank goodness for Brexit. I’m shocked they had that much sense but maybe with time a new Free Radio Europe can sneak through and save the German people from their government’s worthless propaganda.

    Unfortunately, our American press is joined to the Democrat statists at the hip, so there would be no chance of that happening here.

    • Brexit has nothing to do with guns. The UK has more stringent firearms laws than Germany.

      • It’s true, Germans can actually own pistols legally for example. Although no doubt the amount of bureaucratic hoops you’d have to jump through beggars belief – this is Germany after all.
        Although I hear there are some fatuous laws there based on guns appearance – for example shotguns can’t have pistol grips I believe – whereas here it’s all about what the gun does, the British laws are completely uninterested in the gun’s aesthetic qualities.

  14. Had anyone else noticed the troll(s) has/have been silent here about this issue? Almost like it’s been revealed once again that the emperor (gun control laws) has no clothes (don’t work).

    • Ah no SelousX. We got something named “concernedamerican” claiming Chicago is a swell place ’cause it has strict laws(!?!). Plenty of trolls still around (Bloomie/or Soros)have deeeeep pockets…

  15. That’s how progressive Marxist liberals and politicians think. When someone breaks a law, it’s time for more laws for them to break.

  16. Sure will make Russia’s job easier when they decide to roll over these disarmed European countries.

    I can picture the US dropping modern day Liberator pistols to the underground again.

      • Yes, there new and improved with 50% more malfunctions! Lol
        Well maybe big green got it right! Lol
        Just in case a blind squirrel found a nut let’s make sure send all the recalled ones

  17. The guys that got away will probably hit London or Rome next. Where does the ‘ Euro-SuperState ‘ need to bring more CONTROL ?

  18. “All any new laws they enact will do is further ensure that law-abiding civilians are wholly unable to defend themselves when the inevitable happens.”

    This argument is also the ‘straw man’ where the Pols can avoid ALL BLAME.

  19. Didn’t the then (West) German government order the development of the VP-70z to arm their citizens with in the event the Russkies invaded them?

  20. Apparently it just gets worse, as there was another attack today, by a Syrian refugee. But that murder was committed with a machete so that makes it morally better /sarc.

  21. On a different issue, but is shows the proceedings of these Enlighten Minds.
    Years ago in Italy (I’m from there, so that’s my example of EU procedures) the media frenzy was all about DUI accidents on Saturday nights.
    They even called it “Saturday Night Massacres”.
    Was that summer worse than usual? Or simply the media didn’t have anything better to feed us?
    In any case, Government and Legislators decided it was time for some serious and important action.
    Option 1: we do have speed limits, we do have alcohol limits, we do have drug prohibitions, let’s apply all of them.
    Option 2: let’s lower speed limits and alcohol limits, then sit and watch.
    Guess which one they picked?

  22. Yeah, A rare mass shooting in europe versus the numerous 100’s of 1000’s of mass shootings that happen everyday in the US.

    If gun control doesn’t work then why is it that developed nations with strict gun control have fewer gun deaths per capita than America?

    I am sure if their gun control laws were like the US then they would have the same number or deaths as the US. Gun control works . Also if you read the whole article the government’s response was to have stricter gun control and not be held hostage by the fascist NRA like the US is anytime we try to have more gun control. That is common sense.

    Chicago. They have concealed carry and it hasn’t changed anything. They also don’t have the most gun deaths. In fact, the state of Alaska has a high gun rate death, scream about that one.

    As far as Germany goes, because of the laws he wasn’t able to get a more deadly gun. Many more could have been shot. Like, 25 a minute. So scream and yell all you want. Clearly it made a difference.

    US annual gun deaths per 100K = 12. German annual gun deaths per 100K = .7. I’ll break it down and explain that for the brain trust that make and like comments such as “They have the strictest gun laws in the world”. Point 7 is less than 1 person. 12 is roughly your cumulative IQ..

    How is germany’s gun ban working for them…

    With a death by gun rate 1/100th of the US? I’d say pretty well.

    • I like how you try to equate single variable changes in a multiple variable equation with outcomes that agree with your world view. Intelligent people dont do things like that, so nice job outing yourself.

    • “Yeah, A rare mass shooting in europe versus the numerous 100’s of 1000’s of mass shootings that happen everyday in the US.”

      There are “hundreds of thousands” of mass shootings in the US every day? What? That one is ridiculous on its face. Mass shootings being rarer in Europe I may give you, but I’d have to see some hard data to believe it.

      “If gun control doesn’t work then why is it that developed nations with strict gun control have fewer gun deaths per capita than America?”

      Which ones? Mexico is an OECD member that has a near total ban on gun ownership and yet they have some of the worst violent crime in the world. What about developed nations that don’t have strict gun control? Whose definition of “developed” are we going by anyway? All that considered, it doesn’t even account for the differences in statistical record keeping across countries.

      “I am sure if their gun control laws were like the US then they would have the same number or deaths as the US. Gun control works . Also if you read the whole article the government’s response was to have stricter gun control and not be held hostage by the fascist NRA like the US is anytime we try to have more gun control. That is common sense.”

      Once again, look at other “developed” countries with loose gun control and see that they too have less crime than the US. Want to see what Germany would look like with gun control like the US? Hop over the border to Switzerland, one of the safest countries in the world where blood is, in fact, not flowing through the streets. It’s funny you call the NRA “fascist”, seeing as the fascist regimes were in fact big fans of gun control. I suggest Stephen Halbrook’s excellent book “Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming Jews and Enemies of the State” if you actually have an interest in learning about the topic.

      “Chicago. They have concealed carry and it hasn’t changed anything. They also don’t have the most gun deaths. In fact, the state of Alaska has a high gun rate death, scream about that one.”

      CC “hasn’t changed anything” in Chicago? What did you expect it to change? It allowed the law abiding to protect themselves, and that was the point. It being a deterrent factor to crime is a runoff effect, and if we did a study we would probably find that, all others being equal, it had some effect. I suggest John Lott’s “More Guns, Less Crime” as a resource on this. The gangbangers are probably still capping each other left and right, but random muggings on the street are probably on the decline, especially in those ares where people are known to be CCing. Alaska has a high FIREARMS ACCIDENT death rate. In terms of violent crime, its at about national average overall and in regards to firearms. If you subtracted Alaska’s unusually high rate for rape from all violent crime, it would probably drop significantly. Interestingly enough, the District of Columbia which has very strict gun control also has a higher than average firearms accidental death rate.

      “As far as Germany goes, because of the laws he wasn’t able to get a more deadly gun. Many more could have been shot. Like, 25 a minute. So scream and yell all you want. Clearly it made a difference.”
      How can you determine any of this? Really, how? The Bataclan shooters got AKs in France, where the laws didn’t stop them at all. How could the laws stop the shooter in Munich but not the shooters in Paris?

      “US annual gun deaths per 100K = 12. German annual gun deaths per 100K = .7. I’ll break it down and explain that for the brain trust that make and like comments such as “They have the strictest gun laws in the world”. Point 7 is less than 1 person. 12 is roughly your cumulative IQ..”

      First, as mentioned earlier, account for discrepancies in the statistical reporting methods of these nations. Of course, no one seems to do this, but give it a shot and see what you find out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the system in Germany is set up so that it makes the police look as good as possible. That’s the way it is in England where they have been fudging stats for years. Second, prove a correlation between # of guns and firearms death. Maybe it’s there for accidents, but for homicides, no bueno. And those stats for the US include suicides. Is that also true for Germany?

      • 2/3 of US gun deaths are suicides which could carried out by alternative means. If you support physician assisted suicide than you cannot count suicide gun as a negative. If you believe a person has right ask a doctor to end his life, he certainly has the right to end it on his own. So that leaves about 4 homicides per hundred thousand population that are homicides. But 13% Population accounts for over 50% of the murders. That population is concentrated in a very area. The rest of the country has a murder rate on par with Europe.

        Let’s see what happens to the murder rate in Germany, and Europe in general, over the next few years as terrorists and inter ethnic violence among immigrant groups becomes more frequent.

    • If gun control doesn’t work then why is it that developed nations with strict gun control have fewer gun deaths per capita than America?

      Because America has a crazy people problem, not a gun problem. If all guns were banned in the US, America would still have a crazy people problem. And why? Because guns aren’t the problem.

      Some crazy person somewhere shoots a bunch of kids in a school and me and my guns are the problem to you guys.

    • I am sure if their gun control laws were like the US then they would have the same number or deaths as the US. Gun control works .

      If gun control works why is gun control haven “Chicago” full of corpses with bullet holes?? gun control doesn’t appear to be the solution? Maybe it is a problem the criminals have with respecting the law?

      In Switzerland, the government provides a machine gun for each household (the male member that undergoes military training). A machine gun. Ma-sheen-Gun. Their homicide rate with guns is extremely low. Is it because the guns? Is it because they make up a populace that respects the law? Obviously the presence of guns isn’t a problem.

      The two examples above illustrate that gun control isn’t a solution, and gun ownership isn’t a problem.

      Also if you read the whole article the government’s response was to have stricter gun control and not be held hostage by the fascist NRA like the US is anytime we try to have more gun control.

      So when you say “fascist” you mean the NRA using the democratic process and the votes of the people to elect public officials?

      That is common sense.

      That’s not common sense. It’s completely nonsensical.

    • Remember folks, the quicker someone throws the “fascist” label around, the more likely they are to be a hammer and sickle fanboy.

    • Chicago. They have concealed carry and it hasn’t changed anything.

      So you are ok with it? No need to ban concealed carry? Right?

      They also don’t have the most gun deaths. In fact, the state of Alaska has a high gun rate death, scream about that one.

      Alaska has a murder rate per 100k of 5.5. The entire state. Chicago has the most murders of any city in the US with a rate of 17 per 100k (2015) and that number is increasing.

      Absolutely delusional.

    • far as Germany goes, because of the laws he wasn’t able to get a more deadly gun. Many more could have been shot.

      The shooter used a Glock 17, almost identical to the Virginia tech shooters Glock 19, which he used to kill 37. So he doesn’t need “more deadly gun.” Please be advised the Glock is America’s most popular and prevalent handgun.

      Also, and more importantly – “because of the laws he wasn’t able…”

      This is your problem. Laws don’t stop anything. They are a piece of paper with a signature on it. All you need is someone willing to accept the risk of the punishment of a crime and the willingness to perform that crime and it is done. If laws stopped anything, you wouldn’t be able to argue for gun control right? Because murder is illegal. And that’s what you’re not getting. Since lawbreakers are going to break laws, we should punish murder (victims involved) and not gun ownership (no victims involved).

      Like, 25 a minute.

      Not, say, 30, or 20. 25… A minute. Just FYI, my lever action rifle can shoot faster than 25 a minute and its manually operated. But why use even that when I could drive a truck into a crowd and take out 77 people in seconds as which happened recently in Nice, France, which you probably have no knowledge about, because that doesn’t support the narrative of the left wing news that you’re reading. Truck control? Common sense truck regulations? Truck violence?

      So scream and yell all you want. Clearly it made a difference.

      It made no difference. They could have used a truck with better results.

      US annual gun deaths per 100K = 12. German annual gun deaths per 100K = .7. I’ll break it down and explain that for the brain trust that make and like comments such as “They have the strictest gun laws in the world”. Point 7 is less than 1 person. 12 is roughly your cumulative IQ..

      Funny you should mention IQ. The United States homicide rate (with guns, as if dying by bullets is worse than dying by some other means) is 3.43, Germany is 0.07. Nice of you to include suicides to inflate your numbers as if the method of suicide actually matters. Looking at total homicide rates (which is what actually matters instead of looking only at gun violence hoplophobic nonsense) we see that Germany is 0.9 and the US 3.9. The real question is why. Is it because of our amazing numbers of inner city gang violence? Is it because of cultural differences? Since there is 45 million guns in Germany, it’s probably not because of gun ownership.

      How is germany’s gun ban working for them…

      There is a great deal of regulation but not so much “bans.” Again, 45 million guns with a population of 81 million.

      With a death by gun rate 1/100th of the US? I’d say pretty well.

      Death by knife is any better? Or death by some other means? Germany 0.9 and the US 3.9. There is a multitude of reasons why. Overall Germany’s homicide rate is low. Maybe it has something to do with gang violence and ghettos?
      I will say, guns in Germany are not allowed for self defense – which is insane.

    • A rare mass shooting in europe versus the numerous 100’s of 1000’s of mass shootings that happen everyday in the US.

      Numerous hundreds of thousands of mass shooting every day, you say? Let’s run some numbers.

      The FBI defines a mass shooting as one with at least four victims, so if there were a thousand mass shootings, we’d have at least 4,000 victims. If there were a hundred thousand mass shootings, we’d have at least 400,000 victims. But in ConcernedAmerican World, there are numerous hundreds of thousands of these shootings. So, to keep things simple, let’s say “numerous 100’s of 1000’s” (as opposed to a handful or a few) means there were at least 15. (Fifteen is numerous, right?)

      That yields 6,000,000 victims of mass homicide per year…minimum. No wonder you’re so concerned. At this rate, the entire population of America will be dead of mass shooting in five years.

    • I just can’t read your drivel, but continue spewing the big lies. One should always lie big and look earnest – politicians golden rule.

    • I’m tired of refuting the “gun deaths per capita” stupidity.

      America != Germany. America is far larger and far more diverse.

      Take out our top 10 most violent cities and America drops to the bottom of the list by your “per capita” measures.

      Watch and learn:

  23. Gun control works…….for the government.

    Much easier for them to clean up the bodies and wring their hands than to figure out who are the good guys with guns.

    They can also more easily blame legal guns since we KNOW no one gets guns from the military and police. It’s illegal.

    Hitler would be proud of the level of control they have over their subjects.

  24. There was another attack on a Munich street today by a Syrian “asylum seeker” against a pregnant woman. She’s dead. The attacker was stopped by a guy who ran him over.

    Islamists don’t need guns. They can kill quite effectively with knives and trucks. And just wait until the first major arson attack, when a lot of Germans go up in smoke.

    No wonder we don’t want to be like Europe and “progressives” do. Europe is progressive, and progressives are insane.

    But sure, Germany, deny guns to potential victims while you continue to import murderers. It’s the progressive thing to do. Bodies in the street never bothered you before. Why should they bother you now?

  25. Don’t make any mistake, the new EU Gun Control law proposal was voted on July 13th, the day before the Nice attack and two weeks before the Munich attack. Gun grabbers are now using those attacks to manipulate public opinion since the law proposal will need to go to the EU parliament to be voted by the MEP… Germans don’t even know exactly what’s going on, just like French or Brits or any other EU countries people… they’re just taking their rights away.

    The new EU Gun Control law proposal is, surprisingly quite similar to the California new laws, some ban on semi-auto rifles with more than 10 and more than 20 rounds with removable magazines, full-auto rifles converted in semi-auto, etc… Just a way to clearly ban AK-47, VZ-58 (which are just as much popular in Europe as AR-15 in the US)… and they’re starting to have laws to ban handguns in the mean time.

    Even thought the gun laws are already strict in Europe, the end goal is a complete ban of any semi-auto centerfire rifles and any handguns with no right to use any firearm or any lethal force at all as a way of self-protection.

    And don’t think Europeans are idiots and it can never happen in the US… because it definitely could!

  26. What is Fritz going to do now after the machete attack?I lived in Germany six years and they do have strict but common sense laws. If you want to own a weapon, you need a permit and normally the first thing is to join a shooting club. In Germany most social life is about clubs of many different kinds from gardening to hunting and shooting. Hunting and shooting in general is an expensive proposition for the regular citizen and it is strictly regulated so not many people own guns like in the USA. You just do not go into a store and walkaway with a rifle or handgun like here. Guns used in crimes are 99% illegally obtained and you can not own modern military rifles. Germans make some of the most amazing hunting and target rifles in the world but then again, hunting is for the well to do. A regular German does not have easy access to weapons. Most shooting clubs I visited as a guest have a membership composed of mostly of police, former police, security personnel, military, hunters, or competitive shooters, so you do not see any Fritz Six Pack at those institutions since Germans are very elite and group conscious. As an American Army officer I knew some Germans that enjoyed sports shooting and I was a guest at their clubs several times (mostly they wanted to shoot my Models 29 and 27 S&W and a 1911 pistol and I wanted to shoot their Olympic style competition pistols).The most popular sport in Germany is probably small bore target rifle shooting, after maybe soccer. Small bore shooters number over a million of all ages including children who normally start with very expensive air rifles. Possession of a regular handgun is very regulated but if you can qualify with the myriad of requirements you can get one; not many do. Again, what are they going to legislate after the deadly attack? I cannot see their laws getting any stricter as a knee jerk reaction like here unless possession of all firearms is implemented which the rich and influential are going to protest. It will make no difference to the regular German citizen.

  27. All these mass shooters need is some damn weed in their lives swear to Jesus if they’d just roll a j instead of loading up a magazine they’d forget all about hate and YouTube some Jimi Hendrix and chill the hell out.

  28. Sounds like Obama is in Germany. Whenever someone is killed by a gun, he wants to limit our right to self defense, That’s a wonderful solution. Make it easier for a shooter to kill his victims. If it is such a great idea, why doesn’t he disarm his secret service agents.
    Law abiding gun owners have stopped many crimes but this is seldom reported. Not the news liberals want. Looks like the same mind set with liberals in Germany.
    As irritating as it must be for liberals, we do have the 2nd Amendment. Thank the Founding Fathers for that. Now, I think I will go out and buy another gun. Hope I can irritate a liberal while doing so.

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